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Who cares. Nobody was hyped for this shit anyway.

the movie nobody asked for

OOF. I was already starting to worry when that trailer came out and he said "A fellowship" as if the writers were saying "Do you get it? He based his fantasy character team on his friends group!".

Was John Ronald Reuel Tolkien a boring person?

Attached: tolkien.jpg (368x188, 22K)

Didn't the family disavowed the movie?

The whole movie felt like Walk Hard if it was made unironically as a serious drama

It's because of Lily Collins I guarantee. Box office poison, yet with nice eyebrows and thighs.

Attached: Lily Collins.webm (640x720, 1.61M)

Yes. He was a cucked jew lover.

Why are thighs so underrated

>Box office poison
how???? Is she really that awful? Whatever happened to eye candy for eye candy's sake?

The movie is shit. Instead of a dude losing all his best friends and drowning his sorrow in writing/sperging about language we get LE RANDOM FUNNEH LOVE MOVEEE

She hasn't been in many well received films no.

Now you know why

Will the WW1 scenes be kino at least?

But he hated blacks.

>as dull....and

Jewish Education

Can't let outsiders into the most based female body part fetish there is.

Trailer looked ok?

Another shitty biopic shifting all the focus from the protagonist's feats to a retarded romance with muh strong supportive wife.
I hope everyone that writes and produces shit like that die in the next inevitable California fires.

did they show how his oxford friends molested his son?


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Uh oh. Did they forget you can't use his Christian-Catholic values in a positive light?