damn! the new shredder in the new tmnt movie looks like that
Damn! the new shredder in the new tmnt movie looks like that
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god i hate that fucking v sign everyone does all the fucking time, FUCK, come up with something new, it's not that hard
no one can tell your k-chinks apart.
it stands for a half "W" for how half the planet will be killed and replaced by whites
wtf i want to join the foot now??
I can
Perfect shaped tits.
It's pretty easy actually
whats the point of the mask exactly and why only asians (kr japs) idoles use it all the time ?
>Yea Forums asks a question about a mask
>doesn't use proper canonical form
>why do they wear the mask
>being this culturally retarded
they wear the mask out of respect towards other people, to show that they are sick but don't wish to spread germs
Moshi moshi Leonardo-kun!!
for one of the following reasons:
didn't wear makeup
is sick and doesn't want to get others sick
use it to disguise their face
she looks like every chinese girl that lives near me, of which there are a shitload
only thing missing is glasses
youre a big guy
Gooks are greedy shit and the sex is awful they barely mode, you better get a real woman with actual curves.
Nobody cares until you wear the mask
Why does s(he) wear the mask?
>a piece of cloth prevents you from breathing cancerous fumes
do slanty eyed gooks really believe this? they should all wear something that actually works
t. Seething lardass
millions across japan korea and china wear them on a daily basis so i guess they think so
Is not for that, tard. They put it when they're ill to reduce the chances of spreading the disease to their coworkers
Why are they so obsessed with work to the point of going there when ill?
because asian work culture is fucking retarded
have you ever seen an ant slacking?
I would shred her
why do i want to suck on her underarms?
Asians cant into science or logic, chinks think drying clothes in sunlight will remove germs despite that meaning they put it outdoors in smog.
So yeah they probably believe it.
Because they live in a shithole due to the fact that bug people don't understand the concept of "consequences".
Yes, we know that YOU GUYS can do it.
Yellow genocide
Asian women cucking asian men and choosing to only sleep with white men
doesnt make much sense they'll breed slightly less autistic insectoids with personality disorders but they'll still be yellow
white genes are more dominant than yellow genes so they will be white
what did korean women mean by this?
no it's literally the opposite and also that isn't how genetics works you literal subhuman
>i prefer Asian women
>that bald spot
Can you really not see the difference between burger cargo shorts and fitted khaki shorts?
those are not cargo shorts neckbeard
>sorry bro, I just wear what's comfortable
>Backpedaling: The Post
even further BTFO
>tfw you now realize that eurotrash only care about fashion because they're all disgustingly overweight/underweight uggos
kek they probably have tiny penises too
The only "people" that have a problem with cargos are mutts.
>heh look at those disgusting yanks. they don't even know how to dress like us sophisticated europeans hehe
Funny because white americans have one inch shorter dicks than europeqn country i am from.
porn is illegal so thats the closest you can whore yourself
flabby arms
As much surgery as a single human face can bare.
reminder that asian women love white men
just thought this was interesting
Yeah because you walk around without tshirt 90% of the time
they're hiding the fact that they skipped leg day
I think it's pretty mixed
Lots of Asian women now are obsessed with k-pop stuff more than anything.
That's how it used to be. Nowadays, masks are usually worn to protect from micro dust from China, especially in Korea.
Because its trendy over there
Except prostitution is widely available in Korea and openly advertised. So is porn. So are webcam girls who will strip and fuck on camera for you. And American pop is just as provocative and sexualized, if not more so than Korean music. The whole "huh kpop exists because no porn" is something one retard tells another retard because he heard it from a different retard.
>tfw two second dates with asians this week
I actually feel really guilty
Is this what it means to be chad?
t. ameritard
that's an american zoot suit
>use it to disguise their face
I would 100% do this if I were asian and lived in asia. It's amazing how much more attractive people look by obscuring the bottom half of their face.
Baneposting is dead
RIP in peace.
I'm an American living in Korea and I do this all the time. Not only for pollution but it makes you feel more inconspicuous. It's the same reason a lot of celebrities wear them. Granted I'm a 6'3" white guy but still.
Just become a Muslim woman you neanderthal.
The sexuality in American pop comes from the artists themselves electing to do it. At least that's how it feels most of the time.
In Korea, you always wonder about how hard these women are being pushed to come across a certain way.
>At least that's how it feels most of the time.
Does it? Because that's a facade, meanwhile female American pop artists are pressured to do more and more overtly sexual things in order to get attention. They pretend to be doing it as their own choice, like they're "liberated women" or whatever, and yet it's really little more than a carefully crafted image created by their bosses, created to sell more albums to make a lot of men richer.
