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Too bad not every movie can be rushed like capeshit

Please god dont let it be real

955 days until Avatar 2


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This is false date. The movie will be ready when it will be ready. James Cameron won't rush it just to meet release date. Release date will be set when James Cameron is ready. It won't be just another movie. No, it will be a cinematic experience.

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it was delayed for Alita 2 Robotic Boogaloo


seems legit

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Let's be honest. Avatar wasn't a good movie, it made money because it was a good experience to watch it in 3D. Now no one cares about 3D anymore.

Disney is sabotaging their own IP to not make their other IPs look bad

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It's real

We also have the dates for the next three Star Wars movies

Based Cameron taking his time with creating kinography.


Not only that, but now it’s forced to switch Christmases with Star Wars.


You think Disney gives two fucks about James Cameron? He makes the date or he's fired

Cameron suffered a heart attack because capeshit is about to beat his smurf porn parody

>tfw ABATAP won't live to see the sequels

This. James Cameron is not in the business of making movies, he makes movie.

Almost like the same studio owns both and doesn't want them cannibalizing each other

Is Marvel really that scared? Kek

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Disney will remake Avatar to be deliberately shitty. Turning kino into anti kino

someone check on abatap

Based Jim will pave the way as an innovator and introduce smell-o-vision to kinoplexes in 2021

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No, but his grandchildren will, and they'll all say
>this is what butthurt haters actually believe

James Cameron still owns the IP. He calls the shots. If he isn't happy with the release date and Disney won't move it, he'll make a deal with another company.

>sequel coming out 12 years after the first
>following up with 3 more sequels immediately
Should have just been a trilogy and let it die, it had absolutely no impact at all

You mad at facts?

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cry more

Reminder that “muh gatekeeping is bad” is pushed by corporations to make their lazy content easier to consume by the masses

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Everyone's going to be elderly before their CG characters they mocapped and voiced 30 years prior make it to the big screen

You mean your delusions? You do realize Disney owns both right?

Actually he's probably very happy with it, and probably even requested it.

1 1/2 years isn't a lot for post production on a movie like this.

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I wonder what the reason for this is?
is cameron really developing a new 3d technology which doesn´t require glasses?

Any particular reason that James waited BOYHOOD years until he made avatar 2?

Yet they shit on all their own stuff.
Muppets, Star Wars, Tron, the list goes on.

Exactly. He'll be finished filming next year, so this new date will give him plenty of time for post-pro.

No, it will be much richer and deeper glasses 3D though. I would prefer advanced glasses 3D over primitive glasses free 3D for a movie. Glasses free 3D advanced will prob come out 2030s.

Marvel shit is made by an algorithm
Avatar is the vision of an artist


It’s just Disney’s new release schedule.

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He shot all the mo-cap stuff for 2/3 already, he still has the live action stuff to shoot which he's doing right now and should have finished in the coming months.

So yeah, the movie will really benefit from a full 2+ years of post, which honestly is the ideal length of post when it comes to crunching a major effects movie. Cameron no doubt wants to return with a bang, without compromises or corners cut. 2 years will give him that luxury of delivering the best possible experience.

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>after this trilogy we're gonna take a break making star wars movies.
>joking, here's another trilogy.

Oh this trilogy will be something else

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What does unobtainium smell like?

i'm just hoping its not shit. not because i liked the last one. just seeing james working so hard on this and then having it turn out shit would be heartbreaking.

This. The Mouse is ruthless.

True. It wasn't a bad movie, and Cameron is a competent storyteller. But it's nothing special in a shitty monitor.

Avatar sequels are like the Avatar world itself. The ultimate escapist fantasy that will never happen.

Avatar would have been delayed no matter what, Cameron wants another world record and for that to happen he needs the perfect moment. That being said, Avatar 2 might never come out.

Just don't make it nigga. Who the fuck asked for this?


wasn't AvaTURD 2 supposed to come out in 2020?

Can't rush perfection.

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this but unironically

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Cameron went senile years ago (remember him defending Gensys and calling it the best Terminator movie ever made?)

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Neither was star wars
Neither was 2001
Neither was citizen Kane

They're giving that holiday season to Star Wars.

