Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
Previous Thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:!LBFnCIgB!BfED7Af2CAsV0ZvAeoaN1muFXN4oHYQzLS7JZ0Ahfwk

torrent when?

Good morning, Alitanons

First for wholesome Alita

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I don't feel like torrenting Xbet and jnkny

We need blessings for new thread

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>floplita is an absolute abomination of an adaptation >performs appallingly at the box office
>trust me guys, there will be a sequel!
Well, I'm convinced

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Hello friends I'm happy for this new bread and new day

How many hours do you spend on Yea Forums lol?

How can one be so dedicated?

Hello frens

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Actively participating it can be like 10-18hours. It probably seems like I'm here a lot more because I time my posts

But during the week its like 6-8 hours

I kinda like his daily post lol. He has become a regular. He's the thread's zapan lol

I like the guy desu.

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So he is a privileged white man who owns Yea Forums

Truly our lives are nothing but an endless comedy.

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What do you guys even do in these threads?

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Lol :D

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Meet ups

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Hello new bread, please be healed by Arita!

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Alita European Tour:

3D: Utrecht, Netherlands: May 7th and 8th
3D: Berlin, Germany UCI Luxe Mercedes Platz, Friedrichshain: May 9th, 10th and 12th

May 7th: Berlin area, Germany: Thalia Kino; Filmpalast Bernau; Movie Magic; Movietown Wust; Scala Kulturpalast
May 8th: Berlin area, Germany: Scala Kulturpalast
Neufahrn, Germany: May 10th, 12th and 13th
Kaufbeuren, Germany: May 10th and 11th
May 13th: Paris, France. Warning: Dubbed
May 18th: Cologne, Germany: Open air kino.
June 1st: Imax in Oslo, Norway???
June 5th: Berlin, Germany: Open air Freiluftkino Hasenheide Volkspark in Neukölln, Berlin (next to Tempelhof).
June 7th: Cologne, Germany: Open air kino
Westfalenpark PSD Open Air kino in Dortmund: Still collecting surveys for which movies they are going to screen.

Hi fren. Happy to have you here.

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Why would you take all of her money user that's mean

Are these threads just for posting the same pictures of Alita over and over? Why?


Nah but there's definitely a series of highlights. We hang out, talk movie, make shops, etc... It's a nice place

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Is this a good movie? Also why so many generals and a tour? Is it an indie film? Or is it because she's a cute little girl?

Good Morning Alitans
Thread OST:

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> It's a nice place
Last thread wasn't so nice

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It happens. We always come back to it.

Best action scenes since the matrix
Best cgi since avatar.
Great story
Best adaptation of any manga/anime
Best character
Cool villains
Great sci fi.
No quips, no woke stuff

It's a genuinely excellent movie which captured our hearts through both great storytelling, top notch effects, and the best protagonist I've seen in years. I'd highly recommend it, though I'd wait for a blu ray to experience it as best if you're patient enough for it.

>w-we're discussing the movie
yeah totally. fucking angsty faggots using this as a chatroom. now witness my 5.

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Cute main protagonist, and really nice action scenes. 10/10 would watch again.

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Begone imposter

Oh yeah? Check my 6.

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Oof, off by one.


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hwell sheit. I'll check it out then anons. Thank you.

Best movie Robert Rodriguez ever made.

We need based Sneedposters to kill these threads like they did to /reylo/

Ok so we've talked a lot about what they're going to do with the people in Zalem since it seems like Chiren has a brain and therefore not a chip like the rest of the citizens. But how do we know for sure that it actually was Chiren's brain in the tank. What if Nova was fucking with Vector by asking him to bring her brain when he knew there was none there. So Vector just panicked and found whatever nearest brain he could?

They tried and the jannies banned them. We're not causing real life problems so we're well within our rights to stay.

Will Alita become punished like Sarah in the sequel?

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She learns to play music and gets a band

If anything, you're in the wrong for calling for an invasion. See you later.

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Use this one, not any of those in the bay of pirates, as some user matched up the best audio and the best visual rips we had. And its much better.

She plays solo doesn't she?

