Any kinos about New York City?
Any kinos about New York City?
Other urls found in this thread:
Slumdog Millionaire
How did it come to this?
gee I wonder what happens when we elect a corrupt orange fat fuck....
...ew york
The Warriors, although it's a documentary
Imagine actually living in the shithole that is New York City or Los Angeles
Ms .45
King Of New York
A Most Violent Year
The New York Ripper
The greatest city of the greatest country eh?
been to NYCand it's way cleaner than LA
Escape from New York
Taxi Driver
Taxi the TV show
Gangs of New York
85% Woody Allen and Spike Lee joints
NYC is a huge movie whore.
This is a pretty extreme example I guess but in most cases public transport is filthy as fuck.
King of queens
nyc is corporate, right, and jewish as fuck
You spelled "centrism" wrong.
What other cities should I avoid when I go as a tourist? I don't want filthy ones
Not when you have people like De Blasio and AOC representing it with niggers, ricans and towel heads occupying it.
It was fucked long before Drumpff
Well yeah because NY bused them to California and the WC sanctuary cities.
It was a genius move by Giuliani to clean up the city.
aka leftist
Theres your problem.
You just had to take the bait you fucking dolt
Trump invented the homeless. What a beast
third world tier
I guarantee OP's picture was taken in a blue state
Imagine using public transportation. Wtf.
Went there with class last week
Imagine thinking living in New York in any capacity is ok
The flyover tears in this thread are amazing. Keep it coming, Cletus
It's nothing new really
LA has as many people shitting in the streets as india now
based and redpilled
mr robot
IMAGINE being a traincuck in NY...
Beat Street
Fare jumping by the chilluns and endless jewing for "affordable housing" with access to public transportation. That's it.
Aaah city mutts, the new poo in loos
People not reading pic related
going there soon, what do i bring in my survival bag and kit?
Bleach and a Maga hat
Why can't cities afford to place cops in all the places where assholes are known to fuck shit up every night? Property tax cuts?
>I'm going in October to watch the Jets v Patriots
I was definitely not even trying to imply that. I wouldn't even go there.
interesting to see how idiots in this thread blame the fucking left for homeless people lmao
you gon get raped
I live in San Francisco and it's literally worse than people say. By a lot. Nothing can prepare an outsider for the kind of shit that is just happening right out in the open every single day. The amount of garage, literally and metaphorically, is incredible.
People come out from other places because of the massive economy and that creates this magical wealth disparity between the people who actually work and people who live in their friends car, shoot heorin & shit in McDonald's bags before flinging it at the nearest playground full of kids. But instead of making open air drug markets illegal the rich retards give out 400 thousand free needles a month because violent, aggro heroin niggers must actually be just like everyone else if they weren't on a temporary rough patch, right?
I was thinking about uping the difficulty and go in with a Brady jersey.
You can't live without the food produced in "flyover" states. But they will all live just fine when NY, DC and CA are on the ocean floor.
crazy to see how idiots in this thread blame the right for the decline in acceptable social standards. The reason why this didn't used to happen moron is because "prejudice" kept this dirty bastard off the train
>cities run exclusively by Democrats are the cities with the most violence, deaths, homelessness and rampant drug usage
Just a coincidence I'm sure
>you will never ever live in 70s nyc
why even live?
bear mace
Fake and gay. Nobody had cellphone cameras in the '70s.
um no sweetie we can live just fine off urban gardens and butt plugs
Based first worldlets.
>not being able to walk my beat with my best bud, clubbing homeless people and curbstomping crack addicted porch monkeys while sporting a nice leather jacket and a moustache
Why even live indeed
Holy shit. This is the best ranking. You know your shit user, unironically
read some books, you are below my level.
>cities run exclusively by Democrats
read anything at all before you poke me.
up is down
left is right
user please
niced dubs
>read some books, you are below my level.
On the ocean floor? Wouldn't the sharks pull the buttplugs out?
People who talk about "flyover" states don't realize that CA is more than just L.A.