>the I'll unironically be old
>Disney live action
Doesn't sound good

I bet it’s because of the (((disney))) purchase, fuck them.

will the avatar pepe poster live long enough?

We are a robust network friend. If one of us falls, the other takes his place.

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this. perfection takes time.

Why do you get called a marvel shill when you criticize Avatar ? How did this start ?
I hate Disney/the MCU and I liked Aliens, T2 and the Abyss (although in my head it's mixed up with Sphere). But Avatar is insipid garbage and no different from Disney shit.
I mean, for starters it's Disney's Pocahontas in space, it's pg-13, tons of merchandise, a fucking amusement park.

Imagine being the days until avatar 2 poster

Avatar 4 and 5 will never happen. Screencap this.

All three of those movies are way better than Avatar

Yea Forumsedditors bring their console war mentality to every board.

LOL Cameron will be the next JUST guy
All the sequels are gonna flop because of Disney

Good for me. I posponed my an hero to the moment i will saw all Avatars.

>tfw you remember when the first Avatar came out how they said the next movies wouldn't show up until the 2020's and that felt like an impossibly long time away

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How many days is it now, Avatarfags? Are you gonna keep posting daily threads?


Lol I'll be fucking 30 year old virgin still

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How the fuck are they making 4 more of these when the first one wasn't even an original story?

Literally no one gives a shit about Avatar in 2019, let alone late 2021. This will be the most glorious failure in movie history.

From the highest grossing movie of all time, to four, FOUR fucking inevitable failures. Ouch.

Cameron thought he had a viable epic sci fi story. but apparently he might actually not have one.

>How many days is it now
>Are you gonna keep posting daily threads?
Yes, especially since it makes you capeshitters seethe

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Fucking christ


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The main thing that pissed me off about avaturd is its just so damn generic and not even in a fun way.
It's pg13 off screen death fest ivd seen more carnage in cobra kai and wondering earth ffs
I wish he'd just drop this pretense of pg13 bs and go ma-r/x/ao like his best movies in the 80s and 90s
Everything he's made since titanic was so tame lame and toned down

Avatar 3: A Disney+ Original

Blunders take time

That's not what happened. They didn't want avatar interfering with their shit so they spaced the movies out.

>still doubting James

every next Avatar will break the box office record of the previous one

I don't believe that

Because overseas box office.
It's mcu all over again it doesn't matter how it does domestically/western theatres international is what matters so they'll probably load it up with chinkchong sensibilities not that I mind Tbqh most western movies and culture are degenerate

s m e l l o v i s i o n


Reminder Titanic was pushed back from A July release date to December and it did fine.

>yfw cameron just delays his movies as much as possible to get maximum inflation

>1 month away from release
>delayed 59 years

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this is how capitalism works, lads

assuming you are talking about OT, which one?

desu disney needs to be broken up via anti-trust laws. How is their monopoly not completely illegal?

>muh pg13
Blame it on ameritards and their stupid prudery.

Ao movies used to be normal
They have regressed so much it's fucked everyone vaguely sexual is sensored yet thanks literally getting beheaded is fine

>All those XXX days until Avatar threads for NOTHING

I- its just not fair lads...

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Half of yall will be dead by the time Avatar 3 comes out.

hes intentionally bankrupting disney so he can fulfill the prophecy and save cinema forever. he is that based

I can understand how they can film so much capeshit (practically endless source material) but
>3 more nu-SW
literally why

This. At this point it's getting scary. I mean look at this shit it's gonna be like any movie we're gonna watch is gonna give them money. I'm scared nigga

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what number did we get to on the threads before this?

Can you use a word that has meaning? One that isn't magic?

It's not the first setback we've suffered. We'll survive.
495 I believe

I heard you won't need eyes to watch it. Absolute mad man.


How many days until avatar 5?

3,146 days

t. zoomers
The only two groups that hate Avatar are marveldrones/redditors and zoomers. The latter were still in diapers or father's ballsack. Of course you won't get what's so good about it if you watch in on your crappy laptop or iphone. It's a movie you had to see in theaters to fully enjoy and it offered a cinema experience unlike any other at that time (and still unmatched desu).

i'll be 21 year old virgin