Are they really following GRRM's roadmap?

If so, people should probably stop caring so much about the books.

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Other urls found in this thread:

certain elements seem like its straight from grrms notes, but not the entire thing. dany losing everything and going full mad queen seems like it is straight from his notes.

Stuff like Daenerys going mad, Stannis dying, and Shireen getting burned will probably happen

>and Shireen getting burned will probably happen


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They're not they're just gonna slap his ending after many years of fanfiction. So yes it's gonna be jaring and it's not gonna work. For example, YES the white walkers will end up defeat like in the show but it's not going to be beacuse the Night King got killed (theres no night king in the books) . Maybe Daenerys will end up dead but that's where the similarities end

Even when they were still following the events of the book they totally mischaracterized Danny, making her about epic speeches and badass murder shit instead about her inner conflict, how hard it is to rule and change things and guilt.

Stannis won’t do it himself, someone else probably will


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She might get burned but I believe it will have something to do with her Greyscale coming back

GRRM has made it clear he dislikes the show, so I've got no doubt that he fed D&D disinfo about his vision and kept all the best ideas for his books

Also Euron is completely different in the books and young griff is completely cut out from the show. Saying that they’re following an outline is very generous

Let's be real for a second: While those two hacks are horrible and incompetent, GRRM has no fucking clue what to do with the plot in the books either.

Nah they openly said they were writing the story with cliffnotes from GRRM. So stuff like Dany goes north with her dragons, looses 1 to the night king, Euron kills another. Night King attacks Winterfell after Cersei refuses to help. No detail, no care put in.

I imagine that Winds of Winter ends with the assault on Winterfell by the Night King, with a Dream of Spring dealing with Cersei/Aegon/Euron.

Most likely will happen against Stannis' will. Or he will most likely not even know since he's sieging winterfell while Shireen's at the wall iirc.

I think The Winds of Winter is going to wrap up all of the major current ongoing conflicts that started in AFFC and there will be a big time skip in between TWOW and A Dream of Spring with ADOS being an epilogue to the series.

>looses 1 to the night king
there's no fucking night knig

>tfw the show got me in the mood to read the books and see how a competent writer deals with this universe
>but i dont feel like waiting 10 years for the last book, which will probably never even come out because the author is a 70yo obese man

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GRRM has a colossal writer's block. Every time he gets down to write the newest book, he somehow ends up creating more new characters and more new details. He can't tie a single loose end without adding another three.

I thought "It's probably going to be similar" before
but after this season I'm certain the books will be completely different.

They cut out a lot of important sub-plots like Catelyn being resurrected as a hateful zombie, Beric's squire taking his own faction of the Brotherhood Without Banners, no Young Griff and Jon Connington, and Victarion going to Daenerys with the Dragon Horn and a fleet.

Do you think Vic is going to be the new chosen champion of the Red God religion and not Stannis? I reckon whoever is influencing is going to start favouring Victarion soon, his new arm is a sign of that.

Reminder that one of the showrunners wrote X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

Sort of but in a wonky way.

Let's take Stannis for example. I'm sure they were told under GRMM direction that Stannis would lose and Ramsay would win. However in the process of doing this, they destroyed Stannis character by making him burn his daughter for shock value. They also made Stannis look like a strategic retard.

If Daenerys loses a Dragon who tears down the wall it will because of Euron

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Vic is so fucking retarded yet glorious in those chapters that I don't mind him having R'hllor power.

Seriously, the only god with a proven track record is R'hllor. Everyone should follow him. Thoros was able to resurrect Beric and Stoneheart

I think anyone can be "gifted" with R'hllor's favor so long as they accept him.
Don't forget what they did to Barristan in the show. Barristan is preparing to defend Meereen against an allied coalition and it looks like it's going to be epic as fuck in The Winds of Winter.

Greentext me on how they fucked up and why dont they milk the show an extra few seasons?

I wonder if The Drowned God prevents you from getting Greyscale in someway.

Shame we'll never get them

The fat fuck will die before he finishes Winds of Winter, let alone Dream of Spring


A Night's Watchmen sent a letter to Jon about "dead things in the water" near Hardhome, the only wildling settlement by the sea while a horde of Others and Wights are on the march to the Wall.

