Game Of Thrones // Burlington Bar Reactions // S8E4 "The Last of the Starks" PART 3!!
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what are these worthless fucks going to do after the show ends?
The big girl in the front has a great rack tho
For me is this guy
gib fat gf
Where fuck is Bessie?
>Flipped off Jaime for leaving
>Cheered when ms sunday said "dracarys" thinking the dragon would swoop in and save the day
I hope Bessie does porn.
Why am I watching a birthday song?
Suggestion for shows they could watch?
>"Joffrey was a man. I don't think a cock is a true qualification as I'm sure you'd agree"
>"Yes because he's a man, cocks are important I'm afraid"
>Disdainful silence
>Claps because Missandei wants Daenerys to roast thousands of women and children alive
>the complete silence when Varys said cocks are important
This is tough to watch
The hormone of the Gods still rule.
Why did they all cheer when she said "Dracarys"? Kinda weird.
The most based man
>YAAAAAAAAS massacre the women and children, melt their homes into rubble my KWEEEEEN
These people need to be wiped out for the good of the realm
It was kinda weird because they immediately tempered their cheering after that. I don't think they understood the implications of what she was saying. It was like they thought she was gonna be saved when she said that or something.
they thought she was giving a command to drogon to come and roast them right then
I live 20 min away from this bar, do they allow anyone to go in? Or is this some fake "reaction" shit where they only let their SJW friends in?
Ironic coming from Yea Forums considering Yea Forums shills for Stannis, Tywin, and Jaime lol double standard, retard
Imagine watching the show with these "people".
It would ruin the experience for me.
By the way, stop promoting this garbage here. They're making money because of you, you know.
You should give a shoutout to Yea Forums user
Based Pajeet in the back
Imagine watching the travesty it has become at all.
That would make you a retard.
looking at their channel / it's same guys every episode I'm curious if they actually let anyone in first come first serve or it's some fake shit with the guy filming + all his friends only
It's fun to see people excited about a show you love. GoT is the best show right now. I hope they do stranger things 3 next
So they replaced Bessie with an african-american?
which one?
the entire last row consits of poo
well the girls are all in the exact same spot every vid so at the very least hes telling people where they can and cannot sit
It's the same people in the front, but normally different people behind them. You can go in there but you won't get front row unless you get there b4 the black dude. Only those girls and that redhead guy have reserved seats there. The rest is first come first served. Go, user
Nah, I hope the bar burns down in a fire.
someone should take one for the team and go full aerys on this bar
I go there and it's typically different people. It's first come, first serve. Only those girls and the redhead guy with the dike girl w/ glasses have reserved seats. Everything else is fair game. Just get there early
>Missandei says Dracarys
>Cheers because Drogon is going to save the day
>Nothing happens, she gets executed
kek you are right
The smiling one
Yea Forums shills for Tywin and Stannis and Jaime. No room to talk, retard. They just like her character. Not everyone is like you
Is that Christian Grey?
we're fucked culturally, aren't we?
Why did all those girls in the front flip Jaime off?
Fake and plastic like azn culture
Her smile and optimism: gone
>open SJW bar
>show GoT episodes
>record it so people can rage about it
>make millions out of this
is the bar owner, dare i say it, /ourguy/?
>drooling over a fatass
Jon Stewart was right.
Americans are scum.
Why the fuck are people interested about this? Imagine unironically watching SJWs watching GoT. Stop giving these retards attention. I looked at the content of the video for 10 seconds and could tell they fake their expressions and reactions for more attention.
What in the fuck is that
>make entire youtube channel featuring absolute plebs discussing the show
>make merchandise and patreon
lol this guy is a capitalist at heart
Because they interpreted the scene the same way my retarded ass did: Jaime seems to be saying he's gonna go side with Cersei.
If the bar was filled with meaner people I could see it being a lot of fun. Sitting there in a group just shitting on the show.
this cant be real
THIS is kino reaction. Almost makes me appreciate more the mistakes of this season. Why do normies even liked this show in the first place?
Because this thread is full of redditors.
All who watch Game of Thrones are redditors, every single one.
GoT is a garbage show and has been from the beginning.
>massacre tfictional nameless women and children
Stop trying to find more reasons to hate a bunch of attention whores and retards, they are already shit, pretending you care more about nameless characters just to feel morally superior to people who paid $70 to watch a tv show on a fucking bar is retarded.
