Will you see Joan of Arc?

Will you see Joan of Arc?

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No one cares about the French anymore.

Only if I get to see her butthole.

will she be a turbo slut so it can fit with the times ?

No I don't wanna see my history waifu die.

And this.

this movie is going to have a bunch of niggers and be about the saint defeating an evil conservative church for their exclusion of trannies, isn't it

only if she gets BLACKED

Does she get a Lesbian haircut in this movie too

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Only if we get to see her burn graphically, with no cut-aways

Depends. Is their Jean D'Aulon as cute as 1999 one?

I'm actually surprised they hired a white girl.

Attached: saint-joan-key-art-landscape.jpg (748x476, 177K)

Japan and China would disagree, slightly

>Joan Mbongo
Now this is progressive.

Joan of Arc was a 12 year old boy?

>he's not a shotacon
What's wrong with you ?

>played by a white girl

I bet someone had to literally fight to get it made this way.
Are they going to compensate by having Late Medieval France be inexplicably loaded with blacks and Muslims?

Japan has already created the definitive version of her.

Attached: Vive la France.gif (346x382, 3M)

Fuck off weeb.

She cute


she looks like a 12 year old or younger

This bitch is nothing but a meme. She was burned by her own people because she was wearing pants. I am not shitting you.



>She was burned by her own people because she was wearing pants.
Based. Girls should always walk around in undies.

>captured at Compiègne by the Burgundian faction, a group of French nobles allied with the English. She was later handed over to the English and put on trial by the pro-English bishop
>burned by her own people because she was wearing pants
you're retarded
>This bitch is nothing but a meme
and you're nothing but a subhuman.

>she gets burned at the staked

how do nigs come up with these names?

This is how women know you're an incel, user. Get sex.

Only if they get a somali immigrant to play as her love interest.
But honestly I expect a kino. She is a christian hero and deserves the recognition in troubling times such as these.

she was a religious zealot and all the peasants loved her so the french let the angols kill her so they dont have any problem with her later on. She had why to much power that is why she died

Thanks for confirming my post was correct. Holy shit, you're retarded.

Thanks for confirming my post was correct. Holy shit, you're retarded.

>it's fucking sweatermail
>on a poster
>of the main character
>on promotional material
Dropped, all interest gone, at least pretend to put the effort into the costumes

Attached: Please enter the anime dimension, senpai.jpg (457x459, 122K)

Absolutely reddit, both of you. Using pants was the only crime they could accuse her for (crossdressing according to her sentence), because even tho she was just a farmer girl, she was smarter than the people judging her. She used pants to avoid getting raped and fought bravely against the bongs but obviously the French aristocracy and bongs didn't liked that.
Jeanne love!


Oh, so it doesnt matter. Only rich faggot boomers will see this

my post say why she was executed not for what excuse, learn to read.

I have only glanced at it, but a glance was enough to remind me of Renan's "Vie de Jesus." It has the same strange method of the reverent sceptic. It discredits supernatural stories that have some foundation, simply by telling natural stories that have no foundation. Because we cannot believe in what a saint did, we are to pretend that we know exactly what he felt.

Shut the fuck up

He's right tho, user. You're the actual retard here. I'd tell you to go kill yourself, but your brain damage already commited genetic suicide. Don't even bother having sex.

t. filthy brit still seething

t. Dumb fuck

She looks way too young. She got her first visions around 14, left her home at 16 and died at 19. The girl in the trailer is 13 at most.


>burned by her own people
user your half truths are tripping over your farce truths.

t. Pretentious retard

Yeah and you couldn’t even name who executed her, what a historian lmao

Obviously projecting. It's okay to be retarded, user.

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omg that looks disgusting, reminder that Dumont is a socialist cuck and just likes to make fun of the northern french population, parisians and other cucks love to see that.

That is Sofia Coppola level of cringe, but with our special french """cinema""" cringe on top of it.


>t. Projection A+++

is that fucking.... SWEATER MAIL ??!!!

>t. cope A+++

t. Faggot EX

Is that inaccurate though ?

She didn't even exist historically. She's nothing but French propaganda.

FUCK no.

this film was great.

It pissed off so many French people because it gave all her miracles a logical explanation, and in the end subverted expectations and had her sign the document denouncing her visions. The ending dialogue with her conscious is pure kino.

t. Autist Incarnate EX

t. Complete fag EX


Attached: lindy.jpg (600x429, 165K)

>normans aren't french

We already have Jeanne d'Arc kino.

Why do they keep making inferior movies?

