Which one are you?

Which one are you?

Attached: 6305mj8zcow21_.jpg (9716x2548, 3.58M)

>me on the left

>classic photos of movie sets feature huge structures in exotic places
>modern photos of movies sets are just green screens

movies with this feel?

Attached: film-crew-on-town-set-saving-private-ryan-1998-BNPR0N.jpg (1300x927, 276K)

The guys on the right look like their photoshopped in

I'm one of the poorly shopped in guys on the front right

That green dude with the thin arms on the background.

Post yfw you realize there's 2 Mark Ruffalos in the picture

not pictured: three thousand underpaid CGI artists

I'm the ghost of ScarJo. ooooooo why didn't i get a funeral

My autistnigger Brie in the middle.

Attached: file.png (568x445, 446K)

No bendydick

Who the fuck is Terry N?

Somebody's body double I assume.

The older guy slightly above Chris Pratt on his left looks like he was shopped in.

When an actress emotes more in a random cast/crew photo and not a multi-million dollar movie where her entire job is to act.


Such a large IT department, holly shit.

Has it ever occurred to you that maybe, just maybe, the problem lies in Carol Danver's poorly written character itself and not her poor actress?

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is it me or are these guys shopped in

Attached: a.jpg (628x506, 89K)

They're all pajeet

Look at the bottom right section

that explains how a 20 years old movie aged so well.

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Is Nebula ok?

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Attached: me.jpg (104x122, 3K)

this is actually me irl
I'm homeless and needed money for food so I broke onto the set to snag some expensive camera equipment
got spotted so I just pretended to be a crew member
ate well that night

Attached: hobo.png (492x576, 494K)

why are there two stuntwoman for Nebula, or why isn't the one in the front look like Karen Gi

Attached: untitled.jpg (429x609, 102K)


Attached: untitled.jpg (178x308, 22K)

I don't know what the fuck you even typed but that is her in the front

doesn't look like her

most of the sea of heads on both wings are shopped in

Attached: personal space.jpg (825x360, 63K)

Me being held by RDJ. He constantly bullied me for being shorter than he is. I don't think he had ever met anyone shorter than him.

LMAO @ the photoshopped dudes on the right

>Yall niggas posting in a troll thread

Attached: Basedkneegrow.jpg (191x542, 22K)

I'm that goofy alien fucker with a gun on the back row.

>Has it ever occurred to you that maybe, just maybe, the problem lies in Carol Danver's poorly written character itself and not her poor actress?
Pretty sure it's both. I don't think the script explicitly says that she always has to look like a smug bitch

Attached: me too.jpg (279x179, 10K)

Where’s Bettany?

oh lmao just found out het got axed

Brie Larson with long hair, this photo is before the reshoots

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>Tom Holland and his "best friend/assistant"
When is he coming out of the closet?

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me behind you

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Attached: Capture+_2019-05-07-08-37-15.png (1262x1435, 2.88M)

Guess those are the CGI artists.

>they literally CGI'd themselves in

Attached: Humored Scrotum.gif (800x533, 1.81M)

So this is what Thanos looks like behind the screen

Attached: 1557229399788.jpg (606x435, 43K)

>Hey Chris and Kevin. Do you mind if my """friend""" gets to be the third row next to you guys?
>Well Tom he's not really in the mov-
Maybe that bugchasing blind item was real after all.

This would be me...

Attached: Capture+_2019-05-07-09-06-52.png (1157x843, 1.65M)

>portrays insect
what did they mean by this?

That's the director.

She's not even in it.

that must be the stunt double. real nebula is near the front.

I was in the red-circled area but they CGI'ed me out wtf

Attached: 1557229399788.jpg (570x1268, 191K)

What were you doing there user