
Choppp edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


>last of the starks is at 7.0 right now
How embarassing.

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>i spent all of my time in the past now

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Anyone else really like this last episode because of how much it made normies seethe? I cant even care about the writing anymore because its all so fucked so i might as well root for an evil ending.

requesting again, does anyone have that pic of the hound with his helm and the lens flares

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bet the next two episodes go even lower

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>mfw dragons finally get what they deserve
>mfw Danyfags finally get what they deserve
>Mfw showfags finally get what they deserve

Nobody gave a shit when they gutted Stannis like a fish.
Nobody cared when the SS Character Assassination came for Jaime.
People's eyes glazed over when I told them what a joke show Euron was.
Nobody noticed Stoneheart, Griff, Belwas, Victarion or Arianne Martell not existing.

But now the tables have turned. Now Danyfags are finally having to deal with the bullshit they've wilfully ignored for years. And they can't fucking stand it.

This is the Stannischad's fiinal revenge.

This is the ending you deserve.

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Cant wait for OST desu

/bessie/....my Queen

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>Khaleesi...come closer
>The nomad shitkins...the dothraki...I tried to make sure that all of those subhumans died in the charge...
>But *coughs up blood*
>But I think a few may have survived...I'm so sorry Khaleesi...please make sure they are all dead for me
>Please...and the castrated niggers too, please check that none of them are alive...this is my last wish, my Khaleesi...
>The Andal Man's burden Khaleesi....
*looks at camera*
>the darkies from the summer isles, the shitskins of essos, the chinks from yi ti, it's our duty to rule them
>non Andal races shall not despoil westeros
>goodbye Khaleesi....

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Imagine capturing this arya and forcing her to slave for you?

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good day for new memes

why do men progressively get retard toward 44yo then turn based again?

>Least shitty episode is rated the lowest

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what if the series ends with no one ruling over westeros... just complete anarchy

if jon kills dany e6 will be even lower

A reminder from Barristan the Bold not to do what her father had done and dispense justice via fire.
Too bad Dany's an idiot that doesn't listen to good council.
I have no idea why people like her, she's worse than Joffrey.

>he thinks dany will lose

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That's not how generations work.

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So who were the characters in that council? That vote for Bran to become king, I cannot find the leaks.

I don't think they do, it's just different generations.

>good council
lol that Barry guy was shit he lied about being a great fighter then died to some random peasants LOOL
why would Danny listen to anything he says??

cheers user

>Dany is cute and sexy in Season 1 when she's sad and vulnerable
>Dany is off-putting and looks like she's hit the wall for most of the show when she's cocky, smug and confident
>Dany becomes cute again in S8E4 when she's sad and vulnerable

we've cracked the code, lads
insecure Emilia is cute Emilia

>he still believes that mad queen dany rule is bittersweet

Bronn Sam Varys Davos

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Queen Mommy burn them all!

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Please destroy my dick!

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to this day Im still pissed they killed off barristan

say what you want about stannis's death, at least it moved the plot, Killing Selmy did fucking nothing

Coughposting is the funniest shit that has come out of this shitty show in years, change my mind.

She's going to die and I'm going to be so happy when I read all the screeching online from menstruating harpies.

*breathes in*

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Based. Danyfags deserve eternal suffering

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>normeis will cheer when she massacres kingslanding
kek, can't wait to see their reactions when jon murders her

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The Rape-posting will always be no. 1 for me

lmao I love these low IQ simulations we have.


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I hope it happens next episode

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Dany has not been character assassinated though, she's acted completely within character based off the hints that have been given for years

Oh yeah forgot about that

To be fair, what Aerys did looks mild compared to what's a regular occurence in the books and show. Only thing beyond the pale was the wildfire caches, but other than that did he really do any outrageous atrocities besides murder vassals he suspected of plotting against him?
The thing that was bad about Aerys was being paranoid and a loose cannon, not being harsh by itself.

