I'm going to Sneed's Feed and Seed, you guys want anything?

I'm going to Sneed's Feed and Seed, you guys want anything?

Attached: 1431968135235.png (640x480, 240K)

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one seed please

Naw I'm good.

One dog please

yeah get some feed and some seed

Some tomacco seeds my kind sir


I want my Yea Forums back please...

Gummy bears, Gucci loafers, and fancy German cars

Can I have one (1) razzing farmer?

Some tomato seeds please

1 Seething Moe please.

Can you get me some fuck and suck?

You want Chuck's


Attached: 1557160140544.png (784x601, 638K)

get me some gummi bears


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Attached: moe.jpg (262x234, 14K)

Attached: 1j204KO.jpg (480x1440, 126K)

I could’ve sworn it was at this location...
oh duh I just read the sign, I guess this establishment was formerly Chucks.
phew I was starting to worry that my memory sucks (and fucks)

I'll take some feed, and some seeds

What kind?

one fuck and two sucks please

moeposter btfo

fucking based

Habanero and ghost pepper heirlooms please. With a side of SNEED

you missed out on the glory days.
it’s nothing but seed and feed these days. I wouldn’t expect a city slicker like you to get it though...