Nucular energy bad

>nucular energy bad
>individualism good
any more show written by green cucks?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Have sex

Are you volunteering yourself?

lots of greenies believes in nuclear power
it's a two sided issue for them
same thing as hydropower and the impact that has on biodiversity in rivers.

greens love nuclear energy tho

what else did you expect from (((hbo)))?

>t. Homer Simpson

>what did you expect from (((hbo)))?
>what did i get

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I would fuck the everliving life out of that slam piggy

What would happen to a human if he/she would decide to jump into this?

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Actually nuclear energy is insane, it's too dangerous and generates pollution that will remain toxic for thousands years. It's not worth it unless we find a way to nuclear fusion. Chernobyl, Fukushima and probably other disasters they managed to keep under the rug. This is not worth it. Some countries invested a lot of money in nuclear energy and just don't want to let it go but it isn't really profitable.

what kind of greens do you have ? Are you an Amerifat ?

>Tchiki Briki : The Prequel

You are wrong and your opinion is the major thing making nuclear not advance the way it should
t. Nuclear engineer

Looks like the shills are out in full force to discredit this kino. Seethe you faggots. It's actually a very accurate retelling of events. I'm extremely pro-nuclear energy and everything that went wrong at Chernobyl is a case study of what not to fucking do with nuclear energy.

Can't wait for second episode. Staring directly into the burning core is terrifying.

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t. disinfo shill

It has advanced tho, by a lot, biggest problem is that they use uranium, not because of its efficiency but because of it getting most research because nukes, instead of other, better materials, like thorium

Fucking kill yourself

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transparent but then again tv is very easy to bait

Nuclear energy is the cleanest form of energy and the true future.

who is the guy giving the speech about sealing off the city and this is our moment to shine(is it historically accurate?)

>Nuclear energy is the cleanest
Don't be ridiculous
>and the true future.
fusion yes, but I don't expect that to happen anytime soon

I'm not sure how accurate it is, but given USSR's bureaucratic tangle of shit from the guys on the ground to the guys at the top it's very plausible.

The emergency call was real.

>is it historically accurate?)
no. they clearly stated in the post credit scene that the guy is an exaggeration of the soviet utopian idealist.

my sides
fuck you

Statistically it's the cleanest form of power generation we have at the moment, when you factor in every aspect of what it takes to make power using solar/wind/hydro/coal/etc. We don't know how to create energy without leaving something behind, and everything has a nasty byproduct. Nuclear is honestly the easiest to deal with when done right.

>muh accuracy
who fucking cares ?
it's kino

The same thing that happened anyway, death. Just quicker. They might as well have jumped and got it over with instead.

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cleaner than coal&oil achmed


In reality everyone is walking away from nuclear not because it's dangerous but because its too expensive.

fukushima was a bit of a wakeup, no?
natural disasters aren't going to curb in future

>but because its too expensive.
actually nuclear is considerably cheaper in the long run. it has massive upfront costs but it you check $/MW its considerably cheaper.

Look at how they do it in canada, it's impossible to meltdown but people protest because of the nip disaster and chernobyl

Yeah the new designs have passive safety systems and different physical inputs of fuel that make it much harder for something to go south.

It's too expensive because cunts like you make it impossible to get past all the red tape, fucking OPEC loving faggot.

Idk, 1st episode was kino.

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You have no idea of how it works then.

What's the problem with nuclear energy, it's virtually the only way to satisfy our power needs in a way that is even somewhat pollution-efficient

>What's the problem with nuclear energy
uneducated plebs that are allowed to express an opinion on something they have no clue about

Fear mongering, mostly. People are still worried about Chernobyl and the Japanese thing just gave them more ammo.

This photo always fascinated me. The way it's lit and how grainy and dirty it is makes it look like it was shot a hundred years ago. Did the radiation from the foot affect the camera negative?

there are two main problems with nuclear.
A) Radiation
B)energy. you are producing massive amounts of energy. now sure if want energy to power all those homes but the more energy you make the bigger the boom if something goes wrong.

Now both of these issues can be managed with proper maintenance and management, but if you mismanage it then you're fucked. basically you have to trust the people to not fuck up.

Bullshit. All recently finished reactors were ridiculously expensive.

ok thanks was going read up on him to see what hindsight he had/ or if he passed away still believing the rhetoric

Soviet camera production surpassed American camera production in 2004 only.

