Its inevitable isnt it?

its inevitable isnt it?

Attached: simil1.jpg (1600x766, 1.03M)

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Hope not

Isn't Beren and Luthien the base plot of the Amazon series?

There is no one I feel worse for than Christopher Tolkien.

Series are in the second age. The twitter page posted a map of ME with Numenor on it. So no way

>its inevitable isnt it?

No, it isn't. Normies aren't even interested enough in this to even consider it. Only reason why they're remaking TLoTR on Netflix is purely because of the the success of the Peter Jackson movies. If it weren't for him modern producers would've never even optioned any Tolkien works for adaptation.

the amazon series is fanfic, they broadly have the rights to the universe but not any published works.

Pretty sure christopher is taking every legal precaution he can to ensure it never does.

Only Beren and Luthien. The Silmarillion is too high IQ for normies.

>idiots don't know that the two books are basically in the Silmarillion

can you imagine them making sauron look hot without a mask and adding fucking legolas of all people to the films

C. Tolkien still protects the rights to it, but he's 94. Who knows what happens after him.

Seeing how people went apeshit with the pretty basic behind-the-curtain politics and betrayals of GoT, a story set in the first age with the elves' awakening, their passage to Valinor, and their coming back to Middle-Earty has sick potential.

>The journey West
>Silmarils' creation
>Feanor throwing shit
>the burning of the ships
>the war against Melkor

Truly, the only problem is that you can't do that without at least a way of presenting the gods, what they stand for, who Melkor is and all the basic lore...

the lord of the pingas xD

Hobbitheads around the world rejoice!

Attached: 1532564013664.jpg (194x259, 6K)

Didn't the shitty Mordor games already ruin this setting?

>The Fall of Gondolin
Balrogs riding dragons over the Encircling Mountains.

He's 93, he's gonna die soon and the grandchildren will be easier to convince when Amazon shows up with a truck full of cash

How will they screw up Mim's character?

not daring to pronounce his name as meme

>The twitter page posted a map of ME with Numenor on it
What's their Twitter?

Attached: lord of the rings amazon map4.jpg (1000x730, 194K)