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yeah it you're checking a torrent the user-made one is the best option:

This assumes that Vector knows about the chips. If Nova did the operation, Vector would be none the wiser. If that really was Chiren, that means the film leans closer to the OVA than the manga - or that the chips are enclosed in an interface that looks like a brain - maybe even with weights inside to fool anyone who cracks the skull of a Zalemite

Cool chat room

first for dumping a HUGE stinky cumload right on alita's face

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/reylo/ And /ALITA/ are very different, were here to collectively enjoy a movie, and that in many cases driven us to improve and better out lives. Unlike the forced lovey-dovey crap that /reylo/ was...

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Nah, that actually is Chiren's brain. We see her get confronted by Grewishka with the door opening and next time she's mentioned, it's that display with her brain and body parts. There's no reason to believe that's not her.

I didn't (you) the post I needed to...

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Why? Should we make 10 avengers threads and 10 GOT threads? Would you prefer that?

Oh fuck that's true I like your theory. But yeah it's not unreasonable that Nova could have patched in to Vector and supervised the operation himself. I wonder if the people being overridden by Nova can still sense though their regular senses. It's kind of implied through the conversation after the Grewishka rebuild right? Or maybe Vector is just guessing.

yeah in the current way the movie shows us we have to assume it's hers, but there might be something to play around with for the reveal there. Also Alita fucks off after killing Vector with the brain still in the box on his counter. I wonder what happens to it? Someone must fill in Vector's shoes but I wonder if they know what's in it. Pretty terrible place to have to sit as a brain.

Did nova take over vector to have sex with chiren? Is that rape?


Interesting if alita takes the brain to ido for ido to put it on a robot body

And why?

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I think it's likely that he re-patched himself to Vector in order to talk to Chiren in private. I think the fact that Vector laughed about having promised Zalem to Hugo in front of Chiren showed that he wasn't aware of what Nova and Chiren had talked about - and that Chiren hadn't let him in on the secret. Vector is too smooth to forget himself like that, even in the supposed moment of triumph.
Vector and Nova kind of mess up each others' plans, because Nova just wants the entertainment, while Vector actually wants to get Alita in the easiest way possible.

I mean legally yes but also I feel like that might kill the mood. Although patching in doesn't seem to be painful unlike leaving.
I kinda like the idea that Alita tries to come back for it. Especially given she saved Hugo

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Oh yeah I guess that's true. I thought it was just Vector slipping up but I like your explanation better.

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Berserker and Imaginos bodies best manga Alitas fight me

I seriously want a count on how many people we've convinced to watch this here alone. It must be dozens by now.

because i prefer retarded shitposters over people pretending to discuss a movie, at least they're obvious about their intentions

Feel free to look at the recent posts in this thread for some discussion user.

I still prefer once upon a time in mexico by a narrow margin.

I scrolled through these threads, hence
to discuss a movie. are you playing stupid or are people actually supposed to fall for this?

Was there something you wanted to add? I like to think there's some interesting points there.

Why cant you filter this thread you fucking queer


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There's a real theme of broken loyalties here: Hugo gets detached from the parts jacking when Vector promises him Zalem for bringing Alita to Motorball. Chiren has less reason to be loyal to Vector when she now has a direct line to Nova; but while Vector's vague promise of Zalem had worked well on Chiren - his crass comment about Hugo made Chiren realise that Nova is no more in a position to promise her Zalem than Vector was. I suspect that Vector never directly promised Zalem to Chiren, but when Nova did it she hungrily lapped it up.
When Vector laughs at Hugo, he does it with the implied absurdity of someone like Hugo or Vector going to Zalem - but he doesn't seem to realize that his comment made Chiren wake up from the lie.

I could start posting Alita faces if you want

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Alita fucking sucks

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What would you like me to post

>dodging the question
thanks for the confirmation

I did, months ago. I just installed a fresh OS on another laptop and noticed you faggots are STILL HERE. this movie has been out for fucking MONTHS. you aren't discussing shit, you're the same people making the same thread over and over again.

>alitafags in charge of calling anyone a queer
lmao'ing @ your life

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But why does this thread bother you? Talk to me amigo

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Not quite sure...

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Let's go Flannel Daddy, I'll cover you!

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If every fanbase kept nonsensical generals around for months Yea Forums would consist of nothing but generals in a matter of time, wouldn't even take long. The purposes of this thread can easily be fulfilled by an IRC, Discord or whatever the fuck you like. Generals are the cancer of any board. Prove me wrong.


