This can't be happening Danybros, she was suppose to be the chosen one and break the wheel, not become another tyrant...

This can't be happening Danybros, she was suppose to be the chosen one and break the wheel, not become another tyrant. Why do D&D hate her so much bros?

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>Being a Targshit lover

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Haha go fuck yourself danyshits

DnD aren't really good at making her seem like a tyrant.
It's everyone around her that seems to be the ones in the wrong.

She went from cringe to based in this episode. Kill them all, Dany. This show sucks and no character deserves to make it out alive.

I would have disagreed with you if they hadn't made Jaime run back like a cuck to Kings Landing to the sister who had just sent a guy to murder him and his brother about 2 nights ago and kept dicking Brienne and had her pop put the best fighters in westeros.

is there anything worse than danyfags?

>danyfags on suicide watch since last episode
based d&d

So were D&D /ourguys/ all along? Or do you think they were forced to follow this part of the book and are upset they have to make YAS QUEEN evil now?
t. Coping Danycuck


>mfw based Euron strikes again
I thought it was going to be another one of those gay fucking "LE EBIN MUSIC BLARING WHILE DRAGONS" MAJESTICALLY" FLY AROUND THE SKY" shit they do often only to get dabbed on by /ourguy/.

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>don't kill them Dany, do it peacefully
>even though every plan I've had has ended in you losing your forces, support from other kingdoms, dragons, etc.

Dany should've just burnt king's landing back in season 7. She'd already be queen by now and they would've had a stronger force against the night king.

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>Eunuch has more balls then him
Thpey should have killed him off not long after killing Tywin. He went to absolute shit then.

With no fAegon, Varys is 100% pointless.

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>posts a fat cück

>didn't foreshadow this seasons ago
>was actually expecting a happy ending for her
how clueless can you be?

>She went from cringe to based in this episode
Just because she made an angry face?
We have yet to see her do anything based. Cersei is the only based woman in this show.

>has every reason to retaliate to everyone

Fucking writers are terrible.

I want to kiss her

it's not fair

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