1. Revenge of the Sith
2. Empire Strikes Back
3. The Last Jedi
4. Attack of the Clones
5. A New Hope
6. The Force Awakens
7. Return of the Jedi
8. The Phantom Menace
9. Rogue One
10. Solo
Star Wars Power Rankings
Other urls found in this thread:
revenge is terrible
No it isn't, even looks good upscaled to 4K
Started off good but you're a youngfag thinking TLJ is better than TPM. TLJ FUCKING SUCKS RIAN
>You're a youngfag thinking TLJ is better than TPM
Stop being so cringe. TPM is shit besides Darth Maul.
Empire strikes back is shit man
>TLJ in top 3
>TFA above TPM RotJ
backstroke of the west > all
Well TLJ is just shit then.
Check this out, some nips remade the dialogue and voice acting and it's not that bad
TPM and Rotj are largely shit
TLJ is kino
We have someone iTT saying empire is shit
>everything is shit
And there is nothing good about TLJ. Every SW should have rewatch value
>nip dialogue.
The voice acting by hayden, natalie and ewan is perfect and theatrical as intended, pleb
Incorrect, it has more rewatch value than most star wars movies. I've seen it about 30 times already. It's one of the few actual good star wars films.
You're starting to piss me off Rian. I enjoyed Looper mate, but you peaked
>1. Revenge of the Sith
Ah, being eternally 14.
Luke can be a fag though
Looper wasn't as good as TLJ and Brick
Pretty much, can't watch regular ep.3 anymore
It's fun when drunk.
Cringe you fucking youtubeshitter
Empire Strikes Back
A New Hope
Return of the Jedi
Rogue One
The Force Awakens
Revenge of the Sith
The Last Jedi
The Phantom Menace
Attack of the Clones
Kylo Ren becomes way better in TLJ than TFA, so that prevents the dumpster of a movie from being at the bottom. RotS ruined Padme's character, so that prevents it from a higher slot.
1. RotS
2. RotJ
3. ANH
4. ESB
5. TPM
6. AotC
7. R1
8. Solo
9. TLJ
10. TFA
Perfect list
The nigga just sits around trying to get Rey wet. TFA may be safe but forest fight >>>> TLJ
>Perfect list
>Literally believes TLJ is better than AOTC
Why are the subs all wrong?
It's ten times better
>trying to get Rey wet
Seducing Rey to the dark side>>>>>edgy wrist-hazard fight
based lucasfilm letting it stay up
V > IV > VI > III = I > TFA > II = RO > Solo > TLJ
Revenge has a rushed story and shit dialogue, only score and cgi save it
>30 times
anyone who has to sit though that dumpster fire would break after watching it 30 times
>Rogue One and Solo above the prequels
you started off so well too but Kylo is still a fucking whiny boring villain compared to Darth Maul or Tyrannus
God I hate zoomers
>Kylo is still a fucking whiny boring villain compared to Darth Maul or Tyrannus
This is especially true for TFA. He is like an angsty LARPing teen in that movie. However in TLJ he is great. TFA is a good (albeit safe) film with the exception of a disappointing villain while TLJ is a bad film with the exception of an interesting villain.
ESB and New Hope are the only good Star Wars movies and anyone thinking otherwise is a contrarian or a retarded baby.
I'd argue that SOLO was the best of new films but whatever, they are all 6/10 except for TLJ that is just garbage in every way.
And there is a large quality gap between episodes IV-V and VI. ROTJ was already proto prequel tier.
Switch TFA with RO
>There are retards who still defend TLJ
This one is also amazing. Mauler and a furry literally destroy TLJ apologist with facts and logic and he almost CRIES. His voice is literally shaking. It also shows how TLJ fans simply don't understand the division between feelings and objective facts. m.youtube.com
There was also this retard IHE (I Hate Everything) who is also a TLJ apologist, he had a debate with Mauler and the furry too, he lost and he admitted that they're right and that TLJ sucks, but he begged them not to publish this debate on YT because he didn't want to look like a bitch in the eyes of his audience. Literally few days later, he was on Sardonicast and he lied that "he never heard any valid criticism of The Last Jedi". The ABSOLUTE state of TLJ apologists.
>you unknown white
post feet
The objective truth:
>A new hope
>Return of the Jedi
>Revenge of the Sith
>the force awakens
>Rogue One
>phantom menace
>attack of the clones
>the last jedi
RotJ was so comfy though. As a child, the Battle of Endor was my second favourite battle scene in the whole series after the Battle of Hoth. However I agree that as an adult, ANH and ESB are on another level of greatness. The reason why I prefer RO to Solo is because RO has a better lead (Felicity was brilliant) and feels more Star Warsy than Solo, which is more of an action film.
