Was this a pinkpill? Stacy ALWAYS wins?
Was this a pinkpill? Stacy ALWAYS wins?
The femcel forums are all talking about it.
saying what?
How Jamie is a typical man and complaining about Stacy Cersei.
literally shaking
How do I get a femcel gf?
She’ll probably get pregnant
One of them started dating an incel and was murdered by him, so they know all want to stay single forever.
There are no ugly women, just alcohol shortages
Typical women. They've completely missed the point.
Stacey will always cheat on you anyway, no matter how Chad you are, Jaime didn't learn shit. Don't make the same mistake anons.
Post link for shit and giggles
>When a Femcel gives her virginity to Chad and he leaves her for an evil Stacey. I felt her pain and cried her tears. Is this a cautionary tale? Has there been a time in real life or fiction when Chad stayed?
isn't he going to kill Cersei or something like that
makes sense. male incels are subhuman criminals
why don't all you "redpilled" incels go frick all the women in /r/trufemcels?
Oh - because you're all bluepilled cucks anyways. Fucking bluepilled idiots.
True redpill is already having a beautiful wife and knowing how to manipulate the system into a great life.
What are they even talking about..? Briene is no longer celibate. She can't be femcel. The femcels don't get far enough to get dumped.
Nah according to leaks he kills Euron then dies in Cersei's arms before telling her he loves her. BRAVO DABID
Trufemcels banned all men after they got too many dating proposals. Men aren't allowed to post there and 'femcels' often have regular sex or even boyfriends, it's a non sensical sub
>when the sex is so bad you leave to your sister
Even in their worst case scenario they still get to have sex what the hell
I bet Brienne didn't even have the courtesy to suck his cock or fondle his balls. Just laid there like an autistic retard occasionally making seagull noises. Can you blame Jaime for leaving?
>Mfw in my prime I was this Chad who hunted virgin autistic girls or late blooming 18 year old then hump n dump
literally impossible
pretty sure he's just going to kill her
Exactly, Jaime did nothing wrong
The wildling guy was gona stay or at least take her with him. He is a beneloven chad
Dumb bitch Brienne of Tard chased after Jock McThundercock Jaime while ignoring Tormund the TRUE GAMER GENTLEMAN who really loved her, and she wound up getting her heartbroken as a result when Jaime Chaddister one-night standed her then ditched her to be with Stacy Lannister the cheerleader bitch. Of course, Brienne won't learn her lesson. Like every other woman, she'll keep chasing jerks and whoring herself out for men who will never love her while rejecting all the nice guys who actually care for a stupid bitch like her.
Femcel still had sex with Chad :)
he shits his pants and yells about other mens dicks alot. he's what diogenes would be if he didn't have a city to park his barrel
based d&d kek, this episode was a big dose of redpills for the roasties
Imagine if incels complained about Stacey pumping and dumping them. Femcels are ungrateful whores
how can you be a femcel if you have sex?
>the pua redpiller
you know that literally everyone else thinks you're pathetic, right?
They could still be virgins
That sub is like some bizarro world. These women are as delusional as their male counterpart. And what the fuck is a moid?
Celibate doesn't mean virgin
crystal cafe
Honestly I really hated this part of the episode. It seemed so forced and didn't make sense to me. She's the first woman Jamie has slept with that wasn't Cersei. Essentially both were virgins in context. I so wanted her and Tormond to be together.
a moid is to femcels what femoids are to incels. It's basically a way of saying "male" without having to refer to them as human people.
>femcel forum
So trannies and trolls larping as women
nice trips but you're still a fucking virgin, a woman having sex is not an accomplishment, a woman keeping a man around is an accomplishment
>women in /r/trufemcels
There's maybe three actual women on that reddit and all of them are fucking a guy 2 tiers above them.
I hate these people. At least I'm self aware enough of my own issues and dont blame a whole gender for them.
She should've chosen the wildling.
>Celibate doesn't mean virgin
Jamie is over 40 years old.. and has been banging Cersei since puberty. That's about 30+ years of sex with a twin sibling...
There is not "context" in which he is also a virgin. Although, the same cannot be said about you
>has sex for first time
>is no longer a virgin
>decides not to have sex again
>is celibate
look the at the brain on this one, wow
>I’m sad alcohol was involved.
Imaging fucking the horse woman sober
kys you mental midget
He's a virgin in the sense that he hasn't slept with anyone or wanted anyone but his sister. Brianne was the first woman other than her. That was my point and why the scene felt so forced.