>a woman in charge
A woman in charge
Other urls found in this thread:
>based anti-blob baldy
>came from nothing
>built himself up to one of the top players in the game anyway
>truly cares about people and does everything he can to make sure their voices are heard
holy based
>had some of the best dialogue of the entire series
>now just stands around in every scene being a mute
Best character since season 1. I've been saying this.
>I've made a huge mistake
where's young griff?
Show Qyburn cucked Varys out of most of his good lines.
Even stole his little birds.
Who did he want replacing Robert Baratheon and his 20 years of peace again? The violent psycho who thought he was a dragon or the wife of a Dothraki warlord later becoming city conqueror?
High IQ poster
His "cocks are important" speech was absolutely based.
greyworm kills him off in the next episode in a fit of shit-acted feminine rage when Varys suggests that kaleesi might be unstable and should hold off the attack on the city. all because of his ugly microphone headed lesbian girlfriend.
What a waste of Varys' character. absolutely no resolution.
>Don't say anything for two seasons
>Come back with a line as iconic as
>In the most mainstream feminist show
The people who will inevitably cheer when this happens will drive me to murder
What if the woman had a penis?
“No.” The eunuch’s voice seemed deeper. “He is here. Aegon has been shaped for rule since before he could walk. He has been trained in arms, as befits a knight to be, but that was not the end of his education. He reads and writes, he speaks several tongues, he has studied history and law and poetry. A septa has instructed him in the mysteries of the Faith since he was old enough to understand them. He has lived with fisherfolk, worked with his hands, swum in rivers and mended nets and learned to wash his own clothes at need. He can fish and cook and bind up a wound, he knows what it is like to be hungry, to be hunted, to be afraid. Tommen has been taught that kingship is his right. Aegon knows that kingship is his duty, that a king must put his people first, and live and rule for them.”
mouths open, eyes wide, submissive to that which is dealt to them.
He had the best dialogue this episode
Varys' mob-esque head shrug when Tyrion asked "what happens to Dany" was pure kino
That’s a man, user
Will it be all the west-coast women? Because he fat, ugly and “totally creeps me out.”
>*dies trying to steal dany's dragons
the top of the keks
who the fuck is aegon? I've only read the first book
fucking hate argentinian feminists with a passion
>Millions of people, many of whom will die if the wrong person sits on that throne. We don’t know their names, but they’re just as real as you and I. They deserve to live. They deserve food for their children. I will act in their interest no matter the personal cost.
How could anyone hate this guy?
that's quentyn
Aegon will win the hearts of the people of Westeros and be celebrated in the streets which will make Dany reee and chimpout and kill him
hes a snake in the grass. death was coming for him eventually
not that im a danyfag
This scene made me so happy. Danny is unstable, the dumb fans are so busy cheering for her they forget all the terrible things she has done.
Next episode ends with Jon killing her
>Jon killing her
Just imagining the tears and salt
you mean whole series
It's actually true. It has been leaked, though it probably happens in the last episode.
oh shit you're right haha
tell me, user... what's the terrible things she has done?
omgosh, like, I know right??
Just because you're somehow justified doesn't mean they aren't terrible.
Getting beheaded is a resolution user.
oh, he kills kaleesi first. slow poison. she dies in the final episode just after sitting on the throne, childless, heirless.
Cersei was the only competent female leader in the series desu
Based. It will truly show how far this show has come if mainstream normies cheer his beheading simply because he's against Dany.
Basically he wanted to get Viserys to go to Westeros with the Dothraki, letting them rape and pillage along the way then in comes (f)Aegon with the Golden Company to kill the Mad King's son and stop the Dothraki screamers from destroying the Kingdom. After this Varys would make such the Lords of Westeros would turn on House Baretheon and ally themselves with him.
>not Varys
lost the war lmao
he's stabbed
>what's the terrible things she has done?
Literally bringing 3rd world rapists into westeros. Thank based Nightking for solving that trainwreck.
>Le burning noble prisoners to death without trial
>Le killing Hundreds of Dothraki Khals by burning them to death because they had the audacity to try and honor her original marriage agreement
>Le letting her brother, the actual heir to the throne, get molten gold poured on his head simply because she didn't like him
>Le taking over 3 slave cities, completely uprooting their culture over the course of 3-4 years or so and then leaving them in political and socioeconomic ruins after she leaves for some iron chair across the sea
>Le letting the rest of her loyal Dothraki be genocided by the undead scourge
I mean, she hasn't spent in frivolities so far, hasn't committed any high tyrannic acts, has paid the Crown's debt and managed to secure a better deal with the Iron Bank, has ensured the safety of her troops by not sending them north.
