holy fucking SHIT
Holy fucking SHIT
Who is Renly?
I mean
doesn't he speak for all of us
This comic reeks of onions.
fuck you bigot
All comics reek of onions
They know
It's called hate watching
And it's real
>it's an actual joke
That's a new one
>watch a show for years
>starts getting worse
>nevertheless want to know the ending, for closure
>some negress ridicules you for it
>some negress ridicules you for it
did you read a different comic or?
>watch a show for years
>starts getting worse
>drop it one season before it finishes
get on my level, chump.
she cute
sunken cost fallacy
watched 3 episodes and it was terrible, everyone else was saying its amazing
same people suddenly liked superhero movies
Pretty much, yes.
>same face every panel
He must've been in a rush to make this. Maybe he was really mad and wanted to 'BTFO' somebody.
that's just what he does for literally every comic
no-one cares
What a fucking asshole
>ask a dude if he watches the current popular show
>don’t even say anything when he reveals that’s he an autist who hates the show
>some retarded racist on an anonymous message board accuses you of ridiculing him
are you fucking stupid? it's obvious satire towards stannisfags. jesus christ you r*dditors coming here for /got/ are simple minded niggers. go read a book.
stay mad we are taking over
>has justice for renly shirt
>woman still dumb enough to ask if he's seen the show
>>some negress ridicules you for it
Is this what people with autism think happened here?
No different to 99.99% of anons here, how does it feel to have something in common with this person?
hey nigger
why don't you delete your post again, dumb newfag
Have sex
such talent
Does he have autism?
>forgets to remove his name before samefagging
lurk moar
You aren't using this word right
Go home, Dabid.
not stone toss ones
He was r/comedycemetary fodder for a long time, known for his copypaste style. After he left Buzzfeed he improved slightly. Why I know this I don't know. Fuck you guys.
he's just lazy
Stone toss is cringe and his pathetic 13 year old followers are even more cringe
bloo bloo you get the point
>Stone toss is cringe and his pathetic 13 year old followers are even more cringe
>do you like got?
>wears a justice 4 renly shirt
he's got a few strips with actual punchlines and theyre pretty good
Have sex
No I don't, newfag
What can you do? Oh that's right, nothing...yeah..
Relax it's just a joke.
a failed attempt at samefagging is still samefagging
pretending to be an oldfag by looking up definitions on the internet is far from subtle, you're embarrassing yourself
Yep he's a soicuck nonce
what about ben garrison? jack chick?
pointing out fallacies is the dumbest shit. you people think it makes you smart because you know what an argument is called and just ignore whatever point they were making.
Do you what fallacy means?
such emotion
more like David Tenant
>formerly BuzzFeed Adam
Have sex
so if the larp fails you revert back to this? daily reminder you're the type of cancer rapidly spreading around and killing virtually every large board. i'm sure you are very proud of yourself. this is your final (You), enjoy it.
Nobody's face changes through all 4 panels
what argument works for you?
seriously, please answer this.
what kind of argument would you make?
everything is a fallacy, there are names to cover every single argument a person could make. just so you can sound smart and write people off.
Ben Garrison is kino
Have sex
Have sex.
Is the girl autistic? Why didn't she ask "Why don't you like it?"
I have never watched the last 2 episodes of Dexter. It got so tiresome.
What kind of an AIDS infested faggot are you to not have watched every episode of Dexter's Lab?
>He was r/comedycemetary fodder
You typed this like it meant something.
Thanks for the deep lore, reddit. Now go back.
>Renly = Usurper
>King's justice = executioner
>Justice 4 renly = executioner for Renly
>executioner for Renly = Shadowbabby
He is a shadowbabby fan.
Anyone got more of those great comics ahaha xD
>watched everything
>didn't enjoy it
why anyone would torture itself?
never heard of death drive?
Average Ben garrison
Just read the synopsis, watch at 10x speed, skip the bad scenes, etc.
I don't get it. Is he gay? Does he hate GoT because he is gay? Is there any significance in the fact that she is black?
>what argument works for you?
One that is logically valid?
Jeeze buddy, have sex already.
tell me how an argument is logically valid.
explain it to me please, I’m not very bright.
