what did she mean by this
Other urls found in this thread:
>fuck jkr
>hermione is white
>already shat on slavic white heritage by casting smelly nigs and poos
lmao based jewess dabbing on slav niggers
Honestly as a writer she should know to being open to making characters
Just put them in tracksuits. No one will be able to tell the difference.
Honestly Lauren seems pretty cool, but she's fighting a loosing battle with Netflix, then again they hired a show runner knowing she hadn't read the books at the time.
slavs aren't even human let alone white
slavs dont want to be in any way associated with the subhuman western wh*tes
Fuck, I wish she worked at Marvel. We’d be able to watch Spider-Man without Ugly MJ and Valkyrie would be that stunning blonde beauty they killed off in Ragnarok for pug faced baldy Tessa Thompson.
Erasing gender and race for brown people is the opposite to what writers should do. That’s not making characters, that’s destroying existing ones for your retarded politics.
You’re falling too hard for the lefty bait. Slavs are white.
I dont know shit about writing, but when this is the writing team... it just doesnt feel right
Have you ever met slavs?They are almost as bad as gypsos
What's the POC casting % rate for this latent disaster?
since when did any story need 10 writers?
It means she’ll be changing ethnicities and genders around but it totally wont be for political reasons it’s all for the story :^)
Heh. Well kudos to her if she means it. Although aren't there a bunch of blacks in the cast?
>he thinks the witcher is muh heritage
nigga it's a trash fantasy series not historical fiction
>I wont change the story
>but I will cast people that don't fit the story
>he thinks the witcher is muh heritage
isn't that true tho?
Yes. That’s the point. She didn’t mean it.
>And contrary to writers.
>Then proceeds to make Tris a brown woman and give Geralt a wig.
only if you're a burger from Yea Forums with a double digit iq
Lies, deceit and propaganda.
Seeing a white guy shoved into ancient China or Japan would be awkward and unwanted.
Do black people really get happy when they're shoved into medieval European settings?
Who cares about this franchise anymore since Witcher 3 shat the bed.
>poo in loo Yennifer
>mulatto Triss
T-thanks, Lauren.
What castings have assblasted Yea Forums?
>says this
>does it anyway
very subversive
She literally just race swapped Geralt's two main love interests and his rival because she felt like it.
ur moms gangbang. Everyone loves horses, but damn that's too many.
>10 writers for 8 episodes
Excusatio non petita, accusatio manifesta.
these people are amateurs, of course ten of them need to band together
I can't imagine what a nightmare it must be when everyone tries to one up each other in SJWness
I wish I could just outlaw oinappropriate ethnic token casting. It's such a garish eyesore and destroys your sense of immersion. A black guy in medieval England or whatever just brings a totally wrong energy and atmosphere and makes it feel contemporary. Just like a white guy trying to pull of a black African would be utterly wrong and impossible.
This shit is just destroying so much art, and for something as worthless as superficial politics.
Yeah they're not even really writing anything, they are just adapting The Last Wish.
>Just like a white guy trying to pull of a black African would be utterly wrong and impossible.
I'm confused.
Didn't they cast a bunch of amerimutts and goblinas for all of the sorceresses?
is henry cavill actually geralt or is that just a weird dream i had
what do you mean?
Yeah he said he'd like to do it on twitter so they just dropped everyone from the casting list and give it to him, decisions like that can only hold well.
Didn't some bitch who was supposed to be in this die?
>Honestly Lauren seems pretty cool
What's the POC % rate for main characters in the books/games?
who are you quoting?
His backstory of a white guy in blackface is what makes him a funny and convincing character.
I assume it's mostly white liberals and feminists who get off on that.
Favorite example is probably how Wakanda is only black people, yet Asgard looks like 21st century London.
twas a different time
This. Though that tweet i think was from before they started production on the show
Did they recast 90% of the characters then?
Without blackface tho.
Like if a black actor put on white cosmetics and tried to vibe as white that might be another story, at least trying to get the aeathetics right (obv wouldn't work). But he'd still have the wrong energy. Peoples have an essence, an energy.