This is one of my favourite edits

The generals on /fit/ for example are the best part of the board. What do I win?

I'm glad to hear that user, it took a good bit of work

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There would only be ONE avengers thread
Only ONE GOT thread. Only ONE for each
Instead we have 20 threads each. congratulations great board.

this, honestly

Yeah actually why not do that? I mean if a movie deserves a general it will keep existing if people post in it. If not then something else will take its place. Sounds like a better way of fostering small content growth and keeps the work easier for the jannies.
>trying to argue against generals in a general thread

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Fair enough, I don't frequent /fit/ so I'll take your word on that.

You're right, the rules state one thread per subject. But instead of constantly reverting to
>muh capeshit, muh got
you could try and respond to the substance of my post, no?

Cancer is something that spreads. Generals don't spread

My post is that one alita thread is much better than 20 GOT threads. I rather post alita faces in here and talk with people than see one of the 20 GOT threads. You are angry at our one alita thread when.the board is getting shit on by GOT and Marvel fags. You might not like alita or might not like us in here together, but we are a lot better than the shitposters posting brie larson 20 times a day.

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Ok let's break your post down:
>If every fanbase kept nonsensical generals
What makes this general nonsensical? You need to provide reasons or a metric for it rather than just stating it as an assumed fact.
> around for months Yea Forums would consist of nothing but generals in a matter of time, wouldn't even take long
This has previously been discussed by other posts, but to expand on it, only films/TV which generated enough consistent interest would have enough posts to keep them afloat. For example the Cobra Kai general moves in an out of rotation as people stop posting in it. Consolidating major releases to generals may help generate better discussion in said threads as it makes identifying shitposters and trolls easier.
>The purposes of this thread can easily be fulfilled by an IRC, Discord or whatever the fuck you like.
The anonymity provided by this environment is unique and as such you miss the point of the thread here. The format suits the loose form of content creation and discussion which other environments do not.
>Generals are the cancer of any board.
See comments RE fit.
>Prove me wrong.

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The main reason this place is great is because it's anonymous, and despite a few cancerous namefags in the A/US hours we mostly keep it that way. Going to discord or even IRC would give everyone an identity, which would just make it worse.
The movie is great, you should watch it.

Throwback to an OLD piece of OC which took a whole collective thread to create.

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Yeah the fact that the namefags also stay user 90% of the time helps keep the place from collapsing due to their egos. We're a good community, and certainly better than most of Yea Forums

Fuck off hating on namefags, they almost never use them anyways.


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>/m/ thread died

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You better make another one user!

>What makes this general nonsensical? You need to provide reasons or a metric for it rather than just stating it as an assumed fact.
I already mentioned this. You are the same people making the same thread over and over, without any meaningful discussion (go and deny it in your next post). The purposes that this thread fulfills can easily be fulfilled by an IRC or any alternative to it, you could even argue that it's a superior alternative to what you're doing right now.
>only films/TV which generated enough consistent interest would have enough posts to keep them afloat. For example the Cobra Kai general moves in an out of rotation as people stop posting in it. Consolidating major releases to generals may help generate better discussion in said threads as it makes identifying shitposters and trolls easier.
Again, you´re not discussing shit here. You know that.
>The anonymity provided by this environment is unique and as such you miss the point of the thread here. The format suits the loose form of content creation and discussion which other environments do not.
Your first point with a hint of truth. It would indeed be applicable if you niggers actually created any content, but you don't. You just post .jpg's of Alita.
>See comments RE fit.
One example that I personally cannot deny or confirm since I don't browse /fit/. There's plenty of generals that serve as an example to refute that point. see: /alita/

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This. And here they are just temporal namefags. Some generals have actual tripfags that trip all the time and are ever-present. That's when that shit is truly out of line.

>refuses to acknowledge even the discussion and speculation earlier in the thread
Oh ok you don't really want to engage and talk about it in good faith. That's ok too. I hope you find some meaning in the future.
You should watch the film sometime.

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So much text and literally all I got out of it is: I don't like this, so it should be gotten rid of. Again, filter them and leave. Have fun in your 60 Game of Thrones threads or whatever. No more (You)'s for you.

