Am I the only one who doesn’t think he’s that good looking?

Am I the only one who doesn’t think he’s that good looking?

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You'll never be this charming nor /fa/ so who gives a fuck about your opinion

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Movie sucked

apparently photos and videos don't do him justice, so you have to see him in person where his sociopathic charm can blind you

>am i the only one that
Back to YouTube and Reddit tourist


He was hilarious. Watch the clip where he trolls the court by continuing to ask the witness for more graphic description while smirking to himself.

Neither will you, so who gives a fuck about you, fagboy?

How many did he really kill? Are the stories of that fat serial killer with glasses who was obsessed with anal (he appeared in Mindhunter) about how there actually are many serial killers with hundreds of unnoticed kills likelybto be true?

>gets himself sent to old sparky in the name of comedy

Nope. Efron looked way too good to play Bundy.

>Now I see the funny side. Now I'm always smiling.

Beady eyes, thin lips, forced smile.
They should've had Glenn Howerton play Bundy

He was a virgin until 23 and everyone in high school thought he was a fucking dork. What's your excuse for not having sex and murdering women?

This trial was his Magnum Opus. Either way, he was winning in a sense it fed his narcissism to such great lengths and his need for power. He was in completely control, win or lose.

If he won the trial, he'd get a rush from pulling the biggest con of his life. If he lost, he'd still get a rush out of just putting on this spectacle and being the center of attention.

Bundy was a pure psychopath, they are very rare. A complete fucking loony toon.

Did he really make that sick anime jump out of the window? Nigga jumped like 9 feet without a run-up.

He's not, but the fact that he's a serial killer makes him a 10/10 to women, who are attracted to sick psychopaths as they represent the ultimate "bad boy" fantasy, getting off to the thought of being with a man who has killed/raped hundreds of people

too much effort

didn't he sprain his ankle doing that?

Redpill me on female serial killers.

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He was 8/10 and all women have hybristophilia (attraction to violent dangerous men)

that scene was great. what they failed at though is not showing bundy in the woods/mountains. it could've been kino and the irl footage of him getting caught after is great and they didn't even show that either

Ed Kemper? He's probably right. The clever ones never get caught because they know how to cover their tracks and avoid their actions ever looking like a serial killer. They don't kill in the same locations, or even in the same way, they do it carefully enough that it just seems like their victims are missing (and missing people get less attention from police than murdered people).

the most important thing is he won. he's an icon whether lefties cry about it or not.

>He was 8/10

He had magnificent eyes and because of that a strong gaze. Everything else is at least decent so yeah, if a guy who looked like that would be actively seeking out other people as possible partners he'd have no problem weeding out weak ones to his advantage.

I doubt that he'd even bother with stronger willed people.

Im a fag and no, he's not attractive at all. Neither was Dahmer but id pick him over Bundy at least.

Dahmer wasn't bad looking with stubble and low bodyfat

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he had a kind of radiating charisma about him. something i feel like effron's potrayal didn't capture.

>look exactly like Dahmer
>watch 'My friend dahmer'
>it's like re watching my high school life


he was also jacked even when he was a teenager IIRC

>OP in custody

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>The clever ones never get caught because they know how to cover their tracks
Really depends on the killer. Some killers care about notoriety or instilling fear in their victims. Look at the East Area Rapist (Original Night Stalker) - probably the smartest serial killer ever and he had the same modus operandi.

Why are so many people posting about that? What’s the hook? Just Stephen’s awkwardness?

>commit dozens of violent crimes
>get away with it for 40 years
>nobody will ever find you
>get arrested in your last few years because of new tech

>get arrested in your last few years because of new tech
Fucking retarded how he got caught. Some avid fan of genealogy sites slut was going around taking DNA's of her close ones and she took teh DNA of her decrepit old uncle or something (I don't really remember). That guy was very distantly related to the EAR. And to top it all off she uploaded it on a small free website (unlike or 23andme) from which the police wouldn't have the authority to take it. Talk about bad luck.

Still, I bet he would have never left his DNA in the first place if he knew how far that shit would advance.

"I don't know."

>check wikipedia for serial killers
>ted bundy was actually just a featherweight

there's a dude there with 300+ kills on women and children (he also raped them)

yea, but that's south america, you could literally murder someone in broad daylight with 50 witnesses and escape

it's a big difference in the US and whatever shithole that person is from

>current whereabouts: unknown

I think he looked pretty close, just that his face is too wide and he's too short

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He had a strong chin and good eye area on him, unremarkable outside of that.

