In this thread we discuss the new HBO show Chernobyl.
Chernobyl General
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That power plant looks fine tbqh
i agree comrade
Looks doubleplusfine to me.
>tfw ex-communist country but we got the Canadian CANDU model that doesn't blow up as often as the Russian one.
Dodged a bullet there.
>what are neutrons
This is so stupid, just turn the reactor off, problem solved.
Why do all these Russians have posh british accents?
baby don't hurt me
Nuclear kino back on the menu boys
The USSR was a crazy place.
only british television was allowed in USSR so they got their accents that way
>you will never gaze into the burning maw of a nuclear reactor
why even live
Why do slavs suck at absolutely everything, yet pretend that they are somehow superior to the West?
Indoctrination? Hubris?
Literal retard tier people.
I thought to myself while watching the low-IQ slavshits run around in the radiation
>wow these are the people who talk shit about the US and others on Yea Forums
are the fuel rods within the graphite core?
In the show they call the radiation measurements rankins or something. And the numbers are lower, like 3.9.
Well its obvious the shows jewish producers and writers had the intended effect they were after.
Slavs may be retarded but at least they dont allow communists, left wingers, ANTIFA and women to protest oopenly in the street. Kind of ironic that russia doesnt allow commie proests groups but the west does.
I still have no fucking idea how a reactor works or how neutrons can get out of an atom.
I'm not Slavic. Wouldn't know why they have a stick up their ass and always bother their neighbors.
>literally won the cold war and destroyed west
roentgens you doofus
Chemistry for Dummies, user - I said in the other thread.
Hmm better then GoT, but where is all blacks? Some kind of racist show.
The guy they got to play Bryukhanov looks fucking scary.
>that credits music ambient with the geiger counter
It's like i'm playing fallout again.
>implying the US govt should execute retarded and immature yet innocent LARPers in the street
Ah yes, do go on commisar, please share more of that East Bloc education.
Alcoholism and the fact that they're the niggers of white people.
i think their was a fair bit of mayonnaise put on the incompetence and cover up side of things
i doubt guys were running around getting a nice long look at the exploded core and shit like that
tl;dr special sauce is put into some of the reactor channels that start the reaction in the actual fuel
>russia doesnt allow commie proests groups but the west does
I have no idea what insane alternative reality you occupy, but it certainly isn't this one.
Why is it pronounced rankins. And whats the difference between that and MsV?
Ill look into it. But isnt this all to do with physics?
>Are we comrades, Viktor?
Communist Party is the second largest after Putins Party...
no they really did that I saw it on seconds from disaster
McCarthy would like to have a word with you, youngster.
>be radiation worker
>need to have a CT scan
>can't work for half a year
I would like that very much. Just don't neck yourself for the third time ffs
Is that the actor or the real guy. Is he the one with gay ass voice and the fucked hair.
>>implying the US govt should execute retarded and immature yet innocent LARPers in the street
Also yes they should, Fuck leftists. Commie dont get human rights.
Dude you go the Portland or Melbourne and say your a conservative and youll have masked people through piss at you and bash you while the police look on and protect them. In Russian their OMON cops break peoples skulls.
the fuel rods are made up of an element(*) in which its atoms are very volatile and split unlike say iron or something like that
when they split its completely random and they then hit the other element doing the same and this causes heat which heats up the water generating steam pushing a turbine creating power
but if you don't have the boron in place to stop this dampen this process it can go out of control and generate so much heat the water will probably turn into hydrogen and oxygen then the core explodes
>send innocent firemen into a nuclear holocaust
I thought Communism was all about the workers fate
Bryukhanov wasn't an absolute cunt in reality though, he was described as a pretty calm and kind man, he was a hardcore bureaucrate though and that was his contribution in the accident. He didn't follow the safety regulations when building the plant to satisfy the local party elite and get on their good side.