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>temporal namefags
I like that term user


Excellent filename user

This film really has inspired so much good fan work.

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Anymore Goose OC?

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This movie was such shit, I literally wanted my money back after watching it.

Yeah, I just looked, there are 15 Game of Thrones threads on the first 5 pages. Wow, we're totally ruining the board.

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user prefers this apparently:

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Are you kidding, the X-15 sequence and the Gemini 8 was done perfectly, the gemini 8 sequence was almost word for word and time accurate.

Attached: first man x-15.webm (1920x800, 2.86M)

>So much text and literally all I got out of it is: I don't like this, so it should be gotten rid of.
Go read a book nigger, are you really this stupid? Here I was thinking I could actually get a meaningful discussion out of one of you nogs.

Not an argument. How does anything on Yea Forums affect our lives? We should all just leave this website. You first though buddy.

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15 game of thrones threads
17 capeshit threads
20 meme threads
1 alita thread

It just came off as pretty soulless and forgettable to me. In addition, the moon landing scene didn't even contain the American flag. Anywhere. At all. As if the US-of-fucking-A was not THE country that did it. That was a big deal back then, and it still is. All the technical correctness in the world is meaningless to me when they fuck up the "why" and "who" of all of it.

Why arent you fighting against the GOT threads?

One thread to rule them all

>Not an argument. How does anything on Yea Forums affect our lives? We should all just leave this website. You first though buddy

But you still are not answering. Why do you need this thread to die and how would this thread disappearing make your Yea Forums experience better?

>At all

Attached: american flag first man.png (2560x1080, 2.35M)

Ok, I'll bite. What constitutes 'discussion' to you? As that seems to be the crux of your argument. How's this for a start?

Attached: foryouanon.png (982x685, 66K)

Really get's you cognitive neurons going...
And the rest is either actual discussion's or shitposting...

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Buddy you need to go and count again

I even missed a few....

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Yeah, it's more than that.

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Alright, I admit, I fibbed a bit on that. Still, of all the thing they show him doing during the scene, they never show him place or mention the flag at all. Arguably THE most symbolic thing a US astronaut ever did, and he didn't even do it in the movie. I was pissed.

>that wall of text
Get a life you fucking loser


Attached: first man flag raise.webm (1920x800, 826K)

>m-muh got
For the third(?) time, we are in agreement here. If you have anything else to add, I'll gladly here it.

I am, they can piss off all the same. Retarded tourists from reddit. It's just less obvious since as some others here said, there are a dozen threads which reach bump limit in a very short timespan. This is not the case for your general.

You act like I target this thread specifically, I don't. You're the only people that actually try to answer my posts to some extent, props for that. Capeshit and gotfags just say "lol fuck u" and move on.

What constitutes 'pretending' to you? How's this for a start?

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Much, much, much more.

Last time I counted it was 73

That's a shame, but at barely 100 posts in 2 weeks, it's probably for the best it was put out of its misery. The movie brought a resurgence of popularity for the manga but not nearly enough that you can discuss it with enough people here apparently and it'd be buried in 2 hours on Yea Forums. The best we get is just this, the 2 hours of movie and wishful thinking about future adaptations. Movie Erica never.

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>flag not on the moon
give me a break user

Kek that's the kind of technical correctness I like

Right now 27 GOT threads

Its right there

>You act like I target this thread specifically, I don't. You're the only people that actually try to answer my posts to some extent, props for that. Capeshit and gotfags just say "lol fuck u" and move on

We are nice enough to talk to you, wouldnt you want us around?

>This fucking thread

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I still don't think that's right. Are you looking at the thumbnails and stuff? Often times they just put bait pictures from the episodes

Ok we have our definitions now. By stating that there is 'pretend' discussion here, you are acknowledging that there is discussion occurring, but that the underlying nature of it is illegitimate or non-genuine. Therefore the threads do not function as a forum of genuine discussion, which is why they should be removed. Sound good so far?

As you are attempting to disprove the genuine nature of the discussions in this thread, it it your responsibility to adduce evidence to that end. The burden of proving this claim rests on you. What evidence do you have?

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>3 months and almost 500 Alita general threads filled with nothing but fluff posts and spam
Don't you people have lives?

Ok are you trying to troll me now, or what?

