Are the leaks of Got S8 plot real?

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>Bran king
his dick doesn't even work ffs

holy shit is this ever unsatisfying
show themes down the toilet

>he doesnt know branwin lannister has been facking being paralyzed

That would be there worst ending possible

>build up Jon and Danaerys as the show's primary protagonists.
>Jon's entire history with the White Walkers and his death and ressurection is all for nothing when his ninja sister beats them for him.
>Danny's 8 season-long road to King's Landing with magic fire proof body and dragons also fucked up to mad Targaryen bullshit.
The entire thing, the magic, the struggle, all for nothing. What a great conclusion.

This sounds exactly what D&D might pull off. So yes, definitely.

I wish

Nah it's actually too good for this shitshow.

Yeah the leaks were spot on about episode 4 I'm hoping to be surprised but I doubt it.

Sounds real

there's still small 0.1% chance that they are fake

I don't see why the Night's Watch would even exist and Bran as king sounds like one of those fake spoiler scenes they film

i have a feeling it's a larper who only saw episode 4
saying jaime "betrayed the north" is a shallow take from the scene, he's not going back out of love for cersei
even dumb and dumber can't 180° jaime's character development just for subversion, right


keep the peace between the northerners and the wildlings

Nope. Fake as fuck. All the episode 4 stuff in that post was spoiled prior to that fake spoiler. He also added a bunch of shit to episode 4 that doesn't happen, like Varys betraying Danny, Jaime betraying the North, and Danny capturing Jaime. There's also no Night Watch for Jon to take the black again for.

the wildlings are almost extinct.

Euron survives so this is fake

100% real

Is the nights watch even a thing still?


>7 seasons of Dany struggling not to be a tyrant and expecting Kings Landing to be welcoming of her
Her going mad has been teased for fucking years, rewatch the show actually pay attention this time

Hopefully its real. This shit ending is what this show deserves for being a complete fuck up

the producers are idiots so it's not unlikely that the ending would be this bad but it seems more likely that the leaker had info from 1 or 2 episodes and made the rest up

They actually are. There's more backing up these exact claims too. It's just a quick google for 3-4 reddit threads.

>oversees the council
>is king
it's almost like there's a difference

why do you hate it? it's 100% grrm ending, d&d would've gone the fairytale fan service route if it were up to them. sure it should be less rushed, but the ideas make sense

>everyone votes on Bran being a King
It's almost like your desire to be a smartass got the better of your reading comprehension.

EP5 Jaime goes back to Cersei, they both die in each other’s arms
EP6 Brienne is pregnant with Jaime’s child, Lannister line continues

it's just plot points someone wrote down dude. it doesn't make sense for westeros to continue to have kings at this point

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>Dany attacks KL
>it's one sided as hell
>Tyrion asks Dany to show Mercy

How the fuck do Dany's forces blow out the KL forces? Unless Yara pulls 10,000 Ironborn out her arse and the magic prince of Dorne gives her another 20,000.

>mfw you don't think powerful wymyn will establish democracy in westeros

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>the magic prince of Dorne

Which fucking prince would this be anyway, they killed him a season or 2 ago

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probably since bran was favorite in odds to end up at the throne with the bookmakers with like 1.8 in odds, and now i cant even find the option to bet on it anymore so yeah, most definetly the leak is real

1) bland bran on throne; cersei should be long dead, littlefinger should have been on throne, then throne destroyed. LF the hater of everyone exemplifies the futility of throneseeking (but D&D murdered the central theme so whatever I guess)

2) jon killing dany could be done right, but it's not going to be excecuted well. dany is obstinate and spoiled by success, but no one is being intelligent about her transformation and downfall

3) jon goes back to the wall, what a shitty slump

4) generally characters are killing and achieving things via offscreen magic (kidnapping missandei for example), and dying by onscreen stupidity. varys is not easy to execute.

everyone's lost 50 IQ points

dorne has been untouched by war so far so they could pull together a formidable army.
it's also cersei's plan to retreat to the castle and use the city as a meat shield, so dany's army killing all the commoners is indeed one-sided as hell

it's the NEW prince of dorne you idiot

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Thats the thing. Its okay for her go go mad. Its not okay for both built-up characters, Danny AND Jon, to have their destinies fucked over so hard. Jon got ressurected so he could yell at an undead dragon and magic Danny also drops the ball? Fucking bullshit story.

was for

Holy SHIT, if it's true Grey Worm will go on a KL rampage their heads will explode.

>Its not okay for both built-up characters, Danny AND Jon, to have their destinies fucked over so hard.
but that's exactly what grrm always does with his characters. why are you surprised? it's a fine ending.

It wasn't though. Her punishments and executions might have been a little harsh but they were not "mad" tier. Sansa, Stannis, Arya, Bobby B. maybe even Robb probably all would've acted similar to her if they were in her position.

It' not 100% the AOIAF, there will be no huge time jumps and no big script fails.

Yeah nah mate

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dragonfire + wildfire

i don't think having either dany or jon or both end up ruling is grrm's style. I'm also pretty sure the throne will be destroyed and a new system set up, so bran won't be the king.

the only one losing 50 IQ points has been the average viewer. they can't possibly make it more subtle without normies being confused.

in conclusion, the season has had and will have great book implications and I enjoy it for that reason.

