But why?
But why?
Why don’t cartoon drawing manbabies understand what criticism is?
Did he really just paste the same drawing in to each panel?
Why do all of these new age cartoons and webcomics always draw a disproportionate amount of brown people. Maybe it’s where I live but I rarely see brown people, I live in middle-upper middle class NJ
This dude is one of the most painfully unfunny people on the internet
He is the basedboy final boss
>justice for renly
If you don't like a thing you're just supposed to completely ignore its existence & never even speak about it ever, duh. Because it's stupid to waste time on things you don't like & nobody who hasn't seen a thing can criticize it anyway, so shut up, I win, opinion invalidated.
>"What? A BLACK person? This seems forced. Fucking SJW's"
Is this really how your mind works?
>tfw no cute Indian gf wearing a sweater and collar shirt
>Why do all of these new age cartoons and webcomics always draw a disproportionate amount of brown people.
Like literally one?
wtf they all have the same face in 4 panels
>A HUWITE MALE, Seriously?
>These fucking supremacist Nazis
It really is the photo negative of this.
>say something is bad without watching
>say something is bad after watching
>he says as his country gets more and more brown and loses iq score
There something about petite black girls with caucasian features that really turns me on. Basically just indie girls with brown skin.
How would I not know about these shows when nobody shuts up about them and people want to watch these things during get togethers? Suck my fucking dick dude, you shouldn't be angry I don't like your gay man-ass show.
>Drawn niggers
That's a yikes from me
Stop posting this shit thread jfc
There's really no difference between those who watch something all the time and praise it and those who watch it all the time and hate it. Statisticians don't care, they just see viewers.
You want to believe you're better than those watching it and not complaining about it but that's like saying you only use iPhones ironically. No one's buying your pedantic bullshit.
If someone says they hate something without watching their opinion is invalid, but someone saying they hate something after watch is ... invalid as well? That makes no sense. The people who watch more and still hate it have more ground to talk about it than anyone else. Just because it hurts your precious feelings doesn't make them wrong.
"but why would you watch something you hate for this long hurr" its their damn problem. They're the one wasting their times, not you. Their opinions still stand.
>there's no difference between love & hate
I'm fucking shocked, truly.
>You want to believe you're better than those watching it
You want to believe people who point out shit you can't counterargue only exist because they want to believe they're better than you. As if objective truth isn't its own end goal. Deep throat your car's tailpipe.
It's literally one black person. Can you honestly not handle seeing one black person?
>one black person
thats not what the poster said
Can you try to express your point using real words?
You're a bigger drain on our IQ than any brown person.
ask me how I know youre not white
I did but of course you ignored it to go for the easier jab
No I hate black people. Also there’s some cartoon I watched with my younger cousin with bears as the main characters, right in the main theme there’s a Muslim and countless brown background characters
But it's obviously what caused that reaction from you though?
You actually saw a black person and got triggered six ways to sunday, that's ridiculous. Next I assume you'll post the crime statistic? Go ahead, bud. Do it.
Not being able to see patterns is a sign of low IQ, shitskin
well that sucks for you adolf jr, black people are not going to disappear because you dont like seeing them. deal with it or just neck yourself alreayd.
How little sex must you have to care one bit about stock photos?
You're definitely not.
t. uppity nigger
imagine taking anything on this website seriously. I don’t know where you came from but go back please
So you're into Ethiopians? It's full of them
have sex
Facts are facts. You're watching it despite claiming you hate it. Anyone who actually hated it would've stopped watching and would also avoid all conversations about it. Yet here you are.
>die white guy!
>why do whyte ppl hate us?!
t. projectionist
imagine sitting down each week to labor through a garbage tv show that you don't even like just so you feel comfortable at your next soibabby get together. that's even worse than liking the shit
And obsessing over them is autism, Mr. 56%
what do you think user
>Anyone who actually hated it would've stopped watching and would also avoid all conversations about it.
>if you hate my show just never talk about it!
Yes, facts are facts, these people watched the same episode as you and hated it. Anything else is irrelevant - this is a valid opinion and you're projecting and deflecting it because how dare someone not enjoy my favourite shoooow
t. shitskin
Physically yes but I was talking more about the idea of cute intellectual black girls, ones that I can watch kino with.