Even the fact that Kpop women were literally being prostituted out (and still are) isn't outlandish from an American perspective in a post-#MeToo world. If you think American singers and actresses aren't also sucking dick and degrading themselves for fame and fortune, you're absolutely mistaken. There really isn't much of a difference outside Korean pop music being way tamer, especially when you consider showing leg is way less risque and taboo in Korea than it is in America (meanwhile, showing off your titty cleavage and even your shoulders are way more taboo, which is why so many Kpop acts will wear short shorts but then they're completely covered up on top).
What's her IG ???
they all want to look the same for some reason
The fabric one can be against pollen (hay fever).
Yeah? The peace sign? The one people can easily make with two fingers? You hate it? Thats so cool man, thanks for contributing bro! Where can i subscribe to your blog???
Why are her eyes so small?
I want an azn gf, any tips?
btw im white
>one wears heels
>the other wears shitty flatboots
Gee, which one do you think is gonna get laid?
just be rich
No, they are actually used to preserve humidity when they breathe.
>nobody can tell insects apart
well gee no shit
That post is 4 hours old bro, move on
Both? They're women, just go to a bar
I'm a white person living in Korea. It's because of pollution. You may think, "oh Koreans are big babies, what's a little smog?" But it's bad. This past winter I started wearing a mask outside. I could legit feel the air burning my eyes. It was nearly impossible to take a deep breath. Keep in mind, I'm a very fit dude. I'm pretty healthy. But I'm from a country with bright blue skies and no smog. I'm not used to this sort of shit. As a result, Korean pollution makes me feel like I'm experiencing asthma.
Disgusting bugperson.
You get attention from the really pale, attractive Korean ladies, or just the dirty dark ones?
white dudes will say the 'before' pic looks better i bet
nah its not pollution. Japanese wear it as well.
They use it for microdust. Most are just cloth but some have filters in them. Some are reusable (and you can get free reusable ones from the buses sometimes, pic related) and some aren't. They even advertise fashion brands of masks, which is all kinds of fucked up dystopian future if you ever stop to think about it. But it's an issue in Korea nonetheless, breathing the air is like smoking multiple cigarettes a day (depending on the micro dust level, which everyone has an app that alerts them).
It's been really bad this year, so bad that Korea tried to talk to China and get them to stop polluting. Fat chance on that, though, as China is building a ton of coal plants along the border, while blaming Korea for heating their homes in the winter (which is true of the past, that did cause a lot of pollution because people use charcoal briquettes, but that pollution only lasted through winter, and charcoal isn't used any more). Korea also has a ton of pollen right now. And then there's yellow dust from the Gobi Desert, caused by the desert expanding due to deforestation. Things are fucked.
I'm a swedish guy.
Every single yellow fever man I've ever met was either:
A) Bottom of the barrel beta social outcast retard who couldn't get a latina/white/black woman if he tried.
B) Fat old boomer who with some mid-life crisis who still wants a young woman, but only the mail order sexworker asian ones accept this deal.
C) Microdick.
It's usually all of the above, but sometimes just 1-2.
99% of all yellow fever dudes are pathetic. I've only met ONE who wasn't.
wypipo be like 'the before pic had better personality'
It does
she obviously does
Do swedish guys show their dicks to all people they meet?
Both. But I work out and take care of my appearance, so that helps.
Ummm sorry sweetie, but I've lived in Korea for more than 6 years, I think I know what I'm talking about :)
In Korea, it absolutely is because of pollution.
Japanese get micro dust from China as well, just on a lesser extent because they're not as close. Hell, that shit travels as far as California.
>Both. But I work out and take care of my appearance, so that helps.
Fuck yes. Good job user.
Shut the fuck faggot, you live in korea like i live in Congo.
The reason she's wearing a mask, a black mask at that is because she had plastic surgery.
White masks are for pollution.
Black masks are usually for plastic surgery.
And last winter the pollution wasn't bad, it never is ! It's the sping that's worst because the wind shifts and drags all the pollution from china to seoul.
Bet you are a fat fuck weeb
>They even advertise fashion brands of masks, which is all kinds of fucked up dystopian future if you ever stop to think about it.
I saw one of those ads when I went to see Endgame, I had the exact same thought. Felt like I was living Robocop.
But don't bother. She's a huge skank and her TV is all artsy bullshit. The total opposite of Marvel kino. Not worth your time.
Not him but no. Black masks are for pollution, too. No clue where you got that idea.
lmao i bet you gweilo think Lucy Liu is attractive too
wrong. only top tier alphas like me go for prime azn qts.
Why is the W upside down?
Of course. Only the hottest asian women make it in hollywood
Yeah, I saw Endgame on Labor Day last week because I had the day off, and that ad made me laugh/cry a little. Glad I'm not the only one who raised an eyebrow because nobody else seemed phased by it. Here it is in full on Youtube: youtube.com
i'd tell you to suck my dick, but i don't wanna get your Congo aids :)
thanks user!
lmao it really is a robocop commercial.
