Which of these movie/tv characters would win?

Which of these movie/tv characters would win?

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>implying you can ever "win" an argument

Sheldon would win. Bazinga has no counterargument.

House because he is the most realistic character
Sheldon is pop-sci circlejerk material
The other are fictional cunts

House and Jack Sparrow are the only based characters on here

chads win arguments by threatening violence. it works

Yep. House would win, because he would employ violence. Although I highly doubt he and Sherlock would actually disagree about anything.



This. Sheldon always wins.

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Captain Jack Sparrow

>The other are fictional cunts
they're all fictional you fuckin moron

He lost to the comic book nerd FFS

The only argument these guys could have is which could play the most gay character in a movie.

This is retarded, jack sparrow and iron man are played by the same actor. It would be 4 people arguing and 1 schizophrenic

Chandler goes home to smash prime Monica after the argument so he wins by default

Bazunga-man ftw (for the win)

Except Sherlock

o* th*s i* f*cking ep*c

>implying you can't
You can totally win arguments, retard

*ding* *ding*

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calm down Dale

>implying you can't
t. developmental disorder having incel

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I thought it was cooper from twin peaks


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I'm a huge fucking faggot so i will take this meme question seriously.

Chandler isnt smart and is a weak willed pussy, he falls first

Sheldon might be booksmart, but the moment the others start with the sarcastic and ironic comments he drops off imminently thanks to his low social intelligence since he is a min-max autist.

Sparrow is big fish in a small pond, he only seems tricky and clever because he mostly interacts with a bunch of retard pirates, put him to someone with actual 3 number iq and his bullshit doesnt get through.

The last 3 is harder to tell, each of them are geniuses of their field while still being socially well adjusted. But i guess Tony loses next since he is a big emotional bitch that once the other two read his personality he would fold hard.

House is probably smarter on the science field because of 100+ years of future knowledge advantage but Holmes is unbeatable at reading people, so it could go either way here.

>I'm a huge fucking faggot


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Bazinga to the googol power

House vs. Holmes would essentialy be a game of levels of thinking (what does my opponent think? what does he think I think? what does he think about me thinking about what he thinks etc.)

That being said, I can't imagine a meaningful argument between them.

Shit thread
Now what about a gamble between those 4

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robert johnny dunior

>Is that a form of lupus?
>Could THIS be any more boring?
>Anyone up for some vodka shots?
>I’m Professor What.


>Chandler isnt smart

could i BE anymore of a weak willed pussy?

Attached: chandler ben.jpg (1280x720, 90K)

House and Sherlock would go and get high on Drugs
Jack and Tony would get drunk as fuck
Sheldon and Chandler would become Friends

based dubs

>tfw i'll never see that excellent copypasta again

Mr chanandler bong, unironically

House IS holmes though. He's literally modern day sherlock in a medical setting. Its holmes vs holmes. Probably a draw.


>nothing but white males
uhu more like it would be problematic sweetie

Tony Stark is jewish and Jack Sparrow is a pirate