Bravo Russos!
Bravo Russos!
Other urls found in this thread:
How about ending the dceu and mcu with 2 combo movies
The first is a fight between the respective avengers and justice league
Then in part 2 all the major villains from steppenwolf to zod to thanos and ultron team up with lex luthor and hydra to fight a combined justice league and avengers
>DC invented memorials, funerals, death and sacrifices
Its called stealing Kino shots from a better director
what's the name of that ts? looks watchable
I love how russofags are silent lmao
it rhymes
You're a moron if this is your unironic opinion.
>d-don't say that about muh multi billion global cooporation, y-you idiot!
Marlel ripping off Snyder while at the same time having paid shills smear him? Why I would never think that could happen!
>rip off Snyderkino
>win Oscar
It's so easy
SEETHING disney tranny. go dilate lmao
Superman's funeral was kino in the UC. I love the long takes of nothing but silence as dawn approaches. Is it like that in Endgame aswell or just the same boring TV-rate narration?
Fucking kek
What video game is that on the right?
unearned vs earned
If anything, waiting 20 movies for the climax makes it unearned. Tony stopped being a character about 10 movies ago. After that he just became a face for the movie posters.
>DCtards still trying
MCU is made for idiots but Snyder movies are a fucking joke for 14y old babies who think everything is symbolism.
Brainlet opinion.
more like
>honest kino
>dishonest trash for plebs
I completely agree with you.
this is a good point. Avengers alone has two good movies tops, with zero good soundtracks.
Snyderfags are embarrassing
Just when you thought DCucks couldn't get any more pathetic
There are retards like Mauler saying "Tony Stark has the best character arc in the last 10 years of movies"
What arc?
He fucking stopped having an arc after Iron-man 2 and basically stayed the exact same except for 20 minutes of civil war where he becomes pro-big government but flip-flops back to letting his friends free before the film even ends.
He stopped being a character nearly 8 years ago and has been just RDJ playing himself since.
Endgame is shit. Russos are absolute hacks. They either hire better people to do their job or outright steal.
This, no one gave a fuck when Superman died. Tony is the one who started everything and he's the one who ended it. 100% deserved
How does it feel being the biggest fucking joke in history DCucks?
What did he start?
mos was good, he fucked up at bvs and jl
Now all it needed was a scene where Morgan was actually named Gamora and Thanos randomly stops beating the shit out of Tony because he said Gamora because that makes sense and is so totally well written
>Screencapping your own twitter page
>DCucks this desperate to stay relevant
Or you could just have, y’know,
DC cucks move on.
Shazam is your DCCU reboot, and that's a good thing.
Imagine loving the taste of Disney's cock this much
I don't get it. Why some "people" on Yea Forums unironically shilling for mouse? Do you hate cinema so much? What the fuck?
>normalfags in the future will think that marvel still did it first
virgin 2deep4u tryhard flick
chad popcorn blockbuster schlock
get a haircut and a job artfaggot
Imagine caring this much about superhero movies
I couldn't care less about snydertrash, but MCU movies are being mostly forgotten the moment plebs leaving the cinema. They'll only remember few poop jokes and that it was "sad". That's all. You can ask any marvelcuck any line from Thor 3 for example, he'll tell you some quips and nothing more.
Left is full of soul and kino tho
right is le ebin memes
>things get shot in Snyder movies
>things get shot in Marvel movies
How is Disney getting away with this!
>mouseshill unironically can't imagine normal people actually enjoying movies instead of flicks of his master
fucking hell
>movies instead of flicks
autism confirmed
holly shit, good one!
>a story beat for story beat copy of a franchise climax from a superhero script is just a coincidence
fucking BASED post
>heroes fight bad guy and one of them dies
>people mourn
the most generic story every
>saving some graphs with semantic definitions
>calling other autistic
top kek
I saved it to own the autists epic style
People actually cared about Iron Man dying though.
I don't know if it ironic or not. Batman won his battle while Iron manlet lost his.
>cherry picking shots
Every day, Yea Forums gets a little lower
>Till it Bleed
god damn it people
The third-worlder that made this can't even spell. And this image also shows how utterly lacking Infinity War was to any sort of substance beyond CGI 1 vs CGI 2.