This isn't just a bad and unfitting ending for the show, it retroactively ruins the good parts of the show and feels like someone shat on the last ten years of my life, I feel like an idiot for even starting to watch it

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Fast forward and now feeding people to hounds, baking people into pies and burning people alive is all fine.

Salsa is /ourgirl/ forever

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>she thinks "the mad king" is a lie generated by the enemy
we should have seen evil dany coming desu

I'm going to pretend I'm in that city, me and my family.

Alys Karstark is the greatest rack in Westeros.

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A-aaah daenerys SAVE ME

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But the leaks told me that Varys will get executed this season

What exactly is bad and unfitting about the ending?

What would have been more fitting? Jon and Dany become King and Queen? The White Walkers are defeated in the finale as the final evil? That's Lord of the Rings


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>Ser Barrustan
>shit fighter
D&D strike again, read the books you turbonigger

I'm sorry you feel that way, user. There's nothing to be done but go read fix-it fanfictions and salt the wounds when you realize it's by far preferable to what D&D shat out.

just remember the good times...

A lot of us did man, it's hard arguing with people that didn't see it.
Seriously people need to rewatch GoT and think to thereself "Dany is evil right now" when they watch her scenes.
I didn't pick it up until I did a rewatch after season 4 but I've never read the books.

meli said it years ago retard


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Can someone confirm if she's actually dead now?

>dragonfire queen with the dark roast

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>Ep 8x03
>Terrible, pretty much ruins the series forever
>Ep 8x04
>Mediocre at best

This happened a few weeks ago, I told my friend at the time but forgot to tell you guys.
>Watching a Korean streamer play vidya
>He sounds annoyed
>angry Korean noises
>"Blahblah blah Ariya Stako Blah blah blah"
>Wait wut?
>Flip to that tab
>He's looking at pictures of the night king on google
Even the Asians hated it I guess.

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The difference is that D&D wrote the ambivalence much less coherently during the GRRM seasons, and then just made her a straight up good guy in their seasons, with the sole exception of the Tarly executions, which were somewhat justifiable/pragmatic.

Brienne would have been way more based if they had stayed true to her book age of 17 - young ugly awkward muscle girl with pretty eyes and freckles > old albino

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me on the bottom left



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All the mysteries and intrigue that hooked me into the show got solved and handwaved away in one episode, never to be explained or mentioned again, it turned out to be more one dimensional than I thought was possible

>It's real
Oh god my sides

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hillary is cersei.
dany is tulsi


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>Dany will go crazy
>Will starts screaming "Dracarys" on everybody
>Everybody burns
>Jon snow about to get burned
>Because his resurrection, he is now a true Targaryen or some shit
>He does not burn
>Kills Dany

I know this is stupid but its D&D Stupid

epiosde 3 didn't kill twitter's favorite black woman and set things up for dany to stop being the YASSS QUEEN

Jesus. I am diamonds.

.... If this true than Jamie will kill her.....

I put some of the blame on Ramin Djawadi for giving her a heroic triumphant theme music
She could have at least gotten a theme like Stannis's, which could be both heroic and dark

They would've loved it if she would've been defeated first and then did a power-up.

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>Tarly executions was justifiable

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Coughposting has redeemed Varys’ entire arc

He will help Jon for sure. Maybe Jon saves him from Dany and he will go "You finally wielded against somebody" making an ebin reference to S01E01

She said a lot of things. Doesn't mean those things come true. Just look what happened to Stannis.

why do normies hate this episode more then the long night? both are bad but this was miles better

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It really was. Giving them the chance to bend the knee was the mistake.

brown girl die


>character finally starts having faults and you start empathize with him/her
>dies next episode

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Ramin probably didn't know she was evil.
Look at the Night King's theme, it's pure Kino, bet he didn't know Arya fucking Stark would kill him.

Because Arya slayed yasssssss

>The Starks are in the Godswood
>Jon goes "ok Bran, tell them about it"
>Bran begins to tell the story
>"When Rhaegar took Lyanna....."
>"There was no rape, Sansa, ...... "
>"It looked awful"

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>but this was miles better
Absolutely untrue.