I actually might be moving up there in a month or so. A couple of friends of mine have an apartment up there and their roommate recently moved out.
Essentially, various ideas by politicians designed to net them as many votes as possible by basically promising free money. There were literally hundreds of these (after p*liticians noticed that promising free stuff always gets them votes), but the two most destructive ones were:
>the affordable housing act
>the minimum wage
>b-but they were instituted to protect the people from evil landlords and employers...
Rent control (Affordable Housing) basically meant that landlords weren't allowed to raise rent above a certain level. This resulted in housing becoming available to a much wider demographic of people. Teenagers could now afford to move away from their parents early on (often before they had a stable job), and old people didn't have to move back to their families because they could afford to continue living in their apartments with their pensions, even after a spouse died. What this meant was that there were many apartments occupied by one old fart or a teenager.
But this doesn't sound bad, right?
Now, there was an increased demand for housing (the lower the price, the higher the demand), but prices naturally rise with high demand if the supply of the good (in this case, housing), remains constant.
And it did remain constant, because building new apartments to rent them out in the future was simply not profitable anymore with rent control in place.
The prices WOULD have increased, but they COULDN'T, as they were kept artificially low. Many landlords simply couldn't afford to keep their shit maintained and supplied because they were running on a loss, so one day, they just decided to fuck, cut the utilities it and board up their houses.
The rate of homeless people skyrocketed, while many apartments just stayed empty and entered a perpetual state of decay (empty housing blocks became a part of the late 20th century NY "feel").
This wouldn't have happened under a free market, without rent control in place.
There are semi-regular patrols by beat cops on Subways. OP's pic, while truly hilarious, is actually pretty rare.
It's far more common to get on a train car that looks empty, to find that it has been completely gassed by homeless funk.
>t. NYC veteran of 16 years.
>I live in San Francisco and it's literally worse than people say
Can confirm. Was just there.
lmao this has to be staged, how did the motormen didn't check all the wagons first?
>everything is dry and on fire
>roads all fucked up
>chock full of mexicans
sounds like la to me. you can see all this shit happen within like 10 minutes of crossing over from oregon. seems like you guys are doing a bang up job with those agricultural inspections
This is incredibly cringeworthy
misleading movie title but the intro is kino
We did away with insane asylums and now all of our mentally ill people without families just become homeless.
>driving a car in NY
Do you love to suffer?
>ywn live in a dirty crime-ridden shithole
I think I'll survive desu
Unironically this.
You're not wrong about the fire or the roads, but everything North of San Francisco is different. More space, fewer Mexicans. I mean, still kind of al ot of Mexicans, but it's still firmly inside the United States so it's the price of doing business. Way fewer people overall.
It's America.
Mexicans are fine it's the fucking chicano sub humans that plague L.A and all that garbage. Assimilation gone wrong ending up with confused retards.
it's full of corporate commies
Man me and my Jewish ancestors have been living in New york for 150 years now and it's gone to absolute shit.
I blame people trying to fight against wall street and gentrifying neighborhoods with dumb liberal whites that all scream against Jewish bankers on their Jewish funded R&D based Iphones while sipping their Jewish funded starbucks coffees and going to their Jewish funded universities to listen to their Jewish professors explain Jewish invented science to them.
The true reason New York is going to shit is because it isn't properly run by Jews like it always used to be. Just let us do our jobs and everything is okay. Stop trying to push your inferior white "intellect" onto Jewish jobs.
We're trying to run humanity smoothly here and your retarded ass brains are ruining it again.
wew imagine being this much of a pussy
To assert that the people living on the streets were once housed in institutions that are now unfunded is pure fantasy. Anyways, you know how hard it is to lock someone away for mental illness? It's like that by design.
Any kinos about London?
Literally looks like one homeless guy brought all that shit on the train.
>t. based retard
They didn't used to be institutionalized. Those programs have been gone for decades. Time was, the loonies did have actual state-funded institutions to stay in, vs. today where they are either imprisoned or shitting on the bus.
see "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" for a glimpse of this concept.
