Why do you guys watch shows and movies you supposedly hate and invest a lot of time discussing said shows and movies...

Why do you guys watch shows and movies you supposedly hate and invest a lot of time discussing said shows and movies you hate?

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sunk cost

Because they want the catharsis of bitching about it online.

>justice 4 really shirt

Absolutely based. Renly would have objectively been the best king

It's almost over and I have to see it through now. Muh sunk cost. It's also fun to join in on the memeing and shit though.

Of course. For some reason you can't say you dislike something without some retard demanding you write a thesis on why you don't like it.

I don't know about anyone else, but if I don't like my job I find another one instead of going in to work everyday, hating it, and then bitching about it to my gf

A lot of people come here to let out their frustrations but aren't this extreme in real life.

I don’t watch them lol. Still post about them on here though

Rule 34 on the cute black chick?

I actually did a 360 with GoT, i used to be mad at how bad it got after S4 but with S8 i eagerly await the episodes because i have so much fun just seeing how bad things can get. So for me it went from good to bad to funnybad

it's a drawing

type baboon into google

because i loved it until season 5 and now im hate watching just to see how bad it has become

>s-stop criticizing tv shows

the only reason Ellis liked Renly is cos theyre both fagaladuccios

Could you get any more sameface? And I mean in the literal sense, just look at girl's face panel 1&2

To spite “normies” mostly

I watch them because at that point I'm invested and I complain to release stress. Some things I both enjoy and complain about because I can see all the shit but there's enough good stuff to keep me happy, a lot of anime falls under that description

Im still watching the walking dead and I haven’t enjoyed it since they arrived at that prison. Im only watching it because I need closure and because Im not that busy with anything else anyways...

hate is fun

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The formula is the same, show has a promising first season or two and then nosedives but you keep watching in the vain hopes that it becomes good again and/or because you are already invested the characters/story and want to see the resolution.

If 90% of any media is trash even that 10% have disappointing endings 90% of the time.

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