Left to right :
Bryukhanov I don't remember what he became
Dyatlov died in 1995 iirc, from heart failure, very likely related to his radiation exposures
Fomin still worked in the nuclear industry after released, some claim he became completely fucked in the head while in prison
His voice was pretty gay, that's the real guy.
Im sure commis in the former USSR are no the stereotype commie Im thinking of. Hipster trannies, vegans, feminists etc.
it's pronounced ront-jens you dingus
roentgens is a measure of how ionized the air is from radiation
it stopped being used because it didn't measure how radioactive other materials became, like flesh and steel and shit, so they switched to sieverts which is a measure of radiation effects on the body
I'm familiar with the accident, it's become one of my obsessions as of late. I noticed they seemed to take a great deal of creative liberty with the story, especially in regards to Fomin & Bryukhanov.
In fact, it usually marches in lockstep with Putin's party. When one of their guys managed to get elected as a protest vote, he immediately swore to represent Putin's party along with the commies.
Just a light roof fire. These wrenchers need to stop lying.
They say rankins. Its really triggering my autism, why cant words be sound the way theyre spelled ffs.
its not a documentary but drama after all
Antonio Gramsci and Frankfurt School thinkers weren't slavs.
don't quote me on that hazy memories of highschool physics is what i'm going on
I think I read that from Chernobyl Notebook by G. Medvedev, a reliable source, but I'm not sure.
I also managed to find a translated transcript of the trial in august 1986 with all the questions and answers from the three
maybe your brain is all dumb and stuff and can't hear good
>Why is it pronounced rankins.
Its not but anglos cant pronounce ö
>And whats the difference between that and MsV?
mSv is only used for organics
So you think people who avoid meat are somehow worse than literal gulag supporters? Just how insane are you, exactly?
It's German so of course it's going to be hard to pronounce
is this the power of communism to compel a nuclear physicist to expose himself to the core a second time knowing he will get an extremely heavy dose of radiation?
So you'd be okay with actual Communists?
when's the next ep? also how many ep's?
I know, but it's obvious the director was trying to do some sort of contemporary spin on 'The cost of lies', hence some characters become cartoonishly stupid (Bryukhanov) basically he's attacking modern politics using Chernobyl as a lens.
season 2: failed russian nuclear submarine
In that case the power of capitalism is to compel people to sell Radium-contaminated water as a health tonic.
Yes I do. Veganism much like being a lesbian isnt an individual lifestyle choice, its a political movement that has its basis in socilsit ideas. I have no problem with people choosing not to eat meat. I have a problem with women cutting their hair short, not shaving their arm pits, refusing to wear makeup and adopt their feminine role and then getting in average good citizens face about how meat is murder and then going onto poor farmers land and assaulting them and committing property damage.
Not really but at least the soviets had class.
I enjoyed Medvedev's book, Dyatlov wrote a book too, but I can't find a good translation.
I wonder, does former USSR countries talk about Chernobyl being sabotaged by the CIA?
you know they use to sell women tape worms for weight loss and people slept on asbestos beds
Sounds like what you hate is assault and property damage. Sure, Sovyets never did anything like that.
They did a film on Kursk, it wasn't great
The episode was pretty much a higher budget copy of this
also its free market brah their not being compelled at all its just the best shit on the market so they pay top dollar
>Dyatlov died in 1995 iirc, from heart failure, very likely related to his radiation exposures
Could just have been old age, seeing how the guy took a lethal dose twice.
A Rankine is an absolute unit of temperurate using the Fahrenheit scale. Its like Kelvin is to Celcius.
No it wasn't, Seconds From Disaster was IMO way more immersive as to what happened in the control room. HBO didn't seem to care about the actual explosion despite it being the most interesting part.
i didn't mind
[Spoiler] when he burnt all oxygen in the air that was fucked [/Spoiler]
>supporting communist death camps, forced seizing of private property on a global scale, man-made famines, and literal millions of deaths to own the libs
We're through the looking glass here, people. Get help before you hurt somebody.
why not just have a thread, and what is even the problem if people make other threads too?
