best interviews and actors destroying interviewers
Best interviews and actors destroying interviewers
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I want to destroy my anus on RDJ's cock. Like...force him down because he's a manlet and can't stop me, and ride his dick until my anus is prolapsed.
We all do bro. Then you have a crazy party with cocaine and high end alcohol.
Quentin's response to that pajeet was better IIRC
RDJ - what a bitch
DAAAAAAMN he obliterated that guy when he said "your foot is jumping, might wanna get to your next question soon"
It's like RDJ went away and Stark took command of the ship for a second there
>interview about the promotion of a new movie
What was he thinking lmao this is not a 60 Minutes type interview
I'm surprised no celeb has used their connections to get this street shitter deported.
Is Robert Dmanlet Junior still buttblasted about the buttblasting he got in prison?
>linking to the official channel
That pajeet has been bombing interviews for years so Channel 4 can farm clicks from retards like you. He's the one who got butt-shutdown from tarantino.
What's going on here? What's going ON here?
Always makes me laugh
What did iron man tell him at the end after he took off the mic? Can't hear it very well
What the fuck happened.
Poo in Loo
>acting retarded is the same as destroying an interviewer
He's a slime merchant. He can't help it. I like how Channel 4 blocked comments but still suck in that sweet sweet ad money.
Patton is such an asshole.
"You seem okay. It's just getting a little Diane Sawyer in here."
Why are male actors so scared to talk about their oldest kids? No one seems to know that or care that Chris Hemsworth has a 19 year old son that his gf refused to abort. RDJ never talks about his son in interviews. Will smith never talked about his oldest (after that song)until the Jaden experiment failed and needed youtube clicks. Christian Bale has a 22 year old daughter. We never see her.
>go out of your way to name drop the most obscure bands possible
>smugly shit on the interviewer for asking who they are
Patton is Yea Forums incarnate
I really wish this meme took off.
It's got lots of potential but anons can't see it
Why on Earth would they feed the public and paparazzi ANYTHING about their children?
Source for Hemsworth and Bale's kids? I know about RDJ and Will's but they sound like bullshit.
search it up
he was forced to say that by his boss, you can see the hesitation
Are all brits this insufferable with their “banter?”
Holy shit I thought she was going to have an actual heart attack and fall on the floor. What a big moo cow.
I did, and unlike RDJ and Smith there's nothing on them. Hemsworth would have been what, like 15 when this supposed kid was born?
>Hemsworth would have been what, like 15 when this supposed kid was born?
Yeah dude highschoolers never have sex. Teen pregnancy isn't real.
Ayoade shut him down pretty good though
>Teen pregnancy isn't real.
Well this one certainly wasn't
how about actors destroying roastie interviewers?
I haven't found anything about it, sounds like bullshit, Chris Hemsworth is 35, doubt he had a kid at 15.
I love Ayoade
on of the very, very few interviewers who have managed to get Harrison to smile. laugh or open up
only in shitholes and America are teen pregnancy a thing
I doubt any actors is scared to talk about their oldest kid. They might just not like talking about their children in general or their oldest kid isn't in show business. Also Bale's daughter is 14 not 22
those were awful questions jesus christ
Are you esl? The syntax is massively fucked up here. And he has more than one daughter.
post proof then faggot, you're the one talking nonsense about people who don't even know you exist
The best.
>tfw no authoritarian aussie mommy gf
uber comfy
>We never see her
Maybe she’s fat.
well then she'd be easier to see
this interview is kino.
are these planned this way? like holy shit he was brutal.
does anybody remember the interview of Spike Jonze destroying some roastie over the movie Her?
RDJ just got butthurt. The poo was based if anything.
he got bumfizzled in prison
He doesn't like talking about his son because he's a coke addict just like he was.
He didn't actually say anything mean. The carrot top thing was because she uses props (the cards) in her interviews the way carrot top uses them in his shows. It's not his fault she made a comment about carrot top being bad. And every other comment he makes is just a little tongue in cheek rebuttal to a tongue in cheek remark she makes.
