Cameron: undefeated!

Avatar stands undefeated.Cameron stands undefeated.

Attached: Still not beating Avatar cape shitters.png (1200x600, 532K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Aren't they both Disney?

Disney owns everything, even DC is going to get acquired soon

Disney owns Yea Forums and reddit too

AFAIK James Cameron owns 60 percent of Avatar brand.

The blue thing might have higher box office numbers but no character will top Thanos.

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Screenshot this thread, then post the screenshot next week when Endgame surpasses Avatar.

>Endgame surpasses Avatar
The box office records show that Endgame is already slowing down too much. It's not going to come even close to Avatar.

Miles Quaritch became an icon from one movie. Thanos is Darkseid rip off with Ego motivation.

I literally had to google who that is. No one remembers any Avatar characters or any of their lines. But yes Endgame is garbage.

If EG has IW rates it will beat avatar even considering inflation

>There's no way capeshit would ever break box office records.
>Look at all the fucking plot holes! This movie fucking sucks, nobody can stand to watch this!
Bargaining It's not even adjusted for inflation, Cameron is still the king! Besides, Avatar 2 will blow them the fuck out for sure!
>It's not fucking fair. His passion project crushed by heartless corporatism... there is no justice. The world is against us.
>404: File Not Found

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>I literally had to google who that is. No one remembers any Avatar characters or any of their lines

Damn, you wiggers really love that article,don't you? It's false thought, Neytiri,Eywia, taruk makto etc. are all known terms. Not to mention, that Avatar saga has only began, while st*r w*rs already has over 10 movies, marvel over 20 movies etc.

Point is that you idiots are comparing new story to old, established franchises.

Imagine getting this worked up over a movie

lol ok
Endgame was disappointing but IW was amazing - thanks to Thanos.

Not sure if retarded of merely pretending.

No human being in the year 2019 is quoting Avatar characters or discussing Avatar dialogue. There's nothing memorable or special about the actual movie except for how much it grossed. Capeshit has a billion quotables, memorable scenes, lots of character development, all the stuff Avatar lacks. With that said, I still think both Avatara and Endgame are trash.

Not MCU capeshit
It's entirely forgettable .

>thanks to Thanos.
How can someone be to dumb to know about logistic and exponential growth?

Where's the lie?

Even if we assume that you are right, capeshit has 22 movies Avatar only 1 of five.

>No human being in the year 2019 is quoting Avatar characters or discussing Avatar dialogue.

Only Americans do thinks like that to begin with.


People are obsessed with capeshit. It has a ton of memorable scenes still being discussed and being quoted today. You can't say the same with Avatar.

I'm not American, and that's not an argument.

>1 of five
There's more memorable scenes and quotes in Infinity War alone than in Avatar. Your coping is failing miserably.

>mfw avatar and endgame can't beat GwtW even with a billion chinks watching their shit

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Avatar is not memorable in the slightest. The only reason it made as much as it did is because of 2 things: CG and China.

>The average capeshitter is this retarded
China was a tiny market back then

People are talking about MCU because Endgame just came out you fucking moron. Nobody remembers 90 percent of the shit movies before the latest one, and they won't remember that in 10 years- I can promise you that. Meanwhile, faggots like you can't keep your knob-polishers shut about how "forgettable" Avatar was when you bring it up every damn day.

Back in 2009 there were 5,000 screens in China. There are now 60,000. Cope.

Make sure to get this dumbass in the screenshot, lads. I want to laugh at him again next week.

You gotta love the Chinese.
They love these weird Western movies.

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Wrong, it was because of Imax.

Disney shills on suicide watch

Thanos has character?

Yes. He was an idiot.

Only thing I've ever seen get any traction was the snap. The movies are absolutely mediocre besides ripping off the source material. Literally ZERO cultural impact just like avatar

I doubt it. Since dc is owned by an even larger company

Probably less than 50% otherwise Disney wouldn't flaunt it like this. Then again there has been an Avatar attraction at Disney from before the Fox purchase so the whole "Disney vs. Avatar" narrative is just a Yea Forums LARP.

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>no one quotes it
Maybe that thanos quote but I've only seen it here and the movie just came out

The Chinese, a great bunch of lads

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They ruined him in Endgame.

>next week

Pika Pi!

I mean who cares. Endgame beating up Avatar won't make it a good movie. And Avatar being number 1 doesn't mean it is a good movie either.

Im a big Marvel fan, but it's true these movies are forgettable, i had to explain to my friend why Thor didn't have his hammer anymore in IW

People saying the MCU is the next Star Wars is going too far, no one is going to talk about Infinity War in 40 years like they do with Star Wars

only 4channel

that is because all of the good guys in Avatar looked the same

Thanks origins is like a hentai if you remove killings with sex

This looks so fucking weird compared to my cinema. Also mine is pretty much always dead, even on opening nights for capeshit films.

And that's just a small cinema in the province of Hubei. The big ones in Beijing and Shanghai literally have to turn away people because there were too many people in the building.

Reminder who the real threat is.