She has honestly been the best ruler so far.
You realise she is a symbol of the US foreign policy.
Hmmmm. That seems bitchy even for Greyworm
It's okay to have a cock
He’s the spider you dolt. And truly One of the only good people in a position of authority in the realm. Leaders do not deserve blind loyalty, it should be earned and maintained. He told her straight up what his deal was. Fuck you fag
He doesn't get any good lines because they ran out of material from GRRM.
Same reason Tyrion isn't clever or witty anymore D&D had to write them themselves and proved that they can't write Varys or Tyrion for shit.
what are the terrible things she has done
nah, varys is getting it in the beginning of next episode. jon will kill dany
Yeah, the pro-cock comment really sealed his fate and no doubt everybody will cheer
you can only live with no loyalties for anyone for so long. eventually someone will resent you and kill you
his pro-cock comment was based. im just being objective. his sneaky ways were always going to come back to haunt him. tyrion will snitch
Yep. No for Dany and Cersi. They've both gone full bat shit. It's why the US will NEVER have a female president. Women aren't trustworthy and are way too ruled by their emotions
>Women aren't trustworthy and are way too ruled by their emotions
Objective truth.
When was Tyrion reduced into a quipping, pussywhipped and unquestioningly loyal pet of Daenerys?
When you win the lottery in life and get weapons of mass destruction and then stomp your feet till you get your way.
Only to fuck it all up and lose anthing you've gained to a better person for the job.
Because Robert's Kingdom was falling apart. little finger was bleeding coin, the lannisters were filling up the red keep with supporters, most of the small council knew about the incest, and Dorne was waiting for shit to hit the fan so they could get revenge.
>I mean, she hasn't spent in frivolities so far, hasn't committed any high tyrannic acts, has paid the Crown's debt and managed to secure a better deal with the Iron Bank, has ensured the safety of her troops by not sending them north.
We're not watching the same show.
No particular order or a full list but let’s review some. She instigated her husband to rape, plunder and slaughter a few ethnic groups to pay for their eventual raping and pillaging of her birth land. She burned alived a woman, which sure execution may have been justified but regardless very inhumane way to go about it. She crucified hundreds some of whom were innocents and were against what was done to the slaves. She made a bargain and immediately betrays the NAP and murders and steals from a merchant. She burned alive all the khals in their most holy and religious city where no one can murder. She brutally burned The Tarlys whom ironically were one of the biggest allies to the targs in Roberts rebellion. Randal was the only one to beat Robert in battle. Instead of you know trying diplomacy (like her ancestor aegon did during his conquest with 3 dragons) she immolated a former vassal who only turned away from her because she brought a foreign army full of rapist barbarians to savage Westeros. Any challenge to her “birthright” is met with scorn, violence and possible death. So tell me why do you think she hasn’t made any mistakes or atrocities?
Season 5.
Her brother wasn’t the true heir tho. Jon is. He literally has the strongest claim. Dabs
Prove me wrong then.
Although I agree, Varys was well-written this episode.
Tyrion was okay.
But in 90% of other scenes, Tyrion in particular, has been an abortion, making jokes 9-year-olds would find funny and nothing else.
I mean it’s not just because he’s a dude. He’s the heir, that’s how the line of succession works. Jesus. Not to mention there was an entire massive civil war in Westeros called the dance of dragons over whether or not people would accept a queen. Brutal dragon vs dragon combat. God I fucking hate you
yeah right
Crucifying all the slavemasters in Meereen and burning the Tarlys made quite obvious that she wasn't exactly a fair and stable ruler.
He’s stated his loyalties though you brainlet. He’s looking out for the common man. The voice of the people. And how many monarchs has he outlived? Regardless your dragonwhore is gonna die
It feels like his entire character has went over your head.
>what is the UK and the entire Commonwealth
Did everyone forget that this is a show about feudal kingdoms?
US had to leave Vietnam and Iraq by of dumb American politics. Most wanted to stay despite what reddit and cnn tells you. Just look at what happens to countries where the US actually commits to. IE South Korea.