The capeshit of political cartoons
if i make a comic strip that has the word nigger in it, will /pol/ slobber my cock too?
the true king
In logic, an argument is valid if and only if it takes a form that makes it impossible for the premises to be true and the conclusion nevertheless to be false It is not required for a valid argument to have premises that are actually true,but to have premises that, if they were true, would guarantee the truth of the argument's conclusion. A formula is valid if and only if it is true under every interpretation, and an argument form (or schema) is valid if and only if every argument of that logical form is valid.
An argument is valid if and only if the truth of its premises entails the truth of its conclusion and each step, sub-argument, or logical operation in the argument is valid. Under such conditions it would be self-contradictory to affirm the premises and deny the conclusion. The corresponding conditional of a valid argument is a logical truth and the negation of its corresponding conditional is a contradiction. The conclusion is a logical consequence of its premises.
An argument that is not valid is said to be "invalid".
An example of a valid argument is given by the following well-known syllogism:
All men are mortal.
Socrates is a man.
Therefore, Socrates is mortal.
What makes this a valid argument is not that it has true premises and a true conclusion, but the logical necessity of the conclusion, given the two premises. The argument would be just as valid were the premises and conclusion false.
The following argument is of the same logical form but with false premises and a false conclusion, and it is equally valid:
All cups are green.
Socrates is a cup.
Therefore, Socrates is green.
No matter how the universe might be constructed, it could never be the case that these arguments should turn out to have simultaneously true premises but a false conclusion. The above arguments may be contrasted with the following invalid one:
All men are immortal.
Socrates is a man.
Therefore, Socrates is mortal.
In this case, the conclusion contradicts the deductive logic of the preceding premises, rather than deriving from it. Therefore, the argument is logically 'invalid', even though the conclusion could be considered 'true' in general terms. The premise 'All men are immortal' would likewise be deemed false outside of the framework of classical logic. However, within that system 'true' and 'false' essentially function more like mathematical states such as binary 1s and 0s than the philosophical concepts normally associated with those terms.
A standard view is that whether an argument is valid is a matter of the argument's logical form. Many techniques are employed by logicians to represent an argument's logical form. A simple example, applied to two of the above illustrations, is the following: Let the letters 'P', 'Q', and 'S' stand, respectively, for the set of men, the set of mortals, and Socrates. Using these symbols, the first argument may be abbreviated as:
All P are Q.
S is a P.
Therefore, S is a Q.
Similarly, the second argument becomes:
All P are not Q.
S is a P.
Therefore, S is a Q.
An argument is termed formally valid if it has structural self-consistency, i.e. if when the operands between premises are all true, the derived conclusion is always also true. In the third example, the initial premises cannot logically result in the conclusion and is therefore categorized as an invalid argument.
fuck off stonetoss
thanks but I’m not reading any of that.
I wanted you to tell me like a human being, not a robot made out of books.
just know that when someone makes a perfectly acceptable argument and you yell “muh fallacy” it makes people stop listening to you, and more importantly, stop liking you.
but I’m sure you’ll revel in my perceived ignorance and think “heh I really showed that dummy”.
now tell me all the fallacies I just committed so you can feel smart, it’s all you have.
casual usage of the word nigger has been common here for over a decade
stop crying newfag
Imbecil with no talent in drawing, get millions of followers...
Like Lady Gaga and Slipknot.
yeah and i haven't been worshipped when i say it here, i'm thinkin its time to break into the comic game.
I was suckered into watching the first season, didn't watch another after that. People said it got 'so much better' after that, not falling for it again
second season is good too, The rest is shit
you have my full support, be sure to report back to us with your results.
If your argument was perfectly acceptable it wouldn't be fallacious. You have two options:
a) the argument is not really fallacious and the user who called you out is wrong. Then you have to provide an argument (a valid one preferably) to prove that he is wrong.
b) your argument was fallacious but you still think your thesis is true. Then you should come up with a valid argument or correct your argument in such a way that it becomes valid.
If the concept of logic is not intuitive to you I don't think anyone could help you.
Seems more like he is from Vulcan
Damn, 2 Vulcans in the room
where is this map supposed to be??
The first Vulcan is well versed in logic reasoning, I don't know the context of the second Vulcan so I can't comment
Live long and prosper
Space and ghostpilled
Is this loss?