If you really hate GoT you wouldn't still be watching it

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Because they thought Dany "the whore" would win lol


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can't wait to complete this picture with dany's inevitable death scene as well


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Guess she forgot High Valyrian is gender neutral heh

>mfw they were too lazy to film more takes so they only filmed one with the starbucks cup on the table and no one noticed it during production and post production

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Can I get a fucking Dany edit of this please

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jesus christ i want pat him and tell him its ok AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGG

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>according to one of the First Men

rather humorous tho


He's truly doing it for the people. He saved us all.

The last scene was so fuckin weird, I’m glad missandei died but here’s
the rundown

>Dany goes to dragonstone because?
>dragon gets sniped 3 in a row from a mile away
>danys forces get obliterated by arrows that are somehow more effective than cannonballs
>Euron somehow finds and captures missandei, they gloss over it to cover how on earth they’d manage
>Dany goes and parks her last dragon within shot distance of kings landing, with herself and like 3 guards on fucking foot
>Cersei doesn’t end the war then and there
>instead send out her hand of the king to become a potential prisoner of war
>except, he just straight up DISAPEARS after Tyrion walks past him
>Cersei executes missandei to say negotiations are over
>doesn’t kill Dany then and there

What a mess

I literally thought of this, both killed by men.
Hahahaha D&D are so fucking based.


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I love watching things I hate. That's why I come to forchan desu.

>S8 E8, post credits of the meme normie ending, Ned wakes up in a cold sweat.
>"Ned, my love, what’s wrong?"
>"Oh Ash, I had a terrible nightmare I was married to a ginger shrew and got decapitated."
>"How awful! Come downstairs and have breakfast with me and our ten beautiful sons, that’ll take your mind off it!"
>"Thanks, Ashara. I’m really glad that our actual children are cute and none of them look like horrible goblins."
>Ned, Ashara and their not goblin children have breakfast together
>"Father, tell us again about how you and mother fell in love!"
>"Well, my little wolves, it’s a long story..."
>Fade to black
>Coming to HBO, Wolves of the Stars
>Winter 2025

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>expectation-status: SUBVERTED

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How will burgerton bar react when they see the inevitable scene where YASS KWEEN burns women and children with drogon and she walks through the flames in slow motion unfazed by whats happening because she wants the throne so bad. Will they cheer or will they rethink their life choices?

the leaks have mixed lies and truths, tipical jew trick
she will win

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I can't believe people thought she would actually win the throne - the show has been dumbing it down for normies for ages with all this "She's not her father" shit they say 5 times per episode - DURRRRR SHE'S JUST LIKE HER FATHER BIG SHOCK
Kill all normies

d&d are fucking niggers

you have to go back

infertile dornish slut

It was just as bad, the more I think about it the worst it becomes.
>They forgot about the Iron Fleet lmao

>I wanna drink that starbucks

As a book reader I pretty much have to, I don't want idiots spouting spoilers at me.

>... a picture of me... on the iron throne... with you by my side

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>tfw your manlet bf kills you

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But she's not like her father. Those guys are just traitors.

Shamelessly stolen.

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Nope a leak from like a year ago said everything that's happens so far dany is so dead

reminder that normies are rooting for genocide

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>Ned, Ashara and their not goblin children have breakfast together
>and their not goblin children


The funniest thing of this coughing meme is the "Varys is a mermaid" theory from the books.


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The real problem with this Dany arc is that D&D wanted to have their cake and eat it too. They wanted to have Dany "turn evil" but at the same time during the rest of the series they couldn't resist painting her as a hero, and a feminist icon, because why would they when the fans love it so much? Like, watch the Spoils of War episode in season 7, she's slaughtering hundreds of Lannister soldiers, burning them alive, and butchering them with the Dothraki. It's just war, and war is shit, GRRM has driven this point home very well in the books. But D&D frame this scene with triumphant music for Dany and paint it as a victory for her, and a loss for the Lannisters, and that's the problem. There is a lot of "foreshadowing" that Dany is not a great person, in the sense that she does morally questionable stuff, but because it's always framed like she's doing the right thing, it's difficult to say they did a good job at building up Dany as a villain, and that's why it feels like such an asspull that they've suddenly stopped this and started having characters question her actions.

