Why didn't Thanos just create more resources?
Why didn't Thanos just create more resources?
Why don’t you have sex?
>Why didn't Thanos just create more resources?
Because then retards wouldn't have been tricked into spreading depopulation memes.
>le ebin win lmao
At least try to say something more original.
That would violate the conservation of mass
So if a universe without stones is doomed yo collapse why did thanos destroy the stones
Why didn’t Thanos make everyone half their own size?0
Why can't you have sex?
Because I had my dick blown off in Iraq you insensitive fuck.
Why don't you go pick on a retarded kid while you're at it. And not one of the ones with superstrength, a normal retarded kid.
Yes. It's retarded. Also:
1. Blindly culling half the population was retarded. He could have wiped out a lot of good ecologically minded souls and left retards in the world. He should have discriminated.
2. He realized that it was hurtful to wipe out half the population and leave everyone remembering the dead. Then he suddenly jumps to wiping out everyone. Why not just wipe out half the population and their memories.
3. Yes. It's surprising that all those wise aliens out there have no knowledge of quantum physics despite travelling across space and time and living many thousand years. Whereas Iron Man played around was photoshop for 5 minutes and worked it out. He must work for NASA.
I sincerely hope your dick gets blown off one day.
That doesn't fall in line with the (((plan))).
u know he totally owned u
oof right in the infinity sneeds
Oooh, nice one faggot. Haven’t heard that before. How could anyone recover from such a burn.
He did. He converted half the biomass of the universe to useful carbon and water.
We can fit twice as many in the same building size.
Why didnt thanos just eradicate the breeding practices that will cause this endless cycle of destruction.
Why didn't he just let the lack of resources themselves kill half the people?
And halfing the universe' population doesn't?
Doesn't matter, time travel lol
isnt there a movie with matt damon about something like that
It’s terrible apparently
why didn't thanos erased whoever is behind this thread
He could turn existing matter into resources.
Why didn't he snap half the universe plus the avengers?
>That would violate the conservation of mass
user, our planet is not a closed system. Our sun and gas giants are practically inexhaustible resource reserves.
What will you do when the sun runs out though?
Don't say get another sun.