Wow how dare he ask questions that doesn't involve licking RDJ's ass?!
What the fuck is happening here? I feel like I'm walking in at the start of the third act.
the actual reason for this is that channel 4 is public owned and has rules to follow in regard to promotion / product placement. basically to get around this they have to do appear to be doing more than just selling a movie to justify using up 10 mins of the news program
That makes sense
what is this shit from? see it posted all the time but never seen the source
That guy is notorious for inviting people on with the pretext that they will help promote the movie in the interview, and then switches it up entirely saying he can't actually do that and then fires out all these personal or political questions to create some sort of drama or controversy based on those statements. He's a fucking retard.
thats just unproffessional, big difference incel
who the fuck is this wannabe
is this what britbongs think of americans?
just overly laughing at everything?
watch this first and then the police interview
thats the canon way to watch it
thanks guys
t. Poo in loo
>calling him iron man outside the context of one of his shitty movies
hope you're joking around
these are like my friends omg. no way
>2 hours long
give me a basic gestalt
Thot patrolled.
>british norwegian
is that supposed to be a smile? he looks like his jew nose just smelled a big fucking pile of gold. fucking goblin.
hes very popular in mystery youtube videos and his interview is always shown
go to bed kesha
They know that if they put their firstborn into the limelight too much, he or she may be demanded by the gatekeepers for a sacrifice. They know the rules of the game, don't hear don't tell
As dick as he is, does anyone notice how articulate people were about 20 years ago and back? People today can barely string a sentence together.
Feminists were butthurt over this on twitter, the hypocrisy was astounding.
how sheltered are Hollywood actors lmao? How can you get so butthurt about someone asking you about your personal life?
There are so many golden elements to this
Imagine your personal life being constantly paraded in the press for the rest of your life
Why in the fuck would you want to talk about your kids in the first place? Some people value privacy, fuck off zoomer.
Who was in the wrong here?
Because their firstborn are ritual offerings to Hollywood jews. They give them up for sex slave programming or other mind control. The kids were likely abused all their lives.
"its the only thing this town has"
holy fuck small town america is something else
so everybody knows I fap to traps? whatever I don't care
wow ur cool
That's just you friend
I love her. This is comfy as hell.
I would expect no less from them.
offended? she looks like she's one snarky comment away from swallowing his cock.
>the Dunkin in a town Shamokin gets burned down
Please don't ever call him Iron Man.
Youtube comment-tier
He's been saying that since 1980
this desu
>Who was in the wrong here?
the interviewer because he went full beta when Hathaway started teasing him, never do that with girls
>it's a helluva medical form
this fucking guy
>ywn get that look from a woman
>be handsome
>say literally anything to a woman
>instantly wet
That ending.
yeah not like were ever gonna get laid anyway
Love his music but god what a bitter cunt. Would love to punch his lights out. Danzig's too.
hm that sounds true. I guess its their way to test if a guy will back down to social norms or not or idk
haha get me an american burger xd
Cold Coffee
lmao this is such a blackpill
shit tests, it's how people test your mental strength and that guy failed
a nigger as well
he did go beta but i dont think she cared or noticed, or reverted to her primitive impulses very much at all. she was still glowing from the provocation.
>Ray Psycho
lmao i watched first 18 min and nothing really happened, i thought it was amusing but nothing more. then all of a sudden he went full bad cop. this is gonna be so kino
You can also see that she just kept up her flirting even though he was stumbling with his words like a dofus. If he was less attractive he would have to hit back with the flirting with exact timing etc in order to keep her interested
the dude was a weakling who lost control of the interview when Hathaway put some pressure on him
girls do that stuff to weak men constantly and she was not particularly attracted to him
He should've been doctor who.
ok. sorry. what did the drug addict jew tell him after he removed the mic? can't hear it very well.
Why does anyone do interviews with britbong TV anyway?
