Can it do it?

Can it do it?

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>still 500+ million away
No. It'll cap at 2.5 billion.

Some sources are projecting it will around Memorial Day Weekend. I think it will but I'm not anticipating it hitting 3 billion dollars, that seems too far fetched. But I'm usually wrong on these things so who knows





It made 2.2 billion in 12 days. Of course it can do it. The real question is whether or not it will beat it adjusted to inflation and it needs to make 3.3 to do that.

It's definitely possible. It really hangs on how badly it falls this week and next weekend.

It's burned out already. Anyone who had any intention of watching has watched already.

If it beats Avatar, you can expect an extra marketing push, at by that point Disney will want that 3 billion mark broken.

Probably, but it won't beat Avatar adjusted for inflation.

By the end of this weekend

we need to see if Pikachu movie can cut his legs, if Pikachu can't, Endgame can reach 3 billion.

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Of course it can
72% of the money comes from foreign markets and most of them aren't showing updated revenue
It's actually already made a lot more than 2.2

You're probably correct. Thanks for reminding me, I completely forgot all of the marketing potential that would bring.

Yeah, you guys said the same thing about Captain Marvel after the first weekend and it made nearly three times more after that.

>The MCU flick should have around $2.444 billion heading into its third weekend, give-or-take how hard it gets dinged by overseas debuts for Pokémon. A $214 million global weekend (-50% from last weekend’s $428 million haul) would give the film to $2.658 billion by Sunday night, leaving it with just $130 million to go.
Should pass Avatar by the end of next weekend

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>Anyone who had any intention of watching has watched already.
False, i know people who are planning on seeing it but haven’t yet. Not everyone is an autistic freak who has to see it opening weekend.

That's that negative persuasion that's being pushed
It's still a box office juggernaut

Think of the outright losers who fall for this capeshit meme. Literally the type of retards who think child castration is good because it'll combat both global warming and racism, you know the type.
They're, unironically, more pathetic than your average 4channel poster and more spiritually bankrupt. In order to feel successful they attach themselves to successful things. Do you remember how these people reacted when Hillary lost and Brexit won? They're so used to being on the (((winning side))) that failure is something they can't understand (they don't have the self-awareness to comprehend their own worthless status, it's pitiful to watch irl).
You watch them at protests and rallies and things, but none of it is original. It's a copy of what was done 50 or 60 years ago. Remember that (((powerful))) pic of the negress in the dress being arrested? It's (((this century's Tianeman Square))).
They do as they're told and don't have an original thought in their head (again, they don't have the self-awareness to understand this while they harp on about being "free thinkers", they aren't free thinkers, they're literally brain dead, they don't think, they react etc).
Basically, you know those kids who are about 8 and they talk about holding a world record, but then it turns out the record they hold is like they watched the Superb Owl with the highest viewing figures ever? Well these cucks are sort of like that. We already know they're children in adult bodies, but the only way they can get any sense of accomplishment is by attaching to the accomplishments of someone else, yes they learned well from their (((masters))).
It's a give and take relationship between the cuck and the (((master))). The (((master))) creates the movie and then tells the cuck that they should go see it. When it breaks box office records the (((masters))) are happy because many many shekels and the cucks are happy because they're a "world record setter".
That's how pathetic it is.

nothing will ever beat this (adjusted for inflation)

The only stat that matters. Of course a movie released in 2009 will beat a movie released in the 1930s, a modest house cost like $500 back then.

Wonder how it would do if they rereleased it

It won't but Yea Forums is fucking retarded and doesn't understand the box office

avatar is shit when adjusted for inflation

Everyone is okay if good film like this is box office top. Avarbage should be buried as much as posssible. Even by capeshit, by any means necessary.

Pikachu is coming out this week so I don’t know

yeah, Disney is so concerned to get Endgame in the first place even if it cost them some money; i went to the movies here in Mexico to watch the avengers and almost all the seats were "taken" when chossing the seat, but then when the time come it was 3/4 empty.

normies love pokemon more than the MCU

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$2.5B at the end of this week lmao

Then pikachu will make 3 billion?

>Superb Owl
Back 2 Reddit

would get blasted by media for being racist. also most people don’t like old movies for whatever reason.

F O U R ( 4 )

it needs about 550 million with plenty of time to play still

maybe when it comes to merchandise, games and stuff
not when it comes to movies.

Who tf cares about preinflation comparisons?

James Cameron worst film is still better than any MCU movie ever made

>movie prices
have increased
>the value of the dollar
has decreased
>the production cost of movies
has increase
add all these factors together and you realize just how based cameron is

>get's re-released in a year or so for an epic marathon
>makes 5 Billion

Opening weekend