This just reminds me that they went to KL and never even asked to borrow the Wildfire for the Great War.

Holy shit when you think Tyrion couldn't be more retarded..

the main character fates are definitely 100% grrm. dabid would never have balls to do something like this.
>jon killing dany
>jon returning to the nights watch
grrm will execute it way better of course.

They just mention some new Prince of Dorne in the last episode, I just assumed he's magic because I turned my head off.

Quentyn returned from Essos after missing Daenerys

Why would Job join the nights watch again if the walls broke, wildings are friends now and white walkers are dead. Makes no sense

I think it would be good, but I think it is a decoy.

I think they are releasing a lot of "decoy" spoilers in order to counter any possible real spoilers.

It doesn't matter that it was consistent with episode 4 because they could have chosen to sacrifice that one a bit.

more yous wine grace?

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you know succession doesn't always have to be primogeniture.

why did they need the wall after the first long night after the white walkers were defeated? use your brain

It is in Westeros.

thank you lancel

I sure hope Dennis dies

maybe it won't be anymore

OP, stop making so fucking many GoT threads. Read the fucking rules.

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the fact that they're having a council elect a king at all means it won't be primogeniture


To protect against the NK because the generation after the long night obviously had first hand info that he wasn't dead. He is now though.

After the whole "the lords won't accept a woman on the throne" episode they now want to put a magic, absent-minded cripple of wrong faith and northern culture on the throne who is bound to cause a succession crisis upon death?
My only guess is that this is one of the fake endings shot to prevent leaks, if this is real I'm glad that all my emotional invstment in the show died in episode 3

>He is now though.
I'm not convinced they won't pull a "blue eye opening somewhere behind the wall" scene. if jon is really going back to the wall, the simplest explanation is that the threat isn't over forever

They elect him only because there are literally no other pretenders left in the show. That doesn't necessarily mean they will change the succession laws at all.

says the alitafag

>who is bound to cause a succession crisis upon death
if it is a real ending, I'm pretty sure some new system is put to place and they elect someone every couple of years or something. maybe bran is only there for a short period to help rebuild and stabilize everything. yeah it doesn't make sense for him to start a dynasty.

damn he looks edgy, care to elaborate user what his traits ?

he is of the night

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I hope they are real because it would be such a train wreck. The reactions to it would be more entertaining than anything they could do in the show.

Wait for the episode to come.
Go have sex.
Turn off your brain.

>he is of the night
fuck i regret asking,really shouldn't even ask

so it was all a kekaku by bran to make himself king. I also doubt the council would not have any women on it

Can somebody explain to me why multiple other leakers posted the exact same info months before this guy did, but he is getting credit from sponging off of everybody else? The only things this guy added is that Bran becomes king--made up--and that Tyrion is on his council--can't be true because multiple sources have Tyrion being put on trial after Dany is killed.

>bran king

Into the trash it goes


merely pretending

suppose they breed like rabbits

I forgot. Is this guy still alive?

Jon is Fucked Over: The Character and always has been. Having the true hidden heir to the throne actually end up on the throne would be waaaay too cliché for the series.

nope, Dany wins in the end. She kills everyone

he's dead

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daenerys apologists are so fucking annoying, I can't wait to dab on their corpses

Honestly this is a kino ending.

D&D are brave to put Bran on the throne. If they were to explain that Jon Snow and the other people who came back to life are fire wargs and Bran is the Lord of Light then that would be amazing.

Bran is possibly the best ruler. He will be able to maximise peace and thwart any incoming threats before they are even born.

The only things I hate are:

1. that Euron kills Jaime (fucking Euron, who even is this guy, why is he Deus Ex Machina)

2. Bronn on council wtf? He threatened to kill Tyrion just now. Just get rid of him.

3. Jon taking the black again is cool I guess but what exactly is the point when the wall is destroyed and the Night King is gone?

Jon's resurrection is because Bran is Lord of Light and resurrected goodies are fire wights/wargs.

This is also why Arya killed the night king. Remember that bizarre pointless scene where Arya was stabbed and fell into sewage water and should have died? She did die.


So, if Jon doesn't get the throne, doesn't get to ride a dragon more than twice, doesn't get to end The Long Night (despite that being his biggest goal in the series) or doesn't get to fuck off with his aunt, what is the purpose of his character? D&D even made him not care about his direwolf anymore.

Jon will be remembered as an oath breaker, a queenslayer and a kinslayer if the leaks are 100% true and there is nothing else left. The only hope I have left is that Daenerys becomes a Coldhands-like character and the two live beyond the Wall with Ghost and th le Wildlings. At least then, there would be some purpose to the Song of Ice & Fire.

The only guy mountain was too afraid to engage

>D&D are brave to put Bran on the throne. If
Sorry to burst your bubble, but the OP made that shit up. That entire paragraph is made up. Bran's purpose is not to be king. The God's Eye was moved next to King's Landing for a reason. He will be continue on as the Three-Eyed Raven.

