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lmao yasss qween soibois and feminist roasties btfo'd by /ourguys/

>genocides d*thraki shitskins

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>males get screwed over all the fucking time
this is fine
>females get screwed over once per season

Have these people never watched the show? It’s entirely about nobels being backstabbing cunts hungry for power

Westeros is MAGA country

They literally only think it was the worst episode because the story didn"t respect woke characters' plot armor.

>Doubting based D&D
>removes niggers
>removes stronk women
>white male as hero
>white male on throne

Just wait till the Autistic NEET shut in wins the thrown.

what do they want?
can we please get it, in plain english and lay it to rest?

The twitter and clickbait reaction will be DELICIOUS.

>Ends with a council of old straight white males

>Princess weekes


Women are weak, writers should be easier on them.

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Why do so many blacks have gaps between their front teeth?

Gaze upon this visage and tell me demons aren't real.

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>Princess Weekes

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No. It was because Daenerys didn't come on top due to some YAAASSS QUEEEN deus ex machina involving walking on fire or her dragons
God I really hope Daenerys goes through some excruciating fall from grace and then that she dies only to experience the seething of feminists

Starks have no claim to the throne dumbass

>muh stronk wahmen

a pile of shit would be praised as long as feminism would be involved but as soon as women are treated like people who get fucked and fuck up they throw a tantrumevery day we stray further from god

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Read the Leaks.

All these normies think Jon and Dany are going to live happy ever after.

lol who cares about that, its all about who has the power of not being removed from that seat

bobby b. had no claim to the throne either

*sniff sniff* Yup, smells like 2019

Femcels need to go on meds and just stay off the internet. They’re wrong about everything.

Imagine if the dorne plot line was reversed and the line was weak females will never rule dorne again.e=

>My opinion of _who_ being killed?

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I will forever love GRRM if he actually does this.

Where did niggers get the idea that they are kings and queens? It's the cringiest shit.

you are just scared of PoC being proud of who they are
have sex

Because Egypt is located in Africa duh

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Bobby was part Targaryen from the blackfyre part.

It's an inferiority complex

Well once you realise that your entire race has done literally nothing of value for over two thousand years you develop some hard jealousy.
Imagine this: outside of North Africa (where Arabs and Berbers live) and Horn of Africa (influenced by Arabs) the wheel has not been widely used until the Europeans arrived.
Some Bushmen have not figured out how to create fire yet.

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>D&D redemption arc

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They even steal history

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I have the opposite of a boner now. I think I'm considering being asexual.

>Princess Weekes
I don't know what's sadder, the fact that this is real, or the fact that I thought it is probably real the moment I saw it.

being a god-king would probably take precedent over bloodlines

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are you fucking retarded, he sat on the throne because he put a hammer through some dumb shit princes chest not because he was one eighth targ shit

How can articles like this exist when the show is blatant feminist propaganda fan fiction at this point?

Oh yeah, because feminists are fucking retarded. How silly of me to forget.

I'll forgive Dabid if they do it.

But is Jon immune to fire though?

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he got burned on that lamp back in season 1

>have to give Greyworm and Dany serious emotional stakes for the upcoming siege of Kings Landing
Why was anyone not expecting this though?
When has Game of Thrones ever been a feel good show?
Literally Hundreds of other characters have died in this show and people are getting upset because 1(one) black girl died to give the show stakes?
Fuck off.

>worst episode

That was episode 3.

This here Its 101 writing class. Put them high so they fall deeper to create drama and make them struggle to entertain.

> ice demons

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>brutha keep ya penis out of a sistahs anus
What did he meant with that?

funny.. it was the best episode of the season

The coloreds forgot GOT is a comfy white people show.

It has been a feel good show for a couple of seasons. People forget. Episode 4 had some shocking scenes in the second half and surprised the normies who expected a fairytale ending.

Why do people think that Targaryen are the rightful owner of the throne and not Baratheons?

Because they have the memory of goldfish.The Baratheons took the throne by force, just like the Targaryens before them, and the people before them, and the people before them.