It's absolute kino television
Communists didn't really do any of those things. Women were allowed to work which was a big deal for some countries that never encountered the concept before and thought women were property like China. You still had to get married and have children though. A woman who had more than 10 children was named Hero Mother and got a monthly stipend as well as a medal. Abortions were illegal and a lot of women died trying to get black market ones.
any other cool shows movies on industrial disasters?
I heard that the last episode of the series will show how the explosion happened.
i wish they did a show on russian closed cities
False, they were called Mother Heroine
watch kursk
>But isnt this all to do with physics
Any questions you have pertaining to the properties of matter (atoms, neutrons, etc.) are the subject of chemistry. Chemistry books also tend to explain nuclear-related concepts much more broadly than physics books.
I bet this they'll go back and explain it more
Check out the Bhopal plant leak. It's not called the worst industrial disaster for nothing.
Thank god, have you got a source on that? Craig Marzin did say "What's fascinating to me is not that Chernobyl exploded, it's the cost of lies". What a boring fucker.
It says so on the fucking medal, doesn't it? I forgot to type "ine" after "hero".
was it a chemist or physicist that first conceived the model of the atom?
genuinely curious
is that in india?
Sadly I do not, an user in another thread said he read it in a review.
Yep. DOW Chemical bought the plant more than a decade after the accident.
This nuclear fear porn is funny. Maybe more countries will follow German in decommissioning their nuclear plants so they can go on to demolish entire historic villages to expand coal strip mines.
is cold fusion possible?
There have been many models, pretty much all of which were devised by physicists. The man most widely credited with discovering atomic theory, John Dalton, was a chemist and a physicist.
cool name rings a bell
do you guys believe china when they say it's impossible for their reactors to have a meltdown?
Every safety system can by bypassed or ignored.
They're full of shit.
>You are not aware that Russia still operates 10 RBMK reactors
Are you saying the fear isn't somewhat justified?
More or less yes modern reactors are orders of magnitude safer than Chernobyl
do you believe the russians when they say its impossible after it exploded?
do you believe the US when they say another three mile island can't happen?
I haven't seen a wind farm or solar panels fuck up a countryside.
I don't see how you could generate plasma without any kind of heat being involved but I'm no physicist.
>There IS no core
>says the nuclear shill
how are they safer? they thought they were infallible back then.
No, and from what I heard the IEAE are not happy when it comes to a China and their reactors.
It is somewhat justified. There have been enough harebrained engineers who who have approved obviously unsafe designs in the past. Their arrogance and resulting incidents lead to the bad image of the nuclear industry in the first place.
In western Europe where we're tremor and tsunami free with enormous amounts of safety regulations and back up systems, I don't think you need to fear anything.
Every reactor can theoretically go critical. Some reactors are just much more prone to it than others.
Did Japan ever claim that their reactors can't meltdown?
aye we just need water to keep flowing through the core.
>how are they safer?
Completely different design and containment.
Aren't the older plants vulnerable for example to airplane akhbaring?
as an australian i'm glad we are selling uranium to india
Soviet designed reactors were dangerous and more over they were operated by people who where either under qualified or lax about safety. They went with something that was cheap and in a totalitarian society you don't say that the state has made a mistake, that is basically the same thing as treason.
>Every reactor can theoretically go critical. Some reactors are just much more prone to it than others.
You would hope so. If they were unable to go critical you couldn't use them to generate power.
do you believe that fukushima is fine?
Chernobyl was unsafe even by the standards of the 80s. It didn't have a damn containment structure. Three miles island had one in the damn 70s when it's accident occurred.
>Could just have been old age, seeing how the guy took a lethal dose twice.
Then it's not old age but radiations related
He died in his 60s, not that old
Very impressive premiere, holy shit.