Can he not be the three eyed raven AND king? Similar to how like you can be a school pervert but also a headmaster, and actually they complement each other

From this point is there any way they could hope to end this in a remotely satisfying manner? It seems like the show is legitimately dead beyond repair now, I actually hope it’s some terrible retarded ending, worse then we could have ever imagined, that just shits over everything and completely destroys the shows legacy. Might as well get some keks out of this at the very least, and I’m also very glad D&D are finally being exposed for the hacks they are.

he obviously doesn't need to be attached to a tree to use his powers so why go to the god's eye? is the fucking god's eye even in the show?

also is calling bran a three-eyed raven instead of a greenseer a show thing? bloodraven was the three-eyed raven, I thought the title didn't come with the job

>Jon takes the black again for killing Dany.

Who whould sentence him for this action exactly ? Only a king can banish you to the Night's Watch.
Doesn't make any fucking sense. And it's written like he's sentenced for killing her, not like he chose to join them again.

the knight kang warged into him and he can warg out.

Thank fuck I can have closure on this train wreck two weeks ahead of time. It's trash, thanks.

>bronn in the council

Tyrion might give him some land and gold but why would he bother with him at the highest place and why would bronn get bored doing this shit.

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no, they just keep adding new spoilers from the weekly leaks to their list of bullshit so people think those were the real spoilers all along

what ending would you have liked then? jon and dany on the throne ruling together?

they subvert expectations one last time by destroying the throne instead of x #forthethrone

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Jaime king with Bran as his hand.

>this character did this and so they should do that.

Fuck off and take the D&D pill.

Well he wasn't 3ER before being Bloodraven so it's probably a title

Bran becomes king. His eyes turn blue in the last scene.

>i have a feeling it's a larper who only saw episode 4

Sounds like some cope. This has been around from the start.

proof you gigantic faggot

he banishes himself since he's the king.

he has too much muh honor to keep the throne. completely in character for him imo.

Thanks user. I’m a mod on Reddit and will start flailing high scoring posts with spoilers. Fuck capeshit, spaceshit, and cloakshit.

Bran The builder but really watered down and more of a metaphor than anything actually cool. At least it touches on the actual story unlike episode 3 and 4 that I am still convinced are unrelated and hbo simply uploaded some really high budget fanfic.

Guys, the dude who made that post did so a week ago. He took multiple sources and combined them, did added Bran as king for the fuck of it. None of these other leaks claim that Bran becomes king, and multiple leakers claim that Bran is a judge on Tyrion's trial. The OP contradicts other leaks with the information he made up.

How can Bran be king and Tyrion be on his council, even though Tyrion is betrayed by Sansa and put on trial at the Dragonpit? I know the show makes no sense anymore, but what the OP claims is false.

You realise Lannisters are meant to have infinite cousin branches because they're so damn big? Them being on the verge of extinction makes no fucking sense.

3ER is the form bloodraven appears in in bran's dreams. nothing more really

the spoilers are for the remainder of the show, but aren't divided up properly by episode.

so far everything has come true and I have seen those leaks being posted since september

yeah there's definitely more damn lannisters in castlery rock

people don't accuse Stannis of being mad but do with Dany for doing basically the same shit.

her being mad has been foreshadowed, but now she genuinely has reasons to kill people so what's the point?

>he banishes himself since he's the king.
It doesn't make any fucking sense either.

"oi I'm the king so imma sentencing myself"

well they supposedly filmed multiple endings (of different people being on the throne I assume), so it might be one of the decoys.




This, and when the pictures start leaking for episode 5 just like last week the faggots denying it will disappear and try it again monday.

>he banishes himself since he's the king.

No he's not, Bran becomes the king before Jon is banished, it's written in the OP.

I sure am looking forward to shills attempting to rationalize this shit for months to prop up HBO's DVD sales.

He doesn't want. He refuses it.

I mean he can just abdicate and fuck off and use the fact that he's a kinslayer and queenslayer as an out. he wants to return to the wall anyway.

Jon got fucked, but Dany was always meant to be "complicated" Sauron by GURM.

The problem is that Bran being king was never even hinted at being filmed.

Again, why do people believe the OP? Most of what he posted was recycled information from (as far as 10) months ago, and the one new piece of information directly contradicts the other leakers. I guess I should copy-paste all the leaks and then add that Stannis comes back and becomes king, since regurgitating old news makes one a reliable source.

Stannis didn't fuck his way to the top and masturbate himself over the gratitude of shit skins. He had a job to do and committed himself fully to achieving his goal.

his name is... darkstar
and he is of the night
confuses me that they didn't use him, he seems like a character D&D would like

he can abdicate. it's not a logic flaw, it's just a terrible writing decision.

Not ture, they call him an idiot for following the Lord of Light all the time.

>it's written in the OP
oh yeah sorry, must be true then

I'm not sure kings can "abdicate" in the GoT universe, it wasn't a thing during middle ages for sure, it's much more recent.

lmao fuck off you tunnel-vision motherfucker. Mad Dany has been teased tons in past seasons.

Didn't Stannis fuck his way into taking Storm's End AND some of Renly's armies? Even if we did go hy your arbitrary standards, Stannis is still just as guilty as Daenerys.

Well he got the E04 leaks correct and the rest could make sense considering the teaser for E05 soooo...

>The problem is that Bran being king was never even hinted at being filmed.
why would they hint filming the ultimate endgame.

I'm not saying op is correct, but it is a possibility.

targs have abdicated before in westeros. duncan targaryen for example.

