F to pay respects

F to pay respects


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someone post her ass shots

Goodbye bland and boring character. I will truly miss all the nothing you added to this once great series.


why should i pay respects to a ficticious shitskin character?

She was a worthless character who literally did nothing for seasons on end except hang around Dany. She’s cute, but that’s probably because she’s a halfie. She certainly has a very European face. Honestly I felt nothing when she died. She added nothing of value to the plot apart from grey word acting like a sperg around her. Worthless character. Even the whore who taught Dany how to fuck had a bigger impact on the narrative. I’m glad she’s gone.

I wish she was 10 like in the books.

greatest rack in westeros

We'll always have the memories.

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Absolute top tier qt. F

What a shit taste m8 it's like u never fuck a girl in your life if you think that's top tier qt


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Was she a mutt negroid in the books too?

>there was no spartacus tier slave rape scene



have sex


For a Westeros free from niggers.

shes like 12 years old in the books

Shes looking really good nowadays. I think i got me some jungle fever, I´d like to split ebony, Ive got the jiggers for black people if you catch my drift.


The only rape scene was so poorly received by the audience and caused such a backlash that it erased every single nude scene that wasn't absolutely necessary to the plot.

you got that river scene ass shot bro?

She's a mutt, like all attractive """"black"""" women

OH... oh... OHHH!

>bull ring piercing
>looking really good

I had a dream about passionately making out with a girl that looks like her on a sofa

Can't remember whether I fucked her or not but shit was so cash


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Won't miss and die

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All the bleaching in Spider-Man was unexpected and based as fuck.

>>bull ring piercing
She a bed wench.


Literally the only good plot decision from Dumb and Dumber. Her scenes with Grey Worm were excruciatingly boring