They're literally NOT ALLOWED TO ASK QUESTIONS THAT PROMOTE YOUR PRODUCT. That's why they ask about inane stupid bullshit and try to insult their subject into getting mad or walking out for ebin views.
Journalists are always digging for something special to write about. Here he wanted something about his politics and something personal like about his father. That's just how it is.
that's true if it would have gone anywhere or continued for much longer, but by then the payload had been delivered and she still didnt have a comeback. nobody would pay any attention to anything other than his quip. the video is just a clipping from the interview. plus she is a major hollywood actress, not your average dumb whore at the bar.
It's not like he was trying to bang her anyway.
Professionalism comes first in these interviews.
I would've handled it the same way. Way more important to keep your job then to appear m-muh alpha.
>It's the only thing this town has
>this guy
>Kathy Neumann
Is everyone at Channel 4 a cunt?
Holy fuck.
That's exactly how I'd like to have an interview with famous actors. Just have a laugh and have some fun, and screw those supeficial stupid questions about the movie.
Absolutely perfect "interview"
Submission is appreciated in low level wageslave jobs, but it's a major flaw if you have aspirations to go higher in life
This was my town when we first got a Tim Hortons. It never burned down though.
there's a risk involved if you want to appear casual and cocky with people that have much more power than you and may not like you enough to grant that you were being friendly. a bit of banter can be painted as a major insult, and even be used as an excuse by jealous peers that want you out of their way. banter should only be for people that are below you.
>Paki cunt.
She wanted his dick bad
It's either, or a combination of:
>kid doesn't want to be a public figure and parent respects this
>bringing up the kid often brings up the kid's age and that in turn highlights how old the actor really is
if you have the charisma you can banter with pretty much anyone
I'm surprised no one's posted Cara Delememe getting out bantered by literally who morning show hosts
Not an interview, but it's another instance of RDJ being based as fuck.
This is without a doubt my favourite interview, it's just so comfy
You can tell he was trying to make witty banter, but is too autistic to know how to do it properly, and came off sounding standoffish or hostile.
Adrock was based. Wish I could find that video interview he did where the interviewer asked him, "What's the title of your album" and he screams at the camera, "Yeah, it's called DON'T BE A FAGGOT!" Seems to have been purged from all video sharing sites...
Is this real? Fucking americans.
Legend. You can hear everything Ramsay inherited from him in that single short exchange.
grotus were really fucking good desu
>get raped on a daily basis by sleazy record producers
>can't even get a hug from one of your heroes
I mean he had every right to do that but you can't help but feel a little bit bad for her.
>Feminists were butthurt over this on twitter, the hypocrisy was astounding.
But if he'd hugged her, he'd just have set himself up to get #metoo-ed 5 years down the line.
Americans are genetically engineered to be on television.
was just about to post it
>I'm not allowed to promote your book because of broadcast laws
>which means I can't actually ask you any questions about the content of your book
lol bongerland
lol, the poor girl has no charisma
seethe cope based incel have sex salty what did he mean by this?
Knew this was the philly accent video before opening it
so fucking good
>no results
>read through thread
Ah, there it is.
shes being a cunt but some of the questions are a bit out of order
>get #metoo'd
This was my thought.
Feminists have ruined a lot of shit for themselves by weaponizing that movement.
he's a surprisingly articulate man when sober
based goose can save any interview
Mike Patton, lead singer of Faith No More.
Milla sperging out is good
god bless america
Don't be upset by replies that are trying to help you come across as less embarrassing.
1,000,000% assblasted
Look at these fuckin retards. Almost as bad as beta orbiter white knights on twitch.
lel what a thin skin cunt
What a prick. Lmao
okay then chad what should he have said
>a Brit pronouncing premier the french way
she should lose her citizenship for that
>White-knighting for people who call actors by their capeshit names
He's hot you idiot, the spaghetti is sexy if the guy is hot
I guess you could say that somebody was Shamokin in the ladies room
So this is why he got stuck with the Sonic movie.