You guys know that even if someone has the real spoilers, he can release half truths and half lies right?

>linking r*ddit
go back and stay there

Dragon lady goes crazy and kills people. Lord long stare is going to tragically kill her, shit's obvious at this point. After that, who knows but the rest is rather pointless.

>Stannis didn't have a vagina
couldn't be more straightforward

>I'm not saying op is correct, but it is a possibility.
An alien invasion is a possibility, but it has no basis in fact. What reason should anybody have to believe that the OP is accurate? He literally plagiarized actual leakers.

>targs have abdicated before in westeros. duncan targaryen for example.

He gave up his claim on the throne in favor of the second heir in the succession line, which is much different than abdication and giving up your family's claim on the iron throne for good.

Why would Jon Snow "take the black" again if the threat of the White Walkers are gone for good? An even more kino way to end his story would be to film a scene where he meets up with Tormund in the ruins of Castle Black, and joins Wildling society to go live north of the Wall with them.

Also, Jaime shouldn't "die with Cersei", he should kill Cersei, like Jon kills Dany.

Everything else I'm fine with.

>The problem is that Bran being king was never even hinted at being filmed.

if the leaks are someone's interpretation of the plot they may not literally have a crowning scene.
it's exactly the kind of pathetically unsatisfying idea that I can see D&D thinking was a good idea: don't end with anyone actually sitting on the throne properly but make it clear that Bran will function as head of state like a corporate chair of the board.

alright I've just seen it described as an abdication, I guess I'm a brainlet not familiar with the term

>if the threat of the White Walkers are gone for good
maybe it's not then. only way it would make sense really. this or the leak is bs

Well unless he's ever been crowned king of the seven kingdoms, he never abdicated.

I finished reading this and just laughed. It's definitely real too haha.

The leak is pretty fucking good so far bro, I'd say it's 100% correct.

Although I HOPE it isn't, I'd love to just see Euron/Cersei win it fucking all and mount everyones heads on pikes.

yeah that's exactly it. idk why everyone is so hung up on him becoming king and sitting on the throne. he's definitely not going to, but it's likely he will take part in ruling. his scenes with tyrion make me suspicious.

Bran would unironically the best king.

Stannis is being resurrected by Bran as the Night King. Don't know why it was left off OP's list.

He can just warg into the past and mind crush anyone who's a threat to the peace of the kingdoms.

you really think D&D would let something not making sense prevent them from writing a scene? you're confident of that?

it's Varys saying the king should be someone who doesn't want to be king, and Bran specifically using the same wording about himself in the same episode. it's not really subtle.

I'm confident that jon&dany's fate is grrm's material and his stuff hopefully will make sense.

>maybe it's not then. only way it would make sense really. this or the leak is bs
That's why I think that the leaks are incomplete. King's Landing is going to get destroyed, Cersei, Jaime, Varys and several others are going to die next episode. Other than that, all the leaks can say is that Dany starts executing people and is killed by Jon. There is no other useful information, except a Tyrion trial. I know the pacing is bad, but the finale does have to fill 80 minutes.

Call me crazy, but with the talks of there being multiple endings filmed and the claims that the crew who worked on episode six had to have top level clearance, I find it hard to believe that a million extras and a handful of special effects artists all saw the entire ending of the show.

yeah that too. damn it's really going to happen isn't it.

So Jon is following Aemons path?

Do you realise that if the leaks are legit, we could make a fortune ? I'm thinking about betting 200 euros on Brann, If I bet 200, I'd win 1200 euros

there is no basis in the books to think that grrm would use either mad Dany or Jon refounding the watch despite being killed and resurrected.

mad Dany is a fan concept based on a lot of fans finding her chapters boring and applying completely different standards to her vs e.g. Stannis or Jaime.

>I'm confident that jon&dany's fate is grrm's material and his stuff hopefully will make

or it would if we ever see it, which we won’t.

Even Arya killing the Night’s King might make more sense in the books. There’s a dropped plot line where Jaqen H’ghar and the Faceless Men are plotting something in the Citadel and I suspect that they are plotting to take the Wall down. Arya might rave them in order to stop it.


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When does bran fly tho


I don't think grrm would go in the direction of them happily co-ruling either.

Does anyone know ?

>a plotline that would tie the north and south plots together into a single existential threat to Westeros as a whole?
>sounds stupid lets make something else up

but yes it's entirely possible that Arya will backstab the Kindly Man or something in the books, and it will be great and we will all clap.

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no, my theory is that they both die heroically as the last dragons and Sansa-Willas end up king and queen. perhaps Jon has to nissa nissa Dany to resurrect Drogon and incinerate the wights after both sides run out of dragons.

i doubt anybody would pull something like this off with 6 episodes. I think they would have made something half decent if they had 2-3 more seasons, source material and if they dropped the instagram talk.

>Bran would unironically the best king.
He literally doesn't do anything besides look after his own survival. The only thing he actively wants others to know, besides what the Night King wants, is who Jon's parents are. He doesn't even try to tell others any useful info. He's a library on wheels, not a king.

I'm still not convinced this is the whole ending. Until I see the episodes themselves I refuse to believe they pick the fucking cripple who can't sire children as their new king.

