Captain Femdom
Captain Femdom
Captain I Want To Speak To Your Manager
insider here
she is already being replaced the other cast have threatened to quit if she stays
>Other cast
user, Endgame came out a week ago... What other cast?
the cast who are left to carry on the mcu, friend.
>Someone has a stab at Captain Marvel about something
>She retorts with something, like "well there are more planets than just earth"
>Everybody in the room nods in agreement, including the person who attacked her to begin with
This happens in every scene she's in, apart from the final battle.
Nigga what MCU!? Dear lord in heaven...
I was the first person to make this joke about Captain Marvel btw
The MCU that is now gearing up to head into its fourth phase. You didn't actually think after Endgame they were going to stop, did you? Do you think Disney is allergic to money?
Nice try, mouse!
>Phase 4
Do these people have no shame?
user.. the tickets for the next mcu movie are literally on sale right now
What if Blade featured in Phase 4?
Why is she so cute?
>Staring Jordan Peele as our titular vampiric anti-hero!
what if she stepped on you...
How small am I in this scenario?
>professional make up, lighting, clothing and instruction
And she could barely reach the level of some chick that works in a burger king lmao
Captain 53 years old trying to look young with short hair
>Do you think Disney is allergic to money?
That's exactly why they will quietly end the franchise. After endgame the interest will inevitably slow down, and they don't want tiny margins on big budget movies.
Why is she always correct and brilliant all the time?
This is how women know you're an incel, user. Get sex.
This. Incels make the rest of us look really bad.
Ant man
Good god.
Imagine letting this woman live inside your head, rent free.
>tfw she will never force feminize you
i want to let her live inside my dick rent free
wheres all the images of her as a shotacon?
See you when Spider-Man makes 1.2+ billion this summer
I doubt it but even then, that's a slowdown. And it won't get any better after that.
Yup. That's gonna be an ouch from me, brother.
Homecoming made 880 million. That's not a slowdown
is it bad that haircut makes me want to sexually dominate her?
Does anyone else feel like she was going to have much more screentime in Endgame and they cut most of it?
it was obvious the focus will be on the original 6 avengers when they all survived the snap in IW
>Is it bad that I have a completely normal response to an attractive woman as a health hetero male?
It makes me want her to use a giant strap on and dominate me.
My dad works at nintendo too
She was never going to be featured heavily in Endgame, the intention was to make it about the original 6 avengers. Just like how Black Panther was barely in Infinity war. Incels want to live in a world where they think their whining online is what got captain marvel edited out of the movie
Just who the fuck watch that ? China ? Here it's barely a success.
They still have to milk spiderman and the xmen
Is that Tom cruise on the left
That would be painful
>Spider-Man, the biggest Marvel character of all time
>barely making more than Captain Who
Extremely painful?
Do your arms ever get tired from constantly moving those goalposts?
Hey manager, you got something for me?
What ? It's just a question.
880 million on a 175 million dollar budget is a success by every single metric.
The only cool thing about her was her helmet and they got rid of it in her own movie for no reason at all
I said "here". I mean super hero movies aren't major blockbusters, so I wonder who watches that outside USA.
captain dyke
about 550 million dollars worth of people
This is how we know you're both male feminist incels, have sex and stop putting ugly women on a pedestal
Captain Toe Cheese
>Captain Femdom
Kommander Killyourself.
All this C O P E
Have sex.
Why doesn't the helmet cover her hair under water? Wouldn't her hair get all wet and soppy?
>and stop putting ugly women on a pedestal
Show me a woman you find very attractive. Come on, post her.
>brie is doing everything in her power to stay in the closet
>give her a turbo-dyke haircut
Isn't outing people against the LGBTBBQ code?
No, you only think you were the first.
I thought it was your uncle
>You'got sum candy fo me, Peter Parker?
Why is Marvel so pozzed up? It's pretty disgusting, not going to lie
B-B-But /r/mensrights told me she never smiles!
Honestly I'm hoping someone makes an edit of this classic to be about Marvel and Spidey.
She just signed 7 movie deal after Endgame, you retard. And half of cast are her bffs with them all hanging out in their libtard hangout places where they pretend to care.
Someone post the
>ara ara Peter Parker
What if they really care?
Where's "here"? Asia/Australia and NA are thr biggest markets for superhero movies. If you aren't from there your "here" is irrelevant.
Is that Polish or some other Slavic gibberish?
There's like 12 inhabitants in high season, how is that "market" relevant ?
>believes in patriarchy
>believes in white privilege
On the contrary it seems that I am living inside her head.