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Isn't that just 9 million dollars?

>Cameron stands undefeated
Tell that to Alita.

this, avatar fags. You're not even number one.

>Miles Quaritch

>948 million yen
>8.6 million dollars
Disney better beware

Hello fellow 4channeler

I'd want to distract myself too if I literally lived 24/7 in a Final Destination flick.

Attached: final destination in china.webm (1280x720, 1.16M)

Just 9 million USD, which is still a slither behind Endgame in Japan. And this is within just 4 day for Detective Pikachu, while Endgame released 11 days ago in japan.

see capeshitter

Japan doesn't like western adaptions of their properties. None of them do well there.

Is there any proof of this

Lmao look at this projecting

They didn't ruin him. EG Thanos basically is the same as Thanos in the first half of IW. But IW Thanos after getting the soul stone is a better character with a deeper connection to the Avengers and the EG one lacked that history with the heroes he was fighting.

Alita bombed there just a few months ago. Ghost in the shell as well.

This image makes me uncomfortable

God damn. How do you not go "fuck it" and just wait another week?

>Alita bombed there
So no numbers. From memory Alitas numbers from Japan were about par with normal
>Ghost in the shell
Was just a flop.

sometimes I wonder if they even understand what happens in these movies, they look even more retarded than the average american

Honestly I'd wait in that line if it was for Dredd 2

Just because you buy a trophy at a yard sale doesn't mean you earned or won that trophy.


So that’s why every movie sucks now. Disney is competing with itself.

>dc is owned by an even larger company
it isnt

Too many people facing my direction

Dread it. Run from it. Destiny still arrives.

it slowed down since. AFAIK it earns few millions a day now.

Just realised Thanos' cringe 'I am inevitable' line is a ripoff of 'Darkseid Is'

What the actual fuck is with Nu-Yea Forums and its oversaturation of this buzzword?

Can someone explain why Avatar was so successful? I'm genuinely curious. I don't think it's a bad movie or anything but it did insanely good for an original movie that isn't a sequel or adaptation or anything. I don't even remember it being that popular when it came out. Especially not as much hype as Endgame.

it was just the 3D meme

post economic collapse escapism, cameron had actual good movies under his belt, 3d meme. Avatar was honestly trash

the cameron 3D still holds up t b h, that movie brought back 3D movies to life after however many years

it was an amazing movie with very simple plot. you didn't have to focus on the story, you could enjoy the spectacle instead


I shit you not that was literally it. It wasn't memorable. It had no impact on the movie industry. It didn't have any impactful morals that haven't been heard before. It was just "wow look how pretty this shit is" No one remembers the fucking characters. Or the dialogue. Or the story. It was such a forgettable movie that no one brings it up anymore. Hell even the furfags that drew porn of them forgot about them quickly.

That is why Yea Forums holds such a big grudge against Avatar. A movie so forgettable deserves to be dethroned as box office king.

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>A movie so forgettable deserves to be dethroned as box office king.
yes but not by goddamned sequel of a sequel to a sequel of serios of movies mass-produced every few months

Whatever it takes.

>Avatar 2 out grosses it in a week

Whatever indeed

>Avatarfags and capeshitfags are arguing over which brand of shit is better

its summer, lad
theres always something like this

I thought his reaction was fine, and a better use of the stones. Why waste godlike power on 50% when you can remake the whole fucking universe into a paradise?

I hate both but I don't want avengers shit to be at the top. It would just be too embarassing to be alive in a world where capeshit is the highest grossing movie ever. The saddest part is that Disney owns both anyway. So they still win regardless. It's all fucked.

>No one
[citation needed]

yeah but compare the cultural footprint of Avengers to a fuckin blue cat people tech demo. Literally no one cares about Avatar

I'm being dead serious. Go on social media and see if anyone remembers any of the characters from Avatar. And if they say "from Nickelodeon?" that's how you know the sequel is not gonna do as well at the box office.

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thanos is retarded. he already know he will win., he just had to follow his plan for the next years till he get the stones. there was no need to rush anything since he will reset this universe anyways.

That last tweet has a shit ton of retweets. Like I said. Almost fucking no one considers Avatar a memorable movie. All it had going for it was aesthetics. Nothing else.

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Right now 27% of EG's earnings have been domestic. For the rest of EG's run, what will the incoming admissions be? 40% domestic? Domestic admissions have longer legs than most international markets.
If future admissions are 40% domestic, then if EG hits 850 million domestic, it will surpass Avatar worldwide.

>A bunch of random nobodies on twitter = Source
Ah yes, the argument of the retard. I don't care what pseuds on twitter say.

Let's be real here. It took Avatar a fucking month to reach 2 billion. Endgame did that on its second weekend. It has more than enough time to surpass it.

No way.
Avatar was a once in a lifetime situation. It pushed CGI to its limits, 3D was considered a big deal and it had fucking huge marketing behind that was tied to all of this.
Unless Cameron comes up with something that has never been seen before, the movie won't even make it to the top 5 of all time.

he owned half at start, but foxjews were against giving him full budget, so he sold half of his stock to disney for more money and gave up on some rights. Now mouse has 75% and he has only 25% with movie, distribution, merch and attractions in full control of mouse. He is epic tier cuckold in terms of messing up with owning anything he does.