I was there in 2014 and i was shocked. People shooting heroin in the middle of day in the streets, people tripping balls everywhere. Garbage all around, obnoxious loud blacks, constant sound of sirenes and shattering glass. Never seen anything like it in the Netherlands
>dem programs
yeah all that garbage in ops pic is a result of dem programs alright
peep show
Designated shitting city. Mumbai has cleaner streets.
arent there a ton of ragheads and slants in the netherlands?
You know why people are on the streets of California by the tens of thousands while there are open beds in shelters every single night? You can't smoke meth in a shelter or accost people at ATMs for easy money. You're gay little talking point has no basis in the day to day realities of the situation. The people out there don't want to be in your programs for troubled suburban preteens
Any kinos about London?
You know how lefties are always bitching about big corporations dumping pesticides and chemicals into the water because they don't have to worry about the cleanup?
Replace "big corporations" with "19th century plantation owners" and "pesticides and chemicals" with "slaves and their descendants" and you have an explanation.
>To assert that the people living on the streets were once housed in institutions that are now unfunded is pure fantasy.
Nah, same thing happened here in the UK. We closed our nut houses around the same time, and they all became homeless.
The homeless people around now might never have been in a mental institution, but that's where they should be.
Nothing like going to a NY movie theater.
Any kinos about South Korea?
The LaGuardia Airport is also based af.
>everyone eats gmo corn three meals a day
fuck off your worse than the slavery built america retards
>still falling for the democrat-republican meme
imagine the smell
The genius career activist politicians in California have made crimes under 1000 dollars virtually legal. You can get caught red handed busting into a car to steal shit and you only get a ticket. In San Francisco there are 35,000 car break ins a year. Last year they caught 19 and charged 7. All 7 that were charged were something super outrageous like a tranny breaking into an old ladies car and tossing her tiny dog to it's drath off the 7th story of the parking garage for shits and giggles. It's a completely lawless mad Max situation. There is glass and garbage literally all over the place
>Lol homeless just like doing meth, bro
It's okay you know nothing of history, but don't suggest that homelessness is both unsolvable and unrelated to public mental health policy.
Blame car companies, for decades they been pushing the government to invest as little as possible in public transport.
gift of diversity
Any kinos about Europe?
kek what a dumb nigger
And that's a good thing
What the fuck anons
Imagine the smell
Clockwork Orange
That's the man. That's the man right there officer.
peaky blinders is pretty good but it's awfully white for birmingham t b h
>Americans didn't know France has always been a shit hole
Stop the presses
It's the same but opposite with minimum wages. You put a "bottom price" on a good (in this case labor), and paying any less than that is illegal.
The problem is that producing a certain good or providing a service (let's make an example with lemonade) has a cost on it's own, and a minimum wage is often too much to make a profit:
>you run the lemonade stand for your street
>lemons, sugar and water are provided by your mom, for a set price of good boy points
>water costs 2 GBP, a lemon costs 4, and sugar 3
>so the cost of making a glass of lemonade is 9 GBP, but you sell it for a price of 10 to make a profit
>you sell 100 glasses per day, meaning that you make a net profit of 10 GBP
>business is booming, so you decide to get your little brother to help you squeeze lemons and promise to pay him 2 GBP per day
>in effect, this decreases your profit by 2, but together, you can produce 130 glasses a day instead of just 100
>so you have a net gain of 1 GBP
>the next day, however, your mom tells you that you'll have to pay your bro 4 GBP, because it's unfair that you make so much more than him
>now, you two still produce 130 glasses a day, but make LESS money than you would have working alone (9 GBP instead of 10)
>you weigh your options
>you could fire your brother and return to making lemons yourself
>you could fire him and invest in a lemon squeezing machine
>you could fire him and hire your older cousin for the minimum wage, because he is more experienced and can squeeze twice the lemons your brother could, for the same price
>this gives you a profit of 12 GBP
The last option is why so many "entry level" jobs require multiple years of experience. The company providing them just doesn't want to make a loss paying a minimum wage to an inexperienced worker who can't produce enough to "make up for it".