- Capture of Storm's End by Young Griff (fake Aegon Targaryen)
- Randyll Tarly fighting (or joining) Aegon and the Golden Company
- Cersei's Trial by Combat with Robert Strong as her champion
- Euron's attack on the Reach, specifically the Citadel with all its vast archive of knowledge
- J'qen in the Citadel having access to Archmaester Walgrave's key
- The Battle of Meereen where Barristan is defending against the full might of Slaver's Bay while Victarion's fleet shows up to help
- Battle in the Ice where the Boltons and Freys get BTFO by the holes in the lake
- The clusterfuck ensuing at Castle Black after Jon being shanked
- Sansa marrying Harry Hardyng, the heir to the Vale
- Cersei plunging the realm to further destabilization since Kevan's dead
- Red Wedding 2.0 at Riverrun
- Jaime meeting Lady Stoneheart
- Davos retrieving Rickon (still alive in the books) with Shaggydog from an island of cannibals
- Quentyn Martell, son of Doran who got burned by a dragon at Meereen and everyone finding out what happened

Nobody would speculate GRRM dying if he wasn't obese. For fuck's sake, my uncle lost 60 pounds from strict dieting and bicycling a little and he's only 8 years younger than GRRM.

wonder if patches is gonna be involved in winds as some sort undead water he is, and he tries to take sheeren

Maybe, but we really haven't seen the Drowned God in action yet. I do wonder if reanimated marine life thanks to the Others will offend the Drowned God?

to be fair to the man GRM does look healthier and less fat in recent interviews than he did 6-7 years ago

damn all that sounds fucking and a damn shame. the show should've easily bee 10 seasons

what's the red wedding 2.0 at river run aabout?

I'm most curious about seeing how Euron and Sam's story are going to overlap with one another. Sam will no doubt discover something just as Euron more than likely begins his assault on Old Town. I believe Rickon will more than likely be dead after Davos hands him over to the northern lords as they kill him in revenge for the Starks dragging the north into the chaos it is in now, this could potentially be one of the big "WTF moments" George described when outlaying to D&D

why is victarion retarded exactly? I haven't got that far in yet

Arya killing Freys.

I should also mention that each of those outlines could be around 200 pages each with maybe one or two story arcs being no more than maybe 100 or 80 pages. Winds is going to be a big book, I think aroundn 1400-1500 pages with appendixes.

Long story short, there's going to be a Lannister wedding with a Frey girl. A cousin of Jaime's to be exact.

Meanwhile, Lady Stoneheart's faction of the Brotherhood infiltrated Riverrun (which is under Frey occupation) so it's very likely there's going to be another wedding massacre in the 6th book.

Yes it could've been but those fucking hacks went full retard after Season 3. Hell even in Season 2, they changed a lot with Grandpa Tywin and Arya and the bullshit with Talisa.

People seem to always forget this

There were 5 years between Storm of Swords and Feast for Crows.

There were 6 years between A Feast for Crows and A Dance With Dragons - and they were originally meant to be ONE book.

A Dance With Dragons came out 8 years ago.

Even if Winds of Winter comes out tomorrow, GRRM will be coming up on 80 years old before there's even a slight chance of Dream of Spring coming out.

Face it, there's no fucking way he'll finish them before he dies. If he's not an ass, he's arranged for someone else to finish if/when he dies.
But I doubt it.

>He thinks Quentyn is dead and not riding that dragon back to Dorne.

Ignore this idiot, he aint smart.

Not gonna spoil anything, but his chapters in AFFC are fucking hilarious at how stupid he thinks and acts.

Don't forget Sam has the REAL Horn of Winter in his possession and will most likely blow it, thus bringing down the Wall.

And Rickon won't be killed because Manderly and all the northern lords are still loyal to the Starks and want Ned's son to be their liege.

Maybe it will be needed to bring Jon back. A royal sacrifice.

Just because it was horribly done in the show doesn't mean it might not happen. Maybe the books treat it with more subtlety and believability, with Stannis staying in character.

I knew the show would consistently get worse and worse with no hope of it getting better after Robb got married under the Seven

Quentyn is the Martell equivalent to Theon Greyjoy, remember all those years we speculated Theon was dead after Ramsey sacked Winterfell and captured him? George was being pretty ambiguous whether or not he was alive like with Roose delivering a bit of his flesh to Catelyn as a peace offering

holy fuck what a sick ass payoff for lady stoneheart

I'm utterly convinced GRRM has books 6 and 7 finished but is now rewriting them because of the flak the final season is getting.

Dude, he died of his burns. It even says it unless there's some magical resurrection because of his distant Targ blood.

I had this crackpot theory that the Manderlys and other northern lords engineered a lot of the Starks downfall for getting involved with Robert's Rebellion

i thought s4 was really good and pretty faithful but jesus s5 the drop

It's no wonder the books take decades to write when he has to juggle this many storylines at once. You even omitted a few.