Avengers is making a shitload of money thanks to China & Avatar 2 is by far the most awaited film in China

I read somewhere that even with worse legs than Age of Ultron (Endgame currently has the best legs of any Avengers movie) it'd still pass $850m domestic. Best case scenario is it beating TFA, but will probably come up a few million short

Dread it. Run from it. Desinty still arrives.

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Avatar took 47 days to make $2 billion. Endgame took only 11 days.


Slowing down hard, it has to hope Pikachu is a bomb, otherwise it's going to lose to Avatar by a hair

be humble thanos

Avatar was shit and only fucking contrarian teenagers would defend Cameron's worst movie.

The only good part of the movie was Stephen Lang

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You asked for a source and I delivered. Now lemme ask you something. You ever notice that the only memes about Avatar are either regarding its ridiculous box office results or Yea Forums shitposting? You ever notice that Avatar is never EVER brought up on Youtube, Facebook, Tumblr, or even Reddit? You ever notice that there's a huge lack of blue giantess monkey cat porn?

Why do you think that is?

>You asked for a source and I delivered
You didn't, because you didn't post a source.
>You ever notice that Avatar is never EVER brought up on Youtube, Facebook, Tumblr, or even Reddit?
Get it through your thick fucking skull: I do not care what pseudointellectual zoomer faggots think.

I saw it, but don't remember much of it.
It seemed like an exercise to advance 3D tech, more than a story. Alita is much better.

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So you don't care what people think, yet you're asking for proof that people consider it unmemorable? Make up your damn mind.

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>When your profits are dependant on the birth rates of third world countries

Thanos and the RDA were both right, half the world needs to die asap.

how is this possible , fucking everyone in the planet has seen the eggplant man, where did the space smurfs get the money from?

>So you don't care what people think
>yet you're asking for proof that people consider it unmemorable
Yes, some actual objective proof that a significant number of moviegoers don't consider it memorable. If you want to keep doing anecdotes we can talk about how Avatar 2 is the most popular upcoming film on Maoyan with zero marketing so far and how Avatar land is setting attendance records for Disney.

Yen are worth almost nothing. It is like 9 dollars to me.

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it was in theaters for like half a year

>some actual objective proof that a significant number of moviegoers don't consider it memorable

That's exactly what I was fucking doing and you just called them nobodies.

>Neytiri,Eywia, taruk makto etc. are all known terms

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all the people who wanted a sequel have already killed themselves in an effort to be reborn as a lanky blue space caveman
this will make very little money

>That's exactly what I was fucking doing and you just called them nobodies.
How is it actually possible to be this retarded? Only one of the tweets you posted has any significant amount of engagement- some of them have zero.

>The MCU flick should have around $2.444 billion heading into its third weekend, give-or-take how hard it gets dinged by overseas debuts for Pokémon. A $214 million global weekend (-50% from last weekend’s $428 million haul) would give the film to $2.658 billion by Sunday night, leaving it with just $130 million to go.

Alita was good, though. They might have bad taste or be prejudiced.

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This. I can't wait for it to be dethroned and never mentioned again. It's really fucking ridiculous that it is only ever brought up when it comes to grossing. It doesn't deserve the spot

>Behind 2nd week Endgame and the Conan movie

And you know what that tweet suggests you fucking retard? That a huge majority of Twitter or better yet, the entire Internet, considers Avatar to not be anything special or to be remembered by. When Avatar 2 comers out, the same magic it had before will have long died off. It'll just "be there".

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>Miles Quaritch

>That a huge majority of Twitter
115K is not a "huge majority of Twitter" When they have millions of active users. You can spew tweets from nobodies at me all day, but until you have some actual fucking data you can fuck off.

>avaturd 2 delayed
Damn. Avacucks tears will be delicious when this shit flops.

>Get it through your thick fucking skull: I do not care what pseudointellectual zoomer faggots think.
So if you don't see anyone from these places even talking about it, how can you fucking say that ANYONE cares for it? You just keep asking for proof, what kind of fucking proof do you want you goddamn retard

Why don't you read the rest of the thread before replying you braindead sack of shit

The internet is enough, we can draw our own conclusions.

He is a redditard, trying to be 'ironic'.

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Truth hurts doesn't it? Your movie from 10 years ago has aged so badly It's barely even meme worthy.

Infinity War in general is a much better movie than ABATAP

It's more of the same thing. You keep asking for proof that it isn't memorable while you can't even name a single impact it had

No, it really isn't, But by all means continue being retarded if you want.
I get that your tiny mind is working up into a rage because you can't actually counter anything I say, but I must repeat:
>Why don't you read the rest of the thread before replying you braindead sack of shit

wtf i quit Yea Forums now!

I hope they remember you.

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Wow you guys sure are having fun in this imaginary battle between... let me see... Disney and Disney