People over the age of 18 actually caring about capeshit
I knew I seen this shit before
but Batman didn't stop either, he asked that thing when Superman wasn't even there
>if i simply what the image shows it will delegitimize the criticism.
There are much more specific story beats being shown here than that. Please don't argue in bad faith.
It's not like stealing the whole character arcs is not common for mouse.
the real difference between DCEU and MCU is with DCEU director is a creative role (auteur), like speilberg/scorsese movies while in MCU (and disney as a whole) the director is strictly a technical role with the producer being the creative brain (freige, kennedy etc)
thing is though it was marvel that got it right because the auteur rol doesn't work for this formulaic big budget schlock. A creative director is a risk to the franchise because they're more adventurous idiosyncratic (Rian johnson/zack schnyder)
blockbusters only need to check boxes now
>being this much of a brainlet that you can't even understand capeshit properly
DCEU have now realised this and rectified it . their films are now designed by committee of marketing personnel and schnyder is in a back seat
Do you have any idea just what cancer you're advocating?
The medium is much better off with risk-takers and innovators rather than the same boring ass corporate puppets doing by-the-numbers checklist films. It might work wonders for box-office short-term but long-term it leads to stagnation and decreased interest in the medium. We need the risk-takers for the medium to live on long-term. But now nobody dares it because Disney has perfected the assembly-line model.
>a man jumping sky high so retardedly that you can almost see the wires supporting him
>A giant man trying to smash something with a truck while a guy with a minigun trying to wreck it before getting btfo
yeah too bad still nobody believed supermad would die so literally nobody cared
>People actually falling for this shit bait
>better director
Yeah that's gonna be a yikes from me dawg,
>thinking only endgame is the climax
Every avengers movie was a climax, retard.
i'm a rian and zack advocate m8 . but it doesn't wash with producers that need to smash box office records with every new film to have any hope of getting their investment back. for that they turn to big data instead of artistic merit
You sure? Because the last one ended on a cliffhanger. And the one before that had some retarded airport fight that was just build-up to that cliffhanger movie.
>imagine not even getting capeshit
>all this while praising fucking snyder of all directors
that's why MCU's most successful films have been led by tv directors as tv directors have always taken a back seat behind the creator or show runner
Do you work in Sony?
soul vs soulless
He's right. Only conflict Stark has going is whether to take responsibility or not and it's repeated to death (literally).
>Thinking post-credit scenes are cliffhangers
All capeshit is the same. Shocking.
First picture: 3 Main characters that we know (maybe not love) over the years faces against the main threat who won the last movie-----A depressed superman, girl-ass, and jokebatman against a blob.
Every shot on the right looks better. Graded better and framed better
Take it or leave it the whole point of a cinematic universe is that things don't really "end" and the world keeps turning. With your retarded argument Endgame wasn't the climax either because 10 years down the line Galactus or another will come and Thanos will seem like he wasn't the climax after all which is retarded because he is the climax of a point in the history of the MCU, just as all other villains.
I think the whole idea of "universe" is anti-cinema, yes. They're turning it into a never-ending TV show. If not worse. Even TV shows must end some day. But MCU will keep go on and on and on.
>directors with experience in seasonal series are better fit for the conversion of seasonal series into cinema
Why is everyone here always so angry?
Unhealthy cognitive processes to cope with improperly treated mental illness
it's how you get (yous) you fucking developmentally challenged homosexual progressive
2-3 hr films release once every 3 months isn't the same as a netflix series in format but it's the same in terms of be able to fulfil a vision for someone else without bringing too much of your own personality into it
>you're a moron if you think Dawn of the Dead, 300 and Watchmen are better directed than You, Me and Dupree, an episode of Community and some capeshit spinoffs
That's like, your opinion. Every year is easier to get the resources to make a film. Every faggot owns a camera and literally anybody can make Kino if they have the talent and put it into the internet. But the pseuds here are butthurt because people prefer going to see iron man and spider man instead of their 4 hour snail movie about a tranny nigger faggot palestine falling in love with a faggot nigger disabled jew.
Just kys, even if capeshit didn't existed people would prefer to see jaws of titanic, because nobody even cares about your shitty pseud "taste".