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I could sorta believe that, but nothing in the books indicate this. I do believe the Northerners will abandon Stannis after Rickon is revealed to be alive.

>If he's not an ass
Dude, don't you know?
He wants his notes burned if he dies.

That's the most retarded shit I've ever heard.

Theres a shit ton of reasons why they won't
1st D&D dont want to keep doing this, they said in an interview
2nd the actors salaries, i think they negotiated new salaries after S5 since the show was super popular the main cast could ask for more and now are making 2mil per episode so the only way to compensate that is with shorter seasons

No, there's actually a pretty solid thread on leddit talking about this. As soon as they passed the books the values and dialogue all became modern instead of medieval.

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This is just off the top of my head. I know there's a fuckton more, but do you see how insane Book 6 will be? It's gonna be more hype than A Storm of Swords.

Martins gone on record crying about how the shows ending "makes him sad" and how "he'd end it differently", like he hasnt had 8 fucking years to do so.

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>rewriting them because of the flak the final season is getting
He doesnt do that.

George would have to make it pretty convincing if the Manderlys were secretly fucking over the Starks the entire time with stringing along the Boltons too so they could claim the north and put themselves in charge but it seems too far fetched. Think of it as a reverse grand northern conspiracy theory.

the main problem is affc and adwd. everything in those books are happening at the same time, certain characters aren't in affc. it took them 2 seasons to fully cover the third book, asos, in season 3 and 4. so lets say both affc and adwd combined would take 4 seasons to properly cover. most of those books are just characters travelling around, so we would be spending 4 seasons with brienne travelling around the riverlands looking for sansa. 4 seasons of jaime cleaning up the last parts of the war of five kings, 4 seasons of dany in meereen. 4 seasons of arya training in braavos, 4 seasons of jon dealing with nights watch politics and the wildlings. 4 seasons of ironborn politics. 4 seasons of bran learning how to be a tree
its just too much.


>Litteraly burned alive by Rhaegal and Viserion
>H-hes fine guys, u-unbent u-unbroken unburning and shit

Him dying during Barristan Chapter shorty after the dragon attack means nothing. Nobody ever died during their own POV chapters sans the prologues and epilogues.
The annoying fanfiction-tier kid needed to die to give the Martells a reason to support Aegon "Targaryen" against Daenerys

Here's how he adapted Deadpool to the big screen

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does the 5 year time gap really hurt the overall story or is it just more confusing for people reading it the first time because characters are in dance but not in feast? Would the 5 year gap benefited the story and those books covering wtf happened inbetween in your and other anons opinions?

Book fags, is Jon coming back like in the show?

I hope not. Unless it is another Faceless Man or something imitating him.

Well obviously he's not gonna stay dead, we're just not sure how

didn't they get most of the info after season 3 when it was still on the rails

Lol, what an SJW

He gave them major plot points and that was it wasn't it?

I find it hard to even differentiate which are there ideas and his, obviously the wall falling & Hodor are from George.

Melisandre will probably burn Shireen (who is at castle black while Stannis is about to BTFO Freys and Boltons) to reanimate him. In the books something similar already happened with Beric ordering Thoros do sacrifice him to revive Catelyn

i don't think the 5 year gap would have worked either. grrm just made the plots for some characters way too elaborate. i mean we spend like 80% of the time in adwd with tyrion as a slave, and its just fucking boring. im glad the show sped that bullshit up. theres a lot of things he could have done differently, i think introducing victarion as a pov character was a mistake for one. i like him but we already have asha and aeron for ironborn povs.

he wrote 25th Hour as well though

I think Jon's spirit wargs into Ghost because if you notice, each of the Direwolves' names correspond to something about Ned's kids.

Grey Wind: Went in and out like a breeze for Robb's story
Lady: Sansa's dreams and innocence of ladyship died when Ned killed her
Nymeria: An Essos noblewoman who went to Westeros; in Arya's case, it's a Westerosi noblewoman who goes to Essos
Summer: Bran's connection with Nature thanks to Greenseeing and how he can see through time (Summer after the Long Night)
Shaggydog: Rickon being a Chekov's gun plot device after disappearing since A Clash of Kings

So Jon being in his direwolf would be interesting. It also harkens to Old Nan's tale about the last hero who went with 12 companions and a dog. Jon (in Ghost) is the dog in the next cycle of the story.

i see at first i thought he was just a poorly written character but they grey joys always came off as water hics in a wway to me, but a good way

yes, but its more complicated in the book. the stark kids all have warg abilities in the books. before robb dies he says "grey wind," he warged into his direwolf when he died and then grey wind also got killed lol. jon says "ghost" before he dies so we're suppose to assume he warged into ghost. so he's alive in ghost right now and probably will be until mel brings him back to life.