>tfw only watching this show because my wife likes it
>meanwhile the rest of you fags have no excuse and are literally enjoying it while claiming to hate it because you think it will make you look cool on the user forums
>he thinks anyone believes he hates something he would watch for 8 seasons
13, 52
>despite claiming you hate it
You fucking retard, we've already established that love is a mirror version of hate & practically the same fucking thing.
You watching something despite hating it is not illogical at all & can't be used as some bullshit dismissal of someone's points.
No user, he pasted the same drawing info every comic he’s ever done
>i don't like GoT
>have you watched it?
>yes, dropped during the first season
Delusional fanboyfags like you will always have an excuse for anything BUT when someone actually watches the entire thing and still hates it. Then you have to resort to ad hominem
Fucking wow.
>I-I'm just joking guize!
cope more you backpedaling swine
He got marginally better once he left buzzfeed.
Writing a comic a day sucks all comedic talent from anyone
You’re wife’s cheating on you.
>>i don't like GoT
>>have you watched it?
>>yes, dropped during the first season
Said literally no one.
>stupid white pig!
Oh no!
>Said literally no one.
Said literally everyone, for every media out there
>i didn't like dogville
>i didnt like Twin Peaks
>i didnt like FFXIII
it hurts
Based adam
Poor bait
>kill all niggers, gas all Jews, kill all spics and gooks too
>wahhh why do the rest of the world hate me so much?
I asked my coworker if he ever watched it and he said he couldn't get past the first episode. We've since moved on to other topics.
You're full of shit.
Long after I've quit & opened up TF, I'm afraid.
he's trolling you
Sounds like you make a lot of those excuses yourself.
for years i always wondered how the original artist feel about loss
lmao we've all been there
>me and my coworker did this so everyone else is like this too
I knew GoT made brainlets out of people but damn.
>did the chicken or egg come first?
>who cares, break them both
>are you fucking insane, no, we have to keep debating this shit forever ad infinitum
And thus we all went extinct.
Okay this is epic
lmao why would I give a fuck? By the time all of this has an effect I'll be long dead
>cute Indian
Extremely rare
>"By the time all of this has an effect I'll be long dead."
>~Epitaph on the grave of the Human species
No top right has a whole new arm, mug and I think a different mouth
And he tilted the head and mug in the last one
So fucks on you!
lol no they've already rendered the inner cities uninhabitable. You've got maybe 30 years before they start spilling over into everything else via government housing. Enjoy moving to Idaho to get away from them.
>Enjoy moving to Idaho to get away from them
Nigger they're already in fucking Kansas.
>>me and my coworker did this so everyone else is like this too
If even one case proves you're wrong, you have nothing to stand on.
That's what these comic "artists" do.
I remember a video of B^Uckley devising a "sticker" method to just drag pre-drawn characters and hairs in order to make his comic.
>You still secretly love GoT. If you really hate GoT you people wouldn't still be watching it
t. uppity nigger
>You still secretly love GoT. If you really hate GoT you people wouldn't still be watching it
What county?
He wants you to know he is friends to all creatures great and small
(and especially people of color)
I pirated the first 5 seasons.
now i dont even do that.
but i live in Yea Forums so i have to deal with this stupid dragon and tits threads.
Some of us like to suffer, user
Ok. So you watch a show and like it initially. Then it slowly turns to shit but you keep watching it and begin do not like it anymore so you watch it out of commitment and to see where it all goes... I don't understand how you can't get this process
>tfw you don't watch anything made after 2004, including GoT
feels good man
Why does she think he didnt watch it after she asked if he liked it and he said 'nope'?
Lala is dead Char you need to move on.
Sometimes if something is bad enough I like to see just how awful it can get which is how I wound up seeing every episode of Two and a Half Men.
How else could the "artist" set up the joke user?
Come on being a comic "artist" with all that drawing is hard enough as it is
This is the sole reason I pirated Solo & plan to pirate 9.
what annoys me most is that he doenst even bother to "lip sync" his shitty art
You are drunk again, Quattro.
Game of Shit viewers are fucking retards, I would have thought this was obvious.
Kys you wh*teoid cuck
He's right though, taking a tv show about dragons and zombies seriously is peak cringe
>watch it out of commitment
Unironically have sex
Thirteen fifty
>watching a shitty show once a week for a view weeks a year prevents people from having sex
bend over
the only way ive learned to enjoy got is to hate it