Remember 10 years ago when Louie C.K made that bit about how great it was to be white and all white people have done throughout history was win, and we all laughed because it was true.
Stay mad incels, this woman is talented, go and have sex
captain cyrus
based, we can move on to quasar already
The fuck is ara ara?
>Yea Forums went from wanting her dead to wanting to be her slave with a single scene
How did they do it bros?
She made benis into big benis
yes this is a big reddit joke always with the short frosted hair "i want to see your manager" ok i get it jesus
what a lovely woman!
Scarlet johnannson. Brie wishes she was 1% as pretty
Keep it contained to one thread? I like Brie but let's not be GoT niggers now, eh.
I want her to sit on my face and not allow me to breathe until she's finished making herself climax on my tongue
all movies in the next decade are now also being planned with MCU phases in mind
you don't comb your hair that way unless you're having hairloss
Have sex
These people change their hairstyles every once in a while, you get that right?
what's inside that box?
The short hair turned her from a 5 to a 7
Looks like crickets. The gooks love that shit.
My boy, you're missing out.
Autistic jap trope for a noise an older woman makes to be flirty
Friendly reminder that Leo can fuck any woman on the planet if he chooses to, including your precious waifu.
haha I wonder what it would be like if she made you lick her fungus toes just for laughs haha
>ara ara suppose to sound sexy
japs are literally ayylmaos
I want her to travel to the past and /ss/ 12 year old me to death.
Looked much cuter with the short hair than with her long hair
Even women hate blatantly male characters who have just been gender swapped and called "empowered women"
Arrogant flyboy pilots are a blatantly male stereotype and there are literally ZERO female. The character is just dumb and unbelievable.
have sex
>not understanding hollywood accounting
Satan digits
*knocks on your 12 year old self's door*
>got any sugar user?
What do?
>ok wait here I'll get my mom
fun fact: that would also be the answer in the present day
Friendly reminder that Brie listens to Burzum and is therefore a satanist.
Quantitatively incorrect
>P-please come in ma'am
Or something of the sort
Built for Pre-Teen Cock.
>come in miss, try to not be too bedazzled by my dashing looks
*proceeds to trip over carpet immediately and cries*
Captain /ss/
I heard this sunglass kid can't get over it till this day.
Cursed post.
I thought it ended at Black Panter. Is there any more?
brb, getting manager diploma
>I'm a feminist and I don't need no man to feel g-
Hi Leo, tee hee.
>bats lashes
No woman can resist the Chad.
>fuck me army hammer, like one of your french-canadian girls
What did she mean by this?
TFW you have a cousin that unironically worked at Microsoft but growing up kids didn't believe you
she's uglier than Michelle Obama
my dick
I wanted to be her slave before watching Endgame
Did you just assume everyone cares about Earth? Not everyone wants to immigrate there, you know.
Everybody listens to Burzum.
>Friendly reminder that Brie listens to Burzum
Wtf I love Brie now
You knows who's better than my man Peeles, though? Wesley. Snipeses. Talking 'bout "someone's always trying to ice skate uphill" swish swish swish killing Edward Cullens Wesley Snipses. That would be my shit.
Fuck she looks really good here.
she knows
Lizzie wants a round with the Spider too.
>All these people telling me to have sex
If you care soo much come on and Help me
*Unzips Dick*
They all do, it's that Spider-charm.
Nice trips.
For you
I know you're having a laugh but I'll say it anyway: Snipes is too old now. We need new blood.
>Yes user, lust and slobber over every woman like me, the real alpha male of Yea Forums!
She is too old for Leo
I think she has a crush on him.
Based 'arguing with holes' example
Does she wear gloves in endgame or is it some cringe fingerless shit?
TERFs are based though. Fuck trannies
best reply ITT
>tfw dita von teese convinces brie to do an "artistic" photoshoot one of these days
Reminder of all the previous spam attempts by the comicsgate-led MRA incel brigade:
>WhY dOEsn'T sHe SmiLE?
>the CM film will bomb at the box office
>the glorious "CM movie playing to empty theatres" meme
>she'll one-shot Thanos for grrl-powah! points
>the cast hates brie! watch me psychoanalyse every microexpression in the video to prove it!
>carol didn't get anything to do anything in endgame
And now it's:
>being replaced because rest of cast hate her
I just wanna thank you;- be you real incels with no self-awareness or brainpower, or one of the many trolls who's been egging you on to greater depths of stupidity. Your work has been a gift to 4chin. You have shaped the past year. A true achievement in the fields of providing comedy to us poor benighted souls slaving away here on the posting mines of Yea Forums. You make the days seem brighter, through the curtains. Every post is a breath of fresh lunacy with which we can't give the world the freedom it deserves.