I'm specifically talking about Neil himself, ON THE MOON, raising the flag, ON THE MOON. It doesn't happen, zero screen time. That's what I care about, that's what the people back then cared about. Not some out of context scene of a kid raising a flag on earth.

Im looking at the catalog. There are 27 threads related to GOT. All the way down

Ok mangafriend I loved the original gunnm run. Is LO worth it? How about MC?

I can't speak for the others, but I don't.

I live for Alita

Cant check right now, phone posting but is this a real blu ray leak?

Holy fuck I didn't realise it was that bad bros. We need more /healing/ stat.

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This is the best response

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Nah it's the edited rip mashup one of our based anons made. I still rewatch scenes from it constantly help me.

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Yeah but I post here when work is quiet and I like the community.

:( I’m literally dying waiting for the blu ray leak

Fuck off and create your own movie

I have a job, and a gf that sucks up a lot of my time, if it weren't for those things, I would spend most of my time here.

What the fuck. I'm sorry for doubting you user.

Looks like the mods are doing their jobs and allowing "only" 25+ GoT threads not 70+ like the other day

For what it's worth, you're better than the capeshit shills posting box offices like a personal victory.

A few hundred generals later I doubt you have much to add that hasn't already been discussed several times over. But since you'd really like to hear it; yes, I cannot factually prove you are pretending. Bravo. How could anyone?

Lmao why are you so pissed? You aren't American, are you? It sure as shit seems like it, since you completely fail to grasp why I am judging the movie so harshly.

>a gf
Alita doesn't count

You do not deserve such digits

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literally owned that game unironically

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You should all buy multiple copies of the movie but I'll personally rip and upload a BD copy of it here for those anons who can't afford to buy their own.

Ultimate argument

Attached: Thanks anon.png (600x675, 344K)

DESU, I would rather not have a 3D gf right now, but since I live with her, I can't really just get rid of her.

Girls are a fucking pain in the ass and a drain of time and resources. She isn't even hot. I rue the day I decided to move in with her.

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You're discussing in better faith than I thought. An example of good proof would be leaked screenshots from any sort of external platform that prove we have an agenda. The fact that you can't makes your argument difficult to prove and therefore accept as a reason to change my actions. In turn I will concede that we do not always have discussion in every thread (although in the vast majority of them there is something meaningful to be taken from it. For example the above discussion about brains vs chips has not occurred in my recollection yet. Furthermore these discussions are in my experience always legitimate.) I think it's just an aspect of the format of Yea Forums(nel) that there will be necessarily posts in threads which are off-topic. I think that we keep things contained and clean enough to make the off-topic threads worth bearing when considering the different forms of expression which this thread has created.

Fundamentally to me, this thread is an example of genuine passion and caring about something, free from irony or sarcasm. Much like the film itself, many of us here felt like we lost this and are now slowly regaining it. As such, I think the thread is an overall positive not just for this creativity it fosters, but for the userbase of this site. It's certainly made me a little less cynical when engaging with people.

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We need to start ALITA day the same way DREDD day was a thing
All of us need to buy a copy of alita to give as a gift to someone.
Or give alita as a birthday present or as christmas present

I just made this .webm today, we were just discussing a new angle on characters appearances that progress throughout the film , and here's an analysis I did not too long ago.
There's still more stuff I can discuss, you're more than welcome to join us.

Attached: Diamondhands.webm (960x804, 2.22M)

Thank you friend. I'm buying a copy for myself and probably one as a present but it's nice to have access to a HQ rip. What quality are you going to rip it in?

What's stopping you from breaking up?

No leftist propaganda in the film and and was a genuinely cool experience seeing it in theatres. Robert Rodriguez actually made a good movie for once.

oh hey neat that's a cool paste I like your anlysis
yeah i can do that

Im pacing myself on the manga. I've only read 6 vol of the original manga and don't want any more spoilers than I've already gotten.

Damn. Doesn't even sound like much of a gf desu. You sure you actually like this girl user?

1080p highest qualty possible, since I don't have a 4K drive.

The fact that she's fucking crazy and hopelessly obsessed with me still, and that both our names are on the lease.

I just fucked up. I fucked up really bad. That's all there is to it. Biggest mistake of my life.

