Will Arnold's son be a great action star?

Will Arnold's son be a great action star?

Attached: Arnoldo-Arnold.jpg (1080x1080, 139K)

nah he'll get some nice bit parts like clints son but wont really do anything that will surpass his dad

He has a son?

el monstrosidad....

In his Thanks tweet he couldn't spell a simple word, so maybe

>you will never make your dad feel proud

He cheated on his wife with some hispanic maid, but his seed is fucking insane and passed on his god genes immediately which exposed him.

>but his seed is fucking insane and passed on his god genes immediately which exposed him
Arnold's genes don't always work

Attached: Arnold Sons.jpg (700x474, 83K)

Arnold's mestizo son turned things around once Arnold came into his life. He was chubby.

Attached: 410128-joseph-baena-arnold-schwarzeneggers-son.jpg (630x500, 189K)

He's bulking, imagine the fucking CUT he's going to get