When you are given everything because you are an attractive magic vagina owner and then someone actually competent comes along and turns out to be better than you.
Dany will betray her cause when she'll allow hundreds of dothraki and unsullied to march against her people. She will be proved unfit to rule
they could have scrapped the entire pro-cock speech and just reminded people that Jon is 1st in the line of succesion over Dany as he's Rhaegar's son.
How do you become as based as stannis irl?
>"worked" for it
>got given dragons
>got given a dothraki army
>stole an unsullied army
>stole ships
She's basically a whore. She hasn't ever done anything herself. I really don't get how people side with her.
Sansa's the same. Hasn't done jack shit except be useless and let people die, and now she's treated as some super intelligent girl and adviser.
That's not how targ succession works. Rhaegar was never king, dany's claim is just as strong; plus she has the dragon and dragon stone
if you want to know what kind of ruler dany really is, just imagine its viserys doing all that shit and not a dragon cunny
all of a sudden, its literally hitler right?
I agree on the Daenerys part
But Sansa isn't taken as seriously as she deserves
Last episode was the best example of that
I don't think making Dany a psychopathic incompetent overly emotional retard actual canon is bad writing.
In Essos she didn't have many people to tell her to shut the fuck up. If she was in Westeros she would have gotten sick murdered in S3 or so.
So what did the voice in the flames say to him?
>le not a single one of those things are bad given the humanistic perspective of the culture in Westeros
>le fag it up further
Printed, based as FUCK
>fuck women and fuck niggers
Considering she got outplayed left and right and let her entire house die because of it, she wasn't that great.
>haha but she was so sassy tho!!
You're thinking of Quentyn (who's alive). That's Aegon, who will probably end up in the books with Cersei's storyline from the show; taking over King's Landing and ruling the south.
Literally STALIN
in episode 4 he also stole Arya's teleport abilities
Take a guess
With this much pseudo-history in this post I thought for a moment I was on /his/
>implying dabid remembers that happened
Cocks are important
What voice, what flames?
sansa got most everyone in her family killed and claimed lord of winterfell while bran is clearly alive and of higher succession
get a load of this moron trying to predict the future
>sansa got most everyone in her family killed
what is it that you're watching? you sure it's GoT?
what a great image
except the fact that she has Varys and realistically a billion scouts
She wasn't listening to Varys
bro, if she didn't try to get into joffreys pants to be a princess the whole thing could have been avoided
>But Sansa isn't taken as seriously as she deserves
Literally told Tyrion a peace-wrecking sworn secret 5 minutes after learning it.
She's an absolute fucking moron.
>cockless person in charge of 7 kingdoms
forgivable, considering that secret will avoid having a famale Aerys as a queen
Set it on fire, it looks like The Thing.
Really is a master of disguise.
Sex tourist feminist nation with no identity of its own?
Another secret Targ kid and Varys' pet project for becoming king.
>I really don't get how people side with her
She's qt
and I bet targs have really hot cunnies
I didn't say she was a bad person, I'm rebutting the claim that anyone should take her seriously.
>She's an absolute fucking moron.
not really user. she knew perfectly well what would happen in dany's camp after she told the truth about jon to tyrion
still, that doesn't mean she is 100% wrong when giving advices that would literally change the course of the show
>That hair at 54
>hair at 54
more like ultra low T
>tfw dangerously low t levels, tiny chin and jawline because of it
>full head of thick hair
We're all gonna make it
when you think about it. almost all the women in show are like that. Only men are competent to do stuff to earn things.
Cersei mostly averts it, which is why I like her. She plots and actually gets shit done..
Margaery did too, but she overplayed her hand. Cat was also good. Brienne is massively overestimated in the show and her character is pretty much ruined now just so D&D could force this shitty romance fanfic with Jaime.
Dany, Sansa, Arya are all garbage that magically just get things given to them or magically work out in their favor.
She didn't tell Tyrion because of some intelligent scheme she's come up with, she told him because HE might come up with a devious scheme.
She relies totally on everyone else. Her main "badass" moment was (not even) sentencing Littlefinger, all the evidence against him being drip-fed by Bron.
Did you post that ironically or unironically
i would add cersei to that garbage list.