>The Last Jedi
God Tier:
Good Tier:
Shit Tier:
Rogue One
Ok npc-kun
> good
>Kylo is still a fucking whiny boring villain compared to Darth Maul or Tyrannus
this is the most deranged thing ive seen someone say in a star wars thread
>anyone who has to sit though that dumpster fire would break after watching it 30 times
I saw it 3 times in the kinoplex bitch, seen every star wars before it and solo only once at the kino
>mom I posted the youtuber reviews again
Leave furry
>RO has a better lead (Felicity was brilliant)
>hate rotj and rogue one
>like solo and tlj
objectively good
Exactly, so better than TLJ
Every single scene in TLJ is pure solid gold, even the deleted ones. Darth Maul is shit
Best list so far
5 4 6 3 solo rogue 7 8 1 2
TLJ is absolute garbage. Literally no one with half a brain thinks its even watchable much less good
Not him, but just watch TLJ for Kylo Ren. He is really fucking good in that movie.
>must I do everything myself
small power gap
Clone War (pre-Disney)
Christmas Special
Ewok Shit
Power Gap
Disney Wars Trailer reaction videos
Rogue One
Getting punched in the dick
Getting stung by in the lip after accidentally drinking from a can of soda with bee in it (also you are deathly allergic to bee stings)
Getting roofied and waking up at about load 15 of bareback bugchase party, and the bears just keep on pozzing your bleeding asshole and you can't escape
Any other ranking is objectively incorrect.
A New Hope
Empire Strikes Back
The Phantom Menace
Attack of the Clones
Return of the Jedi
Revenge of the Sith
Rogue One
The Force Awakens
The Last Jedi
Yeah, you could watch them for once, would do wonders for your brain.
Anyone who claims disney trash is good is an npc.
have sex
>Anyone who claims disney trash is good is an npc.
Completely the opposite fag. I see you pick up all your terminology from le epic baste and redpilled youtuber community
>hating on solo
Solo was better than all the other nu wars combined.
The only smart post itt
91% critics score,95% top critics
>He is really fucking good in that movie.
He was getting good, then he relegated back to acting like a crybaby manchild, destroying any progress of character development
The movie is just unpolished shit
Just did, your mom's still dripping my seed from all holes.
RLM go home!
Um, let's see how you react when your gf dumps you despite killing your boss for her, uncle pisses you off, then all your enemies get away
Was proving him right supposed to prove him wrong?
>dude these paid reviews are totally real and valuable, just don't look at the 44% audience score, they just hate stronk womyn and black people xD
you know george lucas is best friends with spielberg, is an actual communist, born in san francisco and lucasfilm is there.
how is disney able to pay for tlj reviews and not for age of ultron reviews (which had twice the budget of tlj)
im done. you people are demonic.
Age of Ultron didn't have postmodernist propaganda and stronk womyn putting men in their place, it wasn't important to defend that movie.
>Age of Ultron budget- $250m
>Last Jedi budget- $317m
Don't believe me? Go look on boxofficemojo
You forgot the power gap between getting pozzed by hiv-bears and TLJ, but this is pretty accurate.
TLJ got good reviews because it was infested with leftist ideology.
>Last Jedi budget- $317m
How the fuck? What did they spent it on? That's more than the entirety of LotR cost.
liberalism is not leftism
>neat capeshit
Star Wars
>interesting sellout sequel
Empire Strikes Back
>soulless cashgrab
Ewoks movie
>MCU tier
Everything else
>Subverted my expectations
Ruin Johnson suicide bombs Star Wars
The Last Jedi in 3rd place? You're trolling.
TFA is not better than Return of the Jedi, piss off.
I'm a marxist and I hate libtards, postmodernism, sjws etc.
>The Empire Strikes Back
>Return of the Jedi
>A New Hope
>Rogue One
>Revenge of the Sith
>The Clone Wars
>The Force Awakens
>The Phantom Menace
>The Star Wars Holiday Special
>The Last Jedi
>I'm a marxist
I must admit that the Larpers of that legendary sci-fi writer are some of the most committed fandom anywhere.