Dredd got enough buzz to create a new show. DREDD day literally saved that movie.

>a new show
This MUST NOT be the fate of Alita. She needs proper sequels, or nothing. I could not stand to see her defaced by anything less than proper cinematic glory.

>both our names are on the lease.
Uh oh.

How long is the lease?

Married, just had a baby. I post here when work is slow and I'm stuck holding my lil guy at night or at odd hours of the morning.

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I must know more. Why is she crazy? Do you guys still fuck?

It won't, with Cameron, it's either a feature length trilogy or it's not happening at all. Cameron is all about the cinema experience.

It was pretty hard to have a discussion about anything when we were being spammed or raided. I like the mix of movie discussion, OC creation, and informed speculation on the production and future of this movie, but I’ll be leaving if we just end up with ritualistic reposting of the same things. I also enjoyed the screening reports, but those will dry up when it finally leaves theaters. (My theater still is running Bohemian Rhapsody long after the BD came out, but that’s a bit of an outlier.)

Cameron wont let them fuck with his waifu. I doubt he would let them fuck it up.
My point is, buying alita as a gift supports the movie and you make a new alita fan

Yeah and Alita is in a MUCH better place than Dredd. Pic related.

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That sounds cute

The new Dredd showing confirmed afaik

but I get rock hard thinking about 2012 Dredd

Yeah like even the lower quality posts are often shaken up with new things. Hell look at the evolution of vamplita as a thing. Despite not being invested it's still fun to see what the people here do with the tools and creativity given to us.
Yeah that's reasonable. I'm very much ready for it user.

I like movies with female roles that don't capitalize on their sexuality or make them stronger than male characters just to push a feminist agenda, Fury Road is a great example. Furiosa is actually desexualized in my opinion which is practical given her circumstances. Not once did I feel that her character was made to "empower" women or prove anything about gender.

>domestic gross 13 million

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Holy crap I had no idea Dredd bombed THAT hard. It was a pretty good movie honestly.

Man up weakling. Change the locks and throw all her shit on the front lawn. She'll move on.

Someone up top fucking hated that movie

2012 Dredd is genuine Kino and Anderson is a good partner for /ourgirl/

You're alright user. Your post makes me reconsider my views on your general, you have my understanding.

Not worth it if you already dislike her user. If you are already telling random internet anons, you should probably just tell her and be honest

Thanks for the chat. I'm glad we could have a discussion about it and as always you're welcome here any time. I will very much join you in hating the 30+ GoT threads here at any given time and I really do miss the days of Yea Forums being a more focused board.

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So that means you pay for everything. Damn.
How does she handle never fucking? Does she mind?
Do you guys do anything fun? Do you guys have any fun at all? Do you guys even hang out outside of home?

Our relationship is as long and close as it is fucked up. I can't really explain it well. She has a lot of problems, both medical and psychological, and I don't want to leave her without at least knowing that she will be able to fend for herself and survive.

Yeah it was also marketed as 'Dredd 3D' which ruined any chance it had of success as it was a non-gimmicky 3D film.

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Not that user, but thank you for considering that. He articulated what I was thinking. Even the worst threads in this general I still find some kind of solace in, free from the usual cynicism that floods the board.
Agreed, Yea Forums is a pure shitposting board with no drive, I miss how it used to be back in 2012. I think that's why I view /alita/ as amost a return to form. We got that movie dub coming up.

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2012 Dredd is the only movie I have on bluray and the only one I have gotten a physical copy of in the past 10 years I believe. I love that movie so much. I loved Anderson in it, Karl urban was great, everything.

But sadly, I don't think Olivia Thrilby will be renewing her role as Anderson any time soon. She's some crazy chick with TDS and hasn't taken a role since 2012 I don't think

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Well Vamplita is fucking retarded and makes me quit this place when it shows up.

Post picture of girlfriend's tits please.

Holy shit only 6 weeks in release? That's absolute garbage.

Shes just waiting for the new Dredd project kek

>Alright user, it's all or nothing time

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I think a lot of people don't get it and like it, but I think there's enough space in this thread for lots of little groups to exist together in relative peace. I think walking away from things you don't like and coming back when they inevitably cycle out is a great way of doing it.

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kek that was fast

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Don't have one. Didn't even bother saving any. You aren't missing anything.