Blackfyre confirmed
Every decision Cersei ever made put her in a worse situation than before
>Cat was good
Lack of Blackfyres is the absolute number one reason why the show's story sucks. Change my view.
I didn't say she was intelligent or doing the right thing. She was well-portrayed and a realistic character, and lacking plot armor.
Oh it looked like you said she was good at scheming
Literally nobody in Westeros but mad Dany and Cerci thinks burning people alive is good.
Everyone else is utterly disgusted by it.
what was she supposed to do then smoothbrain? telling tyrion was the best possible thing she could have done. she noticed that tyrion was afraid of deny and started doubting her so she planted a seed in him (successfully, because he told varys who will tell all danys supporters etc)
>"despite only making up 13% of the population..."
imagine interpreting this as an anti-feminist statement, instead of stating the sad reality that people take men more seriously than women
>what was she supposed to do then smoothbrain?
Not get assblasted about Job being warden rather than KINGINANORF.
>a woman in charge
Uh, wrong. Charles in Charge.
>was the retard who militarized the Sparrow
>had to blew up her city to get it back
>got all her kids killed for being a retard.
Everything she does always makes things worst. She's an idiot. That's why Tywin never wanted her to have power. He'd rather fucking Tyrion do shit than Cersei's dumbass.
It's swell to have a stiffy, it's divine to own a dick.
His characterization also makes sense. He was the advisor for Aerys and obviously didn't kill him and look what ended up happening. If he would have just taken action and killed Aerys, it's possible Rhaegar would have ended up as king instead of Robert Baratheon who was almost as bad for the realm as Aerys. It would make sense that Varys would think "I'm never letting it get that bad ever again."
Wrong. Excess DHT causes androgenic alopeca;
>Was the 1st motherfucker who warned everyone about the Night King
>Spent all his time unifying the wildings and getting them to fight
>is a great warrior on the battlefield
>Didn't even want to become king, is just a white knight like Ned and wants to do what's best
He didn't even want the job, his blood forces him to accept it though.
Cersei "AAAAAAA! HELP ME QYBURN!" Lannister.
Go back to tumblr you faggot
You can never be as based as stannis.
nice reading comprehension
she's a panicky, self serving hysterical weakling and has done nothing throughout the series.
you just believe the retrofitted backstory mythos that they've put in in the last few episodes.
She'd sworn an oath to John 2 seconds before, and then passed on information to her family's enemy.
The cunt is the reason all the mess happened in the first place.
kill yourself tranny freak
Im glad he finally got a game to play after like 2 seasons to doing literally nothing.
sansa becoming hybrid between einsten and machiavelli overnight is absolutely absurd, that i agree with. still telling tyrion is the best thing she could have done
Sanscha knows exactly what she's doing. Chaosh is a ladder
Varys is a merman
Reminder that Tyrion and Varys are both retatrds and Dany shouldn't have listened to them.
>Trustworthy Ned keeps family secret for 18 years
>”LMAO wanna hear what I just heard!!? XD”
Varys claims to have rescued Rhaegars son from getting his head smashed by the mountain with a baby swap. He's been raising him to be the perfect king. Whether the boy is really Aegon Targ depends on how much you trust Varys. He has the Targ features white hair, purple eyes but there places in Essos that are descended from Valyrians that also still have the features
>>stole an unsullied army
I still don't get how both the show and books overlooked this
>buy slaves
>get slaves to kill slavers
>you now have a slave army for free
im pretty sure many many more would have attempted this before
varys and I hope euron are the only decent people left
one sees how shit monarch and monarchies are, the other is an adventurer that could care less about this game of genocide and autism mess
I dont want Varys to go, senpai.
>kill a wh*te man
>yasss, GoT is amazing
>kill a WoC
>How GoT is a patriarchal problematic mess: a series of essays
>everyone else
Who? She has an entire army that vehemently supports her in spite of her very visible public executions by fire. I'm not saying it's clever writing but the show is very clear that, at worst, Dany's actions mostly up to this season were portrayed as the least of all evils and that many oppressed would be freed over the death of a few oppressors. This current scenario is flipped because she's advocating to indiscriminantly kill both oppressor and oppressed.
Acting like it's arbitrary that gender be brought into it is silly - their claim is arbitrary anyway. They both just happen to be related to a deposed monarch from twenty years ago, who happened to be in power because his ancestors had weapons of mass destruction in a time when weapons to counter them didn't exist.