An american
>Yea Forums -- "Dany is evil and people who cheer for her are fucked up. Stupid SJWs"
>Also Yea Forums -- "Stannis is based, Based Tywin, Jaime is so based and the only good character left"
Yea Forums is retarded lol
>not feeling morally superior to white shitlibs who would excuse war crimes because their pet negress got the chop
The smelly one
where the fuck is the dragon death, thats the only thing I care about and it's just glossed over
Go to the Burlington Bar for the Walking Dead watch party
Just because someone is a good character doesn't mean they aren't evil.
Yea Forums defends Jaime and Stannis, who literally murdered and attempted to murder kids. Stfu
I just wonder sometimes how many of these types of people neck themselves when their favorite character gets the chop?
I didn’t realize this bar was in Chicago either and it’s relatively close to me
I should visit too. I’m a 300 lb black dude so I should just take up the first row and refuse to move
Why are all the darkies in the back row and non in the front?
You're a big guy
I'm not Yea Forums you fucking dork
Drinking. What the fuck do you think people do in bars?
I am Yea Forums!
why are they cheering like its a sport team and a competition.
Americans, they cheer like morons when a plane takes off
Generally speaking, retard boy. I guess I have to SPELL it out to you.
It's a fucking fantasy show, why would i fucking feel superior to that when i know i found the NZ shooting funny. Stop being retarded and pretending this is any different than killing people in a fucking videogame. I love the people in that bar get triggered and will pay money to see shit they don't want to happen, but i'm not a insecure little fuck that wants to pretend i'm a morality warrior in defense of fucking western civilization, it's a fucking tv show.
The people who cheer for her are fully supporting war crimes but not even admitting that's what they are. They're justifying her behavior like it's a positive thing when it's not. It's not the same for any other fanbase on the show, only danyfags.
These people will feel like such retards when it is revealed Danny is the final villian.
>"You mean the crazed tyrant who burnt people alive and demands absolute loyalty is a baddie?"
Gunter destroyer of worlds. shes actually very nice
why do DnD confuse character development with smug anime faces?
Think about all the kids named after the mad queen because their retard parents didn't finish the show kek
Wow so badass and hardcore I bet your dads old duster almost fits too
What happens if you turn up there before the show starts with a bunch of buddies and start drinking at the bar? they kick you out? roasties start reeing because you are in their seats?
Why did they flip him off though?
the seats are probably reserved
It's a tv show.
Don't forget to block the exit till you get your beer if there's a fire
The main girls at the front (Green hair and her 3 thots) and the chick with the short blonde hair w/ glasses, and the Christian grey looking guy have reserved seats there. Everything else is fair game. First come, first serve. I've been there 2 years ago. Someone here should give a shoutout. There's bound to be one faggot here who lives in Chicago
If you think there's a distinction between real life and fantasy for these people, you're painfully naive. Their entire worldview is informed by Harry Potter, Marvel movies and CNN
Only for several at the front. You could still get a front row seat, just not in the girls spot or that Christian grey looking guy
wtf kek I can't believe some people think this
>it's just a show man, turn off your brain lol
Yes, and the neets that call for a beta uprising and a racewar and do the same with LOTR and Legend of the Galactic Heroes are totally based, smart and fucking redpilled, fuck off manchild. The bar crew is just a bunch of retards as Yea Forums is. You are an absolute faggot, no different than pamperchu moching fucking criss chan
>Implying a straight white man with his work buddies from his blue collar job would go to a hipster faggot bar to chill out
hop on the new meme show
seething trannie
>Implying you have never been bar hopping to places you have never heard of before
why not? It is purposely worded to be taken either way to keep the surprise intact.
Its the same way that everyone is still alive and lots of people can still sit the throne even though theres only 2 episodes left. They are purposely writing silly dialogue to keep options open and not telegraph the ending. This is in line with filming multiple endings too.
The local hipster fag bar here sells the cheapest beer so i usually go there. Just sit outside smoking (hipsters hate cigarettes now) and its cool
It's a show, it's not realo, just like voldemort it's not fucking trump the civillians in the show are not fucking real, you can't have it both ways you retard. Either fantasy garbage for children is just that or you give validation to any retarded political criticism using fiction. Pretending anyone here actually cares about non-named extras is bullshit.