This is why countries without a minimum wage have much lower unemployment than countries with.
here's 10 reasons why
And here's why that's a good thing
muh dick
>>Americans didn't know France has always been a shit hole
thats all of europe tbhwyf
Fuck man was just literally at that stop and it hurts so much to see bros. So many Bamako immigrants selling weave on the street. On that street alone like 10 weave shops around Chateau Rouge...
I hear their bus stops are comfy.
Its set in the 1920s you spacker
>oh noes there are lot of tourists in the most touristic city in the world
i loled at that
2020 dickhead
>Wakeen LaLa Best
>insane asylum meme
leftists actually believe this. They forget that insane asylums got shut down because leftists had decried them "racist and sexist".
We give 30 billion shekels to our greatest ally?
Amsterdam is a shithole Arjen, maybe not as bad as San Fagcisco but it's still bad.
The left are responsible for immense misery and suffering
bunch of peasants thought they could make their own country
I agreed with the housing shit, but the minimum wage shit is absolutely necessary. Yeah, sure, burger flipping at McDonald's does not warrant $15/hour, but skill-based jobs like lab technicians etc. that barely make $15/hr as is with degrees and certs will get fucked all the way to like $5/hr if allowable. And to pretend as if employers wouldn't freeze wages indefinitely until there's a riot is retarded.
So glad I left that shithole and will never come back
visited cities in Latin America like Buenos Aires, Santiago, San Pablo that are better than OPs pic
90 percent of the city voted for Clinton, and most people are left leaning.
>lived there for 10 years
Shank. Its actually fucking good
Most of them. Stick with nature — that’s where America really shines
I lived in both SF and NYC for years. I now live in Upstate NY. Why? Because I have a family and don’t want to raise my kid in some hellhole
Communists aren’t human beings
coeur d'alene idaho if you're a burger or leaf
>But instead of making open air drug markets illegal the rich retards give out 400 thousand free needles a month because violent, aggro heroin niggers must actually be just like everyone else if they weren't on a temporary rough patch, right?
Why are they so gullible? why do they feel like they are to blame for the behavior and actions of this unviable people?
I live in the third world and you probably only visited turistic spots or visited higher upper class friends
That food is produced in the Central Valley, which is deep red. I grew up near Modesto and Turlock next to an almond orchard. There were Trump signs everywhere when I went back last year
wrong, I used a lot of public transportation when I was working in Latin America and I've never saw something like OP
Vagrants literally living on subway cars
Looks like the number 2 train.
Pretty much a bum magnet when it gets past 96th st uptown or Wall St downtown.
The Orange buffoon has nothing to do with MTA's blatant corruption and wasteful spending. You could give the MTA the adjusted budget for the next 10 years and they'd spend it all in six months.
We're talking about highly paid workers that do jack shit and contractors that get paid $60+ an hour standing and waiting for supplies to arrive.
the people who can afford public transportation in latin america are upper middle class
user, people who grew up in million dollar houses in california just don't view shit with the same realism as everyone else. whether it's about crime, or racial/social things or immigration. they don't give a fuck about your 18 dollars an hour at the plant in ohio. all they know is that to not let in a million salvadorans who aren't even literate in their native language into california would be racist of them. and you can totally get a junkie off the street with free needles because professor goldberg at berkeley says so. it doesn't matter that 90 percent of the needles aren't returned and end up on the sides of the road or at the beaches because they're not going to be the ones picking that shit up nor is mister goldberg himself
Liberalism is a mental illness
lawrence of arabia
thats what i thought, but the American cities are a lot worse, especially on the west coast. Drugged up people everywhere, homeless all around, beggers on every corner and just dirty overall. It made me appreciate my country a lot more
Vagrants can't afford it either and yet OPs pic shows it
It is deep red but the base landowning red staters are dependent on the migrant labor that out number them 3x1.