You are just a less good version of
>Meme One higher than Sith
>TPM below anything made by Disney
>green milk
>blue milk
>redpilled juice
>not one of the greatest star wars scenes ever
RotS (as a meme film)
RotS (""""objectively""")
haven't watched TLJ and haven't seen ep 1-2 in a long time
*suspect I might reverse on a rewatch
>TLJ anywhere except bottom
Are these posts never not bait
Anyone who doesn't rate The Force Awakens the lowest is confirmed for pleb and needs to fuck off back to /reddit.
TLJ is still worse.
TFA was like getting sucker punched by a friend.
TLJ was like getting food poisoning after eating a turd you found on a bus.
1. ESB
2. ANH
5. RO
6. Solo
7. TPM
9. TFA
10. TLJ
This is the True Rank
1-A New Hope
2-Revenge of the Sith
3-Empire Strikes Back
4-The Phantom Menace
5-Attack of the Clones
6-Return of the Jedi
People hate The Last Jedi because it's actually funny. All the humor in the prequels falls completely flat because it sucks so people forget about it
Tlj isnt something that will get better with time, i know your autism forces you to like the film bc its universally hated among any old fan, but it truely is a bad film.
I disregard the opinion of anybody who ranks tlj as anything but the worst. The level of contrarianism youd have to reach is 40 year old virgin wizard mode level.
People hate you because you think you are funny, but you are actually hepatitis.
based skipping filler arcs poster
>3. The Last Jedi
Bad bait Kathleen
t. Ahmed Best
No. I rewatched Nu Wars recently and TFA is the blandest, most incompetently made Star Wars movie out there. The direction is so shit, Abrams should be shot for putting it out. It ruined Han to a similar degree TLJ ruined Luke and it was cinematically way, way worse than Johnson's hack job.
What's that scene called and why is it in everything?
I liked Looper and Rian's Breaking Bad episodes and liked TLJ close to day 1 when I saw it
I'm an old enough fan to have grown up with the Special Editions
>Thinks yo mama jokes are funny
Grow up please
1. Ep 7
2. Ep 6
3. Ep 5
4. Ep 8
5. Ep 4
6. Rogue One
7. Solo
8. Ep 3
9. Ep 1
10. Ep 2
its not even a yo mama joke
>3. The Last Jedi
Holy mother of YIKES
>Know your place, male.
....phantom menace is a fantastic movie and way batter than AOTC. And empire is a meme. I would put TPM along side with ROTS in terms of fantasticness.
Star Wars ended in 1983
it should be 1.
Exactly, no one with a brain
what is mah deek
>TLJ above anything except MAYBE AotC
Can this man be any more cringe? Find out after the break!
Demonic? Really? Because we dont like a poorly written movie that shit all over a beloved series?
And Disney didnt pay off reviews because A, they had far less to lose. B, the movie didnt antagonize its fans and C, they just hadn't started doing that yet.
Solo is the best Disney's one
youre such a fag. Ive seen every star wars in the theater since the special editions and watched TCW and rebels and played countless video games. fuck off with "we"
I didnt pull the moronic shit you are doing with sw shit I disliked.
youre demonic not because you dislike a movie but because you then go the next stage and come up with conspiracy theories about paid reviews and shit, constantly second guess the intentions of everyone else, and demand that your opinion is the correct one
ALL these movies are fanservice and not intended to "antogonize". Why didnt disney pay off solo reviews? Why did disney start paying off reviews after 2015 and before 2017?
Second best for me. R1 was better, both aesthetically and in terms of pacing and world-building.
Solo has bad cinematography, I couldn't see shit during interior shots, Rogue One looks miles better, but it prefer Solo's script.
TFA is a rehash and TLJ is a joke, I only liked Kylo Ren in those movies
>fuck off with "we"
Im not speaking for pseudo fans like you who take whatever shit is shoveled in their mouths with a grin and a "please sir may i have some more"
I'm talking about people who actually love star wars. TLJ, on top of being bad from an objective viewpoint, ansolutely and very aggressively shat over the previous movies and the characters that starred in those movies.
I dont know if the reviews were paid but TLJ's unbelievably high RT score despite its glaringly obvious poor writing is strange.
Solo was destined to fail and wasnt worth the cash or effort to push for good reviews.
>demand that your opinion is the correct one
My opinion is the correct one. Just ask any fan with a functioning brain.
1. Empire
2. Rogue One
3. Return of the Jedi
4. Revenge of the Sith
5. A New Hope
6. The Force Awakens
7. Attack of the Clones
8. The Phantom Menace
9. Solo
10. The Last Jedi
Why do you retards keep giving this guy (you)s? This is like the 20th time he's made this thread
I respect this list
>Im not speaking for pseudo fans like you who take whatever shit is shoveled in their mouths with a grin and a "please sir may i have some more"
so fans of rotj, the prequels, expanded universe drivel, etc?