The leaks agree with that interpretation
They only let their friends in sadly.
the entire language has been reduced to that meme word so the brainlets can feel a dopamine rush when they hear it
Exactly, they pay $70 to be there, it's not a place for normal people
Like there was ever a chance that they would let someone in, capable of bursting their well crafted social bubble.
Where's the dragon reaction?
Your's empty...
What does that MEAN???!!!
Dany is uninteresting and bland, but the main problem is that danyfags and the show dont acknowledge the things she did as bad. Instead she's painted in a positive light. Well, not in this season. If you want a good female character in the show look at cersei.
>It's fun to see people excited about a show you love.
Missandei? More like miss and die
Ah hell, I'll give you a (You). Treasure it.
>autistic redditor falls for 1/10 bait
Anyone spotted Yea Forums?
Imagine the smell.
Imagine getting triggered because people enjoy things you don't like lol
Pabst Blue Ribbon, salty tears and crushed patriarchy
tyrant: freed all slaves across her continent, killed only rich fucks who opposed her during war.
Demand loyalty? what a strange thing to demand for a queen.
what are you rooting for kikes?
She has lost so many close people over the last 2 episodes and now she feels like an underdog, and also risked everything to fight the NK. Hate how people disrespect her. I hope she burns the fuck out of everyone there!
And a secret ingredient.
Please be my gf
Stannis burned one innocent to save millions
Daenerys burns millions just so she can sit on the throne
It's not bait, retard. I'm pointing out how hypocritical Yea Forums can be. They hate Danyfags because they like her when she's about to burn people, and call them SJWs. BUT.. Yea Forums in the next breath, make appreciation threads for Stannis and Jaime who have killed kids or at least attempted to
What was God thinking...?
Keep trying, bub.
I'll take batman over a black & white Woody Allen film, or some silent movie lol enjoy being unhappy and pretentious
>funnay secene
Hahaha :D
>sad scene
Awww :(
>funnay scene
Yeaah :D
>serious scene
Oooh :O
Like conditioned puppies.
Who are these guys?
Because he is the one and only King you inbred cunt. Have some respect.
The Wild Hunt from the Witcher Series
And people thought the "NPC Meme" was a joke.
The Lich King and the Kingettes.
For once I'm proud of my people
>every scene in the North is tinted blue
>Wights and NK show up
>tint it warm orange
Autists struggle with emotional expression so I see how that could confuse you.
>Jaime cripples a boy, kills innocent people
Yea Forums "He's the only good character left"
>Stannis kills a little girl and does evil magic
Yea Forums "oh, he's the true king. based stannis"
>Dany burns her enemy (and kills some bc of no choice and collateral damage) after losing her close friends and baby dragons
Yea Forums "Oh, she's the mad queen and evil" "Only SJWs support her"
Do they not teach people how to bait in Troll School anymore?
>kill your own child for the purpose of winning the war and ending bloodshed
>kill everyone in the capital of your new kingdom for an ex-slave who went through miles of arabic dick
This show is the perfect example why women should never rule
If any of you believe those reactions are real you both need to start taking your meds, the only real reaction in the fucking videos happens when Varys says "you are drinking too much" and some drunk girl in the backgroud screams YEAAAAH!. The rest of the "emotions" are just for the camera, stop being autistic.
Man I would have agreed with you once but D&D totally fucked up. Dany was an insufferable cunt when she was supposed to be a pure saviour, but now that she's an evil villain she's suddenly totally in the right.
Listening to her advisors got tons of innocent people killed, on her side, her allies. Highgarden civilians, Greyjoy fleet cooks, everything that happened because they just had to get a wight to show Cersei, everyone they lost because they factored Cersei's forces into protecting Westeros when they shouldn't have.
These are all things her "brilliant" advisors told her to do, against her own instincts. It turns out Olenna and Dany's first impulses were right. Dany's advisors are all retarded.
Not to mention the sheer casualties of innocents most of the characters have had a hand in through all the wars. Or how in real life, civilian casualties have been a regular part of war for centuries and still are. You could even argue that like you don't negotiate with terrorists who take hostages you really shouldn't reward people who use civilians as human shields, incentivizing the behaviour.
