>cocks fists
Cocks fists
>Grows beard
>gets his ass beat less than 10 seconds later
>cocks mustache
I don't understand why this scene triggers so many incels
camero is the most reddit director above 50
>cocks cock
why do so many newfags not understand what triggered or incel mean
He's just loosening up
Sounds like you're triggered, incel.
If you had the body of Cavill and you did this just before a fight on the street or in a bar you’ve got an at least 60% chance of the other person just running the fuck away instead. Shit is hardcore.
t. false flagging r*dditor
cameron has always been Yea Forums's guy
I'd fist his cock if you know what I'm saying
jk jk haha
i like how his hair is piled up top his head like a big soufflé
cause they are fucking stupid?
THIS. Or I thought he was making sure his shirt was going to impede this punches so he does this to rip them or pop the buttons before incase?
>fists cock
>you did this just before a fight
everybody laughs
it's so stupid
just roll up your sleeves or something normal
is it me or is that watch comically large. that nigga wearin a pip boy
his right cuff visibly moves further up his arm. Didn't affect his left only because of the giant watch
le quip Aliens
casting his wife
romance chick flick
cgi pocahontas disney film
autistic cunt on set
>cocks fists
>pocket appears on shirt
Gotta love YIFY