The direction, the actors, sets, costumes. Everything on point. I'm gonna be pirating this one for sure.
semantics you know what he meant
A reactor block is much smaller than the Pentagon or the Twin Towers, so good luck with that. And crashing against a cooling tower won't do much.
Fuck no.
not realising this is a thinly veiled guise to talk about nuclear physics
Cold fusion isn't "cold" by common standards. It's just significantly colder than the heat generated by an atomic bomb exploding, which is currently what is required to initiate fusion.
What are you saying it's than nuclear reactors works using steam?
No way.
Perhaps but managing to hit a reactor building when you're flying at 300MPH is probably a challenge.
Did you miss the part where noone thought it was physically impossible for the core to explode?
Fuck Heidegger
Fuck Ecojews
Fuck Greenpeacers
Fuck Nazis
Fuck Niggers
Fuck Commies
And fuck YOU
Water can absorb a lot of heat. The movement of its steam rising can be converted into electrical energy.
are you being facetious?
Nuclear reactors generate heat which heats up water that turns to steam that goes thought turbines and generates electricity. How do you think they did it?
Yes, nuclear reactors is an expensive and effective way to heat a large amount of water. Pretty much all electric production is through heating water and moving steam through turbines.
It was impressive, chan autists notwhithstanding.
do you think the aliums won't let us use other forms of energy creation until we reach a certain behavioural mile stone? like when little boy went off they played a song over the dudes who were observing radio nobody knew where it came from
I mean you could but I don't think commercial air traffic is allowed to fly over nuclear plants and deviating from your flight plane to go after one will end with the air national guard up your ass.
It is not that hard. Unless simulators have some major limitations with normalish flight parameters.
Slavic education everyone.
Mass Effect was not a documentary, user.
Maybe if your cessna was loaded with explosives and you managed to ring the heat exchange tower you'd cause a coolant leak.
they have scorpios around the perimeter
Daily reminder that outside Russia, only the brits are still using graphite-moderated reactors to this day. All other countries are exclusively relying on light or heavy water-moderated and cooled reactors.
Air traffic has to stay away a certain amount of distance from a nuclear power plant yes.
Nothing quite as satisfying a bunch of subhumans from the USSR die slowly. The faggots deserve it for interfering with American supremacy and being responsible for everything bad that's happened since WWII.
Thought they used plutonium bars as catalyst to generate heat and using solar power.
>light or heavy water-moderated
how much does the water get paid to do that ?
the nazi's produced heavy water in scandinavia
Motherfucking CANDU up in this.
>like when little boy went off they played a song over the dudes who were observing radio nobody knew where it came from
Terrible syntax aside, that sounds like bullshit.
i saw it in the movie so it must be real although they just said who's playing that? and had no idea.
If a plane is heading straight towards a nuclear power plant and doesn't answer, the usual procedure is to shoot it down immediatly no question asked.
Yes, so what ? If the nazis weren't so retarded about heavy water they would have realized very high quality graphite could have been used to make a functionnal reactor like Fermi did.
Catalyst to what? A catalyst is something you add in small amounts to trigger a chemical reaction. Like adding some baking soda to vinegar to make it foam. You though it was glowing and that solar panels caught that energy and made electricity?
Really good start to the show, but there's already a lot of negativity towards nuclear and its the only things that can replace fossil fuels and dampen the effects of global warming
>A catalyst is something you add in small amounts to trigger a chemical reaction. Like adding some baking soda to vinegar to make it foam
You're thinking of a REAGENT. A catalyst reduces the time or energy required for a reaction; it never initiates it.
>willingly allowing yourselves to live under bolshevik rule for 70+ years
They are trash and should have been eliminated long ago.
Unironically based
maybe its the fact when some guy invents something to do with energy that could be claimed as free he gets an hero'd or it becomes a black project
drama doesn't have a social responsibility
it should just be entertaining
But it's so problematic!!
The real problem with nuclear power is that we can never trust the unga bunga countries to operate them safely. Thus there is need for fail safe designs that require minimal supervision or maintenance.