Attached: Joan-of-Arc.jpg (1600x900, 126K)

Because they try to ruin the perfect image of Jeanne.

There's nothing wrong about being a faggot, faggot.
t. Complete autist EX confirmed and beyond

>even tho she was just a farmer girl, she was smarter than the people judging her
Sounds legit. And she also was an artillery genius despite not knowing how to count or read. And a tactical prodigy too. What are the chances.

>She didn't even exist historically. She's nothing but French propaganda.

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you know God is real, right?

That's... all true, user. But you're being fucking misleading.

It wasn't that she was an artillery genius you dumb fuck. She was just really interested in artillery.
>peasants can't be smartasses

>t. Coping homo rank D.


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baste version

no, it's shit, and Besson is a retard

I'm honestly surprised they didn't make her black.

>Feets everywhere.


no one cares about No One

seethig soiboi

Just watch the trailer and tell me this isn't deliberate.

Imagine getting captured by Burgundians who don't even exist anymore.

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Holy shit. This is sad. I think whatever this is is going to get some unassuming actors harassed. That teaser trailer is awful.

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I'm not sure about this one guys

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Is it going to be realistic and show how she was actually just a good luck charm carried around by noblemen and never really did any of the shit feminists like to praise her for?

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I never knew I'd need an image of the eternal Anglo wearing a /pol/ mask

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That loli French actress

She Cute

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Not the same movie guys.
Here is the trailer :
Looks like shit too.


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"She" was most likely a tranny

that bad acting and hideous photography wtf

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>not (Alter)[Lancer]{Santa}
baka desu senpai

That`s the only good Joan of Arc movie.
The armours were top notch, like Excalibur.

I desperately want this to be a thing. Every powerful female ruler in history was in reality a tranny, it'd be a modern "Mozart was black" -thing except this time the intersectionalists would tear each other apart.

No because she’s white.

No, she was a woman who had mental problems and heard voices she thought was GOD.

Thats it.


What in the utter fuck is this little gobbling. She looks way too young. Real life Joan of Arc was 17 when she first met the French King

The movie is about her choldhood apparently, but I don't get why she is in armor though.

That looks a lot better. I could at least give it a try. Weird choice casting someone that young though

Part of the Historical Narrative/Legend, is that she was medically examined, to prove she was still a Virgin.

>medically examined
fancy way to put 'had her pussy spread open by several different priests to check for a hymen'

Reminder the real Joan of Arc did fuck all and went insane.

offended as fuck by reality, classic.

So is this a comedy or what?

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holy SHIT this looks bad.

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She looks really CUTE there, but I wonder, is she FUNNY?

look kino

Well she do kinda looks CUte and fuNNY.

i love dylann's arc in this movie

>The extent of her actual military participation and leadership is a subject of debate among historians. On the one hand, Joan stated that she carried her banner in battle and had never killed anyone,[45] preferring her banner[46]

She's generally credited in the contemporaneous accounts as a brilliant strategist, not a warrior

t.froggy cunt
piss off, remember you lost at agincourt

Quite the contrary which is why it doesn't get any press.

I hate her so much. A schizophrenic propaganda mouthpiece for a fake state that was unjustly and treasonously trying to deprive France from its rightful Kings; a nation of hypocrites and crooks and murderers. Her friend Gilles de Retz was one of the most prolific serial killers in history: he raped, brutally tortured, and murdered 140 children before being executed.

Not a single person in France lifted a finger to stop Guillaume de Normandie from conquering England in the name of 'self determination'. Not a single person in France lifted a finger to stop Étienne de Blois from conquering England in the name of 'self determination'. Not a single person in France lifted a finger to stop Geoffrey 'Plantagenet' d'Anjou from conquering England in the name of 'self determination'.
But suddenly, when their arrogance and greed came back to bite them on the ass and the English inherited the French throne, SUDDENLY, it was all 'self determination' and 'we can't have an English ruler on the French throne!'
It's the ultimate fucking disgrace that the Catholic church has SAINTED this chienne. FUCKING CANONIZED HER. Even people in Anglophone countries look up to this French partisan.
Our history has been robbed from us. How many Anglophones who know J*an have even heard of Jane Grey, or could name a single fact about her? Yet Jane Grey was a true Englishwoman, persecuted and killed by Welsh usurpers when even younger than Joan. And unlike Joan, she was incredibly well educated; one of the best-educated women in the world at that time.

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The definitive version of her.

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stay seething Nigel

he used Z instead of S, he's not british