Didn't beat TFA's 2nd weekend

>Didn't beat TFA's 2nd weekend
The absolute state of retards

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I cannot wait until Marvel eventually fucks this all up.
It may take forever, but I'm patient.

TFA had December 25/26/27 on its second weekend. Those days are big movie going days. Endgame came like 2 million short on a regular weekend.

Don't worry Avatar, leave the Avengers to me.

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But I thought only adjusted for inflation mattered.

Hello???? Cameroncucks????

America had an unhealthy obsession with Star Wars up until TLJ. Endgame will never beat episode VII at the American box office. But it doesn't have to, since unlike Star Wars it's an international hit.

Cameronfag here.
Yes, inflation matters.
We never claimed Avatar was the biggest movie of all time, we always knew we were the second biggest movie of all time and the biggest of this generation. It was DCfags who claimed it was the biggest to rub it into Marvelfags.
However Avatar 2 has a good shot at topping GwtW as the largest movie of all time.

>the rest of the world watches american power fantasies more than the bloody yanks do
Bunch of cucks they all are.

>However Avatar 2 has a good shot at topping GwtW as the largest movie of all time.

The absolute delusion, you won't even beat Black Panther without 3D ticket markups inflating your total.

SEETHING idol worshipping basedboy

i have never watched a movie in my entire life

Yeah, Cameron worship is pretty pathetic.

I don't worship Cameron. The ending of Abyss was trash (the rest of the film was great though). However I am a fan of his since most of his movies are great.


>Avatar 2 has a good shot at topping GwtW as the largest movie of all time.
>A sequel ten years late
>A sequel to a movie that nobody can name the characters from
>That people made fun of as Dances With Wolves and Pocahontas except with aliens as soon as it came out
>That was famed for its extensive CGI environments, which are now commonplace, and its 3D, which is all but passe.
>The sequel to this movie will even match the first one, let alone surpass it.

Attached: Thanos vs Wanda.jpg (607x608, 167K)

>he doesn't know about China
Avatar made insane money in China back in 2009 when there were 55,000 less screens in the country

That's nice. Endgame is the most successful foreign film in China of all time.

No shit you fucking retard, it literally had 1100% more screens to show on and a vastly bigger middle-class than back in 2009. Exactly the point I'm trying to make.

You're trying to argue that Avatar 2, being a sequel that relies on carried-over interest in the first installment, which released to fewer viewers in China based on fewer theaters, is going to reap the benefits of this growth because many more people will see it than the first one? Do you see what the logic gap is here? Cameron basically missed out on the growth of the Chinse market for the last decade, while Marvel has been building their brand. And you think this gives Cameron an advantage?

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>Chinese loved Avatar
>there are now 11x more screens and a larger population available to see movies in China
>Chinese will love Avatar 2
>Avatar 2 makes record money in China
If you don't see this happening then you're deluded. Avatar is the exact sort of CGI spectacle that the Chinese absolutely lap up, it also translates very well to different cultures.

i can't believe you fags actually argue about which retarded jew propaganda movie will make more shekels

Avengers Endgame is exactly the sort of CGI spectacle the Chinese lap up. Avatar's final battle is relatively small scale compared to the massive battles they seem to like. That's why it's beating Avatar's records in China. You're deluding yourself, because you think Avatar has maintained the relevance it would need to ensure returning viewers, and it absolutely has not. Mark my words, Avatar 2 is not going to beat the Force Awakens, let alone its previous best.

Why do people even care about film revenue? Are films really so boring that you'd rather talk about their marketing then their creative content?

>That's why it's beating Avatar's records in China.
No, it's beating Avatar's records because there's FIFTY FIVE THOUSAND more screens you stupid faggot.