It's like suddenly now that we're supposed to hate her, they accidentally made her sympathetic and relatable for the first time ever. That's how bad the writing is.
What is the correct reaction? lol Are you supposed to laugh at serious parts and cry during a funny scene? Autists
>The rest of the "emotions" are just for the camera
>stop being autistic.
If only you knew what irony is.
I said yikes at a lot of the scenes. I don't remember the show being this cringe inducing for the last 7 seasons.
Thats part of the problem though.. hide you emotions and emote the way you are supposed to or how society wants you to.
These overblown Drama Teacher "Emotions" are quite sad.
>>kill your own child for the purpose of winning the war and ending bloodshed
Okay, if this is such a noble act then why do so many of you fags say D&D ruined his character and he would never burn his daughter or listen to the red woman? Retard. You're only defending this shit to win the argument
bessie needs to come back. now we got some nigger sitting in her seat
>That's how bad the writing is
Agreed. I almost think it's on purpose because I can't comprehend everyone down the line saying it's okay to shoot.
You've obviously not been in a social environment like a public viewing. Humans behave way different if they know they're in a group. The whole "Oooohh shiiiieeet!!!" is genuine because most of them feel pressured to let the group know what they think, especially if they've been doing it for so many years now, it's just something they can't help.
Wow. you're so funny haha
Yeah, don't quit your day job (if u even have one, you neet lol)
based dubu
time? i dont want to have to watch the whole thing
You're still barely at a 2/10.
>"Yes because he's a man, cocks are important I'm afraid"
From time to time GOT can still be based and redpilled.
>200% SMUG
BESSIE! Thank the gods for Bessie, and her tits
No wonder americans hate liberals. Where I come from liberals are normal people, not cosplayers with purple hair
>The whole "Oooohh shiiiieeet!!!" is genuine
user, americans are not normal people. You don't clap when the movie end and you don't cheer when the plane lands.
And your comedy is still a 2/10 faggot
Anyway this fucking word aside you're right, though. The pacing was horrible, characters teleported around, Euron came out of nowhere and is still fucking OP and repetitive, everybody has magic dragon killing weapons that also blow up ships except they're not supposed to be magic, important shit like Jon's secret reveal is offscreen while boring pointless shit is onscreen, everyone is an idiot in that last scene. Why would Dany's side make themselves vulnerable but more importantly, why didn't Cersei kill everyone right there including the dragon with Euron and their magic weapons?
She has a fan that says "FUCK" on it.
The only joke here is your baiting abilities.
For you
I don't like it either, but they're just more expressive than you and I. Latinos and BRs are even worse.
he hurt brienne. are you autistic?
Don't you EVER reply to me again!
Why did Jamie turn heel for literally no reason?
Back down to 1/10.
Nobody talks about him
Because he can't get away from his abusive relationship with Cersei.
Now we have to see if he either dies for her, like a fag or if he yoinks her, like the leaks suggest.
Are you retarded? He told her that so she wouldn't follow him and get killed. He's going after Cersei.
>long pointless montage segments with "emotional" music or the white walkers in slowmo SO BADASS
>meanwhile don't show things like how Bronn got into the castle of winterfell
>has "FUCK" on her fan
What did femcel mean by this?
See here
He is Soibeard! The Onionborn!
She's open for business user. Drop by the Burlington bar RIGHT NOW and take your chances! Also buy lots of beer and support the patreon
>user sits there after 5 pints
>*laughs like a madman when they behead Missandei*
>*sjws give him dissaproval looks*
>*fat basedboys start to just stand behind him like they are a threat(they aren't)
I Am Jazz
Yes, I like entertainment. Must suck to be contrarian all the time and be unhappy.
You're not supposed to let shitty stimuli dictate your behaviour and just "reply on command with le sad face".
That bitch is looking over the top of her novelty glasses
I'd buy this man a beer.
This wasn't stated or implied though. If anything it looks like he was a mole all along.
Green hair girl is married. The girls next to her are single though
Witcher reaction videos
>He didn't audibly say yikes when things like bitching about women not being knights or intentionally including "and women" when describing troops or Danny and Sansa bonding over being stronk independent women happened
Had to fast forward through that shit desu
Watch their faces drop during the "cocks are important" scene, it's quite spectacular.
>If anything it looks like he was a mole all along.