>admits white knighting
>thinks he's not as bad as accused
This is your brain on soi.
She's an actress, you fuckwit. The guy isn't even attractive by any reasonable standard. She's just pretending like she's interested or that it's funny that he's being rude, but I guarantee 10000% she's laughing at him with her boyfriend later. She's just playing along, using him for a little comedy bit; she would never be interested in any guy who would ever say something like that. It's pity if anything.
One lonely (You)
it happens all the fucking time in any first world country with high schools
holy shit, never heard of this guy before but i really like him.
>The guy isn't even attractive by any reasonable standard
Yes he is.
>She's just pretending like she's interested or that it's funny that he's being rude
> but I guarantee 10000% she's laughing at him with her boyfriend later
>She's just playing along, using him for a little comedy bit
>It's pity if anything
You're halfway there, but get better at social calibration.
>admits white knighting
show me where i said i was white-knighting. never defended RDJ -- i hardly know anything about him -- only gave my opinion that you sound like a manchild tard if you call him (the actual actor) Iron Man
Damn, nice projection there.
Billybob coked up doing a radio interview at 6:00am
>this much seethe over m-muh white knighting boogeyman
I openly white knight MULTIPLE people, ALL the time.
Do something about it in ANY capacity fags.
holy shit this would have been incredible
Imagine having that legacy, a 12 million view interview of an actor walking out on you.
damn that was sexy af
>your foot is jumping, get to your next question
He's irreplaceable as Tony Stark
this vid got me into cringe humor in high school
Jeez incel, have sex
god I am so hard right now
Lmfao Jonah Hill really got back at that bitch, r-right bros?
Funny how the government has to import immigrants outside the mind fucking influence of American corporations to fill jobs, then they still turn out to be retards.
I give the USA 30 years max before people burn down the white house.
Why does anyone care?
What are you even replying to polturd
Goose kino extends to real life
kek and basedpilled
Holy shit, I teared up.
Fucking BASED
>it's from jesus
god everyone is so fucking fat
>what am I thinking of right now?
goes from cringe to kek in a minute
Nothing wrong with saying no to a hug, but you can still feel bad for the rejected.
Older kids know to ask their parents to not talk about them so much for the sake of their privacy.
I remember reading somewhere that those UK channels aren't allowed to strictly have actors on for promotions, they have to do real interviews about more than surface level stuff, so it isn't technically just a promotion for a new movie.
>that hair
oh fuck
>not a single (You) for the greatest interview of all time
here you go user
based and redpilled
scenes women are literally incapable of understanding
based jewsenberg BTFOing low IQ roasties
Based, whether you agree with him or not
I know Bale hates talking anything about his personal life because he feels knowing about him as a person takes away from seeing him as a character.
He tends to keep his private life private, which is somehow an astonishing thing to zoomers
hes pajeet. pakis are a few shades lighter, and have non-monkey features.
uggo pakis look like spics -le 56. pajeets are their own race
PTA is a class act
this interview is cringe, or no-charisma from cara, or talkshow hosts being chad.
This interview is PURE culture clash.Had the interviewers been in UK, they would've responded to her obvious dry humour.
But they took it literally, and its hillarious. All americans who see this, will think shes a total bitch and be completely firm on that opinion.
I love this interview, because it is a perfect example of how other cultures percieve each other.
British eyes: 'wow, those interviewers are so fragile, youre a nobody talkshowhost love, why are you drilling our girl?'
American eyes: 'wow hun, didnt get enough sleep on the airplane ride here? no need to be so rude.
I love caras eyes, because she knows she cant win. Theyve already judged her dry sarcasm, as bitter vitriol against them, and anything she does will be seen as response to that.
Quite the kino, but for educational purposes.
As an American, she was pretty lifeless, but those interviewers are absolutely unprofessional and the woman is a jealous roastie trying to put Cara down every chance she gets. She fucked up in the beginning by getting Cara's name wrong and it continues to get worse.
reminder that this happened cause he was off his meds.
trying so hard to impart your morals onto someone who does not care. i wonder how she slept that night
Now I have nowhere to go for coffee and donut.