They will cheer and think Dany is in the right

this is 4channel.org

I don't even know if normies hate it or if just a sizeable minority of the SJW audience hates it

If you're not a Danyfag/feminist/black identitarian I don't see what you could possibly DESPISE about this episode. I mean the Bronn scene was cringe and Euron's ships out of nowhere was silly and Sansa spilling a secret felt rushed and Cersei not shooting Dany's troops was silly, but overall these are mostly just nitpicks, the show has done far more irredeemable and retarded shit than this, it's been doing it for years. These things don't make it the "worst episode ever".
But if you're a Danyfag, then Dany genuinely going on her path to her final character arc as the Mad Queen does make this the worst episode ever. if you're a feminist, Brienne crying or Sansa saying abuse made her stronger does make this episode the worst episode ever. If you're a black identitarian, Missandei not having plot armour and getting killed in chains does make this the worst episode ever.
These are all things that SJWs loathe, but most normie fans wouldn't care much about

Kill 'em

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So it's not just me who's gone from hating her from day 1 to actually start caring about her. I don't even understand myself sometimes.

>>They forgot about the Iron Fleet lmao
I mean, how is that even possible when Varys mentioned it earlier talking about the Golden Company?

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Sansa relayed the "someone taller" comment to Jon.
Jon's going to get revenge for all the times women have looked down upon manlets.
That's the real reason he kills her.

the writers used tyrion to telegraph to the audience that it wasn't.

you could also make an argument that the empire was justified in blowing up alderan but that wasn't where the story was going.

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Stupid, really stupid dragon death. It was much worse than the Night King scene.


it was also terribly paced
the first half was incredibly boring and the second half was horribly rushed

smelly trout bitch

When it started falling apart around S4, is this the level of quality drop you expected for the ending?

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lmao brainlet
keep believing your fake news

Ask Dabid. Not to mention Dany must be fucking blind to not see Euron's fleet when she is flying on a dragon.

>Brynden Rivers and Bran only know about Jon's true heritage because Brynden wanted to see the rape with his own eyes

>Missandei didn't look Cersei dead in the eye and whisper "Valar Morghulis"


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>Many faced god: "Actually, 'Man' refers to the species of 'mankind' and not to the gender."

No what D&D wanted to do was SUBVERT your expectations.
They knew all along she was going mad, and decided to film and edit it in such a way she seems like the hero, for maximum subverting effect.
The tears will be glorious, and my cock will be hard.
D&D probably going to snort coke and read twitter on finale night laughing their asses off.






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dubs decide how many more manlet jokes we get for the remainder of the season


I was expecting the same quality as 5-7.
And desu it IS the same quality as 5-7, but people only care now that Dany is suffering for it too.

I'm just happy I got to see normalfags turn on Dabid before the end. This is the best ending I could have hoped for

>The 100 rapes, Tyrion. They were so beautiful. The way the silver stags glimmered in the light as they slipped out of her fingers

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If dany dies the show will be lost 2.0 to the general

They betrayed the Tyrells and even yet my Dany gave they the chance to bend the knee

That faggots deserved to burn to ashes

6 was much better than 5 and 7 imo

>popular GOOD!
>unpopular BAD!

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Just like Hillary lost, Dany will also lose sweetie.

>Yield or I'll burn Kings Landing to the ground
>"But Dany, we have tens of thousands of innocent women and children in here"
>It's your fault for not yielding if they get murdered by me

Straight madman logic.

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You only need to add defects to a character to make them seem human. You love people for their defects, not their virtues.

nigga better start coping now

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yeah, do D&D realize this post production thing they put after the episode alway makes them look worse?