>rewriting them because of the flak the final season is getting
Nah. If anything he's probably happy that the show is taking the flack before he can. By the die he turns Dany mad and kills her the outrage will be long over

I'd be honestly fdown for that and it would be really fitting to him, i wonder if george would pull some darksouls shit and jon in ghost's body would use his sword like the sif wolf boss fight

Yes, they're probably following a vague outline and filling in the details to stitch the story together. The problems are:

1. They have next to zero understanding about how to write believeable, multidimensional characters. After the book source material ends we're left with flat cardboard cutouts who constantly act contradictory to their true character established in the early seasons. And when they do make an attempt to incorporate some form of development or growth, it's half-assed and falls flat on its faced.

2. Their pacing sucks, they rely on impossible situations to push the story forward (e.g. ravens flying at the speed of light and super athlete Gendry), and abuse deus ex machina (see: Arya killing NK. That scene was LITERALLY deus ex machina.)

The fact of the matter is they're objectively bad writers. Even with his outline they manage to fuck it all up.

jesus christ there are so many characters still alive in the books.

>The fact of the matter is they're objectively bad writers. Even with his outline they manage to fuck it all up.
And now they're in charge of Star Wars. It'll make Force Awakens and Last Jedi look like kino compared to the shit they spew.

the worst part is they have the old republic series, one of the most beloved eras and after this season of thrones they couldn't give a shit about to just rush it. i don't have faith anymore

yea. i always forget mance is still alive in the books and he's playing some game with the nights watch and winterfell

I was never a Star Wars fan. The only stuff I liked was Empire Strikes Back and Genndy Tartakovsky's Clone Wars cartoon from 2003 which did a WAY better job than Lucas' prequels.

well shit. poor quentyn. i'm still disturbed by the imagine of his face, something along the lines of "his eyes were pools of pus"

Became utterly ridiculous after expressing his grievances with the "cocks do matter" line.

Obviously a man is preferable to a woman if they are trying to sell their candidate's legitimacy to the lords of Westeros, whose first experience with a female ruler is Cersei.

>When your age starts to show just when your great work is at its apex
Someone needs to kidnap the fat man, put him on a strict anti-aging regimen and get him to finish this shit. He'd be doing him a favour too.

easily some of the best shit we got my nigga, I haven't given a shit about sw since clonewars 2008 and even pre farce awakens I still didn't care it all looked like a copy paste job from the trailers

Vic is the best character in the whole series. What a fuckin bro.

I hate Star Wars in general but the KOTOR games are among my favorite stories of all time (mostly KOTOR 2). I always wished someone would make KOTOR 3 (TOR doesn't count) or at least a movie or TV show... now I'm starting to regret that wish.

They weren't even able to follow the books properly.

That's not how it happened. Thoros refused to kiss Catelyn so Beric did it himself at the cost of his own life.

there was an article that confirmed 3 things from grrms notes that have been in the show and one of them was shireen being burned

Read Malazan instead.

Maybe Stannis's wife burns Shireen instead thinking Stannis is dead when really he's alive?

Rightful kings daughter and only heir > lord commander of the nigger watch who just got murdered because he broke his vows

Its not what happens is retarded. Its how its happening.

>Dany loses a dragon to the undead so the nightking can raise it and destroy the wall

100% GRRMs idea, but it probably won't happen as silly as in the show.

>Night King gets stopped at the battle of Winterfell

Thats 100% in the coming book, just not the details of the battle.Maybe it will be Arya who kills him too, but again, its the "how" that makes such a scene good or terrible.

>Dany gets ambushed by Euron on the sea and loses a Dragon there

100% thats GRRMs idea, just in the books Euron has a device full of anti-dragon-magic that can create a magical fog (useful if you want to hide ships from being spotted by dragons for example).

D&D just don't care about the details and rush their shit.

>, no Young Griff and Jon Connington

They did introduce a Captain Strikland as the leader of the GC.
Maybe they merged all those characters into one (theyve done that before) and he is actually a Targ?

The theory in everyone's mind before S6 negated the need to theorycraft to sate everyone's autism was that Melisandre would hear of or be otherwise convinced that Stannis was dead in the Battle on the Ice or require a sacrifice to win somehow. But in doing this she would accidentally Jon back to life with the Shireen burning.

Young Griff is not even a Targaryen in the books, it's heavily implied that he's a Blackfyre.