That's why Hugo Chavez is a major deal in cali labor laws.
It seems to work because the worlds Taco Bells and McDonald's are open and running everyday.
Cool it with the antisemitic remarks
You're going to new jersey then
for me, it's Deng Yan San
Pic related
Imagine the smell
must be nice. here's s look at who rides in new york.
>most touristic city in the world
that would be nyc/la or london
isnt he getting raped in prison?
Tax money is supposed to fund public transportation and keep the roads and infrastructure maintained / clean. Americans are retarded when it comes to tax, they worship the free market and want tax breaks. This is also why Americans are so fat because they want to keep more money for themselves in order to continue being consumerist zombies, instead of paying their fair share of tax for the public good. Back in the 50s Americans weren’t so retarded, this is when America sent men to the moon, in a mission funded by tax money. Nowadays America can’t even fix potholes.
Imagine actually driving a car instead of comuting with a nice public transportation.
If the goverment invested in it instead of corporate cars you wouldn't need to drive a car you dumbfuck, look at Tokyo or Berlin
If NYC is such a shithole why does it literally subsist on touristbucks?
Lmao nice
Is homeless people living in a metro car the most cyberpunky thing a hobo can do?
Spoiled city slickers
huh? Where's the cellphone?
Probably like the Paris syndrome. Movies and shit setting up people for failure.
>Barbès and Château Rouge
This is akin to me strolling into Chinatown and claiming America is overrun with asians
It was better in the late 90s when giuliani cleaned the place up, and you didn't have as many major chains. There used to be far more unique stores in New York, but now most of them have multiple locations around the US or world.
dayum they brought the tostidos SCOOPS into the damn theater
Same as Paris, normalfag tourists are retards that believe in stockphotos
nope, Paris is literally the most visited city in the world, with Notre-Dame de Paris being the most visited monument in the world. Well used to be anyway. Eiffel Tower is 4th place.
Actually the republicans did this. President Carter tried funding mental Asylums but old alzimers Ronald Regan and the rest of the repubs gutted funding and closed down asylums. Now we are over run with homeless
Province here, is there a single place in Paris that isn't full of nigs ?
Based and squalorpilled.
homelessness is a crust punk sub human lifestyle thing for 99 percent of the people out there
My fucking sides.
But seriously, Leftists need to quit playing this card. Having and liking money doesn't inherently make you "not Leftist" politically or socially. Fuck off.
about 85% I'd say. They are in the north/northeast going on into St-Denis and St-Ouen suburbs but basically everyone south of avenue Jean Jaurès and west of Pigalle is white (or asian in the 13th). The only black guys I ever saw in the 16th arrondissement where I used to live worked the counter at the Pizza Rabbit on avenue Kléber.
NYC is one of the highest taxed cities in one if the highest taxed states in the country...
When they elected a right mayor it was a big thing but it has been lefty since forever
In Hannah we trust
that is incorrect. pulling statistics out your ass is faggy.
are you retarded
is chicago better than new york?
I work in NYC and never, ever sit in subway seats. I have seen literal pools of unexplained blood on them
Except Jews don't have higher IQ on average. Look at Israel.
history's a white wash, guv
Literally any major city that has been run by Democrats for decades, including previously successful ones, have become a shithole.
where do these 5 million needles go? or the millions in Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, Portland, LA? empty your piss bottles and leave your bedroom
holy shit
so is it like 35% now? what the fuck
>I’ll have to look for another place to stay. It’s unfair
Fucking homeless parasites should be shot
>when a dumb faggot thinks mentally disabled people dont like drugs.
Still not as bad as UK
oh so you are retarded
no it isn't lmao, go back to Yea Forums faggot
You aren't homeless but you're still a parasite. You should be shot
America is lost.
They seem to like them an aweful lot.
>first time in NYC (or any big city)
>see an empty car on the subway
>get on
you don't make that nistake twice
Right, because having a job, paying taxes and owning a home are just so parasitic, right? Eat shit you nigger loving retard
I myself am more of a London kino fan
encourage suburbanisation
Vietnam War tanking the economy
tax cuts for the rich
S&L scandal
This is why we need a wall. A big wall. The dems are doing this to the country. Sad!