Storing the waste

>against the safest, and cleanest form of energy

>Did the radiation from the foot affect the camera negative?
dont know about that picture specifically but yes, many photos from the area were grainy due to the radiation. the elephant foot image specifically was taken through a mirror if I recall correctly.

Read again. its high setup costs but low running cost per megawatt. think of it like a car. Nuclear would be an expensive car with excellent fuel economy while others would be cheaper cars with lower fuel economy. its more expensive at first but as you drive you save costs on fuel and at a certain point you save on fuel more than the cost different at first.

What I find amusing is that nuclear power plants are basically just glorified water cookers. We've harnessed the power of the atom but since we can't actually convert that enormous amount of energy into electricity directly, the best we can do with it is boiling water.

Americans want us to be their slaves, so they force everybody to use oil.

>emitting so much radiation that you're sent to the shadow realm

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>the safest
lol well it's not the safest is it ?

Yes nearly every piece of equipment they sent in to get pictures of the core failed, after a time. The Japanese are having same issues with their inspections of Fukushima.


Yes. Hmm. That is quite amusing. How do you cure hemorrhoids from receiving rough anal fucking, daddy ReviewBrah?

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Wh-what am I looking at?

My sides

Corium aka flaming hot nuclear reactor core mixed with concrete and whatever was in its way down to the basement.

Pound my boy pucci daddy

Your lack of appreciation of pressure is just so very sad.

>thank you V E R Y much

The shit I took about ten minutes ago. LOL

>>nucular energy bad
not bad, its just worse than using the almost unlimited energy of the fucking sun.

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>start 3 threads to talk about the show
>start 1 thinly disguised nu/tv/ thread and /pol/ starts arguing
>95% faggots are too retarded to get the simpsons reference
Yea Forums is dead

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% faggots are too retarded to get the simpsons reference
oh how sad that people dont watch the simpsons.
you must be of very high IQ!

sure sounds good when we develop solar panels that are efficient and clean to make

oh yeah forgot you kraut greenies prefer burning coal (literally and metaphorically)

based on ep1 the agenda is showing up the soviet union for the shitshow it was.

Is it any good? I haven't started watching yet. I'm going to wait to start till there's more episodes

But user, the sun is basically a massive nuclear fusion plant. which unfortunately we cant really harvest effectively since most of it is being filtered by the atmosphere, what little does come to us we have limited technology for harnessing at poor efficiency and mining the metals required by the panels is far from green.

is that a broom on the left? was some poor guy trying to sweep the melted uranium?

I think it has exactly 1 metre for scale.

>not sweeping up your excess corium

>Fomin appears on screen
>all I can see is Harry Hill

immersion ruined

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Fuck off.
Retards like you are what has made my country so gay.
t. Kiwifag

>individualism bad

Yes it is

ignore him he's retarded

it would be extremely painful

lol do you really want nuclear energy in NZ?
Even though NZ is almost entirely renewable energy sources already, and lies on a million earthquake fault lines?

are you fucking braindamaged lad?

... so dudes who work at a nuclear plant would actually walk to see this? without any protection. there's a difference between being incompetent and suicidal.

safer than wind power? Who has ever been killed by wind power?

a nuclear catastrophe was impossible in the soviet union, so they didn't see anything unusual, so protection wasn't necessary and they were unharmed.

Maintenance people get killed all the time. It is a tall construction with lots of heavy machinery.

>Who has ever been killed by wind power?
these two men

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>and they were unharmed.

I enjoyed watching retarded Russians fry themselves for 60 minutes

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>Maintenance people get killed all the time.
your source only cites a handful of instances so it's the diametric opposite of your claim


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OP is dealing with severe mental health issues and probably didn't watch the episode.

>Mike Teets says: July 22, 2018 at 1:38 pm Ok calm your tits people. There are thousands of those wind turbines around the world and there has only been 8 or so accidents which means it’s not that common. This is a tragedy and yes they should have better safety measures but it’s not something that happens often which is why you don’t hear about it


>While Anatoly Dyatlov kinda forgot about the positive void coefficient
Who was the hack that wrote this?

There is no point in nuclear energy unless you want to create nukes.
We have enough electricity production - nuclear energy is actually contributing only a very small percentage.
We could shut down all nuclear plants right now (unless France lol) and nobody would notice it.
What we need is fuel for heating and transportation and you don't wanna do that with nuclear energy.

Yeah but then again nuclear power produces so much power compared to wind turbines so the deaths per TWh is going to be higher for wind.

5.2 million less coal-burning thots, what's wrong with that?

