Here's your Disney Batman bro

Here's your Disney Batman bro

Attached: Gotham-Season-5-Ep-12-14.jpg (3000x1688, 303K)


Wow. They really couldn't do a better job than this?

what's the problem?

>the virgin Gotham

Attached: 7xh4os6luqr21 (1).jpg (572x1007, 38K)

Looks good to me.

>dude Batman bad!
No thanks.

That's surprisingly bad design from a show that has done pretty good job on a lot of Bat villains design wise.


Do you think that when they said the series ended they meant it ended as "Gotham" but will continue with the mature heroes?

They've built too much and they've introduced too many new things to end it for real.

>We want the Batman Begins look, but don't have a lot of room in the budget for costuming.
>I have just the thing, sir.

Looks like a cosplay outfit.

You think we'll get a hands on training scene that leads to sex?

Attached: JasonRobin.png (455x810, 414K)

What YouTube video is this?

How's the latest season? I haven't caught up yet.

bretty good if you skip the catwoman scenes

The season before the current one was absolute garbage, with Enygma amnesia and those other senseless plotlines.

Surprised to hear it actually gets better.

His amnesia gets explained/resolve, you get Bane origin and Joker (real) origin stories, so yeah, it was a pretty interesting season.

And kid Bruce becomes Batman, apparently? So he stops being a fag.


Nope, still a fag. The Batman thing (op's pic) is only in the last episode which takes a 10 years later jump.

Party-going, whiny Bruce was some the lowest lows on the series, Jesus fucking Christ.

Is this the costume from Justice League: Mortal?