Someone post the gif where she catches Tom Hiddleston staring at her tits and she likes it
uhhh yea sure p-please come in Mrs Desaulniers, I'll just be a moment
Watch me do that and end up in San Quentin.
>Come here user, or else
>or else w-what?
Wouldn't mind her milking me while wearing those gloves desu lads
God I wish she would sound my urethra with that dagger
ara ara peter~
>don't think I didn't notice you staring at me user
Someone post the .webm.
What if Brie met a clone of herself and they had sex haha no that I wanna see it
I can't prove it but I'm almost certain this sudden increase in /ss/ fanart is likely Disney funded. The jews are on to us
What if she cloned heraelf only to keep her in brutal latex encasement and bondage haha
You’re a big guy
>tfw Disney gives in and makes an X-rated /ss/ sequel
For you
She would never do such a thing user.
Didn't know Gregg Valentino was into cosplay
Captain Anti-Vaxx
I just can't mommy fetish her as she's literally is just 1 year older than me
She'd be a terrible mother
Captain Prolapse
As long as we get some sick OST, I'm in.
Me in the back
2D Carol > 3D
The gorilla always cracks me up.
Back to Yea Forums with that preachy bullshit.
How about no?
Don't make me come over there Carol.
the edits of that
she cute though
This is what I'm hoping for. I haven't seen anything Marvel since Spider-Man. If Rogue puts this bitch in a coma and takes her powers, I'll be in the seats faster than you can say "Mon Cher"
was this scene really necessary?
>This is what I'm hoping for
Stopped reading there. Nobody threatens best girl, not even you Mon'Amie.
You okay there, user? I'm rooting FOR best girl.
It's Polish
>we will never have MCU Spiderman, Black Cat, Captain Marvel love triangle
Yeah I think so. He saved up his cuck points to earn those sweet chipotle braps
We both know who the real best girl is.
Now go watch 3D kino and ejumacate yourself on the superior medium. I'd start with some Welles if I were you.
>you can look, but you can't touch, Rogue
Friendly reminder that 2D Carol canonically supports Brie Larson.
She looks abit like Jennifer Lawrence here.
Does based Harvey got a type?
i want to see her get Ran->Sem'd
>p-please stop beating up muh toefu!
>l-look, I'm using a Trump meme!
someone post it
Yeah ok
If we could understand the mindset of the incel, they wouldn't be committing mass shootings
Who is "they"?
The jews? Black people?
>"I have to go, my people need me!"
>"Ha ha ha what a story bitch"
I want to masturbate in front of her
>pull those pants down right NOW incel, before I change my mind
Jesus Christ, who took her lunch money
Y-yes ma'am...
grow an ass tranny
I'm nobody
I'm a tramp, a bitch, a bimbo
I'm a minivan and a glass of wine
And a rape allegation ...if you get too close to me
Grow a dick carrot top.
so hot
pass me the one you chopped off
>admits he has a ramen noodle
cope as best you can
Good on her. There’s too little /ss/ femdom imo.
Reminder that Brie is browsing this thread right now.
Has he never told you any super secret inside info on new windows updates?
>ywn dryhump that little ass
Source: your ass
Brie is autistic that's why she comes off so bitchy. She doesn't know how to interact with other people.
If you never watched Captain marvel in Endgame she literally appears out of nowhere and pushes everyone around for 10 mins before dissapearing then coming back again for a further 10 mins. The fuck is up with that!
i didnt see Captain Marvel but i love how weak and brittle she sounds when she talks, she tries to sound tough but very clearly wants to be submissive
>thought this was a real comic page until i saw the buldge
is she actually autistic??
Stop exposing me like that user
Canonically true since once she adopted this personality in the comics she went straight for War Machine's dick.
Dude, where have you been. We established that like a month ago.
She looks like she wears wet socks in bed
I stopped browsing because I wanted to not know anything about Endgame.
She has a kino nose by the way
>pic related is best scene
I can't remember the last time I rolled my eyes during a showing but fucking hell man that let's go girls moment
capital H hamfisted, as is her entire character
> Phase 4
Oh it's terminal?
Have sex.
the way wasp just appeared and moved in that scene made my dick so hard.
The best scenes are behind the scene, where she undresses in her trailer.
I don't know what it is with Brianne and short hair but it sure makes my dick twitch
but they do hate her. i said so. me, the insider. now be quiet and absorb my facts you fat fucking landwhale.
She must be so sweaty in her suit...