You're the target audience for this season, congrats.
HAHAHAHA i can't believe this shit is getting censored
>show stannis
Danyfags are so delusional they need to argue against the strawman villain D&D conjured up
Please dont remind us, you cruel cruel frog.
Why do retards cheer for STANNIS?
Cersei blew up the wrong building.
Here at the Burlington bar we don't let things like conventional unions stablished by the patriarchy to ruin our wonderful acceptance experience - she's married, but she can also be yours! Drop by, buy beers, support the patreon, Burlington bar! It's GoTta be the best bar in Chicago for sure!
You could hear a pin drop
I wish we could see them reac to the dragon getting killed.
Imagine being as attention-hungy as this person.
Yeah, I'm thinking this needs to happen.
>she asked for the 40h time this thread, desperately attempting to cling to her dignity
The empathetic left.
I swear that the amount of estrogens in that bar is so high that if you entered it just a second you would turn into a tranny
Wrong, retard. He tried to justify killing a little girl and I said Yea Forums never justifies that shit and always blamed D&D for it, but now he's trying to justify it just to win this argument
>"cocks aren't important"
>"cocks are important, I'm afraid"
>Well, im not going to be like my daddy, he wuz bad, and im not going to burn innocent people
D:How do you want your citizens to be?
D:K no problem
Bright colors on animals are associated with poison
>These people are now okay with mass killing of an entire population
The Tywin equivalents are people saying Cersei is based i.e. they recognize that the character who is painted in an evil light isn't necessarily an evil person
Danyfags are basically the female equivalent of Punisher fans. They unironically think everything their hero does is justice.
when are one of you autists going to go to this place and shout shit from the back
Those who dont bend the knee for the KWEEN are literally inhuman and must die so she can build a better world, that she has never once described how it will function or what it will look loke in anyway.
I live in Chicago and could go there, but what am I supposed to shout?
>why do liberals take fantasy seriously!!!
the mandalorian
just be like "could I please get a fucking gin and tonic" real loud like an annoyed alcoholic in the middle of a really climactic scene
>cock isn’t a good qualification
>cocks are important
>:| *shakes head to gesture no*
So when Arya killed the Night King did every White Walker in existence die? Even the little white walker babies in their little white walker cribs?
If i had to guess because he hit Brienne with the ol' Spunk n Dump. And that hits quite close to home i would imagine
Can't a ruined character still be noble.
Are you that dumb to see the difference?
Baldie McNoBalls is smart enough to notice. Why aren't you?
It brought warm feelings to my heart.
They're justifying it within the constraints of the show, since you retards seem to think the books are now irrelevant. His point was that Yea Forums already acknowledges Book Stannis > Show Stannis, so by showing the lesser Stannis is superior, the full position of Mannisdom will always be superior to Dany "Burn them alive before my eyes" Retargaryen
what did they mean by this?
you sound like a deep thinker
Wait for the episode Dany dies, shout it during one of the dramatic quiet scenes and walk out, you might get smothered to death by Bessie’s tits, but death by Bessie is the purest death
only 2 weeks left. There has to be at least 1 faggot here who can do it. Please, someone take one for the team
His hope and optimism gone forever
TaX poLiCy
The part where they all clap and cheer for dracarys is just fantastic
Country A is at war with Country B. Country A stockpiles its weapons in actual hospitals and schools and surrounds all of it military shit with literal innocent children and uses forced conscripted child soldiers. Every now and then they launch an attack on Country B's cities. What should Country B do?
imagine being him
What's his name again?
>S1: Wait, slaving is actually like, bad?
>S2: [autistic screeching]
>S3-S5: I will save you, brown people! No matter the personal cost.
>S6: Man, fuck brown people, I'm out
>S7: [autistic screeching] but wait, the apocalypse is actually like, important?
>S8: No it wasn't, anyway I'm kind of upset about my mounting personal and political loses as well as the continuous incompetent counsel and the unwarranted scorn I'm getting, sure hope none of my allies are plotting to murder me over me having a natural emotional response to the current situation.
>the onions ginger throwing his arms up at “Dracarys” thinking drogon is gonna save the day
>I hope girls notice me cheering so they will date me, the only reason I showed up to this shit
Redditfags can't handle the echo chamber so they post here to have REAL discussions.