>when you write like a black kid and your post is about not being responsible
Like father like son, eh?
>Capitalism compels you to do anything
Your brainwashing is showing
In the free market you're free to consume what you choose and can try to sell whatever you want. But if your product is shit you'll just end up having given money to the marketing Jew and not making profit off your product. There is also nothing wrong with taking advantage of retards who fall for retard level marketing gimmicks.
Meanwhile China is building plants like crazy. France ain't slowing down either. Even my country has 2 reactors and decided to add two more.
not really
If that was true Heroin would be in stores. Radithor killed a bunch of people. One dude who used a bunch of it was buried in a lead coffin and his corpse is still radioactive. His fucking jaw melted because he gargled that shit.
It's not like these places are great now either.
At least as the USSR they were a massive bloc that posed a threat to the US. Now they're just sad backwaters.
what the fuck are you even trying to say?
Do you disagree?
Do you think every piece of entertainment should serve a social good- dictated by... who?
It's fucking totalitarian reasoning.
The show creator is pro-nuclear. I see it as negativity towards commies and poor management
>what the fuck are you even trying to say?
You have a literacy problem too? What a fucking surprise. The world was better when you poors couldn't afford internet.
Stop being rude.
Nothing can beat this doc:
>things fags and women say on Yea Forums
Cooling system failure was what fucked Fukushima. The generators that run those are not housed under a containment shell.
>t if your product is shit you'll just end up having given money to the marketing Jew and not making profit off your product
I love that doc, it's so good, sometimes when I watch it I genuinely forget it's not real, Downfall was like that too.
You're the one who has a problem with reading comprehension. That was a rhetorical question.
I then stated the implications of what you had said. Which is essentially totalitarianism.
>no u!
Typical black kid response.
you could try actually addressing my point if you want
>it takes jamal 4 minutes to write that
>nuculear energy bad
>individualism good
really it comes down to what is the purpose of a tv show
is it ;
>dogmatic social good
Yea Forums, you have 5 seconds to explain why you aren't flooding the core right now.
Your opinions stopped mattering when you stopped acting white, dunce.
>A woman who had more than 10 children was named Hero Mother and got a monthly stipend as well as a medal.
this has nothing to do with communism tho. It's the same in Germany to this day. Simple 20th century bio politics.
Abortions weren't illegal though.
Abortions are still illegal in Germany. Technically.
They're delusional. Someone get them to the infirmary and one of you go and FLOOD THE FUCKING CORE.
Lol, they almost got the alarm sounds right in the opening scene, not quite though.
They were illegal in Romania under Ceausescu, however he was the oddman-out of the Warsaw Pact.
There's water up to the knees in the infirmary!
I don’t see it with this show at all. It’s a historical event that happened because some guy tried to be cool and run unauthorized tests.
I'm going to make a report. Watch the panel.
unauthorized by who?
It feels more anti-soviet then anti nuclear.
Yeah. It was him I was talking about. The medal I posted was from the Romanian Popular Republic.
Was Dyatlov a calm and restrained man like in the HBO version or a screaming mad man like in 'Seconds From Disaster'? There seems to be a huge disparity between the two.
>reddit spacing
>shit post
yeah, no surprise. also you haven't watched it.
Water is flooding from the panel!
he's a cunt
Literally nothing in the show is trying to blame nuclear power as the reason for this. It is expressly putting all the blame on pure incompetence of the people in charge. Anyone stupid enough to not see that when the show is beating you over the head with it probably has trouble dressing themselves.
by the emperor of nuclear power
>pure incompetence of the people in charge
I don't wanna fight with you but the blame is put on the party apparatus and the surrounding ideology rather than individual people.
Yeah, that's mostly what I meant. I should've worded differently.
>I'll see it with my own.....
>My own eyes
>I apologise
Top kek
First good show i've watched in a while
i've been rewatching fucking Oz for the past few months
Oh no, you look like a fucking retard. Thank god Yea Forums is anonymous.