I'd prefer some cohf-posting, desu.

btfo stannisfags

People still support Israel so

>if only your dick was as big as your sword
>o-or you for that matter
dany after she is stabbed by jon

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Delet this

they're jews wich is pretty close

Wai what, where the fuck did qyburn go


imagine the butthurt of all the parents who named their kids khaleesi only to have D&D turn her into Blond Bimbo Hitler

have sex

fuck I didn't even think of that

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Imagine how hard bluehair thots are gonna REEEEE when Ayra has her skull crushed by the Mountain

Go dilate sweaty

Season 5 is basically carried by Hardhome and the first half of the season Stannis scenes.


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Cutest girl in all of the seven kingdoms

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What's a dialation?

george is seeing everything that doesnt work, I dont expect any of this in the book

have sex

Better than being named stannis

I'll call him Azor Stannis you roastie cunt

kek, they're really grasping at the straws aren't they

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Daenerys you mean, who would name her kids Khaleesi?

For Norf!

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who the fuck would name a kid khaleesi

Why do people in the 3rd world consistently seem to have the intelligence and taste of a 9 year old boy?

As funny as Baneposting. Absolut reddit gold XD

Aye but he's the MAAAAD KING.
Dany's just Mad.

This series lived and died with Tywin.

You know it too be true.

This series has been going to shit for years, and only now do normies get angry when their spoiled dragon queen has to feel sad.

It was just the show-only Shireen moment that made him "mad".


Go back

>Missandei's death is the show at its racist and misogynistic worst. They literally put her back in chains before chopping her head off to further the plot of other (white/male) characters.

Bend the knee

>There is a guy who has been throwing npc memes at us for 2 threads and has no (you)s to show for it
a reddit meme, a reddit poster

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They can't speak or write english properly mate, that's why it's kid tier speak.

I found E4 to be just as mediocre as E2

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And because it happens at the end of the arc, that's for what she'll be remembered.


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When you spread open the roast beef

That's not how he writes. He straight up said he won't change the story that he has in his head and has been planning for years for anything.
However, seeing how he's a decent writer he definitely won't be writing garbage like this, that's besides the point.

It should be lower. They all should.

notice how they made it look like a kraken's tentacles. breddy gud detail for S08.

>why did dany's servant's death hurt dany's feelings

Based what is dialiation poster

You mean Ned, Robb, Tywin and Olenna

>to put it into context, more babies were named Khaleesi in 2017 than were named Britney.

God he was so cute, what happened bros?

I mean yes, show Stannis absolutely is a mad king once he burns Shireen. Few people even here would disagree with that I think, aside from the ones outright memeing.

Emilia is always cute faggot.


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It goes both ways. If rosties say that Stannis is evil for being willing to do whatever it take to prevent the apocalypse, than they have to admit that Dany is evil for being willing to do whatever it take to sit in an uncomfortable chair.

My knee is bent

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Why exactly do people hate this ep more than the third? Both were retarded but this isn't exactly new

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the rape

what was rape-posting, pls explain

This season is turning me into a Sansachad. I hope that she wins it all in the end.

yes, white walkers absolutely should've been the final enemy, and Bran should've done more to explain everything

You mean Littlefinger

Not only is Daenerys trying to steal his rightful throne, she is also trying to steal his knee bending powers.

>Kingslanding is no longer on the coast
why did they move kinglanding lads?

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God I hope I meet one.
"Are you as crazy as your namesake?"
First thing I'll say if I meet one.

Just wait till episode 6 when Jon kills a pregger Daenerys, the fallout is gonna be glorious.

Question for you all; I've forgotten, but isn't Edmure still alive? Or did he die off screen or something

Change in costume director, no joke.

You guys bitch about normalfags but Euronfags are the most obnoxious memecunts.

That's fucking depressing, I would hate my parents if they named me after a fucking TV show character with a made-up name.

