Literally okay with killing a baby because it's Thanos

>Literally okay with killing a baby because it's Thanos
Our heroes!

Attached: avengers_endgame_group_shot.0.jpg (940x496, 52K)

>what is a philosophical question

wow my dude, perhaps you should be watching peppa pig or something

nigga he killed quadrillions

They also immediately make a good case why that's morally repugnant. Just like that "go back in time and kill baby Hitler argument."

Why would it even be wrong, killing babies is bad because they are ultimately pure and still have a path to create, you couldn't judge it's morals no matter how you tried, not because it's cute and shit u dumb fuck, if they know for SURE the baby is going to become a mad murderer that's going to wipe trillions there's absolutely nothing wrong with it.

thanos became thanos after his planet died. maybe if avengers fucking helped the titans nothing would've happened

Thanos suggested culling half the population before his planet died.

Yeah clearly he doesn't have the intelligence and sophistication to properly enjoy capeshit #2463

This thread is literal proof, just like your post.

Hell nah, read the comics, that motherfucker was destined to be evil

This but without the slightest shred of irony

Avengers endgame has a comic?

they are americans, it's nothing new for them

It is okay to kill baby Hitler?

I say Yes.

current mcu has little to do with comic books

Leftists have never had a problem with killing babies.

It's not even okay to kill adult Hitler.

Rhodey represents the American military and it is therefore entirely consistent with his character to be happy to murder babies as a main objective and not just as collateral.

Why? There is no saying that another person from the Nazi party would have rose up to take his place, and maybe one that would have won the war.

Just kill him right after he becomes evil if you’re all so afraid of baby killing.

Checkmate faggots

Without Hitler, Germany would've stayed disunited a lot longer and Stalin would've eventually conquered western Europe. Everything else is an afterthought.

You clearly don't have the intellect to appreciate the "marvelous scenes" in this movie

I don’t get it because many people would gladly kill a baby hitler