Not that anyone will care or believe me but I am actually a historian researching that era and the soviet bloc. So far the way they portray those mechanisms is pretty accurate. (not that I know the details of the actualy event)
There's graphite everyBLBLBLBblLBLBL BLUB BLUB
kińó moment tbqh senpai
im pretty sure slavs could cause a nuclear fallout with a campfire
how can you fuck up this bad
pretty good. death of stalin with the comedic sugar coating stripped off.
my brilliant friend & succession are other recent HBOkinos
both get way better as they go on
What the fuck are you talking about? Soviet Union was the first country to legalize abortion on demand in 1920. They did revert this during Stalin's reign, but legalized it again in 50's, together with other Eastern Bloc countries.
The guys running the plant literally didn't read the manual and pushed it too far
>I haven't seen a wind farm or solar panels fuck up a countryside.
and I have yet to see a wind farm or solar panels that can supply enough energy to meet our global demands.
Why didn't the technician just do eenie meenie miney mo like Homer did?
that's because government's disincentivize solar and wind or they would be able to
What other catastrophes would make good mini-series?
fucking maester luwin
>they call the radiation measurements rankins or something
82% of energy production in NZ comes from hydropower, geothermal, wind and solar.
The Texas City Disaster would be fucking kino
Well NZ is a non-country.
>It’s a historical event that happened because some guy tried to be cool and run unauthorized tests.
Really it happened because the people I'm charge were running an inherently flawed reactor in an unsafe manner.
Your life.
Notice the first two on the list.
The Molasses Disaster
You have nothing like the industrial and residential demands on electricity that the west does. We need reliable and high capacity energy sources.
yeah, ok, and ?
it's still safe clean renewable energy
Solar is currently a meme and we're using all our (finite) semiconductors on horribly inefficient panels
Not every county has major rivers to divert or enough geotermal spots to generate enough energy for consumption.
Very few in fact.
same sort of reactors are still in use but fortunately not operated by chernobyl-esque captain cockups
>that retard who doesn't know how question marks work
I always though iceland would be rocking the geothermal but it's barely up to 30%. They use hydro for the rest.
sry bro but we lost the war after 1953
next round coming though
>the unique features of NZ make it possible for us to have this sort of energy production
>surely this means that everyone else can do it, just like us
Are you actually retarded? Do you realize that most of the world isn't a relatively small island in the middle of an ocean near geological fault lines?
it's a question
i would have spoken an upward inflection if i said that
there's no need to be a pedant but atleast try and be right if you're going to lad
Exactly. He didn't do jack shit and the place blew up. If he had done something of worth, Chernobyl wouldn't be famous today.
>he doesn't know what he did wrong
What a fucking ape.
Really it was those stupid fucks who wouldn't flood the reactor.
my point is merely that renewable safe energy is not necessarily an impossible meme
what is currently implemented and successful in one country now, might also be insignificant compared to possibilities with future technology.
And that guy who was lying about finding graphite, if he'd been more loyal to the Soviet Union, then none of this would have happened
They should have hurried up on that one honestly.
>this would never happen in the We-
In America, the guy who fucks up is the one who gets his insides melted.
>everyone's a pedant
>it's not that I'm a learning disabled fuck up
Are all kiwi's retarded?
>Meanwhile in Japan
That thing was cursed.
They kept him alive for 83 days.
Hisashi Ouchi.
damn this was actually the best piece of television I've seen out of HBO in years
great direction, acting, cinematography, writing, music, everything across the board was well done. very atmospheric.
I was a bit frustrated in the earlier post, sorry user. I am actually happy that NZ can do what it does, but for the rest of us it's just not a reality yet (which is sad, but true). My country eg. has completely unreliable wind patterns, and not enough space for solar - so for us nuclear is the only option now.
Are you trolling, or do you really not know how apostrophes work?