How exactly has Daenerys gone mad enough that Varys would want to undo 20 years of planning? What even has she done that would warrant that? The execution of prisoners? Not unusual for a medieval war. Against her own better judgment she listened to Tyrion and Varys and it led to disaster. She sacrificed her army to save the north. What the hell else does he want?

It makes no sense why he would want to replace Robert's reign of peace with some random Targaryen who had a 50% chance of being an insane tyrant in the first place.

You say that, but S1 is kino and has exactly one Tywin scene.

I like how even normies know what the ending will be, which is funny because the spoiler ending is even worse.

E2 was mediocre, E4 was full of retarded shit.


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Preventing your open wound from healing by method of dildo insertion

Can't wait for her actress to say she wanted to die, like Lyanna Mormont's. It's GoT, they all want to die on screen.

>"promise me Ned"
A story defining 18 year kept secret, only stumbled upon by a bookworm and a greenseer

>"you have to promise me Sansa"
literally blabs it in her next scene to the hand of the queen

I would be but Sophie Turner is a garbage actress

Name ONE reason not to root for the "Mad" Queen
>m-muh King's Landing degenerate subhuman population
She's both validated in the story in every way and what she wants to do has the potential to be kino to watch, Sansa and Jon are retarded, and Cersei already burnt the city before

Haven't you met any Mario? lol

Why would a woman come to your basement?

>kills black lady
>sets dany up to go evil
also people are mad that this seems to confirm the leaks that jon kills dany and they don't want their feminist icon to be killed by a man


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>Ned, Robb, Tywin and Olenna
One of these things is not like the others.

fucking americans

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"Someone sane"

Cersei being the 500 IQ tactician built a similar "Queens landing" as a prop to distract Dany

Cheaper to film all the scenes in a backlot. Having to go on location at a real body of water would take too much from the budget.

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as bad as it was the dorne shit still looked beautiful, the visual quality was uncompromised
I thought that it was going to pick back up after that

I can't after Jon refused to pet Ghost.

dany is the cutest when she wants jon

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Dat thigh jiggle. Jesus Christ.

Holy shit Sansa triggers Danyfags so hard.

All I can see on leddit and twitter is blaming Sansa for Danys retarded mistakes.
They genuinely ask why they don't trust Dany, after the last time a Targ sat on the throne and their uncle and grandfather both got burned to death.

Don't own a basement, I live in europe.



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dont be an idiot

>>to put it into context, more babies were named Khaleesi in 2017 than were named Britney
I mean to be fair, Britney is an awful white trash name.

Just incredibly low effort production.

>'where can we set the scene with Dany approaching Cersei for negotiations'
>errr just have them walk up to the wall
>'huh? what wall?'
>who the fuck cares just have them on an empty plain in front of a fucking wall, does it matter?

I feel bad for Dany because DnD are making her advisors act retarded and her dragon had the gayest death in the series. If she marries Jon there are literally no problems.

>When you name your daughter Hitler

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Khaleesi is a title not a name fucking normies how could you unironically name your own child that

Gods I hate murices so damn much

The last time Stark was Lord of the Winterfell, he managed to get half his bannermen and family killed

The last time Stark manned the Wall, he delivered a dragon the the Night King and got half of all Northern people killed and let the wildlings in

>If she marries Jon there are literally no problems.

>>The Andal Man's burden Khaleesi....
He is a first man you absolute moron

Which of his kids would get ice and dawn?

Your whole country is a basement, then.

So that Euron can't betray them

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>name after a character from the Anne Rice's gothic vampire chronicles


They're normies, what did you expect?

How did they even get Miss Sunday?

I used to dislike Sansa but she's my favourite female character rn.

Rn for me it's
Sansa > Cersei > Brienne > Dany > Gilly > Arya

>>Euron somehow finds and captures missandei, they gloss over it to cover how on earth they’d manage
How did they even know she was captured and not that she drowned? How would Euron or Cercei even know Missandei was of any value as a prisoner?
>muh offscreen resolutions
Fuck this shitty fucking show. How do you fuck this up this badly?

jon is going to kill her

Will you eat a got Blu-ray? Better get some ketchup for that

I'll tell your mother you said hello.

so was 2

Is Edmure still alive?

