Why do theatres charge 6 bucks for ice and corn syrup

Why do theatres charge 6 bucks for ice and corn syrup

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because they make almost no money from ticket sales

wait a minute, that's not Robert!
what did you do with him, you monster!!

This and people are dumb enough to buy it.

Kill yourself, memetard. It's not 2010 anymore.

>blue raspberry
absolutely disgusting flavor in general

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Imagine unironically paying for heated corn kernels

synergises well with the "no outside food" policy
clever bastards

Holy shit youre right

Is there some kind of conspiracy going on?

Coca-Cola > Cotton Candy > Blue Raspberry > Cherry > Orange

Why do people spend 8 bucks for a beer at a baseball game? It's just part of the event. For most, it's just an expense to enjoy the moment. You don't go every week. It's something you do on occasion.

capitalism, you gotta be proud Amerishit

Why do theaters charge $25 for ripped, bottom feeding aquatic insect appendages?

>not mixing cherry and coke

fucking plebs everywhere

And what country are you from that doesn't have capitalism?

Worked in a theatre once.
Was one of the worst jobs I've had
Everyone treats you like shit because they feel like they are being ripped off.
Queues can get pretty long during peak time and a popular showing.
People getting impatient while feeling like they are being overcharged is a nasty combinations.
It's also hot and greasy behind those counters with hotdog grills and popcorn machines.
Glad I quit that job.

nachos are the only thing ive bought at the cinema . sweets, juice, crisps, sandwiches i can bring from outside. if only some supermarket or newsagent did portions of nachos with cheese, salsa and jalepenos

so they can make money

Dumb neet

sports games often are once a week though and a lot of people do cinema once a week. especially with monthly passes and phone deals

>Mixing flavors
I've only ever seen niggers do this

Minor league supremacy. 6 dollar ticket, 8 dollar 32oz Yuengling, watch a game and some dumb mascot antics

mixing flavors is as american as race mixing


Dumb neet

easy on the ice toots

Based, whenever I visit a new city I try to catch a minor league game. They’re mad comfy compared to the unwashed hordes of drunken mutants at major league ones, and often have cool giveaways.