>a nuclear catastrophe was impossible in the soviet union
I don't get it.

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still shilling for nuclear weapons plants then

It was the USSR. Information not deemed necessary would be suppressed. Heck. Even the plant operators didn't know about the design problems of RMBK.

I'm convinced Dany is just a stand-in for the white female audience at this point and D&D are intentionally shitting on them

The fuck? Weren't they nuclear engineers? I thought they should've known the basic stuff about radiation exposure.

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>Chernobyl, Chernobyl Raion (Now Ivankiv Raion), Kiev Oblast, Ukraininan SSR, Soviet Union
>30 direct deaths, 19 not entirely related and 15 minors due to thyroid cancer, as of 2008.

What?? I though everyone in the surrounding area was fucked? But it's less than 100 people?

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it was boring
i was rused by Yea Forums again

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That’s wrong though. Unless you’re happy with coal power.

>design problems
here's your (you) retard

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you do know that information can be compartmentalized, right?

Even if the dude isn't a real person I can guarantee you there are plenty like him that are real. That scene sent chills down my spine because I've seen the same speech a bunch of times and it was always the cunt that had to lose the least and/or stood to gain the most.

t. Someone from a Warsaw Pact country.

How does that thing looks like in present day?

Good now go back to your got thread lil zoomy.

Fukushima was hit by the largest tsunami in history at that location by a large margin.

nothing, its just that incidents like fukushima, chernobyl, and 3 mile happen due to fucking incompetence that ruins a cleaner fuel source we could be using

the Belarus took most of the contamination - look at their cancer rates

most people in clean energy vouch for nuclear since it has a very CO2/kW ratio. the issue is dealing with the waste, but it's still seen as being much cleaner than coal and fossil fuels.

literally nothing happened as a result of fukushima and 3 mile. 1 person died of cancer between both of them

You have to be a literal fucking retard to believe that

Nuclear waste is a political problem. If something is radioactive enough to hurt someone, it can be used as fuel. Breeder reactors exist for this reason (but are illegal in the US for bad reasons)

you just don't go near the fucking core, without any protection, if there's even slightest chance of leak or a goddamn explosion there.

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Coal is OK. Will last several hundred to thousand of years. Can be used for direct heating.

Uranium will last 50 to 100 years. Not good.
Prices will explode soon since China is building reactors like crazy. Guess they want more nukes.

Renewables are cool too. Germany is producing more electricity than it can consume on sunny days now.

kys oilcuck

There is no protection against a melting core.

Exactly. You shouldn't, but they did. Why? Try watching it again but don't shitpost or look on your phone this time.

>Coal is OK
>Global warming is OK

If the corium had reached the water table, the resulting steam explosion would have been in the megatons range. They'd be dead anyway.

What's wrong with solar energy???

I heard, that tinfoil suits reflect radiation.

There is though I have it

fukishima has caused a nearly 70% reduction in pacific sea life

The sun goes down at night.
Not every country is near the equator or has a lot of sunny days.

You're a big isotope.

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They went there, because chief engineer, who puked on the table afterwards, said so.

yeah i know, but u add on media coverage and generate a ton of fear, so everyone thinks a nuclear reactor can just magically explode now.

I don't care about "Global Warming". There have been numerous warmth periods during Earths life.
We can and will adapt because we must.
I do care about having a warm house in winter though.

And what does that tell you about Soviet leaders? And consequently, the actions of the engineers? How old are you, son?

This is a lie

Based retard

>Germany is producing more electricity than it can consume on sunny days now.
Great, electricity is still super expensive here, so I don't care that lot of it is wasted on sunny days. Plus, most of the renewable energy produced is produced by wind mills, not solar. Solar energy is a huge waste of resources here in Germany. The sun isn't particularly intense around here.

And by the way, uranium isn't the only nuclear resource out there. There are lots of alternatives that are way more abundant. Unfortunately everybody is panicking due to the fear mongering anti-progressive greentards.

why don't you just adapt to the cold you fucking cuck?

based fearmongering retard

Why don't they just use basejumping packs when they're up there?

Nuclear power is arguably the greenest viable solution to global warming going so I'm not sure what the fuck you're on about m8.

Muh backyard muhfugga


Nuclear reactor ran by a failed state that was folding in on itself


A nuclear facility put on the ocean in one of the most hurricane and tsunami vulnerable places in the world YEAH WHAT THE FUCK COULD GO WRONG



Ah yes we need more Clean Coal™ and American Oil

The Elephant's Foot

But what about those dangerous Thorium bombs everyone keeps talking about?

