What was the point of this motherfucker?

What was the point of this motherfucker?

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Just be a sage, and witnes jon’s birth.

He will get the Iron Throne via Council vote

Cripple quota in the movie

To witness and behold ___ ____.

Rape apologism/enablism and tax reform.

He is the rape watcher. He watches all the rapes through history.

My former bull works at HBO. Apparently all loose ends are tied when Bran comes to talk peace treaty with cersei and instead Cersei straps his arms in and has sex with Jaime on top of him.

To fill in gaps in the plot.
>oh I can see the past present and future. No need for good writting to explain why main characters have knowledge of events.

Nothing, he is user now, he just want stay on his crypt and lurk around the timeline all the day

I was going to say tell Jon his true identity but Sam did that and found real proof so I don't know.

I am going to laugh if he is made King like the spoilers say. The moral of the story is a good ruler needs to have magic powers that can see the past and future of the world.

And had the knight king killed him? What?

Is he Westerosi Trump? Awesome.

no but seriously, what is the point of THIS motherfucker?

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To break Ghost's heart.


Literally no reason why ghost cant go.

>jon guts dany
>jon retires to the north (goes to the wall and beyond)
>bran, a guy who's completely logical and has full knowledge of past events = the perfect ruler, gets to be king

man, if you think about it, these plot points sound awesome but as we know it, the execution will be horrible.

thanks d&d

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Peasants crowning a logical vegetable. Even by fantasy standards that’s a reach.


Jon knows he will either die in Kings Landing, or exile himself beyond the wall. He sends Ghost ahead to meet him if he makes it out alive.

he has a claim to the throne behind Jon and above Sansa and Arya

>Jon knows he will either die in Kings Landing, or exile himself beyond the wall
no indication he is prepping to flee, he seems driven to make his shitty relationship work out and be warden of the north. There would ahve to be a cruel twist of fate or an impossible choice for him to kill Dany and flee in misery.

He's the real evil. He'll end up on the Iron Throne at the end, just like he's planned for centuries. He'll rule forever. Possessing body after body.

This. There was never an indication that he’s not evil. All the predictions he makes are for his benefit only - get rid of the NK, destabilize John-Danny fellowship.

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I thought he could see through the eyes of critters? If so why didn't he do some recon for the ground forces before the battle, and especially for the ambushed fleet.

One friend of mine is a massive GoT showfag and a sensitive SJW. Every time this character is on the screen, he is so triggered that he forgets all his values and tolerant point of views while he shouts not very ptetty things at him. SAY SOMETHING, YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT, FUCKING PIECE OF ASPERGIAN SHIT I SWEAR. It's even more funny when you confront him. Hr says: it's a fiction, bro. I'm insulting a character! The fuck is wrong with people

Bend the knee to Bran9000, your king

What claim has he to the throne? He'd be just another usurper from where everyone's standing...

He spends most of his time looking at S1-S3.

Good man

Why doesnt he take control of cersei and makes her open the gates/surrender?

cringe post

>warging into women
same reason he can't warg into mice and lizards - too stupid animals to control.

All Sam found out about and could prove was the marriage between Rhaegar and Lyanna, he had no idea about Jon's connection to that without Bran. It's their information together that makes Jon a legitimate Targaryen heir.

>What was the point of this motherfucker?

I sincerelly hope there is one.

>no indication
thats because no one knows how to choreograph these actors but Jon clearly wished he could go with the wildlings and already knows not to trust Dany after she begged him to be Queen and that taking Kings Landing is going to be a fuck fest.

>The moral of the story is a good ruler needs to have magic powers that can see the past and future of the world
It's more a commentary on GRRM than anything else. Tolkien's "ideal King" is this turbo badass who never forgets the little guy while GRRM's idea of a perfect ruler is this emotionless, sexless voyeur wizard who can't pose a physical threat. What a bitch.

Ghost is Jon's backup drive. If Jon dies he lives inside Ghost up in the north where he belongs.