>Snyder had Wilkinson add an inscription carved into the S of Superman's costume
>Translated into Kryptonian, it states "And where we thought to be alone, we shall be with all the world" a quote by Joseph Campbell
>Costume designer of Black Panther also had a message woven into the costume
>In "Wakandan" it says "I love you mom"
>imagine being this retarded
Each phase is a season, faggot. The releases are far appart from each other than in tv because you turn on the tv everyday in your bed or living room meanwhile you have to move your ass and pay every time you want to go to the cinema. The format is literally the same, but each one is adapted to the different formats.
>Dawn of the Dead, 300 and Watchmen
Every one of those movies owns anything good about them to the better artists who created them
BVSfag still seething. Go make more WAS IT TOO MATURE FOR AUDIENCES Threads.
>comparing multimillion dollar movies to chapters of a series which are lucky if they get a million for a whole season
I knew DCcucks are retarded but DAMN SON
DCkeks make me laugh, because of how pathetic they are
for me the worst thing about this dichotomy is that normies turn off snyder movies because colour contrast depresses them . how fragile do you need to be react like that towards black and white
not only fragile but visually illiterate too because as a design choice design it's dark that's comfy and cosy while too much light signals emptiness but maybe that's appropriate for marvelfags hearts and minds
this is your brain on capeshit
>dude you need like 12 movies to care about a character when they die or else its (((unearned)))
Did you not give a fuck about Gandalf in LOTR until watching the three Hobbit movies
i know the format they're going for and that's why they took staff from tv backgrounds but that's not the reason ti works. the reason it works is because Russo's haven't done anything creative since you me and dupree
Community was a dan harmon production and russo brothers were just staff . that's the difference between tv and film directors
Stop pretending anyone gave a shit when Superman died
>mos was good
wew lad
Gandalf was excellently done, superman was shit. Still, the credit belongs to the director of photography, not snyder or superman or whatever. Meanwhile in lotr they had the photography, the music, the effects and the acting. It's the whole package.
You must be seriously retarded for comparing the two.
>list five movies and one TV episode
The Russo's have literally nothing else outside of their Marvel shit. Snyder is the Verhoeven of our generation. Seriously list an actual trademark of the Russo bros directing style... you can't.
>He fucking stopped having an arc after Iron-man 2 and basically stayed the exact same except for 20 minutes of civil war where he becomes pro-big government but flip-flops back to letting his friends free before the film even ends.
Did you watch any Iron Man or Avengers movies before?
im not the guy you replied to but since you seem to be a fan of both the MCU and LOTR
do you think people will remember Endgame in 20 years like we remember LOTR now? not trying to be a dick, just wanna hear your opinion
>my favorite multi billion dollar capeshit studio product franchise is better than your favorite multi billion dollar capeshit studio product franchise
What did the Russo's contribute to their movies? They have bland ass, low contrast, washed-out color palettes with shaky-cam action editing. It astonishes me that they have the same DP as Neill Blomkamp. Marvel relies heavily on the actors, writing and CGI effects. There is no visual storytelling, the Russo's just follow a script with the most conventional framing and blocking possible.
Everyone who works on Snyder's films attribute the quality of their work to his leadership. People actually remember the names of his DP, production designers, costume, etc. because its not bland like Marvel.
>list an actual trademark of the Russo bros directing style
Not crashing a profitable franchise
Imagine getting fucking BATMAN AND SUPERMAN wrong, and not happy with that you go and crash THE WHOLE JUSTICE LEAGUE WITH NO SURVIVORS
The music, effects and acting in BvS completely shit on any MCU flick. Superman actually emotes instead of quipping and occasionally having some eyedrop tears like the MCU actors who know they're in a kids movie and never commit.
>I don't know anything about directing
>HA got em
ye but the standard for the format is to have celebrities stand around in front of camera doing else than what they do on late night talk shows
anyone attempting to do more than that is a tryhard
Damn, why us? Why do we have to wintess death of the cinema? This is the first time in history something THAT bad and soulless got that much popularity and spread that cancer everywhere. Is it because of "geek" culture were artificially memed into masses as accepted and normal one?
No, you're an idiot for thinking those shots are rip offs. How the hell else were they meant to do those shots for similar scenarios ('oh, a capeshit character is dying in EG and we see a reaction shot of his friends to him dying! They ripped off Snyder!')? You're an obsessive tard if you really think the Russos were ripping off Snyder on purpose, as if to imply the Snyder shots were really original in the first place. Seems I hit a nerve with you pricks considering the amount of (You)s I got.