>Until I see the episodes themselves I refuse to believe they pick the fucking cripple who can't sire children as their new king.
Everything but Bran being king matches other leaks. The guy in the OP plagiarized other leakers a week ago, and everybody here believes Bran is going to be king now.

His dick can still work just fine

the opportunity to do "Faceless Men steal Dany's dragons to give Westeros the Gift" ended in season 5, when the dragonbinder needed to be set up.

one possibility is that D&D specifically told grrm they'd do their own version of the story to avoid spoiling the books, and because they didn't feel they could/would adapt his version. so the problems are because they over-estimated their own ability to come up with something better.

Who is the king/queen in the other leaks? Gendry? Sansa? Tyrion?

>Bran king
Only way it should be

Her journey was being pushed into that corner and then overcoming her adversity by relying on her advisors. That was what separated Dany from her father and now it doesn't matter because dude bro Tourmound said "Who mounts a dragon a king hurr durr:" while Dany was a touch too caffeinated to see it unfold right in front of her eyes.


What you want is too 8th grade writing class for them. They're above such plebeian style.

Stannis did it once and even then got fucked over by the plot, Dany did it five (5) times
>3 dragons
>the usullied
>the second sons
>the 100k dothraki
>1000 ships from the wise masters

The other leakers DON'T try to guess who will rule because they don't know. This guy LITERALLY plagiarized the other leakers almost verbatim, and then threw Bran being king in at the last second. There is no new information from the OP other than calling Bran king.

>but that's exactly what grrm always does with his characters. why are you surprised? it's a fine ending.
No he doesn't. At all, the broken expectations come from TRADITIONAL fantasy. Not from the inner logic of the story.

this is fake yet somehow as shit as it is i feel its going to be much much worse

>D&D specifically told grrm they'd do their own version of the story to avoid spoiling the books
the show won't spoil a good portion of the books anyway, because it's so over simplified. grrm explicitly said that major character fates are the same though.


it's not a monarchial office, i.e: they vote for the next ruler (small time oligarchy/ partial presidency)
>plagiarized other leakers a week ago
ever think maybe those leaks are also right?

>tyrion davos sam and bronn
Yeah no it's fake.

Or...and follow me on this, he knew the spoilers for E4 but fucking guessed everything else.

bronn is a lord now, one of the most important in westeros, highgarden

What a shit show.

And what is he supposed to be? Master of coin?

>Implying GOT is a show worth buying the DVDs for.

Well if the series takes cues from British history, i expect a parliament to be formed.

Stannis fucked twice in the books to get a shadowbaby to do his bidding. He wanted to fuck Melisandre again in the show, but she would not let him.

As far as Daenerys goes...
>3 dragons
She didn't exactly have a choice in that matter.
>the usullied
Didn't fuck to get the Unsullied. One can make the argument that she got them because the slaver who made the deal had room temperature IQ, but she didn't have sex to acquire the Unsullied.
>the second sons
Pledged their loyalty before Daario even touched her. Call it convenient, but Dany didn't fuck to get them either.
>the 100k dothraki
Didn't fuck to get them. You're just listing things now.
>1000 ships from the wise masters
Didn't fuck to get those either.

Why would you bring up fucking to get what one wants, yet provide next-to-no examples?

no he said something more vague along the lines of "the show takes a different route to get to the same destination".

Dany can be killed by Jon without it being a pathetic 2edgy mad queen twist. Just like Stannis can burn Shireen without it requiring 20 Good Men and a total butchering of his character. both plot points could involve blood magic being used in an extreme situation where there is no other available option and they would be in-character.

understand? it's all about context. D&D may literally not understand what I'm trying to explain to you in this post, it would explain a lot.

Gendry is there you absolute retard.

>Bran as king
>Bronn in the council
Literally fucking why? Just put Gendry there. He's a legitimate Baratheon now.

It's the only interesting thing happening right now.

>ever think maybe those leaks are also right?
Of course, they are right. That's why the guy plagiarized accurate info almost verbatim while only adding that Bran becomes king at the end.

It's impressive how ugly Maisie Williams is.

Bronn has a high Q rating by the audience, polled very high in focus groups. Fan fav. No brainer really.

I'll explain user: cute young women are evil whores for using basic duplicity to get things from men, while mature autistic men are edgy badasses for using blood sex magic.

t. Stannis fan

Does Jon definitely go back to the Wall? Jon killing Dany and then stepping over her corpse to become king would trigger the most rage ever.

Or at least Euron killing a few annoying main characters.

I won't believe these leaks are 100% legit until my 2 weeks of suffering is over.

He wants to stay close to home and the Night's Watch will probably be a little less anal this time around.
>inb4 Jon and Turmund rebuild Castle Black
>Ghost calls Jon a cunt for ghosting him

how retarded the writing has been it would make perfect sense for this show

Gambling sites would be all over supposed leaks for days and days proceeding the finale.

you make good points, thanks for explaining.

>Jon going back to the wall.

Yes let's base the entire events of the show around a looming threat of supernatural world-ending evil that will be defeated by a secret powerful prince from an unintended intersection of royal bloodlines, then let's steep all of this in grisly political intrigue, backstabbing, and war and have it be the basis for our stunning first few seasons.