He raped and killed dozens, that's what made him attractive. Rape and kill one woman and it's a tragedy and you're gross, rape and kill 30 of them and you're a capable, strong man.

literally male model tier

charm and confidence can make a 6/10 an 8/10 for a lot of women

Holy shit, what a slayer. Literally the only weak point is his hairline.

how do you think he was able to pick up all those gay black men to dismember

jude law's hairline was tailor made to play this guy

Noone holds a candle to /ourguy/ Teddy.

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Can someone explain Dahmer’s Exorcist III obsession to me?

The clever ones are politicians.

who dat?

Try reverse image search.

Guys can’t be good looking. If you think he is then you’re a faggot

Okay, faggot. Have some from my /mirin/ folder.

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I never really got it either.
Zac Efron is though.
I would let him murder me any day.

oh shit I knew there was a better choice.
The Golden God would’ve been perfect.

Source me on this please.

Whats crazy about psychopathy? Is relating and empathizing not a debilitating mental disease?



Yep and the pain from fording onwards to freedom innamountains was partly what led him to surrender


I think he might have been an inspiration for Dennis, but who can say

reminder that ted bundy was innocent

Kino story
>dude kills fucktons of loli orphans
>police take him to a big hill that serves as a border to another country and let him loose over there since they have beef with that country

Killing women makes you hotter to women by at least 3 points.

I think you’re right, it makes a lot of sense.
I bet they noticed the resemblance (I’m sure Glenn has heard about it since he was a young lad) and decided to push his character in that direction.

this but unironically

hi fren

So literal fanfic. Cool.

>Burglarize, torture, rape, murder, and force your victims to heil satan
>chicks still send you love letters and naked photographs even after you flat out express your desire to victimize the shit out of them
Dude deserves better than just a bit part in that one American Horror Story episode

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Ted Bundy was half Sonichu.

Yeah psycho killing peoples , innocent, got it.

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implying ted bundy killed anyone

It's all about the jaw.

LPOTL did him, solid episodes.

no I meant the group of girls who are obsessed with murderers like James Holmes.
go back dumb cunt

they should have gotten Dennis from It's Always Sunny, that guy's a dead ringer for him

What's LPOTL

Have you tried using some sort of search engine?

Dennis could have auditioned but it could be another Guardians of the Galaxy and he's forever synonymous with Dennis and he misses out on good roles because of it
I remember reading about that. A police official talking about how it was so difficult to get a definite physical description on the suspect because Bundy could look different at any angle in different lighting
>confesses not only to the crimes he was convicted of but also crimes he was a suspect in and shit that the police weren't even aware of

>crying because someone said literal
>browses tumblr

Sorry breh I was mistyping it

THey're the real gangsta's, they've been killing nigga for 30 years

He looks like a young George W Bush to me.

>he doesn’t know about random internet subcultures
>being proud of being uninformed
seriously you literally need to go back

He was already well screwed by that point so he decided to just have a bit of fun.

Actually he scored a 39/40 so he wasn't a "complete" psychopath but almost there.

This guy scored a 40/40.

>Am I the only one who doesn’t think he’s that good looking?

Well, he's no Ted Cruz, but he has a certain appeal.

I've jumped from that height. It's actually not hard if you position your feet properly for the fall.

There's nothing worse than trying to force a failed meme

Women will convince themselves a man is better looking than he really is if they're attracted to him

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Dahmer said he was drawn towards the Gemini Killer and claimed he watched it to get in the mood of killing.

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Who's this guy

Worked with sneed, and is working with stephen.

Who is this and why do I keep seeing him

top fucking kek

Lots of nurses

No, the smart ones like Bundy and BTK try way too hard to leave a calling card to piss of the law enforcement. The most prolific US serial killer was a borderline retard who just killed random hookers.

>guys can't be good looking
lol look at this massive faggot

>thread filled with less than 20 people

Serial killing is a lot harder to get away with today thanks to advances in tech like cellphones, closed circuit cameras everywhere, DNA profiling, etc.

In the 50's and 60's, so long as you wore gloves and a mask, you could probably get away with murder and/or rape. And even if modern science could track you down, chances are you'll already be dead or close enough to it.

1) it was the 70s everyone was on drugs
2) rugged manliness was the desired trait for men vs. the more feminine qualities of today
3) he smiled a lot (because psycho) but smiling automatically makes you more attractive

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who the green river guy or whwtever?