>bad from an objective viewpoint
simply epic
>My opinion is the correct one. Just ask any fan with a functioning brain.
I have an IQ of 120
>IQ of 120
meh, around 120 is when you stop being an animal and become a human.
Reminder RJ is in the Lucasfilm braintrust. He got a place in San Francisco and everyone at Lucasfilm likes him. TLJ went really smoothly unlike RO/Solo trainwrecks, and JJ doesn't care just does his movie and gets out - spends all his time at bad robot.
It was financially successful and got great reviews. The RJ trilogy is happening no matter what. And I'm going to enjoy the fuck out of it while you sit here seething
Empire Strikes Back
Clone Wars (2003)
New Hope
Return of the Jedi
Rogue One
The Force Awakens
Phantom Menace
Revenge of the Sith
Attack of the Clones
Last Jedi
Palpatine got the buildup though. And in the OT, he wasn't built up like Snoke was, and it was at the end of the trilogy.
Fuck off, redditor. TLJ is a 5/10 and that's it.
Been here since 2005 and never used reddit. It's canonically a 8/10. That you alt-right manbabies hate it only fuels Kathleen :^)
120 is pretty low user, can you even dress yourself?
And yes, TLJ is objectively bad.
It's a 6/10 at best.
There's not one good fight scene.
Only thing that saves it from being completely unwatchable was the romance subplot between Kylo and Rey.
Poe Dameron did nothing the whole movie, same as Finn.
>watching your daughter die of leukemia is a 5/10 bro
>Been here since 2005
Shame you never got skinned in properly. TLJ has atrocious writing, some terrible choreography and uneven tone, regardless of politics. Have sex.
cold take incoming but the true answer is simple.
1. OT
2. my asshole
3. the rest
You're not fooling anyone, redditor
>Shame you never got skinned in properly
Not even that faggot, but you are the epitome of a cuck if you are a conformist to stereotypical 4channel (formerly Yea Forums) culture
There's always a baseline.
1. Empire Strikes Back
2. Revenge of the Sith
3. All of Robot Chicken's Star Wars features
4. Rogue One
5. Return of the Jedi
6. Attack of the Clones
7. The Phantom Menace
8. A New Hope
9. Solo
10. The Force Awakens
11. The Last Jedi
>there is always a bassline
kys the fuck off popfaggot this is a fiddle board
>RO has a better lead
RO characters are putrid garbage, with the exception of the goddamn droid. On the other hand, the droid is the worst character in solo.
6 > 8 > 3 > 5 > 4 > 7 > 2 > 1
Rogue One > Solo
>empire strikes back
>a new hope
>revenge of the with
>return of the Jedi
>rouge one (fight me)
After that who cares, I used to think clone wars was the worst until the last Jedi
RoTS is the best one.
Only if you are ten times more retarded then average Disney shill.
It’s actually the most enjoyable Star Wars film
TESB >= ROTS > ANH = ROTJ > TPM > AOTC > R1 > power gap > Solo >>> TFA >>>>> shit > TLJ
The Sequels are objectively terrible by every metric and Solo and Rogue One are barely passable as far as being enjoyable but largely irrelevant.
Tier 1: Essential Star Wars
Tartakovskys Clone Wars, ROTS, Rogue One, ANH
Tier 2: Enjoyable
most of The Clone Wars show, Robot Chicken Specials
Tier 3: Popcorn Kino
Tier 4: Objectively broken
AOTC, TLJ, The Clone Wars Pilot, Droids Cartoon, Ewoks: Battle for Endor, the worst of The Clone Wars show, Rebels
Tier 5: Nightmare Mode
TFA, The Holiday Special, Caravan of Courage, Resistance cartoon
Tier 6: Not Star Wars
Solo, Ewoks Cartoon, Forces of Destiny, Galaxy of Adventures
glib facsimile
I agree user. These faggots have clouded judgment from their memes, video games, and Star Wars LEGO sets
1: Thrawn book trilogy
>TLJ is kino
unironically kys. seriously.
>God tier
>Good tier
>Mid tier
>Meh tier
R1, Solo
>Not Star Wars tier
what did filoni mean by this
I'm sorry to see this posted too late in the thread to get the replies it deserves. Real effort post.
Fuck you dude, 9526 is the most impeccable design Lego will ever produce.
>prequel apologists out in full force
lord have mercy
>my opinion is the correct one because others share it