Just make super solar panels that retain a ton of energy with just one day of charging


The absolute state of you, OP.

you're completely out of your element, lad.

Ah bloo bloo

They expected to see a 3 meter concrete wall behind this door, not the exposed reactor core.

Someone paid this guy to post this

>Germany is producing more electricity than it can consume on sunny days now.
Solar accounts for less than 10% of Energy production in Germany, how is that even remotely possible?

>>individualism good
>any more show written by green cucks?
'Green cucks' HATE individualism m8.

Reminder: Direct deaths: 28 emergency workers died from acute radiation syndrome.

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Ok so this show is fucking propaganda yet again, I mean it looks like the literal end of the world in this episode.

>Get a decent series from the guy who helped made James Gunns' first superhero movie and the co-writer of the Hangover sequels

>Hah! They didn't die yet because cancer takes its time to kill you. SAFE! GOTCHA!

Because you can't easily store the energy once it's been generated so it has to be used straight away.

The show entirely puts the blame on the chief engineer of the station, Dyatlov, and the communist bureaucracy. It's a show about human incompetence, not an anti nuclear propaganda piece.

Take a look at the graph you dolt. It includes air pollution deaths (that includes fallout) as well.

I am a huge supporter of nuclear power, and what happened is a how to guide on how to NOT operate a reactor.

So it's an inherent flaw of solar energy, got it. You made it sound like it was a good thing.

It's possible to recycle nuke waste now so it is more environmental

Footnote: The one thing you always need in fission safety is.....


about 150 people die per PWh with wind.

If you include Chernobyl, nuclear is 90 per PWh, without Chernobyl it is .01.

The same flaw exists for coal, wind and nuclear, only natural gas can be quickly shut off when demand is too low.

thousands of people didn't die, even if the media would make you believe that.

now the firefighters who were called into it to fight the fires were totally fucked, as some of the cleanup workers.

The thing with coal and nuclear is that they have stable levels of production, so this kind of thing does not happen. Wind is a meme and pretty much hated by everyone including greenpeace.

Which is why nuclear should be used as the energy baseline and be supplemented with gas, rather than mix gas and wind /solar.
Only having to account for consumer fluctuations lowers the power requirements from gas and coal plants, making such a system more carbon efficient

>it's a right winger shills against environmentalism episode

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that the reason why there a thing called baseline power and standbye power.

You use hydro or gas for standbye power, then coal or nuclear for baseline power.

>the mining and treatment villages for wind/solar metals aren't cancerpits

More like:
>Soviet incompetence
>The people in charge were fucking retarded

That's what I got from it.

I do - by burning coal, gas and wood.

The price of electricity has little to do with how it is produced and a lot with politics. You as a customer pay 30 cents per kWh. A factory pays 10 cents per kWh. Makes you think eh?

no it's an
>environmentalists shoot themselves in the foot by crippling the cleanest source of energy available

get a real job faggot

this is a great show

Melted nuclear power plant workers

>nuclear energy bad
Until we are to build Dyson spheres and/or black hole mirrors, nuclear energy is literally the cleanest form of energy possible, as long as there are no accidents of course.

Even with serious accidents its less polluting.

>tfw they send an innocent man to a horrible death

Why are communists so evil, Yea Forums?

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I'm all for green energy with Thorium but that will never do because it doesn't leave military shits with their depleted uranium for their weapons of war

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>Direct deaths are the only important metric by which to measure the impact of a nuclear disaster

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>Chernobyl was bad for the environment

It hasn't but I wouldn't be surprised if it does with the nips dragging their fucking feet to get it fixed

this. that's also why tuna got more expensive.

is there a difference between directly viewing the reactor melting and just being in close vicinity? asking for a friend.


Only in the number of hours before you die.

Neither do other non-nuclear energy sources, the military can just run it's own weapon reactors you brainlet.

>get excited to see cpt crozier again
>hangs himself in the opening scene

Yes but not a lot, the concrete in the walls would block some of the direct gamma rays but you'd still be inhaling contaminated air. Anatoly Dyatlov didn't directly observe the reactor but he did look around outside the building to assess the damage and that was enough to melt his face and kill him.

Green cucks are cancer.