Country B could probably send in elite assassins and be able to avoid civilian casualties complete
>overacting white people
and how the fuck was dany suppose to hear the dracarys said by the nigglet
Clear sign that she never had and never will be have an stable relationship. Shes a (rather cute) future cool wine aunt and cat lady.
He looks like tormund after s5 when they just made him into a meme
The same groupthink behavior was observed in the Soviet Union when everyone was afraid to stand out for fear of being outed to the authorities.
Not have tried to conquer a foreign land for bo reason other than thst some chubby hobbit's ego could be stroked in the first place?
Dany isn't a country she's the leader of roving band of mercinaries and barbarians.
Both are true, fucking Varys is the first one to remind people that westeros isn't the XXI century
Are you manlier?
is betsie titcow back yet?
That at his t-shirt, haha he's totally comfortable with his sexuality and doesn't take manliness too seriously!
I want to see them 2 get blacked by that guy
Dany has no right to utter that word, she is the most useless character in the series. Losing 2 Dragons.... TWO DRAGONS lmao.
Ehat does onions mean in this context
tranquil bob
All races are just as pathetic when it comes to this sort of stuff
Let me help you user
poor negro had to put up with this shit just to bang that greend hair whore,white people ruin everything
Both were due to her listening to Tyrion's retarded drivel.
>Liberals named their daughter after a genocidal whore whose race is the fantasy equivalent of aryans
He had every reason to believe Red Woman, so he did (D&D fucked up but that just lefts us with his changed persona, different from books).
Still better than dany
>That guy in the back
What could possibly be more entertaining than what was happening in walking dead at that very moment. What was he watching?
they watch Rupaul Drag Race and other shows, check their Youtube channel
The fact that no one mentions this is more stupidity from the writing.
She's an ally right now with the houses still at war with Cersei. That war never ended, Cersei tossed in some bullshit about leaving the North alone but believing her is clearly dumb since she went back on her other promise immediately. The alliance and everything is written like shit but the Lannisters have done plenty of awful shit to the other Houses.
I felt worse for Walder than I did Missandei, he looks so genuinely sad when he can’t see his 2 sons. Like he thinks he’s going senile and blind. I guess it reminds me of grandparents with Alzheimer’s
>imagine beating cancer to watch the end of this show
you may not like it but this is what peak geek and nerddom looks like now. the same people would have laughed and sneered at me sitting there with my pals at 4am in a dank cellar, playing Cyberpunk 2020 back in the day
At least even super normie joe starts to realize how fucking awful GoT has gotten.
Took him a while though, reminder that he gave the first two episodes a 10/10 and a 9/10.
Is it normal that these thots get so riled up at the Jaime and Brienne parts? Jesus Christ, they really all want a bad boy to save them, huh?
All races but fucking women are a mistake.
"She kinda forgot about the Iron Fleet"
>being this mad over a character
why are normies like this?
Aryas going to kings landing so maybe it'll lead to something like that, I hope not though because I'll pissed if she gets another major kill. Hopefully the hounds brother kills her which makes the hound lose his shit and they kill each other
So honest question, is it worth watching got for the meme and trashfire? I dont want to feel left out
Andals were aryans, Valyrians are elfs you dumbfuck.
Twilight Princess was a good boy.
They can't sympathize without self inserting, so it """hurts""" them.
ur mom getting spitroasted by niggers lol
So where the webm where they react to that nigress dying? That's all I care for.
It would be nigh impossible for you to catch up with 8 seasons in less than 2 weeks, and the dumpsterfire is only worth it if you’re there for it in real-time shitposting about it
Normies eat soap opera garbage like this up, doesn't matter the setting, doesn't matter the story, it always ends up being shitty love/relationship drama and they love it, that's how the walking dead got popular after season 2
My mom isn't wh*te though...
One stonerfag from my job training was an avid TWD fanboy. He said when he watched that episode, he was so in shock that he was shaking like 2 hours later still. He had to pause the episode and take some weed to calm down.
Mind you, this was also that kind of degenerate that woke up and got high instead of showing up in school/work on time, every single day.
literally just watch the last couple minutes of the link OP posted you fucking braindead mouth breathing cock inhaling faggot
Do it, the beginning is very good and then you can embrace the memes.