>...Targs account for 87% of the familial makeup for all tyrants across Westeros' history.
>dickless man has no loyalty to his queen
>sansa (also dickless) has no loyalty to her queen
>manlet with dick has loyalty to his queen
what did d&d mean by this
Welcome to the medieval mindset
Not for expendable varys
Jon would have been dead in about 2/10ths of a second if Ned had told any female, including his plotting wife.
>literally fucking died
She'd he in a shallow grave in bravos if not for Varys.
Tyrion though, christ he must be the worst hand to ever exist.
>could care less
American, I presume.
To bad he’s dying next episode for these words
>Ned keeps the secret so Jon doesn't die
>Sansa was raised by Cersei and Littlefinger, is strongly motivated to keep Dany from power and knows a secret that would put her own brother on the throne
>Being surprised that she actually uses that information to further her goals
I mean D&D are fucking retarded, but this was perfectly in character.
Varys is a merman confirmed
Anyone get the impression that Tyrion told Varys about Jon because he knew Varys would switch sides?
>is strongly motivated to keep Dany from power
Why? Dany saved the North, Sansa is acting like a bitch towards her for no reason.
>Sansa was raised by Cersei and Littlefinger, is strongly motivated to keep Dany
She is a disloyal, ungrateful liar. That is why she is getting shit.
I wonder whether GRRM had meant for Dany to become mad
Because Sansa sees Dany as an outsider who waltzed into the north and demands to be the new ruler after the last couple of kings and queens almost destroyed her family and home?
>Norf will never bend the knee to anyone ever again!
Meanwhile, all houses are suspected to? What makes the norf so special. Without Dany, they wouldn't even have stopped NK.
that's definitely not what we're supposed to infer. Tyrion and Jon are supposed to go from unironically supporting Dany to slowly accepting she's mad and has to be put down for the good of the realm.
the idea is for the audience to accept it because they do. it's not going to work.
Sansa has no empathy, no gratitude, no anything. It is truly insane how disloyal she is. I don't really blame her, though. D&D are making everybody a complete asshole right now.
you believe that at face value? he just wants to be close to power in a stable kingdom
hes a blatantly sneaky and surreptitious character. someone is going to get fed up with him eventually. he will die next episode guaranteed
Bruh Robert was good for the realm. Shit was literally at peace for 10+years. Everyone talks about how great it was for the common person.
>Littlefingers student is an opportunistic bitch
Wow, who'd have seen that coming
Paying off all the debt in one go was litterally retarded
Dany actually did her duty as queen and protected the north, Sansa should have no reason to hate her (unless she secretly wants to fuck Jon).
When the house is full of rats, you call pest control.
She is the outsider who waltzed in, did nothing and immediately said IM THE REEL QEEN BAND THE NEE!!!! BAND THE NEE
Jon only said he'd call her queen because she could deal with the white walkers, which a stark took care of anyway.
This. She always was. She told Joffrey about something which led to her own father's death. She's selfish and never learns.
Prettiest of the whole series, but has never grown, despite the brave attempts of her second husband.
He's the only character in the entirety of GoT who just wants the best for his people.
Sansa and Arya think the best way to survive is by never having allies ever. Littlefinger waited at least before he tried subterfuge. Sansa is trying to stab Dany in the back before Cersei is even removed from power.
Pretty sure it was her cuck bregade and army of dickless slaves who crawled through the sewers into yunkai, not her.
Jon too
That's Missabdei, and she is black, so you know every other girl is an ugly ass angoblin
John should have killed her and taken the dragons and armies for himself.
The cunt won't even bow down to him when he has the birthright claim that she's harped on about.
The least she could have done is buggered off across the seas again and ruled her demented desert shithole full of faggot men that wear make-up.
Based Varys
it's almost like he's been castrated by the shitlords at hbo
lel stop trying to rationalize D&D's shitty writing.
the reason the characters are acting retarded is because D&D need them to. you sound like fucking shills.
You mean the spent matchstick that had its head struck off? Disgusting.
The Red Woman was decent and has the best tits, but prettiness is bound in youth, and Sansa has that.
Correct, Sansa is dirt. Disloyal to her brother's wishes, only interested in herself. I can't wait for [SPOILER]Bran to kill her in the finale.[/SPOILER]
Jon doesn't want to rule, though.