Then let's reveal that Jon's entire purpose, including dying and be resurrected, was to get Arya to return to Winterfell after she received assassin training so she could backstab the Night King with an anime move. Then just make Jon go to King's Landing and do some things before fucking off back to the wall that doens't even serve a purpose anymore.

Brilliant. Absolutely fucking brilliant. My expectations of a non-shit story were completely subverted.

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>white male king

absolutely based

He's not going to join the Night's Watch, he's going to the Lands of Always Winter to live with the Freefolk.

Good explanation. You know what would've made Shireen's fucked-up burning actually great?
If it fucking worked and Stannis and his army remained a significant part of the show. Jon having to negotiate, or even battle, Stannis to retake Winterfell, just so many possibilities other than the literal cat diarrhea we got so Brienne could SLAYYY KWEEN YASS.
That's literally when I dropped the fucking show.

they can do it like this: Jon takes the black with the specific intention of RE-ESTABLISHING the Night's Watch, JUST IN CASE there is ever another threat to the realm from the north.

they can have him claim the hole in the wall needs to be repaired as his first project. I totally buy that D&D would consider this an acceptable ending for his character.

No leakers claim that Jon becomes king.

I've already stated this before, but I will state it again: there are almost three hours left. Next episode's battle will be a route in favor of Daenerys. It is very possible that almost all the rest of the leaks cover the siege of King's Landing. Jon killing Dany and Tyrion's trial might be in episode six.

Fake endings were filmed and episode six 's crew needed special badges to be on set. An EW article claimed that a special set that no leaker has talked about was created for a scene.

>What’s being filmed here is episode 6, the series finale. Like Harington going into the table read, I don’t know anything about the final season’s storyline. I look around at a meticulously constructed set that I’ve never seen on the show before. Several actors are performing, and I’m stunned: There are characters in the finale that I did not expect. I gradually begin to piece together what has happened in Westeros over the previous five episodes and try not to look like I’m freaking out.

If one thinks the extras and the effects artists know the entire ending, they are delusional.

Sounds plausible. It takes a council of wise men to undo the damage evil women leaders have caused.

That's gay as fuck. The only way to make such gayness a little less gay-as-fuck is to have Jon become the new King-Beyond-The-Wall, then establish Castle Black as their Southern fortress, become their own nation, and ally with the North.
But this whole show is Herpes now so I don't even know why I bother to post.


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tyrion and jaime do not have the power to make bronn lord of highgarden.


the thing is that Stannic burning Shireen and it not working well ENOUGH could actually function (in the books) as FORESHADOWING for the second sacrifice: Stannis tries something to stop whatever the threat is here, then the other characters figure out the correct way to do it later when the stakes are even more all-or-nothing. that kind of thing is how you make magic work as a legit plot point.

GRRM might not have explained it well enough to D&D, or he might not have figured out exactly what he wanted to do, but I swear there is foreshadowing for a much better story just in the published novels and sample chapters he'd already finished when ADWD was published. D&D may also have just thought it was too complex for TV.

>Jaime betraying the North
>Danny capturing Jaime
There's a chance that Jaime gets captured on Episode 5, but the "betrayal" are bogus charges against him by Mad Queen Daenerys

>In the epilogue, Jon takes the black again for killing Dany.
Why would castle black even still be a thing at this point? Unless they reveal a new knight king too.

remember that as far as D&D are concerned is all just words to placate an audience they have no intellectual respect for. we may literally be a fortnight from witnessing something that will make Rian Johnson look competent.

>entire of season 5 dedicated to demonstrate the power of faith in the capital
>install a puppet ruler who is the literal representation of the wrong religion
Why is none of this shit tracking logically anymore? Sure, you're shitty writers who are in deep shit without the source material, but you still heard of consistency, right?

>There are characters in the finale that I did not expect

i still see gambling sites offering $4 odds for bran to win.why would they do this if its known

Nah, because he could have killed the GO GURL Sand Snakes and that's a no no

They do with Cersei and Dany out of the picture.

why would he go live with the wildlings when his family & friends ar ein the north anyway ?

To make a baby with Tormund ??

This guy is right, I think the line in the show is something like "the NEW prince of dorne pledges his support

>There's a chance that Jaime gets captured on Episode 5, but the "betrayal" are bogus charges against him by Mad Queen Daenerys
That depends. If the people who still have hope about Jaime's arc are correct, Jaime's really going to go back to try to kill Cersei. If they aren't, then Jaime did switch sides and is trying to help Cersei.

I personally believe that Jaime goes back, is captured by Dany because she believes he is still fights for his sisters is then released by Tyrion and told to get Cersei out of the city, fights Euron and is mortally wounded and then both Jaime and Cersei die from a building collapse or wildfire.

Is that why the writing is so shit? They're writing 12 different stories to avoid "spoilers" and are just releasing the fake distraction episodes?

in the books Jon doesn't even fall in love with her, the Jon of the books is completely different from that of the series

He's immortal.


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It disgust me to know that there are danyfags walking among us. Real danyfags, not even contrarians pretending or waifufags that just lust after the actress.

Yeah I agree. The whole way they did the blood magic was very cool, but it just pissed out to nothing other than lighting Dothraki swords on fire. Yet another interesting plot thread that shits out to a giant insulting slap in the face of fans.
Why do so many modern books do that bullshit? Fucking people cannot figure out how to just wrap out their own story threads they create. I'm a writer and I don't see why it's so fucking hard, I really don't.