The writing on this show has really died.
doesnt mean she cant get spitroasted by NIGGERS lmao
>tfw am you
Now they're all going to claim PTSD after episode 4.
did anyone actually care about missandei though? did they actually consider her a main character?
WTF happened to Bessie?
kek you're either retarded or baiting
It's really sad how much they've dumbed down the characters for the sake of normie laughs now, tyrion is just down to 'le no cock lmao' jokes
got into a fight with the two other girls she normally sat next to and supposedly moved to LA to actually work with someone in some GoT related capacity
This shit is glorious. MOAR!
Finally got slaughtered and is a tasty hamburger now.
He was creating a thread on Yea Forums about s o y reaction videos
also fuck jannies and fuck niggers too
>Me in the back
this guy tho
Wow, first day?
How was I supposed to know it's at the end of the episode since I don't watch that shit, unlike the fucking sodomite that you are.
Reaction was a bit underwhelming btw.
Me with the meier shirt
>care about doggo more than show
>get mad when roastie bumps me
this show will also start out good and end bad yes?
The only reason she's not dead back in essos (or is out of it atleast, not resorting to burning their cities and citizens).
Tyrion fixed everything in mereen stopping her from burning all the [b]benevolent[/b] slavers because that's the only thing she's been able to do.
He did like 9best to one bad decision ratio, so she's just a spoiled child who rages when she gets not enough attention
Fuck, he's just like me.
>add onions to filename
The first two were bad but there was this hype about them saving budget for the others. But the pay off was terrible and everybody save for s o y turned into the show.
Oh yes i remember GRRM saying that
Literally this guy
if you dont watch it why would you give a shit autismo
>there is a bessie in all of us now
Just checkin
>nice try JIDF
If you think Tyrion did a good job in Meereen you're fucking insane.
>lost the entire fleet on his watch (though that's more of Varys's failure)
>gave up all of her reforms and bent over backwards for slavers
>got the city attacked due to being seen as weak thanks to bending over backwards so hard
The only reason any of them are alive is that Dany came with the dothraki. Don't get me wrong, she's a shit character. Her listening to Tyrion also proves that she's retarded on top of that. But that doesn't make Tyrion any less incompetent.
Have you seen kings landing in this episode? This is supposed to be the winter we’ve been warned about for 8 seasons.
Do you know why the whole continent isn’t covered in permafrost, killing everyone? Stannis made a personal sacrifice for the greater good of humanity and offered up the person he cared the most about to the gods.
I dare you to think of an act more deserving of a king in the show.
To watch the söy riddled subhumans like you consuming that terrible nihilistic propaganda is of course much more interesting and entertaining.
Disgusting... but oddly fun to watch... like a dying child in china nobody gives a fuck about.
did they really like that boat or what
i dont get it
It’s less being programmed and more hamming it up for the camera.
They only go to this bar because they know they’ll be on camera. It’s extreme narcissism and it gives them a false sense of grandiosity. Imagine how much one of those people with the reserved seats ties their identity to the “internet fame” of being there. She’s bound to care more about how people perceive her reaction than actually watching the show. And so at all times she’s watching the show she’ll be wondering how to react. It’s honestly sad to think about what an unfulfilled existence this leads to.
It was a pretty cool boat. Checked.
>laughing while pretending to cry
niggas are just as bad
straight up chimping out
Does that guy have a fucking Ferrari shirt?
What if I pay a hundred so I can sit in the front with my exclusively white male friends?
>lost his entire fleet
Anyone would, even varys didn't, and he's the best iintel gatherer in the show (well except for the three sharpie putter).
>gave up her reforms
Like losing yunkai three times in a row not having entirety of her forces there? Sure, a peaceful negotiation with no losses, except unavoidable.
He just saved her from becoming Aeris, so much for breaking the wheel.
>dany came with the dothraki
Winterfell you mean? Dothraki were useless, only power she really had are the dragons, she's like a somewhat better version of one of the most useless characters-Sansa, but only because dragons.
Tyrion and Varys were the most competent men with Littlefinger jumping back and forth in their league when all of the source material ended in S7 and they all became useless.
>varys did
for women crying is like taking a piss
Niggers do it for the money, they are not really invested.
gib milkies
Sometimes I wish I could be this invested in a tv show
Yeah, sometimes I wish I had brain damage too.
That literally looks like a discord tranny