>eunuch says that cocks are important
eunuchs led by a woman advised by a beta friendzoned man.
By being women
Females only care about themselves and Chad. Every other human is an insect for them, even their children (if they are not from Chad)
>Don't have sex
>Have high and inflexible moral standards
>be a brutally honest asshole so people can't stand to be fake friends with you
>Maximize your critical thinking ability
>(Difficult) Have unbending willpower.
The newer leaks now say he gets burned in the 6th episode
He wants Dany more
Fuck young Griff where the fuck is Howland Reed
I hate Dumb and Dumbers abysmal writing you fucking nigger, I posted this reminder multiple times
>The entire meeting in the dragonpit now boiled down to telling Cersei WW are real only to show up a month later with a nvm, fixed it
>That the literal apocalypse didn't even reach the killcount of a smaller lord of the riverlands
>That Jon was brought back to life for shits and giggles
>That Dany despite riding the equivalent of a scout plane didn't notice an entire fucking fleet of ironborn
>That the solution against a 10.000 year old lich necromancer was to just hire a craigslist assassin who dropped out of hitman school after two semesters
>That Dany is now attacking the Capitol of Westeros and 20.000 Gold Cloaks with 40 Unsullied and a dragon
>Qyburn can literally teleport
>Beric Dondarion was brought back to life nine times to get stabbed in a hallway through plate armor
>Littlefinger was killed while being a guest of his lord after literally saving Jons life with the knights of the vale and being denied an actual trial
However Sansa being distrusting of Dany is completly fine
Ees Jon Sner, ee as te rule.
He's the only one who has kept his morals intact and has the fighting skill and fearlessness to do it.
Damn is he Aegon's dad?
Bran won't kill anybody. If you actually believe those kinds of 'leaks' then I feel sorry for you. How clear do they need to make that Bran doesn't give a fuck. He's there to observe and suggest, not to act.
Yes, that is how feudal succession works. Rhaegar was next in line to be king (eldest son). His son (Jon/Aegon) is next in line after their deaths. He has the strongest claim.
Most based scene in the last 4 seasons
Beric should never have died.
Nor should Dennis Pennis have.
Robert was based. He delegated everything to the small council, his only mistake was letting himself get surrounded by Lannister shits.
You mean Dany's 16yo pusy will get as wet as the Niagara Falls when she sees him get crowned.
Big reveal is that Bran can walk.
After warging into Hodor, some of the strength was transferred.
Bran will stand up and kill Arya, then take the steel throne for himself.
>Prettiest of the whole series
Idk man her jaw is REALLY strong. Like, her face is comparable to Rumor Willis
>giving this much credit to Dingus and Dungus
It always makes me laugh when people act like we are still in canon
Guys he never got to kill anyone with a crossbow :__;
it broke the realm though. Everyone was waiting for Rhaegar to be king, he surely would have rewarded Tywin and I guess wouldn't have stolen the Stark cunt..
>E5 Siege of KL, likely death of Cersei and feud for the Iron Throne
>E6 ???
It seems like they've taken out all the brakes in the script and shit just happens for the sole purpose of wrapping up this disaster of a storyline as soon as possible. Is E6 going to be a corny send-off episode with a time-skip that shows what happened to each of the characters? Because there's absolutely no way they can drag out the the main plot for another 2+ hours at the pace that it's been going in the last episode.
Oh yeah that's true. Even though, that kind of asspull would be sad even for D&D.
argie feminist women were a mistake
North western European women have well defined faces. The actress in real life is upper class.
there's still time, bro ;)
I heard Varys kills The Mountain with a crossbow just before he himself is stabbed, beheaded and burned by greyturd.
Stop. D&D realized that they're not intelligent enough to incorporate time travel into the plot in a way that makes sense so Bran is no longer a character, they've made that clear by having him explicitly state "I no longer want".
Last episode will be about Tyrion and Varys convincing Jon that Dany has become mad and him killing her. Next episode will be an 'epic' battle, ending with Jaime trying to talk into Cersei and finally killing her and possibly himself. It's so fucking predictable.
feud for the throne will probably be the first half of Ep 6 - 5 will be all Kings Landing leading up to Cersei's death
Then the last half of Ep 6 is epilogue stuff showing what happened to everybody
>I project 21st century political issues to a medieval low fantasy world
This is the type of niggers that watch these shows.