Letterman BTFO Paris Hilton.
you don't have any friends you bitter incel shutin faggot.
He is because he's assuming she had to lose weight to fit in the suit. Her body doesn't need any weight loss. She's pretty hot..
>thinks his movies are shit
>objects when people don't know his real name
if you guys think this dude is attractive i might as well be 1950s alain delon.
Who was in the wrong here?
post face right now
what did they call him?
Why was he so upset? I don't know anything about sports. It's just a joke.
chris evert is a female tennis player, so the interviewer was taking the piss at him
he was calling him by the name of a women's tennis player
macho junk, typical Rome
even better patrice interview
>The guy isn't even attractive by any reasonable standard.
You dumb cunt here's two other interviews of attractive A-list actresses fawning over him.
>tfw you will never know this feel
epic comment bro
the last two were total sluts
>I love caras eyes, because she knows she cant win.
same with me, with my eyebrows it looks like i´m mad even tho i´m just being neutral
Eric Andre is so based
we all know you wouldn't do shit
little bitchboy :^)
those questions aren't really relevant when most of these guys are just shilling some flick anyways
I will never understand Americans. It's like talking to aliens.
They don't understand friendly banter and will automatically break down in tears when you break the script.
vincent gallo being pretentious but also based
judd apatow enjoys getting cucked in public by his wife leslie, he probably puts this video on while she pegs him
>Guy who's afraid to leave the house because he has a panic attack thinking that he might have to talk to the cashier at the Circle K :
>Why don't actors just feed the morally bankrupt vultures in the paparazzi information about their children
Are you by any chance on the spectrum?
everyone knows that the cashiers at QuikTrip are nicer
The dude behind the counter at the QuikTrip practically hands me my cigarettes before I'm even through the door. Good guy.
i know you guys dont care for sports, but sports interviews can be pretty kino
>judd apatow enjoys getting cucked in public by his wife leslie
any proof?
He basically named the jew, based
Is this guy a burn victim?
I live like 15 min away and its worse in person
best interview of all time
Christ this is golden.
wtf is with this guy
Fulfill the prophecy
fuckin perfect. hes so god damn tired of interviews and knows they have nothing on him.
how much bitcoin for edna
The most accurate thing I've seen all day.
There's nothing wrong with deference in the right situation. Acting cocky doesn't do you a lot of good in many situations. Especially if you offend someone doubling down on being "alpha" just makes you look insecure. Truly confident people know when to be humble.
Why the fuck should they talk about something that irrelevant if they don't desire to do so?
No one has posted Normkino?
Easily the best interview segment:
Another good one:
other than your mother you shouldn't show deference to any woman, you pathetic cuckold
why does this have so many replies
Is there such a thing as the interviewer destroying the actor(s)?
>DAAAAAAMN he obliterated that guy when he said "your foot is jumping, might wanna get to your next question soon"
>It's like RDJ went away and Stark took command of the ship for a second there
*Jonah Hill laughs nervously*
based mel.
what a fucking chad
small town US has no jobs and everyone is on meth or oxy
oops meant to post this one
Was he like a huge druggie or what?
Tarantino shutting that indian guy down was amazing.
dem titties
>when you watch one RDJ Charisma On Command video
aussie chads don't
that's for fucking sure
Something tells me her kids grew up to hate her
Actors usually interview for promotional purposes and the only reason you would talk about your adult children during an interview is if they had done something gossip rag worthy.
>wow, you're so successful and busy! could you hold this softball?
>get fucked, amerifat!
Good lord, she has negative charisma. She's like a charisma vacuum.
What did he even mean? I was raised around ebonics so I understand the words, but not the meaning. No chicken and out of chicken are surely the same thing right?
Holy shit.
It's called being chill.
Are Americans really this assblasted if you don't act all perky and smile like a robot?