People living to their 90s easily these days.

He is rich and he lives in the 1st world.

what night king

Why are you talking about the books when you clearly haven’t even read them?

tbqh the tale of the last hero corresponds more closely to Bran's story, considering he is the one actually searching beyond the Wall, he is the one with expendable companions, he is the one who looks like he's going to lose his dog. And to top it all off Old Nan told this story to Bran.

>to support Aegon "Targaryen" against Daenerys

There is no reason for both to fight against each other though.

we just don't know that.

Clearly Stannis will die at the Battle of Winterfell and Melly wil burn Shireen alive trying to bring him back to life but because hof her wording "something something blah blah bring back he who is the Lord of Light's chosen blah blah" And it will instead resurrect Jon.


Let them ruin star wars instead of the Roberts Rebellion spinoff or whatever HBO is making to milk the GoT franchise further.

>anti-dragon-magic that can create a magical fog
i haven't read the sample twow chapters, is something like that in them? all i know is euron gave victarion a dragonbinder horn, but they dont even really know how to use it because the guy victarion forced to blow it died from being burned from the inside out

It was at this point they truly stopped caring

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Pre twow Daenerys would have happily settle for a marriage. But if her last chapter is a clue to her future she will go full Fire and Blood tyrant mode. Not to mention the Second Dance of Dragons confirmed by Martin but postponed from the 5th book

Yea you right kinda forgot about that

Barristan’s actor got killed off because he questioned what they were doing.

>but they dont even really know how to use it because the guy victarion forced to blow it died from being burned from the inside out
i completely forgot about that. that was a cool sequence

he was a confirmed bookfag as well, with Jaime, Jon and Bobby B

bookfriend* if you don't mind

*teleports behind you*
expectations subverted, as expected

I've got a theory that they've gone completely off-piste but GRRM is agreeing to keep schtum until the series is over. That's why the fat fuck hasn't been writing anything. Once it's done, he'll admit that they went in a completely different direction (i.e. a godawful direction), and say that the books will have a different ending.

If Ramsay and his 20 good men happens in the book ill stop reading there

I'm just wondering how the pacing will be when we simultaneously juggle between four battles at once. I think this is going to be the most battle-heavy book yet by a mile. For the first time we have a fuck ton of characters in the actual battle.

I don't know about a "device" but Euron has a bunch of warlocks from Qarths enslaved on his ship who are definitely making his fleet teleport.

Shiiit, I can imagine exactly this happening.

You're retarded if you think these type of errors have any bearing on the production quality. Literally every movie ever has had these kind of goofs.

It's not the ideas that are bad, it's the execution. Dany's still probably going to lose everything and burn down King's Landing, and get killed, but it'll actually be a logical progression in the books.

>and who are you

name one in the first 7 seasons of GoT

thats just not going to happen. ramsay doesnt have magic plot armor in the books, if he sent a small group of men after stannis they'd probably just freeze to death in the snow storm because that's how grrm writes. book ramsay is nowhere near as intelligent as show ramsay, he's just a drooling ruthless retard.

It's not that straight forward, kingdoms have had a Queen rulers and accepted it as much as any other transfer of rule. It seems that it depends on if they have inheritence laws that say it's ok which make it more papable to the public and from my understanding a female heir to the throne is ok for the Seven Kingdoms as long as there isn't a son to inherit

>Clearly Stannis will die at the Battle of Winterfell
I defeated your uncle Victarion and his Iron Fleet off Fair Isle, the first time your father crowned himself. I held Storm's End against the power of the Reach for a year, and took Dragonstone from the Targaryens. I smashed Mance Rayder at the Wall, though he had twenty times my numbers. Tell me, turncloak, what battles has the Bastard of Bolton ever won that I should fear him

>dude the characters said he died nobody has ever been thought dead only to return
Preston disproved the "Quentyn is dead" theory.

i always wanted to see the stannis vs ironborn naval battles. victarion is a mad man and stannis beat him

I think he might die even as his army wins

Beyond based

seems like they're aiming for a very similar ending,
but since they diverged so much, characters are bending over backwards to act as retarded as possible to meet the specific setup needed

turns out obesity puts a big damper on your life expectancy

What the fuck are you even talking about? You obviously haven't read a single chapter of the books.

This makes so much fucking sense.

>He is rich and he lives in the 1st world.
Doesn't he lives in America? Their life expectansy is lower than Panama, Chile, Poland etc.

>admitting he goes on reddit
>screencapping your own post
>posting it to Yea Forums

But dude 20 good men lmao