She literally daydreams about him, wait until she hears that he's alive and took KL.
>While in Meereen, Daenerys Targaryen muses about Aegon, who would have been the sixth of his name to sit on the Iron Throne. She believes that, had Aegon lived, she might have married him, as he would have been closer to her in age than Viserys.
No one else had ever been allowed to buy out literally all the slave warriors in order to prevent just such a thing, but the lure of dragons saw the slave master lose his senses to greed.
>one of few people that cares only for the benefit of the people
>will get executed by Mad Queen Slayyyyy
>normies cheer
>Then Jon kills her
>normies in shock and get as angry and shitty as Yea Forums and (((reddit))) was about e03
It will be IRL kino
>Bringing the equivalent to the mongols who have been shown to rape, kill and enslave everybody who isn't them to a relatively peaceful continent is fine
>Nathalie Emmanuel is ugly
Because medival people were very fond of middle eastern rapists, just ask Charles Martell
Does anyone have the picture of Varys' actor in a different show, and he's on a cell phone or something, and the text reads something like
>Yes, it truly was a Game of Thrones
>Bran won't kill anybody. If you actually believe those kinds of 'leaks' then I feel sorry for you. How clear do they need to make that Bran doesn't give a fuck. He's there to observe and suggest, not to act.
That's not really the case. You're really just making assumptions based on a stereotype for that type of character. There is nothing, other than perhaps his own claims, that makes him that.
And if he's not that, then he can lie about being that.
Post Carice in her Naked Apron doing the spin
From Sansa's point of view, she and Jon saved North from Boltons, and Arya and Bran saved North from Night King.
He seems pretty rooted in his theme of his characters not being able to escape their family identities but who knows what that hack is planning though.
>From my point of view it's the Dany who is evil
The only part that I was wrong in is that the show is made by D&D and not GRRM. There's a lot of information on the 3 eyed raven. It would be stupid if he would start killing people.
Instigate violence, sure, but not killing anything himself.
I think Dany has always been insane. Remember that time she just waltzed into a bonfire?
Balding isn't a sign of high testosterone, despite what the hairlets love to claim
Doubt it. I'd love nothing more, but this show has shit on Varys' potential to do anything cool.
I mean, not necessarily evil, but Sansa has her reasons to be indifferent about her.
Sansa being distrustful is fine IN PRINCIPLE but it needs to be properly motivated and contextualized.
IRL everyone would 100% leave the plotting and backbiting until after Cersei was dead: the idea that they would risk leaving her in charge to plot against a character who just helped save them is laughable.
I agree user, I was making a joke.
I think it's safe to say that if Martell knew he was going to be cited as a role model by incels on a Thai bodysurfing board, then he would have converted to Islam.
So anyone that looks like them? Sounds about right
without Dany's dragons roasting thousands of wights Arya never would have gotten a chance to stab the NK. Sansa literally watched from the battlements as she did it.
Didn't he say the flames showed him a vision of a "great battle in the snow"?
You can add:
>Melisandre's entire purpose culminated in telling Arya, a character that's up to that point been completely irrelevant to her, to shank the Night King
>without Dany's dragons roasting thousands of wights Arya never would have gotten a chance to stab the NK
Conjecture. This isn't established in any way.
Based fake Targ twink
Women aren't actually as empathetic as they pretend to be.
Varys is anti-Dany, so they'll hate him.
I do think the killcount of the dragons and Unsullied is a lot higher than the entirety of norf soldiers. But you're right, that was never established
She's topless underneath the apron, but entirely naked. This gif is sluttier.
based cock and wine dwarf.
Charles Mattel used to post here. He's pretty down to earth.
Imagine typing this all out unironically
Dany and Jon prevented the NK from just flying straight to the Godswood and burning everything.
I think I've seen Carice's tits more often on television than any single porn actress' tits on my computer screen. That woman loves getting naked in front of a camera.
>t. Dutchie
>the sad reality
It's reality for a reason and the sad part of it is because women are idiots.
what about Yara?
she absolutely is, dumb facebook fag
List of all the leaks?
no idea why people say "norf", when it is the southern low class accent that lazily coughs out an F when there should be a TH, and it is always spoken properly in the north, only the vowel is different.