If black people can't read then I guess they will never read that cartoon and never be offended by it, very clever. Pretty sure some of them can read though, so good luck.
or option c, we’re both wrong but we can’t know for sure what the Truth is, no matter how many buzzword phrases we can come up with.
but you’ll keep on calling out “””logical fallacies”””” as if they mean anything and feeling like you’re super duper smart.
I’m sure your pursuit of the truth will come to fruition one day and you’ll own all the libturds with facts and logic, you fucking nerd.
have anal sex.
>and just ignore whatever point they were making.
thats the point, they haven't none if begins to use fallacies, for example
shut up nerd, go read a book before I take your lunch money
She cute.
>logic is a buzzword
>smart people know how to read
Vulcan 1? You had me with your greek logic then lost me with this post. To add, why is it when ancient greek philosophy is brought up so is anal sex? It gets tiresome
yeah he just reeks of incel
>reveals newfaggotry on accident
>no argument
>resorts to buzzwords like "cancer"
Like fucking pottery.
Have Sex
>t. overslept/never went to logic class
Most of the 3rd panel and the 4th panel are completely unnecessary.
All you need for the joke is
>do you like got?
>you should watch it
>oh, i watch it
There thats all you need. The 4th panel exists solely to explain the joke.
>implying logic are a non-human thing
>cancer is a buzzword and newfag isn't
>have sex is an argument
>friendship simulator catchphrase
Buzzword is a marketing term, apparently so well used that is in common language use. So any use of it implies the knowledge of using the word to render or make to render wealth. What wealth are you seeking by using Buzzword here?
>Oh you get out of bed every day. You must enjoy it.
See, that logic just doesn't hold up.
you forgot, while the logical structure might be valid, also the information inside the frame need to be correct and verificable to make a solid argument
HAHAHA FUCKING GOTTEM TO REPLY AGAIN! I'm not the same guy you were arguing with, only read a few of the posts, I just wanted to fag out and pretend to be the other guy and it worked mwahahahahahhaa I can now gay in peace in peace.
literal kindergarden argument. jesus fucking christ. back to tumblr with you, woman.
make me, faggot
Why are they doing this to Sean Bean?
He would make for a great Sith Lord if Star Wars wasn't cucked.
>accusing someone else of shit arguments
nigga redit is down the hall, off the cliff. Please jump faglordio.
I wanna fuck that black girl in this Adam Tots (formerly of BuzzFeed) comic.
She is so pretty.
If Farrokh was still with us, I bet he'd be on reddit
>would you mind if I suck your cock?
Based Hergé. Belgium's diamond
what a psued
f the font
neither was he the same guy. I am that guy, and I am replying specifically to tell you. gg ez noob
>written and directed by rian johnson
He's admittedly gotten better since leaving Buzzfeed
I was fucking with you, hence why I never made any valid points.
I hope you had as much fun as I did.
t. whatever the opposite of a Vulcan is
it is the truth friend
i am the oldfag and i will not be entertained by this inane faggotry
Why is this so comfy?
Thanks, fun was good
haHA double troll’d
I meant every word of it from the bottom of my heart!
this fucker made me grin for the first time
fuck I truly hit low
Dear Ma'am, Sir, Them,
This form letter has been issued for your request for information of me, Brown Bag. I am a Yea Forums troll that is on a entertainment quest. I slow troll Yea Forums for the joy of meeting funny and/or intelligent people as well as rainbow trout. Getting a quick witted person on the line is fun to play with while reeling it in. Finding a deeply wise person tests my strengths as I bring it up to the boat. The funny/wise people are not too uncommon but they put up good fights and so I don't always get them into the boat. If I am lucky to land these types of catch, I admire them, maybe take pics of the great fighters, then take out the hook and return them to the water. These catches make fishing a sport and therefore should live, love and multiply.
Rainbow trout (so ironic) is a real joy to hook on the line, I stop the boat when I've snagged one. Unlike the funny/wise catches, rainbow trout can be found everywhere, probably do to the environmental interjection of an evasive specie that eats all the local food stubs and over populates. There are two types of rainbow, Big Mouthed Rainbow Trout and Small Mouthed Rainbow Trout, of which the numbers seem equal. The small mouthed reels in quickly by putting up little fight but, as with all trout, I will get some water spat upon me. The big mouthed is a little harder to reel in and spits far more than the small mouthed, I get real wet when I have a big mouthed on the line. Added to this, big mouthed thrash about when landed and I can get caught when trying to take the hook out. Big mouthed thrash so much that sometimes a club is required. All rainbow caught get eaten, they do not get returned to the water. Sustainability means we eat the plentiful and conserve the rest so that is how I enjoy my trolling.