Gotta pay for that Dragon CGI somehow, user.

I guarantee Rhaegal is gonna magically have survived next episode somehow

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>that pathetic cut to black after the mast falls
This took them 2 years?

He expected the wife of a Dothraki warlord to have a kind heart apparently

Cersei is more likeable than "I got superhuman intelligence thanks to rape"

They're trying to meme that Sansa is 'le epic smart girl' but it's more awful writing, all she does is bring up blatantly obvious things like rations and fatigue. Having everyone else be so retarded that they don't think of these basdic concerns doesn't make her smart

does this mean DABID memes are gonna get popular with normies

Why is my mother in your basement?


what he's actually seeing

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epic bro, post it to /r/atheism

>what is drowned may never die
>he still has the horn

Based user this so much


Dabid meme is reddit desu

>yfw Dany was really right about everything from the start and listening to her retarded advisers got her into this awful situation
At literally every step if she just did what she wanted she would've created a situation far better than the one everyone is now in, who wouldn't go mad

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>"Jorah Mormutt"

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>mfw Salsa told Dany to rest and not go south knowing she would ignore her advice and got another dragon killed
Literal genius

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Drogon with armor on


This was confirmed product placement already.

based and 10/10 post

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We're planning a surprise birthday party.
Your soon to be little brother.

fffffFFFFFUUUUCK imagine having her naked in that position and forcing your dick into her asshole

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They will turn it into one. Expect the GoT flavor on your favorite Starbucks in a month.

2 didn't have any plot to fuck up, so it wasn't as bad.

Only Little Bird Sansa, she's just annoying as Dominatrix Diet Littlefinger.

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my cock actually twitched seeing that little hint of her breast

why is he such a disgusting fat piece of shit?

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if euron is supposed to be this bad guy
how come he haven't done anything wrong in the show
>he started the first greyjoy rebellion
he rebelled against a usurper for the independence for his people
>he killed his brother
balon drew first blood with his knife it was clearly selfdefense
>he usurped the salt throne
he won it fair and square even by confessing to the killing of balon
>he attacked danaerys fleet and killed the sand snakes
intercepting a invading foe and captures child murderers
>he burned down yet another portion of danaerys fleet
its still war
>he killed rheagal
based dragon slayer saved thousands of people by killing a living wmd


>Euron teleport attack would have happened even a year from now maybe with more magic Euron shit
>D&D say in making of Sansa is Littlefinger and Dany is right not to trust her
>blaming Salsa for Dany's mistakes is retarded but they actually are the fault of her advisors who were supposed to be so smart and all the other good guys are making equally retarded choices and baffling military decisions
What the fuck are they even trying to do now??
Also I love how everyone in the word knows Jon kills Mad Dany now. I haven't talked to a normie in the past 24 hours or so about the show who didn't already know the ending, so any surprise is already gone.

>I dont expect the book

looks like a man in a wig.

Varys is a meme


The one with violer eyes gets Ice, the one with Stark eyes gets Dawn.

So much this. Watching the dragons die give me more relief than a thousand whores.

wow, you're a faggot

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KL denizens deserve it
>cheer for Ned getting executed, throw stones at him
>blame Tyrion, who at the time was the only competent Lannister, for all of their ills, on account of him being a midget
>tear apart their pope like they're fucking zombies, attempt to rape a child to death
>laugh at Tyrion during his trial
>everything about Cersei's walk
>come to throw shit at Maergaery just like they did with Cersei, despite the fact that she made an effort to improve their lives because they don't give a fuck
>accept the Vatican being blown up, and go 100% pro Cersei
Fuck them.


Sansa is trash character nobody likes her, only tumblr degenerates.

I like how she took to casually wearing bondage gear.


Who cares it's hot

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