Makes sense, since he has a connection to Rhllor.
megan markal
>when the eunuch has more balls than anyone else and says what needs to be said
Expectations subverted. Well done Dabid
Have you watched the show? Are you new on this board (at least new to /got/)?
I mean it's never established that killcount was of any relevance to Arya's ability to kill NK. It's not like they were holding off a swarm of zombies which allowed Arya to slip past unobstructed and take out NK, we can quite literally see that the castle is in the process of being completely overwhelmed, the remaining walker army size is superfluous.
>when he openly plots high treason with Tyrion without being certain Tyrion will agree, therefore exposing himself to execution if Tyrion sells him out
>when he endangers Tyrion by making him an accomplice to treason if he doesn't report what Varys said
10/10, Hillary Mantel has nothing on D&D
honestly bros, I'd like to live under such a monarch again, fuck this corrupt bullshit democracy
sorry user. monarchies rely entirely on patronage which is literally official corruption.
Truth, but the first wave was beaten back, forcing the Night King to come down to raise the dead anew. At least that's how I saw it. Without Dany there would have been no need for him to come down. But you're still right, the way it was portrayed is that they absolutely didn't need Dany. Just have Arya man up sooner.
Melisandra is literally a gypsy woman going from person to person telling them they are the choosen ones
>tfw no twink king to boss you around and make you fucking him in the ass
I was not disappointed
what did varys mean by this?
Burgers don't understand British accents.
I'n gonna miss Conleth guys.
Are you new to the English language, phonemes, consonants and vowels, or at least to /speech/.
People in the north in the programme have northern English accents. In northern English accents, the TH is the soft TH, more or less the same as in RP. The only accent mispronouncing it as an F would be some of the guttersnipes in kings landing/london.
It doesn't matter how many times it is repeated when it is senseless in the first place.
She only does what the flames tell her to.
>The only part that I was wrong in is that the show is made by D&D and not GRRM. There's a lot of information on the 3 eyed raven. It would be stupid if he would start killing people.
>Instigate violence, sure, but not killing anything himself.
If, over the course of the next two episodes, his family ends up utterly dominant, with or without he himself being on the throne, it's pretty likely that he engineered not merely what was best for humanity but rather what was best for his family.
If men are so much better than women why are all you trannies MALE to FEMALE? You know being Female is life on easy mode.
accentS? briddish is only one accent
>I promise you Stannis, you are the choosen one
>I promise you Jon, you are the choosen one
>Now that I'm here...Arya you are the choosen one
Tyrion is a cuck now so we all know hes gonna squeal. Its not varys fault that tyrion is gonna cuck so hard. Plotting treason against a tyrant is not a bad thing
She was right all three times.
Stannis was the chosen one, in the book. Jonathan Snowlingson is the chosen one to be king, and Arya Tenchu Stealth Assassin is the chosen one to kill the frozen man by luck.
Jon is the heir because he is the eldest child's eldest child. That comes before second eldest child
If Dany was male Jon would still be ahead.
>burger projecting
Tyrion should tell Jaime, and have Jaime backstab the slave-mistress to regain his title.
>A leader must have a cock. People won't follow a woman
I mean yeah, it's true, it's why Trump won. Didn't expect him to come out and say it though.
Is Dany pretty much Trump?
Yes, just like trump. She wants only the best brown horde to invade the west
actually it's that people just don't care as much about Female to Male trannies. just like people care less about lesbians than gay men.
She is a known exhibitionism.
t. Dutchy that actually has mutual friends with her.
The only irk I have with her was the burning of the Tarlys. That was clearly showing that she's losing it - you either bend your arse to me or die isn't exactly right out of the Le Fair Ruler manual
I believe that she used to think that it'd be possible to rule as a very thoughtful and just monarch, but as her story unfolded, she started to see that you indeed either win or die while playing teh gaem of thrones.. Melly Sanders' beheading was probably the straw that broke the camel's back and now she'll go full mad kween
>you either bend your arse to me or die isn't exactly right out of the Le Fair Ruler manual
it's literally what fealty means, you idiot.
yeah, dumbfuck, if it didn't go exactly against what Daenerys was "supposed" to be - a ruler that didn't took things to carnage whenever it suited them, which of course ended happening now as I said
But even after 7 seasons, I still don't know their tax policies.
I went out with her for a few years. She likes being given red roses in a red box.