I agree but in the cartoons and stuff Carol really acts like that so idk what they should of done
cus you gay and love hillary
>24 year time jump between Captain Marvel and Endgame
>another 5 year skip IN Endgame
how fucking old is this character?
>it's another episode of an """""insider"""""" on Yea Forums
Can someone tell me what the fuck is that pic corruption in the bottom?
>t. male feminist who donates money to Twitch thots hoping for sax
have salad
Captain Step On Me.
She's always sweaty. Got that Spider-D on her mind 24/7.
Nice pic. Now stop I'm getting hard
i love how the right parrots this "liberals are only pretending to care about people" shit. they sure are devoted a lot of time and money to something they're only "pretending" to care about. but i know it's impossible for someone like you to believe that people could actually have empathy and care about others.
It can happen to any of us user, don't be ashamed.
I want Captain Marvel to be my mommy
Don't ruin that film for me please. Kek.
14+ only.
>captain Fendom
well, she can finger me whenever she wants #nohomo
Hi Brie! If you're reading this, know that you have all of my support! Don't let those meanies out there hurt you!
Yep I've never said this before but I want her to bend me over stick her fingers in my mouth and fuck my ass
>finger my butthole user
I think 20 years in space without sex took a toll on her.
I suppose...
Thanks sweetie. Go see Unicorn Store.
oh shit dat look
Someone post updated pics of her feet.
She looks like a russian escort here
Kevin Feige can remove her successfully now that he has the X-Men on his pocket. Rogue letting her in coma after stealing her powers could be awesome
t. balding delusional man on hormones
Brianne is a naughty woman.
I'm waiting for Endgame webms to see the qt butt again.
Is she really a femdom??
Based "autistic queen" Brianne.
Here we go again...
The actual translation is something like an innocent "oh my" generally used by by middle aged women, it's not really flirty outside of porn when the entire context is sexual but naturally memelords now think that it means "I WANT TO FUCK YOU TILL YOU CAN'T WALK YOU LIVING SPERM DISPOSAL BOY".
uh, I'm pretty okay with this
>you now remember that one time Brie and Marky went hunting for vietnamese
>ywn be Brie Larson’s seat
She gave them a compliment. She acknowledge it would be fortunate if the other planets had the avengers there
>The Chad Stride
>tfw no autistic cheerleader gf
oh, it's you again. still haven't figured out the caps lock key? keep trying buddy, one day you'll get it
She was smoking in that movie. Too bad there's always a father who gets in the way.
god damn she's so hot
real insider here
No she's not
i see you are a man of taste, very much like myself
Real real insider here.
Brie's new boyfriend everybody.
I want to see her get sexually aggressive with skinny teenaged nerds
>on your knees Parker, I might have some use for you yet
how does he do it, bros?
>hide the treasure
Imagine if she said/did that to Peter in Endgame.
This /ss/ thing is growing on me.
A machine will never experience sexual fatigue. The little rascal can go at it for days. Plus, they all think it's cute.
u right, he cute
Now I imagine her and Daisy having a """""physical altercation""""" over R2D2.
These threads are fucking diiiiiiirty man.
Tom Holland is the missing link. He knows both of them so he can set it up.
>you got something for us?
That was the one cool thing from the CM trailers. They got rid of it?
with multiverse?
is possible
you know?
this is a fail meme right?
Hi brie.
cocksucker Fuck your mother. son of a bitch mother son of a bitch. spleen arterial mirkelan fucked bastard, fucked his past his fagot, fucked up mother, fucked mouth, pimp mouthed pimp. dick cocksucking jockey, jerk off the cocktail. I'm gonna play your asshole, asshole! Fucking demon. fuck is the son of the lord! I'm the bastard of your ear, the beggar I've given you. Fucking whore son of a bitch. Fucking asshole freak, anarchist pimp. Fucking lick! militant cunt I'm gonna make you a football player. Fuck your left foot. rubble! Let me put the ball on you. sibobu Fuck your ass, asshole mouth pimp! Fucking fuckin 'pissing, the offspring of the Byzantine lineage.
dogi cunt ass fucked crystal, hair fucked denyos, dressed fucking fucker, fuck ordan motherfucker, shut down computer motherfucker! phone fuckin 'son of a bitch, his son of a bitch, his son with an appendix.
I'il fuck your mother's card. cunt That's the sound card I put on your daddy's ass. Shut up, motherfucker! off computer! cocksucker internet maniac in my ass code.
that's a woman
No muscles
Same biotype
Different commitment
stop posting this pic
it's embarrassing
I hope that's the fucking truth. I'm gonna be so fucking happy. She is insufferable.