David stop writing this bullshit

Jaime probably will try to reason ONE last time with Cersei. It would be pottery if he kills Cersei in the same way he killed Aerys

Please God I hope so.

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That's is how is probably is going to be

holy shit

edmure will probably make it there too

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>Fucking people cannot figure out how to just wrap out their own story threads they create
It's the rumiko takahashi syndrome. They want their stories to go forever.

Dany was not a problem, but she became the problem after the show fucked over Jon's struggle. One episode later they made it clear both characters that the show had been building up for eight years were for absolutely nothing.

which is ep 5 and ep 6?

I think they are dropping hints and making people behave out of character, so things can be tied back into the finale.

Jon, for instance:
>scene where Dany and he "can stay here for a thousand years and no one will find us"
>Jon talking to Tormund about living beyond the wall
>Jon not petting Ghost only for that to come back later
>Dany being carried out of the throne room after dying
>Jon allegedly going North in exile or as a member of the Night's Watch according to the leaks
>the God's Eye being moved right next to King's Landing
>Bran being involved in the last episode at the very least

I think plenty of fuckery is going on.

>elect a king
I have seen some shit in my days. But it always stayed in Monty Python where it belonged.

He'll probably be elected King and then destroy the throne as his first act.

Or, more likely as the spoilers say, he'll be a figurehead King (upgrading from a wheelbarrow to a throne for a cripple) and defer to the smart people.

most writers just write one book at a time plotting as they go without planning ahead. grrm has taken an assload of time because he probably had to plan the whole remainder of the story while writing affc/adwd. it's honestly possible that twow is done and he's clinging onto it because he doesn't want to lose the option of changing things while he finishes ados.

I'm sure he's waiting to see the fan reaction to the show ending. Maybe he'll even change his book ending if it's crazy enough? It would be a hoot to be an author able to do that, just watch as your fans flip out lol.

there's been plenty of elective monarchies

Everything lines up so far. And the ending wouldn't surprise me at all.

Bran is the perfect king. He has none of the ego, arrogance, and pride that every other monarch had when they fucked up. He will do the best job he can.

Such is life user


I raise you this:

i dunno. if it's really really bad it could actually hurt his book sales because bad word-of-mouth might stop people from picking up the series.

So your proof that for season 8 spoilers is that somebody believes that Bran will be king? Bran probably had the most likely chances according to betting odds, so this proves nothing.

Also, this person posted no actual leaks. Can you find a corroborating source from at least a month ago that posted season 8 spoilers and claimed that Bran will be king?

>the God's Eye being moved right next to King's Landing
wait where was this mentioned?

>it's honestly possible that twow
it's not. he's shared a bit of progress and unless he finished it in the last year and a half it's just not finished and he hasn't started with ados.

>Bran is the perfect king.

He can't have a heir.

Different user: ending should be
1) night king gets BTFO by azor azhai (jon or danny
2) Little finger has been neutral for duration of fight with nk, and joing up with danny after nk gets killed with vale forces
3) Seize parts of king landing, palace district and garrison remain cerseis
4) Infighting between Jon and Danny gets out of hand, stand off, winner is left with halve as may allies
5) Little finger sees opportunity, gets survivor killed in exchange with cersei marriage
6) show end with LF uses jamie to get cersei killed
7)Show ends unimportant side character planning on taking LF's place
Prophecies fulfilled, themes mantained. Even at the end of the world people still manage to make it about their petty squabbles

he can live a long time man. maybe the next greenseer will be his heir.

That ending is so fucking weak that it has to be fake.

Tyrion wanting to help Cersei is where I get lost.

>That ending is so fucking weak that it has to be true.
fixed that for you

yeah, the boy with mental powers, millennia of experience, and near omniscience will be just a figurehead.

It wasn't mentioned anywhere. The God's Eye is moved next to King's Landing in the intro.

Why did D&D change the intro for season 8 and move the God's Eye next to King's Landing? Because it's going to play a role that none of the leaks mentioned.

Attached: Kings-Landing-Upside-Down.png (1664x903, 1.94M)

Why do people think succession is this absolute, inviolable thing? The universe won't collapse if the lords of the realm decide not to follow salic law. Claims don't mean anything if no one presses them.

Like watching a movie play out in front of his eyes. The only entity that could take Bran out was taken out by an assassin that LITERALLY materialized out of nothing subverted expectations so hard even NK didnt see something this retarded happening.


Tyrion being a traitor has been speculated about since season 7 ended. There is a reason that Tyrion is put on trial without Dany present.

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look at the prediction markets lol
bran is +200

How does one even move a lake to begin with? Also, that retarded scene where Cersei had all of her problems in her crosshairs and let them go looked like a desert if there is a lake near by there'd definitely be way more vegetation.

Where is everyone getting this Tyrion's Trial shite from?

I think it's an ok ending. He's the cliched chosen one and secret heir who loses everything to fulfill his destiny. That is how you subvert expectations in a good way. D&D will make it suck, but if that's GRRM's vision, it could work in the books.