Hope that took care of any questions you may have.
Brown Bag
cc: Ma'am, Sir, Them
Rainbow Trout
Anyone who inquires
I know, I was just joking about being subverted. Thanks for entertaining my shitposts though. One of the few things besides my doggo that brings me joy in life.
That third panel was not at all necessary. Bad comic. Dumb audience.
i know that feel. over the years i have turned into a bitter person with a burning passion for newfags. mainly because this was the one place bringing me some joy and entertainment, and it is now being torn down by these filthy r*ddit larpers.
Why black female would talk with white male about Game of Thrones?
imagine being so obsessed with people who have a different skin color than you do that you literally are incapable of carrying on a conversation about anything without whining about black people.
yeah you should go back to /r/Yea Forums with the rest of your kind
casual usage of the word nigger has been common here for well over a decade, congratulations on outing yourself as a newfag. imagine having such an inferiority complex that the word nigger offends you even when it's posted without the intent of offending someone
what the fuck
Come on then you roody poo go shoot your cousin or something and get locked up.
she wants to get fucked by bwc
>those copypasted panels with barely anything changing
The artist is a lazy nigger
i want to fuck that comics
>tries this hard to sound smart by citing high school philosophy textbook
>on anonymous taiwanese pottery making forum
Based wormwood poster
This. People who get into all this, “well akshooally according to my calculations, hyuk hyuk, this is a logicul fallacy” shit are like IRL equivalents of that nerdy kid in the Simpsons who gets the shit beat out of him by Nelson regularly.
i have no idea who this man is but i hate him purely b/c there are dozens of images of him posted everyday in the metal general
Have a blessed day bro. Unironically.
>on anonymous taiwanese pottery making forum
Idk, some of that logic could be applied to pottery, like a balanced mind does in Kung-fu
Dexter's Lab had really shitty last few seasons too
haven't heard this meme in a while
I am and so is the wood
I am stronger than the wood
Therefore I am the wood
Simple kung-fu logic is the same as the one posted, and I am sure it works for pottery
I am and so is the clay
I am stronger than the clay
Therefore I am the clay
thank you. getting a heartfelt post from someone completely anonymous brings a smile to my face. it means more to me than you'd expect. stay strong, we will make it one day.
You need to up your nigger game
Hits too close to home
Kung-Fu isn't martial arts.
It's a general encompassing term which means "mastery of art".
The art can be anything.
It stems from Daoism/Taoism.
There's over 3000 Heavenly Laws that encompass the Heavens (and Nature therefrom) according to the philosophy/religion, and each law has a career corresponding to it or a craft or a skill or an art.
When you master one of them you've mastered the Dao of it, becoming the peak expert in that field, or rather you mastered the Kung-Fu of it (the practice of it).
It can be martial arts, it can be a guitar, it can be painting, it can be architecture, it can even be mercantilism/trade, it can be administration, it can be anything.
I fucking hate Westcuck faggots for corrupting the term.
No, we enjoy it but since the masses can't help but pretend they like it, we pretend we don't.
And when the masses will express their disapproval as the yas queen slay gets the Stannis treatment, we will pretend that series was a work of art.
So it could be pottery?
I don't like it anymore. My friends and I just talk over it and crack jokes. It's just something to gawp at.
100 percent correct, look at the way the /pol/ zoomers seethe in response to this.
Yes. But not fighting with pottery you god damned western monkey. Shaping it, understanding how to use it, design and materials mastery, becoming a master at building objects out of clay whether they are small or giant Terracotta Armies or even buildings.
nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
based president. will vote for again.
If you reply to this gay thread after this post you are a great big gay faggot that smokes cock
Ok good then, clay is good and it can be mastered like one masters the art of kung-fu, oh wait not that, it doesn't mean an art (I thought it meant 'open fist', thanks for pointing that out), like one masters the bongo drums. Great, can I now logically assume if I make a woman out of clay then I can become the master of it?
Well why dont you make a webcomic then.
Sure you can do better then just drawing 1 face