>Olivia Thrilby
All i know is that she has casual sex with her male friends. It is well known. She will casually bang them like it was nothing.

Rain is the greatest tragedy possible in the manga alita world since it ruins her floofy hair
Nice digits. I watched it with my boomer dad and he fucking loved it too so that was a fun experience

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Picture posts are just spam and they don't add anything to the generals

Also, that overturned baptismal font underscores the abandonment of faith and signifies that there is no path to salvation in Iron City. At least before Alita.

>god I wish that were me

I was wrong, apparently she's still active. She just hasn't had any noteworthy roles. She's just not active on Twitter either since her fame literally died in the ass after Dredd

hello fren

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And that's fair enough for you to feel that way. I feel they add art which new people may not have seen before, and they keep the thread alive in quiet hours. Whatever differences of opinion we have we are all fundamentally united under one banner.

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I hope she still has the Anderson uniform

whats happening frens?

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>the path to salvation is to die in glorious battle against the xenos scum, the light of the emperor emitting from your lasgun until your final moments.

Oh wait, wrong universe.

but it shouldn't be, I really wish this crossover was a thing.

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>I watched it with my boomer dad and he fucking loved it too so that was a fun experience
It was the first movie I came out of and said "that was fucking awesome!!" And wanted to go see another session.

To bad none of my friends see movies twice.

I would fucking kill to see Dredd in the movies. I own a Dredd cup and am going to buy another one as I don't like this one much.

We're having a good meta-discussion and we've hit peak comfy hours. Also I want to get back to a discussion a few threads ago about the most effective motorball bodies. As such I'm r/ing the rules to motorball from Ido's journal again if anyone's got them.

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Nice webm- again you can see that RR worked REALLY hard to emulate the look of a cameron film

Where do I buy this?

I miss it dearly. There's no way of returning to those days but if this thread gives you a slight sensation of reliving it, I fully understand why you cherish it.

You're welcome. Discussion for the sake of gaining an understanding should be what Yea Forums is all about.

it doest really exist, but you can look for something closer in "ball jointed dolls" online

Fren this, fren that. Do you ever fucking stop? It's only cute if you don't overdo it. Bitch.

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Guess that means someone needs to MAKE it huh?
Honestly friend you should watch the film when it drops on BD and then come join us with the new people. We'll have a hell of a community experience together with the melding of the old guard and the new.

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you have to leave fren. you have outgrown these threads fren

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I wonder frens, isn't this the first time a movie becomes a cult in such a short time

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how many times have you saved the mlem?

the picture doll you want is a 3D creation, i guess someone could scan it

>the most effective motorball bodies
Wouldn't it be a bit like in Gladiator fight, that you want bodies which are quite different (for the sake of drama and variety) but still pretty equally matched (for the betting odds and for the match to be interesting to watch)? As such, is effectiveness even the main consideration?
If it was as purely meritocratic sport, we'd see an evolution towards one optimum form, right? Or would we see optimization towards local maxima?

one time fren

Yeah it feels like it. I haven't seen a fanbase rise like this in my life around a film so on the brink of success or failure.
excellent work SOLDIER

Attached: soldier1.png (1919x804, 2.85M)

I'll consider it. I was put off by the very mixed reviews the movie got. Then again, a lot of 'cult' movies receive little praise.

She's cute and the world is cool but the story is shit and ended before she even beat the bad guy or finished her mission lol, is there supposed to be a second film or something?

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I don't even think Alita is dead set on "finishing the mission". She knows she's a super soldier from the great war, but BURNING THE SKIES is perhaps not her goal this time around.

please no off topic pictures. no spamming please

The story is one of Alita's personal growth through dealing with her past and the love an loss of Hugo. Nova is only incidental to that, although we would like to see it explored in a sequel.

You're still mad about your off topic image dumps being unappreciated, huh? The odd reaction image is OK, man, relax.

we cant have people randomly spamming the thread

If you do, make sure you check in with us. I'll be there since I'm writefag. Regardless I hope you have an excellent day wherever you are.
Yeah there's the regulations outlined about the types of weapons and power a body can have. But yeah I would assume that sponsor money and the ability to have an aesthetic for the types of fans who like you would play a role. Again Jashugan is fascinating since he seems to have that mix of size and power which shows why he's so dominant even in the brief screen time he has.