>left wing HBO makes cherno series to push people away from nuclear towards wind and solar
>actually pushes people towards natural gas like a boss
Put your hands in the air like you don't care.
Guess, genius.
>push people away from nuclear towards wind and solar
Nice strawman, the writer is pro-nuclear
>Hisashi Ouchi
>I was there. The reactor is gone
when kfc gets your order wrong for the last fucking time
Yeah, I know, and I do see the value in nuclear power elsewhere, and respect the effort to avoid fossil fuels.
But I also love that our country has fought to remain nuclear free and won't even let nuclear ships enter our waters.
Nuclear energy is a scary thing and we are right to be frightened.
Not to outright reject it, and not to overstate the viability of solar or wind, or to understate the threat of coal, but to act with caution.
What’s your problem?
>awwww, i tink dat prawn tempura was no good
The man in the picture is a random burn victim
never heard it
t. moskvich
Did people actually have their fucking skin melt off just from touching the irradiated metal? Like when the firefighter picked up the piece of metal? Or when the guy held the door open?
His final words 42 days in were "I am not a guinea pig, please stop", and they kept him alive twice as long...fucking hell...It got to the point his intestines had melted, and his muscles were falling off the bone.
>No commies or jews
What in the actual fuck have you been smoking?
Yeah, the amount of radiation was stupidly high. The guys who looked into the reactor received a lethal dosage in under a minute. Their skin is tanning because of the exposure to radiation
go touch some and tell us how you go, post pics
why the fuck does this need a show
what is the premise
whats the point
is this a fucking bootleg half life concept
>Why do commies suck at absolutely everything
zero hour the best
To laugh at commies.
>leaders of the ussr and it's agencies werent slavs
No it's necessary
contrary to what people like steven e jones might say yes
>Pretty much all electric production is through heating water and moving steam through turbines
This except when you use water or wind to directly move the turbine or when you use solar panels.
It's kinda funny how despite all those breakthroughs in science we still can't find a method of making electricity more modern and efficient than literal steam engine.
Frankfurt school has nothing to do with the degeneracy you see now which is entirely driven by capitalism.
Nice try Sholomo
It's primarily about soviet rationale.
So you have the 'truth' - a nuclear disaster is impossible in the soviet union-.
Then everything else in in service of justifying that. And the drama comes from how it effects ordinary people, and how their ideology is ultimately stripped back in the face of catastrophe.
The first episode at least, is incredibly engrossing.
You got a source for that photo or is @st_gaz a credible reference
Did you get lost again Yea Forumstard?
new thread
>its another western propaganda to make my hometown look bad
oh fuck off, chernobyl was just a small fire that got overblown by the vultures that is the western press propaganda machine
It is really nice here and there are no mutants but people are now scared to come here and we dont have any tourists or food anymore
this thread is autosaging and will be deleted go to the new one
Wow. What number is that already?
KINO. Post Soviet will never produce something good like this.
I say it as russian if it does matter.
Decorations, costumes and atmosphere are extremely good. The only thing I didn't like is pronounce of names.
Aллo, этo BПЧ-2?
The reason we live in a society where it's ok to put 10 year olds in hormone therapy and treat trans women as actual women is because of postmodernism.
It's not, nigbrain. You made it too early.
>sexualizing children is bad now
fuck off nu-Yea Forums
Have this juden and fuck off
Frankfurt fags were proven many times to be the source of the left's redardation
>Frankfurt school critical theory has influenced some segments of the left-wing and leftist thought (particularly the New Left). Frankfurt school theorists have occasionally been described as the theorist or intellectual progenitor of the New Left. Their work also heavily influenced intellectual discourse on popular culture and scholarly popular culture studies.
Dumb slavs
Why didn't they just turn off the atoms?
your quote is utterly meaningless and your probably intention with linking some homework to read, but a definite consequence, is just wasting people's time.
>where are sources
>fuck your sources im to lazy to read it anyway ha ha
Paint me surprised