Marvelfags buttblasted as aleays
>Superman actually emotes
>DCcucks actually believe this
I audibly kekd
How much of a drone are you? Do you even possess the necessary self-awareness to answer that truthfully?
Like lotr? no.
My parents remember superman, wonder woman and the old hulk series with joy. I think it will be like that, good boomer memories but nothing to say "they were the best movies ever made". The key to capeshit is understanding that it's a type of cinema that doesn't necessarily has to be serious or be recognized as "top tier filmmaking" because it is about superheroes, so it is doomed from the get go. Not even the best hamburguer restaurant can compete with a proper high tier restaurant, but that doesn't mean that you can't have a blast in it.
>not even vsync
>first time in history
Every time i see this i see some old boomer saying the same about
>the beatles
>cinema itself
>the rifle
I'm not OP. I never accused the Russo's of stealing shots. Someone said you're a moron is you think Snyder is a better director than the Russo's. He is. I don't think they're thieves. I just think they make bland-ass movies. You say "how else do you do those shots" but the job of a director is to tell a story in an original way. There are so many ways to shoot a funeral scene (as evidenced by the thousands of movies where people die), it's a copout to say the Russo's had no way to avoid similarities.
Snyder is an actual auteur. Like Kubrick, Scorsese, Verhoeven, or Michael Bay if you think I'm saying Snyder is on the same level as Kubrick. Auteur doesn't mean "really really good director" but it means someone who actually makes movies their own. Fans of MOS/BvS credit the director for leading the production. Fans of MCU almost always credit Feige or the entire corporation of Marvel/Disney for making the movies.
And it's ok for artists to borrow/steal. Kubrick referenced British paintings for Barry Lyndon. Snyder is notorious for referencing Baroque and Romantic paintings. The Russo's and other Marvel director-for-hire reference Star Wars and "borrow" visuals from Snyder because they are lesser.
Keep seething DCcuck
How does it feel being the biggest fucking normies in history Marveltards?
Aquaman made 1.14 bilion, I think it's pretty relevant you cuck
breddy gud
They're clearly not the same shots though.
>Fans of MCU almost always credit Feige or the entire corporation of Marvel/Disney for making the movies.
The MCU could have gone down the drain after what Whedon did in Age of Ultron but the Russos literally saved it and then ended up redeeming AoU in endgame by actually pulling off and finishing all the whacky arcs spawned in that movie. Phase 3 is entirelly Russos phase and if you can't see this is because you're so braindead that the only thing you can do is
>Snyder is notorious for referencing Baroque and Romantic paintings
Snyder is really good at luring pseuds into thinking he is deep. Congratulations, ya got dun goofed
Has masterpieces like dollar trillogy and Unforgiven, also great movies like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, The Wild Bunch, The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford etc.
What does capeshit have?
>finishing all the whacky arcs spawned in that movie
Which ones? Can't think of a single one, Hawkeye's family aside.
What's it like being a normalfag too scared to post the correct way?
>Movie you like does something
>Nobody likes it
>Endgame does something similar but differently
Did you like TLJ, too?
Watchmen, Man of Steel, Batman v Superman. Logan and Days of Future Past were pretty good too.
>western fatigue
Not him but I love BvS and dislike TLJ. Wouldn't say hate it but its writing is abhorrent.
Watchmen is deconstruction of capeshit thefore shit too.
>Man of Steel, Batman v Superman
don't start with this meme
>Logan and Days of Future Past
Pretty good, not great
Having few half decent movies in the sea of trash which killing cinema is not like westerns at all.
>Watchmen is deconstruction of capeshit thefore shit too.
Not an argument.
>don't start with this meme
Get yourself a brain.
>Pretty good, not great
Literally what I said.
>Having few half decent movies in the sea of trash which killing cinema is not like westerns at all.
Fuck off, dumb Zoomer. You obviously have no clue how many shitty westerns were made back in the day. Problem isn't genre but brand loyalty.
>degenerate capeshitter immediately forgot that western contributed at least 3-4 masterpieces while capeshit did none.
fucking hell
>t. brainlet
Man of Steel and Batman v Superman (Extended Cut) are masterpieces.
