Say something nice about Jared Leto.
Say something nice about Jared Leto
his mom is hot
he is very based.
He went full gamer and clown world for suicide squad. Very epic indeed. Also consensually raping lots of preteen girls which is also quite based
he's got a huge dick
both us and him will be better off when he's dead
i like his hair
friend met him after a 30 seconds to mars concert. said he was a bit of a dick. based leto.
Fantastic singer. 30 seconds to mars was one of my favourite bands growing up. It's nice music to sing, makes me feel better.
roastie detected
why does he not date anyone
Your dick is gonna be huge too if you have no body fat and stick it in a still developing growing teenager
I'm happy there's somebody out there making me look normal
He used to be in good movies
I wish a Green coat could make me that happy. He looks like the Human equivalent of a Dog who's owner just returned home.
hm. I wonder what kind of girls he's trying to attract
the teenage groupies that listen to his band 30 sec to mars
It's so funny that when celebrities are given the freedom to wear what they want, they just put on their occultist ritual outfits that they normally wear in their secret meetings. They're so desperate to tell the world that they're above us. Literal Eyes Wide Shut.
he's starting to look his age
apparently the people who are the bad kind of people say negative things about him on twitter so therefore he is a good person
he's a living meme
You think this is a cute image but he actually killed that guy