>some big company wants to shove their windmills on a hill
>will ruin the fucking view for locals and tourists alike
>people need those tourists
>local goverment says lol no to the windmills, everyone is happy
>company goes over everyone's heads to the country goverment
>they okay the windmills
>same goverment reees about nucular energy and vows to shut down the country's plants

Best part is the windmills will produce so much power that we could all get cheaper energy rates but instead it's all sent off to fuel the heroin addicted cunts in the cities.


bros ;_;

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Then why aren't we doing that now? Why are studies into uses of Thorium and plants built using thorium being stifled for so long? Why was the Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Thorium reactor shut down? Oh wait because it wasn't producing plutonium 239. Well that was the 1960's, that's fair, cold war business and all. But why has nothing changed still?


Why are you guys watching this trash mini-series?
Is it worth a watch?

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Established conglomerations are going to cost the US the lead in the future of energy

As someone who finds the whole thing fascinating, and has done since they were a teenager, it was fucking amazing, a real greatest hits.

The bridge, the red forest, the graphite, if this keeps up it'll be in my top 5 series.

it absolutely is
havent seen such kino since terror
they even fucking used the real recording of the emergency call
shits stomach turning

>Craig Mazin (The Hangover Part II and III, Scary Movie 3 and 4)

How does the writer of the Hangover manage this kino?

>nuclear is the only green energy that can save this shitrock of a planet from all the human cancer shite we smoke out of our ass
>lets demonize it and the power the world with windmills!!

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I want to gouge your pair of cunty eyes out, fucking idiot.

What country?

Sounds like Germany but not sure.

Nuclear power is certainly dangerous but the most dangerous thing is human stupidity...The Turks are building their first nuclear power plant with the help of Rusatom, while I know that the Russians have made leaps and bounds especialy after the Chernobyl disaster, how can I trust the Turks, or some terrorist that just wants to see the world burn or a fucking earthquake (happens all the time in the area as its near to where the tectonic plates meet)also next to the fucking sea...

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Thanks, user.
Three retards ITT.

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to be fair he was probably dead already

he's talking about britain
more specifically scotland since in general they have a more eco-friendly view on energy but also hate nuclear
really though if there's anyone I wouldn't want to be in charge of a nuclear reactor after slavs it'd be scots

What if we want to use electricity at night?

>first scene with Jared/Crozier in Chernobyl
>drinks alcohol

Just like old times, it's like the Cpt never left us

Find Love, Emcel.

this is a long exposure

>my low effort troll thread still going
>8 hours later

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would emerge as this

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solar is for cucks
lets make our own portable sun and use that instead

The legit threads keep getting deleted so may as well use the shitpost threads that are deemed "suitable content"

>democrats love Nuclear energy
>therefore Yea Forums has to gobble up OPEC's cock
but why

What? Dems hate nuclear. It was Dems that stopped reactor production in the 70s. Bernie was an anti-nuclear activist. Trump campaigned on increasing nuclear.



>increasing nuclear
and where has that gone? he even had a full republican congress to pass any pro-nuclear measures

or maybe it's because you're wrong and its not republicans that love nuclear

>havent seen such kino since terror


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are all episodes out, or just the first one?

just the first one, the Terror spoiled us all

It has to do with insane taxes that are used to pay more windmills.

>Trump campaigned on increasing nuclear.
Why does Trump hate the miners?

hydropower is absolutely terrible. don't know why it's even a discussion

Everyone hates the miners. They are one of the last professions that actually prides itself in being working class.

A lot of the animals around the area suffer horrible mutations, so yes.

>lots of greenies believe in nuclear power
>leftist politicians hate it
>leftists vote against it
>leftists poll against it
>green organizations spearhead efforts against it
>most money opposed to nuclear is from ((("""green"""))) organizations

fuck em
Chernobyll was worth it.

republicans as a voterbase love nuclear, democrats as a voterbase and party hate nuclear

politicians in the US (and the world) don't represent their votingbase because the voters are retards

where does this meme come from that leftists support nuclear

is it because they're so brainwashed that they think leftists are just de facto the environmentalists? they support green shit to tax the shit out of people, it's hilariously evident with their swerve around nuclear

But he did

What is fixed costs vs variable costs? the post.

Fucking retard

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Frankly so far this feels like what the second season of Terror should've been, historical kino settled in an underexplored setting with great actors but even better due to sticking close to the documented facts and witness accounts and having a bigger budget.
This better keep up — and also show as many accounts as possible, both heroic and stupid, not witholding anything. Heck, if they don't mess this up, this can become the greatest historical drama tv series of the decade. Please don't mess this up.

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