I hate that actor, they are a libtard

>i hate that actor, they are a libtard

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who are you quoting?

Right wing flyover conservashits

Your father.


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>being a demotard, a repubtard, or a centard
>taking the tardpill
shiggy diggy

I generally try to avoid twatter because celebritards that think anyone who gives a fuck about their political opinions, regardless of what they actually are, are annoying as fuck.
But occasionally one starts going off the rails to such a degree it's unavoidable. You try not to dislike something they're in because of their braindead ramblings, but it's impossible.

>Why yes I support Hillary Clinton, how do you know?

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What the fuck is wrong with ameritards?

I'm used to smoke joint tips that I pick up in the street,when there's no green left

They think democracy is real & voting actually matters cause there's some difference in who gets "elected" beyond what they say to rile them positively or negatively.

>I literally have not got the slightest inkling of an idea concerning what is going on in politics and like actors based on how B+R they are able to act in movies

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>one is a kid who doesn't know better
>another is an adult who dresses like a child
Yeah tough choice

>literally shaking he can't meme properly

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Rich coming from Eurofags, how's Brexit going bruv

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I'm an american.

Oh okay, so you're just a centrist retard with no opinions.

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>da joos
Now centrists are using happy merchant kek

And how did you arrive at that conclusion from what I said?

>I hate that male, hes white

Shut up Mandark.

>why yes, i think there needs to be made changes to allow for a system that doesn't just consolidate everything into a football match between two parties

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>le meme meme


>if you don't support american democracy you are a centrist


>if you dont belong to my team you must belong to this arbitrary team i will group everyone else into
Why do americans really do this bros?

Your team sucks

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They completely ignore the actual argument that the team vs team shit is a straight sham & just group you in with the Neutrals from the Neutral planet.

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How come this mutt has such bright eyes? Is he whiter than /pol/?

oh yeah. i blame faceberg

Based educated coastal voters

Some are a little more calculated than that, if you aren't with the rest of the extremists then you are a liability to them and risk that others may want to find alternatives as well.
The last thing these people want is more nuance in politics so they try to simplify it into leftwing, rightwing and fence-sitting stinking NEUTRALS

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You shouldn't post political opinions

>did you see that actor f*cking DAB on that woman in an interview? Heh, based! Gonna go watch his movie now!

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>being a spineless fencesitter

Chris Hemsworth?

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No it's the annoying glasses kid from Polar Express played by Tom Hanks