Kinos about struggling with hunger because your family coerce you into weird religious month long fast ?
Kinos about struggling with hunger because your family coerce you into weird religious month long fast ?
>actually going through with Ramadan
lol get on my level. I’ve got two mosques by my place and I’m eating a pizza right now
Aren't you permitted to eat at night during a fast?
If so, jesus, deal. I don't even get headaches until about the 36-48 hour mark.
what the absolute fuck
You're not in control of your life.
You think you are, but you're not.
Remain obedient.
>Following Islam
>be norwegian
>the fast is 20 hours
>will get longer in the coming weeks
>still have to listen to "men" complain about their 13 hour "fasts"
Deal with it, you little punk. Also, fear Allah
>perfect spot to snipe those sand niggers
kill yourself
>Being born into the worst and most despised religion
Lol, you fuckers can't even say Allah ackbar anymore without everyone else thinking you're about to blow yourself up
Is there ham on it? Do you fry bacon with your windows open?
>there are unironically inbred muslims on this board
All of you have no business on here or in Europe.
yo trials, talkin monkeys and neet life brehs
>geographic pride in a completely arbitrary demonstration of mental weakness
What a sell-out!
Don't you think the tradition is pretty stupid when people in the southern hemisphere don't have to fast as long? Like at that point don't you question the whole thing?
>While fasting from dawn until sunset, Muslims refrain from consuming food, drinking liquids, smoking, and engaging in sexual relations.
... is that all Ramadan is?
I do this literally every goddamn day.
more like mental illness for bloodthirsty apes
no wonder they're all retarded if they do this every year.
They are starving their bodies of vital nutrients, this would explain how they're all idiots.
Ramadan isn't fasting you liar.
A fast is when you don't eat at all.
Not just not eat until nighttime.
Food consumption actually goes up during "Ramadan", you're gorging.
Not like religious fasting at all.
Nice reddit spacing kuffar
you're not supposed to fast
ok kafir but i'm fucking hungry right now
>A fast is when you don't eat at all.
that's when you die, moron
Fuck this gay earth
Muslims are so pathetic that even their fasting is some half assed bullshit. Don't eat during the day, stuff your face at night.
How? I only eat one big meal a day at about 7pm.
Been doing this for 3 years. The thing that should be hard is the water not the food.
I also routinely fast for health benefits, what do you break your fast with, carbs?
Try eating more meat, so fat and protein.
Don't you have some women to oppress or some goats to fuck?
Shouldn't you be on /pol/ posting neo-nazi stuff?
What are some islamkinos?
Get out of my country sandnigger.
It takes ages to starve to death from no food...
Are you retarded? Christians used to fast for weeks. My personal record is 2 weeks, and I only stopped because I was getting worried about not having the right vitamins to avoid refeeding syndrome.
I live in the Middle East and even though I’m Not a Muslim it’s still illegal for me to eat during the day. Remember Euro anons, this is the future your leaders are choosing for you.
>Being so weak and pathetic that you let your family force you into absolutely fucking retarded acts of self harm because of fairy tales
Either tell them to fuck off or kill yourself. Your choice.
Why do you live there? Are you retarded?
I'm more Norwegian than you, Leif
Hey me too bro.
Just go to a supermarket at night, buy some food, and eat it at home in the morning man.
It’s not really fasting if you gorge yourself on food once a day you mong, what are you complaining about. The haram is the real problem, not being able to eat red meat n all
Calm down, merkel
Also itt: fatsos not understanding i.f.
Job sent me here. It pays way better than anything in America or Europe, but my town is mostly Pajeets who can’t drive.
he could go to a supermarket at any point during the day to buy gorceries
he can eat inside his house all he wants, it's eating outside that'll get him in troubles
why would he lie on Yea Forums
saracens? in my Yea Forums?
nah fedoras only reject the truth, which is the holy christian bible
can you imagine being a shitskin who actually believes in the koran and a jew god
How do you people live like this? Does gravity keep everything in place? Are all your monitors sideways? Is this the power of Allah?
It’s easy to just stay home and eat in private, my point is give it a year or two and places like Berlin or Minneapolis will be calling for a ban on eating in public or businesses being open during the day come Ramadan, just watch.
RIP user
>christian bible
>imagine being a shitskin who actually believes in a jew god
My fucking sides.
>christianity thinking their religion is true
oh nononono
tell me, which part of the b*ble do i have to take literally and which one do i have to accept as metaphors
shut up zionist
nice try schlomo jews hated Jesus, the one true god
>my God is not jewish
The fucking cognitive dissonance.
>jews hated one of their own
Imagine my shock.
not very likely, muslim dominant cuntry like pakistan or indonesia doesn't try to enforce that shit
also in berlin where its mostly turks they hardly care on fasting
>the truth, which is the holy christian bible
>can you imagine being a shitskin who actually believes in the koran and a jew god
Nobody who believes the former would say the later my dude. Insults are forbidden in christianity
I don't like most religious stories but Jesus whipping jews was pretty funny.
Keep worshiping the king of the jews and his jew god while thinking you're somehow more in the right than them, retard
Reemeber to ask Allah to decimate the Ameripigs and their minions
LOL get out more go to Avenues or whatever malls they have hawally pesent.
Even though I agree with the first statement, kys.
>worshipping a jew
State of christcucks lmao
based & akhi-pilled
Wew, is there anything more cringy than an atheist?
You're not norwegian, you live in norway
RPG pls
a religionist
I hate it when the picture isn't the right way up
being a muslim, the most insectlike ideology
imagine being so fat that a 13 hour dry fast is soo hard for you wew. anyway just buy some shit at the always open 24/7 groceries stores you slob then you can eat at a McDonald's or whatever cancer you cant live 13 hours without.
lol like clockwork
An atheist pretending to be religious because he is afraid strangers will post hat memes on the internet.
I don't know why people think Ramadan is hard. I mean, you can still eat, just not before sundown, right?
Indoctrination with complete ignorance to obvious hindsight?
>i don't like it so it causes cancer
so you're the cancer killing Yea Forums(nel)
MOMMY bad internet guy called the thing i like caner.
Yes but Allah looks down on you for gorging at night. You're a lesser being if you don't commit to starvation. It's all about being hungry. Hungry for Allah.
>gets triggered by the word fedora
You fatasses should be doing warrior diet to lose weight. Nothing better. Eat protein and fat on your eating window and you’re on your way to bear mode
The only thing that hard is control your lust honestly. Especially if you are a lonely teenager with too much free time on hands
KEK fedoras moving it to imaginary goalposts after finding out how healthy intermittent fasting is.
>defending pissl*m
why is God's final word a bunch of incomprehensible proverbs?
t. don't understand the bible or basic world history
It's not.
>denying Jesus (saw) was jewish
If you would have said I'm a larper that hates christianity it would have been less obvious. May God guide you
Iehovah is a jewish God. New Testament does not exist without Old Testament & is based off of it, and Old Testament is jewish. Jesus was jewish.
Christ this is like debating a flat earther.
based autist
I feel bad for fedoras bros. I guess not everybody gets to have profound religious experiences.