>4.5 million a year
>city of 800 thousand
Jesus Christ how is that even possible?
But every immigrant who comes legally? No problem, come on in!
vagrants are literally parasites on society. seethe more faggot
And they're still having more sex than you lol
I live in NYC and I shit you not scenes like this are more common than not. It's because we don't institutionalize people with mental health anymore because apparently that's inhumane. Well so is letting them stumble around aimlessly only to die alone in a subway station. It's not that there isn't housing for them, homeless people and druggies get free housing here, it's the fact that no politicians have the nuts to actually have a hard line stance against the homeless who are mentally ill.
Yep, we're fucked
apologies, turns out my info was outdated and Paris is now the 3rd most visited place in the world with ~18 million tourists per year (2nd is London, 1st is Bangkok). But I was right about Notre-Dame with 12 million visitors per year.
>live in New York
>almost every time I'm on the subway I'm one of the only white people on the trains
>homeless regularly come in shouting to give someone money and I have to ask myself if today is the day this specific guy finally snaps and starts attacking me
>people start playing instruments or using the rails as monkey bars and then harass people for money
Send help
>50 insight
>heheheh I'll contract a bunch of sexually transmitted diseases that'll show 'em
time to dilate, tranny.
>live in New York
You poor bastard
Republicans have been slowly dismantling social services, chief amongst these being mental health facilities. Thus, the mentally ill have no resources and nowhere to go but the streets.
>using the rails as monkey bars
using their commuting "offtime" to cram in some workout and better themselves, smart.
If only user, but they always blast music and shout "SHOWTIIIIIIME" before they do it so it's not like they're using them for workouts
Well then move, pussy. We don't need whiners like you here.
Also, you are exaggerating.
Hillary didn't win, though
We should agree to nuke every city above a certain size
The entire country would cheer
A huge big wall would solve everything, trust me, i know about walls. I've built them. Huge big walls, believe me.
You have to live in a shit area for that, I'm in Crown Heights and I only see shit like that when I go to my University in Flatbush.
New York is safer than just about any other large city in the country
this isnt even that bad compared to the 70s and 80s nyc
nothing about non-white immigration? are you a nigger by any chance?
they're all bad and full of niggers. only nice places in america are mid-sized white cities like boise or small towns which are untouched by minorities and liberalism
Sure it does. You're inherently interested in preserving the wealth structure which keeps the proletariat oppressed.
It's been over 200 years since we have a violent revolt against the government.
These people don't really understand left/right. They think Dems = left for some reason and that = bad. The Dems and Repubs work together to create this. NYC is completely corporate and jew owned ran entirely by massive moneyed interests.
I have lived in NYC for 10 years. The best parts of the city are the best places you'll ever go to. Unfortunately, the bad parts of the city are equally terrible.
I think Amazon backing out/being forced out will be looked back as a huge, huge mistake. It also sucks that the city is the hub of "socially liberal and fiscally conservative" memeturds so the tax rate in the city isn't anywhere close to what we need to clean up the infrastructure and get most of the fucking homeless people off the street.
that's an interesting way of spelling capitalism, friendo.
You’re supposed to live in the wealthy 100% white suburbs if you’re a cityfag, dumb flyovers.
>You're inherently interested in preserving the wealth structure which keeps the proletariat oppressed.
Anyone who isn't far right is a crypto-leftist, because they're invested in creating a future where whites are a minority in America and there will be an inevitable interracial wealth redistribution from whites to non-whites, and basic civic virtues we take for granted like respect for private property rights and the rule of law will no longer exist
so pretty much everyone in NYC is a leftist, the president is a leftist and so is 90%+ of the population
>all these seething flyovers ITT
Fuck sake I'm visiting San Francisco next week... at least I'm prepared I guess. Any tips?
t. seething peripheral muttskin
imagine living in a city or town where whiites are the minority and everyone else is a fucking greasy beaner or coon
>The amount of garage, literally and metaphorically, is incredible.