>illegitimate bastard is a pretender

Attached: 1544789844299.png (960x960, 331K)

>As the characters argue over who gets to sit in the throne, there is a lard clack sound from the window. Shortly afterward, Stannis climbs through the window via ladder, looks directly at the camera, says "did ya miss me?", and winks. He then proceeds to sit in the throne and fart loudly as "Jungle Bookie" plays into the credits.

Honestly a braver ending than i expected

Gendry and Jon are claimants you spoon

It hasn't been mentioned in the show so it means nothing.

I'm confused as to why you replied to me.

Sure, it just makes no fucking sense in terms of the characters and their developments. This writing is making 8 years of story telling inconsequential.

There probably won't be a NK in the books, which is why they could pick someone random to kill him.

another leak matches most points but euron gets burned by dragonfire and yara kills him

GTFO to tumblt u degenerate retard, Daenerys is great character and Emilia is fantastic person.

It has been introduced in the intro, and the intro for season 8 is very deliberate about its plot points.

It's not the characters or the actresses fault that the writing is terrible. She is an amazing actress, that eyebrow game alone puts her head and shoulders over the competition.

Not illegitimate anymore. And he's the last of the Baratheons

Jon takes the black again, he abandons his claim to any throne whatsoever. Gendry never had a claim to begin with, as he is a bastard.

When did Robert legitimize him?
>last of the Baratheons
Nope, he's a bastard, he's not the last of anything.

>Sure, it just makes no fucking sense in terms of the characters and their developments.
Tyrion should get the fuck in line, then, if he wants to complain.

I personally believe that Tyrion's conversation with Cersei at King's Landing last seasin was cutoff for the same reason that his conversation with Sansa about Jon was cutoff last episode--so the Tyrion traitor twist will happen. Tyrion is going to be Littlefinger 2.0 in the finale, and he won't make it out of his last trial alive.

>Robert's authority is absolute
>Dany's is shit
>both gained power through rebellion
Explain your faggotry.

Dany legitimized him, pretty much the only good thing she did her entire reign.

no, they're not, missing one important detail
>Daenerys is pregnant with Jons child when he kills her

Kings are the one who can legitimize bastards, not their parents. Joffrey legitimized Ramsay after he retake Moat Callin. Stannis offered Jon Snow legitimization in exchange to march with him to Winterfell

Sure why not, kamikaze another amazing character for the sake of subverting expectations. These morons are suited only to write for the likes of days of our lives or bold and beatuiful.

Bran is dead - the three eyed raven is a nigh-omniscient entity with the sole purpose of saving humanity from its own destruction.

The Three Eyed Raven is behind it all. Bran insisted on letting Jon know he's a Targaryen, knowing full well it would spark treason. The three eyed raven knows that it's the only one who can rule Westeros safely and in perpetuity. It doesn't need a biological son. He'll only need a new surrogate akin to Bran, to stay king forever.

This was George's master plan all along, the moral of the story is that humans cannot be left to their own devices, but that the cost of peace, prosperity and justice is having Big Brother Bran to watch us.

>he's not the last of anything.
Then why Joffrey ordered the assassination of all of Robert's bastards?

Dany ain't shit, it's like if I showed up to Westeros tomorrow in a helicopter and said "here lad, yer a Baratheon nao".

> Bran's claim to the throne.

Nonexistent, unless you count right by conquest.

>Dany assaults kings landing and it's one sided as hell

How does one dragon and a few thousand dickless Obamas take a city with a 40 foot stone wall covered with giant ballistas?

Right, that lad is a Baratheon now. You have a fucking helicopter.

D&D are forcing characters to go their potential book route at the last second after diverging from GRRM's original characterizations.

Kings can legitimize bastards

Basically he is the professor x of the westeros' illuminati.

People are unironically betting on the show? That's retarded

Rewatch the show with the lense of "I shall not love or hate any of these characters, merely observe their objective character traits and actions" and you realize Dany's growing Story arc as the Mad Queen

>varys doesn't betray danny
>jaime doesn't betray the north
Oh bro. It does happen though.
>Daeny capturing Jaime
Next time, on GoT.

Threadly reminder that 3ER is objectively more evil than the Night King.

Right, who needs constituency in a story driven 8 season experience. Did they not learn any lessons from Brexi's "Having their cake and eating it too" attempt? Pick a fucking lane and get to your goal on it, it's really not rocket surgery.

I'm still wondering why we had to wait 2 years for a very rushed 6 episode season that basically pisses off all fans. There really is no one left that likes this show any longer.

Dubs and the new Prince of Dorne is Stannis

Everything down to Bran being king, that part makes no sense. Pareplegic cannot sire kids so that's a problem. Also he is too creepy and weird, and has nothing to do with anyone outside of intentionally being creepy and weird to people.

What are you talking about?The casual viewer is having the time of their life. Only people with brains are irate.

Also, apparently they filmed a bunch of fake shit to "subvert expectations" and prevent leaks so I imagine a lot of time and money went into playing pretend.

Brainlet, he purposefully made it so he would be king.

Its the 3ER, he needs no sires because he will now rule the world permanently. He's an entity, once he identifies another suitable host he'll switch to the next one.

He is the ultimate evil, and he won. That's about as much a GRRM ending as we could hope for.

I'm using those leaks to spoil people who mention the show on Twitter.

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