What the fuck did I just watch? This has to be one of the most vile, repulsive movies ever made. I got to the part where he sticks a knife into that woman's chest and stopped watching, apparently it gets even worse.
Fuck you Yea Forums, you said this movie was good. Anyone that enjoys watching this sadistic steaming pile of dogshit needs to be locked up.
The House that Jack Built
>goes into a LVT film about a serial killer
>is shocked when its violent
The whole film is about violence and how its perceived by audiences and filmmakers, without the ott violence the film's message is diminished. Just remember friend that the stuff you're seeing isn't real and that worse things are happening irl every day
I don't give a shit what its message was, this level of violence should not be put on film. If I wanted to see shit like this I'd watch a Mexican cartel snuff film.
It's like if you wanted to make a movie about pedophilia and filmed silicon babies getting penetrated by dicks, there's no justification for it.
well i guess thats tough titties for you then lad, because most folk are less puritanical than you and can stomach make believe gore in a film. All your morals are performative and relative, you choose to be offended by violence which is also obviously over the top to the point of it being funny
I would also argue that a film about killing is in better taste than a baby fucking film (although that has already been done too)
ITT: babbys first violent movie
>publicly announcing that you were so violently pleb-filtered
Had to stop watching after he killed that mother and her chillin’. Shit’s tasteless af, yo.
>he's never heard of a serbian film
Shut the fuck up you retarded pleb nigger. I'd understand if THTJB was some kind of gay edgy dogshit movie like Serbian Film, but this is a legit good film about an OCD-ridden serial killer.
So you're saying you didn't have a wank to it like I may have?
Pleb = Filtered
I wonder what killing someone feels like after you're done doing it
like is there a rush or what
>he's never heard of August Underground
You just watched a masturbatory drivel by a narcissistic master of the craft.
Sad for Bruno.
Great picture of a disturbed mind.
>not liking over the top depictions of violence means you're a pleb
When did this board become so reddit?
At least a serbian film didn't pretend to be art.
Calling for the incarceration of others over something you personally don't like couldn't be upvoted harder
dude but gore and violence is awesome!
that's why I love videogames too!
pleb and brainlet
please you have to go back
It's a movie for men not for children and definitely not for little girls like you. Avoid posting here in the future.
>for men
If you went back to the 50s and showed it to men they would call it out for how disgusting it is.
>At least a serbian film didn't pretend to be art.
About that...
It's lukewarm tryhard crap.
can any swede please translate this
Am I faceblind or is that Gabriel Byrne on the poster?
ah the good old violence pleb filter, im surprised it still works on some
and in rome people watched this levels of violence for fun, only it was real. you think the 50s american castrated protestant workhorse "men" is the symbol of manliness?
RIP Bruno Ganz
Saving Private Ryan was more violent, yet I'm sure you'll defend that. I didn't like this movie either, but it was because of Bruno Ganz's grating voice/accent not the cartoon violence.
I love depictions of hell in films
Whenever hecut off her breasts in the uncut version I cringed. Not even the scene with the kids made me.
LMAO at this dork-ass-normie-ass-pansy-ass faggot thinking that is over the top
This movie is made for women. A lot of them have the fantasy.
It's not banned in New Zealand because no Muslims are harmed during the movie.
What's wrong OP are you some kinda, I dunno, pussy?
i'm a scaredy wuss and the worst thing about the house that jack built was the length. i wish they had cut out the boob wallet lady
>What the fuck did I just watch? This has to be one of the most vile, repulsive movies ever made
the only thing that made me leave the cinema was when that kid tortured the poor duckling. animal cruelty is unnecessary for film, so I dont know why lvt did that. and you have to wonder how many ducks he cut legs off to get the scene right, must have been at least two figures. killing ducks for a film. bad lvt
I must admit something: this is the first movie that truly disgusted me, I had a hard time watching it in one sitting.
It's weird because I'm used to look at actual deaths/accidents/mutilations videos and at some point I did everything to find the most disgusting movies possible but every time they just came off as "try hard", like "A Serbian Movie".
But this one is insane, LvT is truly a great director, I have to admit that even though I'm not enjoying his movies much.
But honestly: you're a faggot for being mad at a movie.
You are pathetic. Unnecessary violence is not manly.
>Following numerous calls about a scene in Lars von Trier’s film ‘The House That Jack Built’ in which a young child uses a pair of pliers to cut a duckling’s leg off, PETA has confirmed that the ‘leg’ was created using movie magic and silicone parts. While depictions of gratuitous violence like this may leave viewers sickened, it’s true that serial killers, like the character in the film, often get their start by first torturing animals, making the scene all the more realistic and disturbing. PETA is also happy to report that the images of tigers in the movie were from stock footage, yet again proving that there’s no need to use live wild animals in productions, thanks to the many humane alternatives being embraced by filmmakers today.
is that the ending ? thanks user
there is an epilogue in hell
go fuck yourself you censorious faggot
>the 50s only existed in the USA
what other seriel killer movies have u seen?
it was as scary to me as
Henry: Potrait of a serial killer
Flower of Flesh & Blood
Mosquito der Schänder
Aftermath (1994 version)
I Stand Alone
Criminal Lovers
Kill List
Ebola Syndrome
Slumber Party Massacre
Meet the Feebles
August Underground's Mordum
just to name a few
"I started watching Game of Thrones and they haven't even played any games at all!"
Uh.. Yeah it did. It was pretentious as fuck.
*Scream in Liberal Arts*
this isn't a 2001 chatroom you underage phoneposting piece of shit.
go back to imguredditfacebook, dumb fuck.
Indeed. Movies about carpentry and construction work are not for wamen and tiny babbis.
Its quite tame tho. Watch A serbian movie
It's not so much about being scary, mostly about how messed up it was, I think LvT's way of filming is what's really selling the whole thing.
get some real problems
Imagine being unironically triggered by such sophomoric provocations
literally the best movie of the past 5 years
How does it compare to Antichrist on a pretentiousness and art wank faggotry level?
Based man who knows a thing or two about movies and putting women in their place
it's more to the point than antichrist was.
You could give it a shot.
I watched it in the cinema while drunk, had a good time.
Unlike AntiChrist, this has a bit of dark comedy and is actually pretty funny at times.