Why are the leftist feminist audience so hostile towards white men except to the white actors/characters on Avengers?
Why are the leftist feminist audience so hostile towards white men except to the white actors/characters on Avengers?
Being emotional and sensitive in front of people you know and trust is okay.
Being emotional and sensitive near a dumb white bitch feminist or a feminist in general, is asking to be taken advantage of, manipulated.
The future belongs to Asia.
OK I'll bite, "stan"?
They can only fake empathy with fictional characters.
I fucking hate ironic weebs.
What's his name?
now that is one gormless hoe
It must be exhausting keeping up with and ranting about a bunch of literal whos and their opinions on dumb shit.
Because then they don't actually have to do anything. They can't even sympathize with a child wearing a MAGA hat that was getting attacked by two different parties at the same time.
Today's society is thoroughly Satanic.
This is either a sex doll or a boy
this is a boy, isn't it?
Don't compare it to Satanism like that. They are actually chill, if you count out the organized group ones.
Nice try JIDF. All Satanists will die.
Ultrachads make even such deranged inhuman creatures as sjw wymen remember their place and just want to be fucked by them
Fuck off, Aris subs.
To be a strong fan of. Slang version of Eminem’s song “Stan”.
Saying men have emotion is not really anti masculinity.
It's just part of the slow, steady drive to encourage or force men to behave more and more like women.
>let's be like the obsessive fucker who kills himself and his pregnant girlfriend because Eminem took six months to write a letter to him
What the fuck is wrong with these people
because they are good looking
you can be emotional if you are good looking
Why is Yea Forums so eternally asshurt about shit feminists post on Twitter?
In the way they talk about how men should portray their emotions, yes, but there is nothing fundamentally wrong with how men express emotion. Just don't be a whiny bitch about it.
>emotions are feminine
How old are you? You sound like a teenage edgelord.
which one is the girl?
Most of the time women don't call it mental anguish or being sensitive when a guy gets fat from playing video games all day and drinking beer and avoiding responsibilities, but they might if you look like thor.
以热爱祖国为荣 以危害祖国为耻
Honor to those who love the motherland, and shame on those who harm the motherland.
以服务人民为荣 以背离人民为耻
Honor to those who serve the people, and shame on those who betray the people.
以崇尚科学为荣 以愚昧无知为耻
Honor to those who quest for science, and shame on those who refuse to be educated.
以辛勤劳动为荣 以好逸恶劳为耻
Honor to those who are hardworking, and shame on those who indulge in comfort and hate work.
以团结互助为荣 以损人利己为耻
Honor to those who help each other, and shame on those who seek gains at the expense of others.
以诚实守信为荣 以见利忘义为耻
Honor to those who are trustworthy, and shame on those who trade integrity for profits.
以遵纪守法为荣 以违法乱纪为耻
Honor to those who abide by law and discipline, and shame on those who break laws and discipline.
以艰苦奋斗为荣 以骄奢淫逸为耻
Honor to those who uphold plain living and hard struggle, and shame on those who wallow in extravagance and pleasures.
I had no idea having emotions was a trait strictly aligned with woman. Whats up with all these great male artists and poets creating emotional works for centuries then? Just women in men costumes trying to promote a liberal agenda that men have emotions? how deep does this rabbit hole go?
Yeah because kids like you come to Yea Forums and have their brains fried
Surprise surprise
White can get away with literally everything, he can be racist, a pedophile or a rapist and women of all races will still fuck him.
>umm wtf men are not allowed to have feelings
You sound like a woman.
The one that can grow a beard.
Someone Photoshop out Chang
Don't be retarded.
Traditionally masculine behaviours are being undermined and discarded because the exercise of these behaviours can be dangerous and frightening.
The problem is that if these behaviours weren't useful we wouldn't have them, and getting rid of them means we won't have them when we need them.
There is massive overlap between men and women, so characterising some behaviours as only male and other behaviours as only female is dumb and wrong. But it's true that all of the most manly people will be men, and all of the most feminine people will be female, because that's how extremes and overlaps work.
If you castigate (or, in this case, castrate) the manly men they won't be there when we need them. Just as disrespecting the feminine domain causes suffering too. It literally takes all sorts to build a world. That's why all different sorts exist. Different behaviours are useful at different times - it is the free dialogue between people that causes consensus to build around the behaviour that is most desirable in the context.
This is why free speech is essential, but also not enough, to lead to worthy civil life. There must be a robust and free marketplace of ideas as well. And both of those things are under thread, while an entire branch of human behaviour is being discarded because some people are afraid when men start yelling.
It's all very pathetic.
>If you castigate (or, in this case, castrate) the manly men they won't be there when we need them.
just the white men
we'll import plenty of strong black men from the third world to handle many jobs
It started out as an insult so they adopted it ironically
>If you castigate (or, in this case, castrate) the manly men they won't be there when we need them.
And making Thor sad about his entire family being dead is castration of the white man?
The cast of Avengers support the acceptance of sub-humans filling up Western countries.
If you're unwilling to take a broader view of societal trends then there's no point having further discussion.
No, sad fat Thor is not singlehandedly responsible for the decline of the West. Ya got me, champ.
Those feminists will only want white Chads despite what they may say, have you seen a woman white a brown guy? No, they all are hypocrite bitches
Nice blog post, faggot.
>why do women show sympathy toward chris hemsworth
it is a mystery
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You should honestly kill yourself
Liberals are not leftist, nigger
Its still part of the "slow steady drive" to encourage men to act more like women though right? Man these guys are organized, must be some insane group to pull off stunts like this.
they want to fuck him thats why
God you're retarded
No it's not feminism when a man has feelings
>You should honestly kill yourself
One day I probably will.
>Its still part of the "slow steady drive" to encourage men to act more like women though right?
I'd say it's probably more of a symptom of it. It's made to sell, not to teach.
I don't think there's a concerted and organised effort to disseminate this ideology, but rather a collective lack of perspective. People's daily lives don't require manliness anymore, and so the reason why we need manliness becomes less apparent while the dangers of manliness are highlighted. This combined with some simple luck in circumstances that create positive feedback loops fans the winds of change.
Which is why complaining about this is a waste of time. I'd do as well trying to stop the winds themselves. People will first need to make the mistake before they can learn from it.
>No it's not feminism when a man has feelings
I didn't say it was.
Does anyone have the twitter compilation of non-white roasties going "I hate white men but I want them to fuck/kill me"?
Your broader view falls apart when examining the details (e.g. Thor mourning about his family being dead).
I don't think that it does.
>calling your cradle of origin "motherland" instead of "fatherland"
Cucked right from the start.
Bro do you say father nature? It's the same deal.
I don't go around talking about badgers like some faggot.
screencaps of social media of any kind should result in a 30 day ban. stop advertising by use of outrage
One of the things women love about men is they are emotionally strong and they can rely on them when times get rough.
No woman wants a man that will get emotional and start crying when they need support.
Why are faggots trying to turn men into women? One of our greatest assets is emotional stability.