Ted Bundy doesn't really stand out looks wise. He's not dashingly handsome, but he isn't hideous. He's just above-average in looks and he was said to be charming, confident, and intelligent. Nobody suspected serial killers to be clean-cut white guys in the 70's. It wasn't until the 80's that society started to wise up and realize anyone could be a psycho and not some scruffy-looking guy.

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Are the Dnepropetrovsk maniacs the last truly old school "classic" type serial killers? It really looks that way. There is still the Long Island guy who kills prostitutes also.


Post a good looking man, OP.

True. And I’m not saying society’s standards were lower, it’s just a matter of perception. The pervasive media of today has pushed an unrealistic standard of beauty for both men and women. Back then all you had to compare to were the people in your neighborhood and the anchors on the local news.

Women need to be raped. It is the only language they understand. Women enjoy rape. Don't let them tell you otherwise, because they are notorious liars and don't know their own minds. Women want to be held down and fucked hard. They want to be made to cry and scream.
Women have a biological imperative to be raped. Did you know that women who are raped are twice as likely to conceive as women who have unprotected consensual sex? It is a fact. Women who are raped often have orgasms as well - some women have never had an orgasm in their lives save for a rape. The desire to be sexually dominated is deeply programed into the woman. This is a fact of evolution that cannot be denied without women becoming unbalanced. Feminism is really just an outward manifestation of an internal problem with modern women. These 'feminists' desperately want to be put in their place. That's why they act out so much and are so belligerent. Whether they know it or not, subconsciously they want to piss men off and get men to make them submit. They want to be slapped in the face, told to shut the fuck up, and then raped until they can't stand up. This is what women really want.

Bundy never taunted the police. He tried to stay under the radar as much as possible.

you could just say you hate women without that obnoxious paragraph

He killed women who were family of the police to get back at them iirc.

Nah you must have him confused with someone else. That wasn’t Bundy’s style at all.

The only thing close to this I recall is that he almost abducted the Tallahassee Chief of Police's daughter but he got spooked off by her brother

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Nah he just killed random thots who were vulnerable. The only reason he got caught is a potential victim escaped and went to the cops. If she hadn’t gotten away Bundy would have stayed under the radar well into the 80s and early 90s

>am I the only one who
God I hate people who say this

>Dnepropetrovsk maniacs
>mfw I read this
Man, no wonder my ex was psycho. Former Commiebloc countries are all kinds of fucked up.

>There is still the Long Island guy who kills prostitutes also.
Hookers, runaways, and hitchhikers are the only people that modern serial killers can target without too much heat on them. Nobody really gives a fuck about them if they end up missing or dead. It's only when middle class or upper class people get targeted that news networks and society go apeshit.

A lot of truth in this. My best buddy was big man on campus in high school. But at best, he was an 8. Completely shocked when he went to college and went up against guys who were way better looking, more ripped, and had more game.

Hell the girls in my graduating class were nothing special. The hottest one would only be a 7 compared to the babes I met in uni.

Whatever happened to this guy?

Keep posting, user

irrelevant, he's not the subject of the thread
this handsome fellow is

I read that it's to do with some kind of instinct where they see a person like this as 'wild', and in a narcissistic way they believe that they can be the one who can control the wildness and chaos of the person who is crazy and unrestrained and doesn't conform to normal societal behaviour. I don't think its something exclusive to women, but it explains the behaviour of these certain women towards these particular men. An example of it for another person could be some guy training to sail across the Atlantic in a one man yacht and dying like a retard, or the guy who ran off into Alaska and died like a retard. They have some hubris that they believe they can 'tame' something.

Who else pretended to be a serial killer in Grand theft auto games and would pick up hookers, drive them out to the middle of nowhere (the desert area in San Andreas was great setting for this,) would fuck them, and then start stabbing them, and then let them run so they feel as if they have a chance to escape, and chase them down and finish them off? I cant be the only one right?

In earlier centuries, psycho killers would've been noblemen or knights. Back then, their aggression and killing was aimed toward territorial grabs, glory, religious mania, or loot.

This dude was a fucking loser. He was a failed republican wannabe who couldn’t get laid so he killed chicks. What every incel dreams of becoming.

he was also obsessed with sheev

So are you suggesting that woman see a male serial killer as someone displaying aggression and that triggers within them a desire to pair with the male because of some latent biological and social implication that the man can 'get shit done', especially in terms of being a provider?