>Glad I'm not the only one who raised an eyebrow because nobody else seemed phased by it
likewise, i was disturbed by how nobody i describe the ad to was surprised by it. at least the weather has been really nice this past week, it's great to finally be outside. thanks for the link, btw, gonna show it to my friends back home.
OMG a particle pollution warning ?? Like they do almost every other week ahahahaha
cope fat fuck, you'll never live in korea
asians have been wearing masks for longer than that you turbo-retard.
It was very common during the SARS outbreak as well.
No, this is a Robocop commercial: youtube.com
But seriously, half the comments on the Youtube are calling out how fucked up things have gotten, and then the other half are like "gee that's a really good song, what is it" even though a later comment flat out says what the song is.
Yeah, the temperature has been nice and there hasn't been rain, but I got my car washed yesterday and within an hour it was covered in dust and pollen.
Not him but while that's true, nowadays, in Korea, if you see a bunch of people walking around wearing masks, it's because of micro dust.
I don't think American pop stars need much corporate pressure at all. Most of the work is cultural. Look at Miley Cyrus, I doubt there was a producer telling her to twerk on stage, she's just a genuine whore.
Even with the metoo thing, the subtlety no one mentions is that none of the women were forced.
based dubu poster
>it's literally the opposite
>that is not how genetics works
take your medicin
Miley Cyrus was whored out since day one by music and television producers. Her "embracing it" and pushing the envelop on it is less her decision and more the decisions of the people in charge of her, as well as the cold hard fact the only reason she got any fame as an adult was the fact that she routinely whored herself out, something she'd be keenly aware of.
How is some Korean pop star agreeing to sexualize herself for money any different than an American woman agreeing to sexualize herself for money? You seem to be under the illusion that Korean women are somehow adverse to sexualizing themselves as opposed to American women, while walking down a street in Seoul you'll see women wearing outfits as revealing as anything they wear in Kpop.
you have to know where to look
As I already said, it doesn't always feel as consensual. It often feels that the Kpop stars are strong armed into it in a way that western ones aren't. Miley Cyrus acknowledging that she's a dogshit artist and needs to be a whore to gain publicity puts her into a position where the decision is squarely on her shoulders. She'll still be a freak worse than anything in Kpop, but she's choosing to be.
I don't know what goes on behind closed Korean doors, but it really doesn't feel like these girls can just walk away from it as easily, or that their objections to being sexualized would be even considered.
I live in Korea, and I'm pretty sure that other user did (or does) too given they've shown they know what they're talking about while you don't. At the very least, they did their homework while you didn't, and just relied on old facts that you heard offhand somewhere. Microdust (미세먼지) is a major issue in Korea right now because it's gotten worse as time has gone by, and China is 100% unwilling to cooperate with the Korean government on finding a solution. What's worse, it's getting hot, but you can't open the windows because microdust will come inside. It's not even just Korea where it's an issue, other Asian countries like Vietnam and even Japan are experiencing it, too.
I find it entirely weird that, when people who actually know what they're talking about pop in and give you new information, you stomp your feet and throw a fit, and act like a complete ass. I absolutely pity anyone who has to deal with you on a regular basis in real life, and I'm thankful that my interactions with you are limited to this image board, because the absolute ignorance you display is endless. Bye!
That's because you're making assumptions about human beings you don't even know based on untrue stereotypes that Korean women are somehow chaste and pure when they walk in public around with short shorts and short skirts so short you can see their fucking labias.
Yes, like Miley Cyrus, Kpop stars consent to sexualizing themselves for fame and fortune. Miley Cyrus is a fucked up story, though, because they started her grooming when she was a goddamn child. Like they worked her when she was a pre-teen. And she did shit way lewder and depraved than anything kpop has ever seen.
No kek, I'm basing it off of the hyper corporate bullshit they have going over there to the point that almost every detail of a band member's personality is tweaked for mass market appeal. It's not about the sexuality of it, if they were as slutty as American stars that would be fine so long as they appeared to enjoy it or at least to posses a willingness for it.
>No kek, I'm basing it off of the hyper corporate bullshit they have going over there to the point that almost every detail of a band member's personality is tweaked for mass market appeal.
Like they do with American celebrities. What's your point?
Because it's more advanced?
You're never going to make a convincing argument that the American and Korean pop industries are equal. You only have to look at a video of one compared to the other to see the difference, or just the link I posted.
Because they don't want to make others sick if they're ill.
Yes, the American celebrity machine is more advanced, but only because they've been in the game longer and have more money backing it.
And I'll never convince you of anything because you're already convinced of something else. I just find it entirely funny that everything you point out about the Korean entertainment industry is just as true, if not moreso, of the American entertainment industry, and yet you act like it's some foreign concept that PR firms carefully craft a celebrity's image or that young female celebrities are sexualized for profit. Maybe if you pulled your head out of your own ass, you'd be able to see more clearly. Fat chance of that happening.