Tfw all my coworkers talk about is capeshit and GoT

>tfw all my coworkers talk about is capeshit and GoT

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yes, it's what they do to communicate, they don't like silence nor do they like being themselves. They reflect their empty shell into a show to have some kind of identity. They also do it to have something in common "you watch game of thrones and marvel?" and then you can spend 20 minutes talking about it.

>They reflect their empty shell into a show to have some kind of identity.
unlike yourself right?

Correct, I'm a special boy with high IQ and do not have time for the fruitless pursuits of children.

/biz/ wasnt kidding when they said this place was filled with wagies
do you guys wear kneepads to work?


haha, thanks for putting in the hard work wagie! society just couldnt function without its worker bees.

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They must browse Yea Forums then.

seething incel detected

yes, I'm very intelligent.
lol, have sex incel

>be me
>Have a gf
>She's into golden age hollywood movies and Turner classic films
>She has a job interview at a publishing company
>its her dream job
>the two women interviewing her keep asking her questions about Stranger Things rather than anything job performance related
>It's heavily implied that if my gf doesn't at least pretend to like the show, she will not get the job
>she gets the job but comes home dead inside every day because she now has to spend the evening watching whatever shitty tv her idiot coworkers want to gab about instead of the films she's passionate about

I think my girlfriend hates women more than I ever could

Yea Forums is no better

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>seething intensifies

>explaining social behaviour is incel
have sex

>incelity intensifies

I can never tell if it's just a meme or not because the only socializing I ever get is here, but I've seen countless posts going on and on about how women truly hate eachother and there's no loyalty between them.

>I've seen countless posts
posts made by incels

That's why third wave feminism is such a myth. There are feminist "leaders" who have been trying for decades to get women to quit stabbing each other in the back and work cohesively but it goes completely against their nature to not get jealous of one another's success.

Women are kind of like black men. They want to blame white men for their lack of success, but in reality white men want nothing more than for them to get their shit together and quit sabotaging one another out of sheer spite.

I grew up with sisters women really aren't what this site makes them out to be

Feel sorry for you user, having to work with us autists from Yea Forums

This, and all these people are older then me. And the funniest thing is that we are on an open floor (aka hell), and the retards are shouting spoilers left and right and the other retards get so buttmad it's not even funny.

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How can adults get so invested in these shitty shows, mass produced to appeal to the lowest common denominator? Yes I watch simplistic childish shit as well. And edgy teen drama as well. But I never get so invested that I base my entire personality around it and develop a personal attachment to a fucking guy in a spandex on screen. How fucking empty are these people's souls that they have to fill it with an artificial relationship like this? If they weren't so afraid to be invested in each other's lives as these stupid garbage TV shows, they would have much more fulfilling lives and rel

incel detected

holy shit do americans really do this?


What makes me incel about building meaningful human relations instead of consuming garbage media?

pretentious contrarian detected

Are you a janny? You just described Yea Forums

Even normies are waking up to this shit