>Serial killing is a lot harder to get away with today thanks to advances in tech like cellphones, closed circuit cameras everywhere, DNA profiling, etc.
That's what they want you to think. You'd be amazed how easily a murder case gets mistaken for a missing person's case. They know a lot less than they like to pretend.

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If your can formulate it so logically why even question it


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No, the smart ones don't get caught at all. You'd never be able to compare them to those who have been caught.

Video games where you can kill can certainly trigger people's urges to murder since it's all simulated. I'm not even surprised that zombie apocalypses are popular because it allows people to indulge in murder and not feel guilty or deal with the repercussions. Someone you hate becomes a zombie? Great, they're not a human anymore and you can bash their brains in. Find a human that you hate? You can gun them down without police or society condemning you because everyone else is too busy surviving and/or dead.

Have sex



In ancient up until early modern times, when a tribe or village gets attacked, the males were slaughtered while the women submitted to their new husbands. You can't fight against biology. Even hardcore feminazis love the idea of a strong violent man.

Eh, maybe I might be overestimating, but I'd rather overestimate than underestimate law enforcement. The East Area Rapist thought he got away, but genealogical science managed to narrow him down.

What makes you think I'm questioning it? I just hadn't considered the angle that you brought up in your post and I find the subject interesting.

I think the invention of police evidence databases really changed a lot. Back when most of the famous serial killers were operating in the 70s, they could easily dump a body across state lines and different police departments had no way of linking it to other cases.

everyone was effay in 1965

no way

This is very true. Pre-Internet, there was no way to cross-reference evidence in a timely fashion.

If you had a victim that lived in 1 state and killed them in an entirely different state back in the 70's, the whole red tape between the victim's home state and the state they got murdered would've been a headache to say the least.

Wow that's epic. Don't forget to do your homework, kid.

This was really one of 2 main reasons. Police didn't talk to eachother, and they didn't have any effective DNA stuff.

The reason the famous serial killers are famous is because they had a run of killing people and THEN got caught due to the improvements made during their reign. Bundy's case especially highlighted to them that they were being retarded by not sharing information with other departments.

Prior to that, they didn't get caught at all, and after then, they basically never killed enough to be famous at all.

I wonder how many serial killers existed during the Great Depression? It was a time where people migrated all over the place for work and you couldn't keep track of them.

>The East Area Rapist...
Bodily fluids will often get you. As does patterns of behaviour, like victim profiles or times of year/day. Serial killers often make mistakes of keeping trophies, poorly disposing of corpses, leaving DNA at crime scenes, or even simple stuff like failing to plan an appropriate route between locations where CCTV might pick them up. To avoid being caught, it often takes a serial killer weeks of careful planning, and even that requires concentration as any investigation into their recent transactions, change of routine, or search history can leave them exposed. Serial killers that are driven by urges they don't keep in check are the ones that get caught. The rest keep doing what they do once, maybe twice a year.

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They say that commercial truck drivers, the ones that haul rigs are most likely to have quite a few serial killers. Think about it; nobody bats an eye at them because they're always hauling stuff across state lines. And the people that get killed are stranded motorists, hitchhikers, prostitutes at road stops, etc.

Probably as many proportionally as at any other time in history. Like I said, the well known 60s-80s serial killers are a weird anomaly because of their place in time.

It was probably much easier though.

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Lou Diamond played him recently

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Damn, Putin looks like THAT?

he wasn't exactly a bad looking guy. Just above average by serial killer standards.

But hell, Manson looked like some drunk hobo who spent the night on a park bench, and he had more women than all the other killers combined.

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Daher was conflicted between worrying about the things his urges got him doing and embracing it. Imagine you were a total autist. Sometimes you'd be like, damn, I need to stop being so autistic, I wish I had friends, but you'd also obsessively watch movies about superautists pretending that Gosling was literally you.

how is American Horror Story anyways? I never got through the first season, did it ever get better? Also did they ever get rid of the jump scares or did they keep relying on them instead of using creepy horror?

First season is the best by far.

That's half of it. I don't think it's incidental that the guy's locked in prison. He's the ultimate wild man, but he's also tamed as fuck, literally a captive audience.

that sounds pretty fucked up

>tfw I've exceeded Ted Bundy's virginity age by a year
When 25 comes in three months, I'm roping.

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Have you seen your average serial killer?

Yall sleeping on my boy harold.

Also, has the rise of tech made serial killers less common but created the rise of mass murders/shooters due to the increased likelihood of getting caught

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Just enroll in some classes at a community college, user. Pick ones with a lot of girls, like sociology or psychology or art history.