591 days until Avatar 2

>591 days until Avatar 2

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Attached: avatar-movie.jpg (1518x879, 589K)

Based and robust

Neytiri is...

Attached: Neytiri_5711.jpg (1920x1080, 207K)


Uh, I'm thinking he's based.



Explain why Avatar isn't a mediocre movie held up only by its visuals.

It made over 2 billion dollars

... Interspecies breeding with human masters

Attached: MEgVf.jpg (1024x576, 91K)


Attached: cammyhat.png (720x462, 460K)

Havent seen this tread in a while. Thanks user

Based user

10 billion box office kino

based and robust!

It's just pocahontas + dances with wolves in space, which means it's triple kino

Why is taking so long?

hell yeah lads
we robust

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You can't keep this up!

Fuck off mouseshill

So how is everyone going to react when this sequel to a movie "with no meme pop culture impact" that came out 10 years ago makes $2 billion?

Wtf, it's just been 976 days until Avatar 2? How did I waste a whole year?

Try $3bn, China will make absolute insane cash now that there's 60,000 screens

>tfw you'll be done with finals and enjoying a cold one in Pandora - The World of Avatar in just 14 days

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Unless Cameron does something new with technology, I don't think Avatar 2 will make anything more than like a billion dollars

Overrated unless you enjoy screens and overpriced average food died strange colors and coated with boba to make it aLiEn FoOd

>underwater 3d tech
>16' lamberts
>glasses free 3d

The robust network is back online.


>your bath is ready master

what do?

Attached: neytiri white dress4.jpg (3024x4096, 998K)

I'm getting the crew back together. One last job...

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Whatever happened to that open world pandora game ubisoft and james are making?

He's gonna master the 25th frame effect and make you addicted to anything and everything Avatar.

>not liking Neytiri's chocolate cake

Attached: neytiris chocolate cake.jpg (650x487, 155K)

For bonding.


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But how did she...make a...oh

what did you mean?

Attached: Neytiri_4519.jpg (1934x1088, 233K)

Yeah it'll be huge in China. It made a lot a decade ago and the market there has grown ×10 since then

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for me? Its Avatar 2

based for me poster

591 days until Disney's Avatar 2

That’s exactly what he’s doing. He’s pissed that no one has taken 3D tech further so he’s once again raising the bar and ushering in new tech and kinomatography techniques. It’ll make 3.5-4 bil given inflation and China

these are the only threads I'll have to look forward to after /got/ ends

How many times is Based Jim going to have to show Hollywood how to do proper 3D filmmaking?

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gib big blue space cat

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