Why is this ending so sad bros?

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And I............. am..................

Morgan Stark was cute and funny so the movie is woomy

Iron man suddenly mature and a father figure was pretty cringe though

His arm just looks unnatural

didn't see civil war, homecoming or infinity war I take it?

Why did his daughter not give two shits about his death and just wanted to eat cheese burgers?

Looks exactly like me when I'm about to go on an all day edging session

Kids don't really care about too much. Death is an abstraction whose actual nature doesn't sink in for years.

it's called shock user

>When you find that one video you've been looking ages for

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>the audience laughed at this part
it was honestly a bad delivery

do they want peter parker to become the new iron man and bring in morales or some other newfag to be a new spider man?

kids dont give a fuck about the deaths of those close to them until 3 days later.


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There were straight up girls crying loud as fuck in the theater when he died. Some people are so dramatic and should be barred from even receiving any type of attention.

What did they smell like?

Isnt his daughter like 5? Kids that age doesn't fully understand that death is permanent.

Because of all the Marvel characters he still is the best developed one, so him dying has an actual impact on people.

He is same old Tony for 17 films then mature for Endgame

The best part of the movie is when Tony was dying and Pepper Pots came up to him and held him and told him "Its ok Tony, you can finally rest, because we are Avengers Endgame."

You we can watch reactions on jewtube. No one laughed you lying faggot.

Because he was the baddest motherfucker of all the Avengers and the true leader

Their feet smelled like sweat and lotion

Cope lanklet.

Wouldn't lanklet mean a person isn't lanky?

Reminder the rest of his armor is CGI.

>Why was this sad

In the movie where they literally destroy the concept of stakes or death by introducing paradox-free, no downside, infinite tries time travel.