Oh godi hate Garages!
Rural small town America is the same across most of the US. No jobs, no economy except industrial farming and the few jobs there are sick. Towns made entirely of senior retirees because the youth has all left to find work elsewhere. The few who have stayed are working the corner store or food Matt while doing meth at 5x the national average. The nice suburban white America is actually just outside the cities you love to write off as "niggers and liberalism" look up white flight
>you wouldn't need to drive a car
Nobody NEEDS to drive a car, retard. But I like to be able to go wherever, whenever.
>all these faggots defending subhumans and their role in the degredation of western society as a whole
>public transportation
Ive ridden on the MTA subway system more oe less everyday for the past 15 years and have never seen a car like this. But flyover fast food hicks can keep calling NYC a shithole, the less you leave your small town the better.
Finally someone who gets it. Fucking hate fake ass retards who espouse constant social values and support for identity politics but won't raise the taxes on the people really killing the city. Fucking rich foreigners buying up property needs to be curbed, this is happening in major cities all over the US. Living in Boston and can confirm it's awful.
If i were a shitskin lucky enough to be in america id do everything in my power to stop more from coming in
>who made them part of western society
I'll give you a moment to think on that one Cletus
Unemployment reaches a near all time low?
He tries to keep us safe by barring people who blow themselves up from entering the country?
Woah wtf
wot, the UK is many orders of magnitude better than the US demographic wise both nationally and in our cities
Queens may be a dump but it least it has good food. NYC is trash
People who have the time and money to immigrate legally are way less of problems than illegals
Stay in school, son.
Permanent post war economy that takes half of your tax dollars to bomb brown people for oil you'll never see or benefit from
So many cucks in this thread lol, wake up retards you're being played by blaming everything on nignogs
Why did you poop on her head, user?
>even when completely cucked and browned britbongs still find a way to make fun of the frogs
so what if people litter there. manhattan itself is just a big chunk of litter
Expect when it is full of white trash and they aren't any better than ghetto niggers.
What's the white man on the left thinking while looking at that shit?
Even in London?
and they are all left leaning dipshit
>actually defending subhumans irreversibely changing western society to the worse
people are shitty. nothing new
>when you forget to take off the ring of Hircine
White trash are literally prefferable to ghetto niggers
In large numbers with white trash the worst you get are porch pirates and heroine use
With large numbers of blacks you get fucking beat, stabbed, robbed at gunpoint or shot
A non-meme answer here but I ride NYC public transportation every day and this is waaay outside of the norm. What you do get on at least one car on every train is a raving crazy person that is bitching either about their hardships or at white people for being white. Matter of fact, Chicago's public transportation was relatively clean as well.
Same as the alzheimer lady to the right. "This is fine, at least nobody can call us racists"
I hate to suffer. That's why I have never gone to NY.
And who did take them to america in first place?
You villify rednecks and white trash but they are FAR prefferable to the equivalent of other races and you fucking know this
You will live near whites if you are able to, until you die. Have fun with the cognotive dissonance though
Never said I'm from CA. I'm in AZ
Left leaning means literally nothing when they take money from the same people. There is no difference between the Dems in NYC and the Republicans in say Salt Lake City. Only difference is one will support gay rights. You really need to do some independent thinking and research. Left leaning = bad and right = good/white is elementary level thought
Manhattan looks great, I understand that burgers are used to it but as a yuropoor its a fascinating place
We should unironically just start killing mentally ill bums. Euthanasia
>Nobody NEEDS to drive a car
What kind of moronic statement is this. Yes if you live in 98% of the rest of the continental US landmass and don't telecommute you need a drive a car. Neets should keep their opinions to themselves.
Not even kidding
>you get fucking beat, stabbed, robbed at gunpoint or shot
You get those too with white trash maybe not as much as with ghetto niggers. Those fuckers are even worse with knives because they bring them every where.