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>sponsor money
Sponsored by "The Factory"?...... who else would even afford to sponsor it?
When people talk about the movie and the image limit is far in sight, I'm not bothered about a relevant Samoan cave painting being used as a reaction image.

F r e s h

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>good morning user
>did you sleep well?

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And the same to you, Alitabro. Remember this trip, I shall return when I have seen the movie.

i do not want this place turning into tumblr. do not make me bring up the rules, respect the thread's etiquette

Morning frens

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Morning, Alita. Breakfast is ready.

Attached: choco_opening.webm (360x160, 1.93M)

Absolute mother.

Kek cute

That's an adorable edit

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You'll be /healed/ before you know it.

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That's so sweet!

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I’ll be buying it but the leak always comes out before the actual release

>time for your physical exam, user
>we have to make sure all those body parts are in working order
>yes, even that one

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It's gonna be a big day when it finally arrives. Much celebration.

I really want to watch this movie but I can't find a good download. I've got 2 already that turned out to be camrips filmed with a 5th century BC potato.

I know, right - that's all we have. That and 2nd run theaters and a few outdoor screenings. And like three different 3D kinos on each continent(?). And a "maybe" Imax, which is almost always just Aladdin.
Welcome to the suffering.

>desperate incel thread #480
Alita sucked so hard and she looked ridiculous lets face it, no one's calling for a sequel and you thirsty weebs don't count, all twenty of you.

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have a (thee)

We'll let you know when a good leak is out fren

Thank you, I will keep an eye out on these threads.

That blows my mind considering there's big names attached. Why would it be this difficult to watch, not exactly conducive to good sales.

If you guys are going back there again, surely one if you can sneak a better quality camera in with you

This is much better than any user with a camera could get....

>Alita sucked so hard
Agreed. My cock is still sore from last weekend. She needs to lighten up with the suction.

Someone found writefriend's pastebin and is sharing it around normiebook. Just a heads' up. Dem lewds. I just pretend to never have seen them before, because secret club.

Oh fucking ugh thanks for the heads up man. I wonder who posted it.

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>sucking and fucking
>and sucking and fucking
>and sucking and fucking
>and sucking and fucking
Is that all these /ALITA/ general threads are about?

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Nah we convert people too.

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when is the blu ray rip my dudes?
I haven't seen it yet but #477 threads convinced me to watch it.

A lot of the negative reviews stem from publications sending the wrong guy to review it, like NYT. If you hate all things unrealistic you won't like a movie like this, but if you enjoy sci-fi, action, and well written characters you'll love it.

Check again in 2 months.

We wish we knew. Latest possible date is mid June we think. Make sure you come by once you watch it and tell us what you think though!

The movie was a dismal flop. The production went bankrupt when the movie failed so hard in theatres. There won't be a sequel. There isn't even money to fund a bluray. There won't be one. That shitty chinese cam rip is as good as it gets.

Would you rather be seeding and feeding?

The date is set on June 1st in Oslo, we just need tronderfag to verify to the cinema that we can actually pay them what we promised.

I'll ask Odeon for a copy after we've seen the movie.

yeah with a break-even point of 700 million why even bother

The whole thing looks like a straight to DVD production anyway, I don't get it.
Push this out before everyone (else) forgets.

>The production went bankrupt when the movie failed so hard in theatres

Also someone else would just distribute the bluray

May as well cancel the Avatar sequels at this rate, amirite?

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He's just being silly to get a reaction from us

if you get to a theatre and you're doing anything other than watching ourgirl on the big screen with your fullest attention i'm going to be disappointed in you user


Talking about NOT cam ripping isn't a crime retard.

Its fine, the best rip we have now is good enough till the BR drops or it gets leaked.

Nah but streaming it is illegal. It's the same level as piracy

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Who makes the new thread

i call new thread

This >online public discussion of theft and distribution of stolen copyrighted material
Enjoy being on the FBI watch list.

Attached: fbi.png (591x215, 104K)

this is a CUTE small alita


Have YouTube used this in court? I can't remember


why is the FBI website so ugly?

I'm going to pirate Alita 20 times over just for this post



I think they were joking