In a single movie you get introduced to
>Thanos going all out with the gems quest
>Fascist tony
>Infiniy war with Tony's vision
>Introduces Vision, quicksilver and wanda
>Black widow as le experiment
>Wakanda(altough it was more of a glorified easter egg)
>And of course ultron
Meanwhile avengers 1 was
>Get the team togheter
>Stop Loki
>Life in outer space
>Tony powers may not be enough
>hulk smash
I forgot
>Well hawkeye family as you said
>Civil war
You're imagining things, user.
>Man of Steel and Batman v Superman (Extended Cut) are masterpieces.
If you're 14 yo retard who fell for a Yea Forums memes. You're unironically the same as retards who believe that "ok" and pepe are nazi symbols
Those things are all in the movie, that's why it's a fucking mess and it didn't made as much money as the first one.
I watched BvS Ultimate Edition yesterday
It ages VERY well compared to when I first saw it... besides the ending with Doomsday and Wonder Woman. It'd be fucking KINO if not for those scenes. And Eisenberg is still shit.
However... the scenes of Batman and Superman building up their rivalry, the older, bitter Batman, the conflicted Superman. That was good shit, and it's sorely underrated compared to most cape shit that's popular now.
>Character who no one cares about because he hasnt been properly developed, sacrifices himself to kill some CGI monster introduced in the same flick who has zero character other than 'Me big bad, I'm evil'
>Movie literally shows Superman's still alive 10 minutes later as a cliffhanger
>Character who has tons of personality and flaws spanning multiple movies sacrifices himself to kill a villain that's been properly set up for 10 years, and actually delivered on the threat
>tons of personality
What personality aside "le snarky billionere in magic suit" does he have?
>Is a fascist that wants to protect humanity at all costs. Doesn't care about personal liberties on the greater scale and is ready to enact a literal police state to keep people "safe" given the chance.
>Has literal PTSD from not being actually able to defend humanity on his own. He feels he has the burden of protecting everyone.
>Has a love arc that made him go from millionaire playboy that fucks every hot girl there is to be a family man that washes dishes and takes it's daughter to bed
>Huge daddy issues that end when he sees his father in endgame and sees that despite the motherfucker that was his father, he really loved him and did everything he could.
>huge narcissistic complex spawned by him being more intelligent than most
>Could snap away all alien life if that would mean getting humanity safe.
I know you are shitposting but DAMN SON
I like it which means it won't happen
You're not describing personality, but events around him.
the only legit part is
>huge narcissistic complex spawned by him being more intelligent than most
and it's not even a good one
>Someone said you're a moron is you think Snyder is a better director than the Russo's
No, he said you're a moron if you think they're stealing shots. Learn how to track a conversation
what are you some type of mega bitch?
>calling yourself "Le Cinéphiles"
>in 20 fucking 19
Reread the comment the 'You're a moron' post was replying to. It literally asserted the Russos were stealing shots from a Snyder, the "kino" director. That's what I called fucking stupid, not the opinion Snyder is a better director.
Oh sorry sweetie, here is the answer you wanted
>he is a funny man
There, that's all there is to the character.
Factory-made nostalgia is the only reason these films will not end.
And it has shown that it fucking works on the people that consume them on a yearly basis, jesus christ.
ikr hasn't he read griffithfag
No, and what are you? Degenerate subhuman faggot?
He is not even funny. His last good jokes was in IM1.
Not the guy but can reduce any character's personality down to a short, dismissive line. Doesn't mean they don't have an actual character arc or that there personalities, however, briefly they can be described, aren't very entertaining to watch.
He is funny
>hey guys, let's spend the whole movie shitting on Superman because he's a menace
>wow he died fighting a bad guy, we sad now, he really was a symbol of hope
The biggest 360 in world reactions
>that still of Iron Man with the hammer fists
When did the Infinity War tie-in video game come out?
I guess the real difference is Endgame was an immensely enjoyable well made and satisfying movie and ended up being the highest grossing movie of all time. The other one is the opposite.
>and ended up being the highest grossing movie of all time.
Imagine this having any impact on your judgement of film whatsoever. Goes to show that Marvel fanboys are sheep of the highest calibre. If ten million ate shit, you'd celebrate taste of shit because "ten million people are enjoying it".