Was this suppose to sway my opinion? Atleast she has read all the books now unlike D&D.
>Makes herself the focus of a group picture
She isn't changing people's cultural heritage or ethnic make up or gender because she is feeling 'liberal,' she is changing those things because it is good for the story. Duh.
In reality it is because of marketing pressure.
>marketing pressure
But GoT is the biggest thing in recent years and it's 95% white.
>he still pretends to not understand what wakanda being isolationist means
I knew stright away that giving the Witcher to the (((Americans))) was a mistake.
Poor fucking Henry Cavill. He signed onto the project really early on. Possibly the first actor they hired. You could tell he was really excited about it.
Then the SJW twitter posts began.
Then the nigger and poo in loo actresses arrived, his love interests mind you.
Then they made him wear that riddiculous outfit and wig.
Then he was made fun out of online relentlessly.
Poor fucking Henry. He doesn't deserve it.
>All of those cunts needed to make a compelling screenplay adaptation
How do these retards maneuver their way into these positions? Can't judge a book by it's cover, but jesus christ these are not people I would expect to write or adapt a compelling story.
Witcher books are pretty 90's edgy and degenerate if that makes any sense. Full of hedonistic abandon and nihilism.
I am actually really glad that it wasn't much of an issue and didn't stop the show from getting where it is. I don't like the show, but I love fantasy in general, and want more of it. Having said that, I doubt that would hold much sway, the international markets are just large enough to matter.
>Trusting the Jews
He deserve it.
>Was this suppose to sway my opinion?
yes, unless you are a redditor
>Atleast she has read all the books and whataboutism
shes terrible ,she made daredevil´s 2nd season
Elektra Natchios was chinese ffs
That's because GRRM had a say in the writing for the early seasons.
You realise half of this board is from eastern europe?
>unironic ellipsis
>"it just doesnt feel right"
Back to Twitter, millennial.
>Turning a potentially massively lucrative project into a big expensive bomb just to give a "Fuck You" to Slavs
Wew. That's some Jewish dedication right there.
>neoliberal identitarians
>then again they hired a show runner knowing she hadn't read the books at the time.
Why is this a complaint?
Anyone can read the books (and even if she had done it already she would have to reread them again anyway to plan the show). But being a good showrunner is something that you can't do on the spot.
>shitty Netflix videogame adaptation based on slav LOTR ripoff
>potentially massively lucrative
I have absolutely no idea what's Yea Forums's fascination with garbage videogame movies.
Seriously, this place unironically shilled Warcraft, unironically thought Warcraft and Assassins Creed would do good, and even then you don't understand that a videogame adaptation is automatic trash?
>b-b-but it's a book adaptation
The franchise is known only for the videogames, and will adapt vidya shit because literally no one cares about yet another LOTR ripoff.
This had no potential, it was never going to be lucrative, the only people who think that are out of touch executives and, for some reason, retards in Yea Forums
>this show/movie is bad because person said thing on twitter
how did we get here?
Baldur's Gate 2 would be a based adaptation. BG1 less so.
No it wouldn't, a videogame adaptation is automatic garbage, you stupid idiots.
How many fucking game movies do you need?
We had what, 40? 50 game movies and you still keep coming telling
>oh no, this shitty game could make a good movie for no reason at all
Videogame movies are garbage, they have always been garbage and they will always be the bottom of the barrel of cinema, lower than capeshit.
And Warcraft is the proof that even if you have the budget, even if you have a talented director who's a fan of the franchise and even if you have years of preparation it'll result in trash anyway.
It's not a LotR ripoff though?
I can't believe the author is so upset about how popular the games are he let something like this happen.
>Caring about a Netflix original
>Caring about a Netflix original based on a video game
>Caring about a Netflix original based on a video game based on a children's book
>Caring about a Netflix original based on a video game based on a children's book based on a culture that doesn't even belong to you
OK sweatys go back to bed
Isn't that the joke she is trying to make?
Yes it is, like all medieval fantasy.
It's yet another LOTR wannabe with a smartass author who thinks
>hey, if I make LOTR slightly edgier, that means it'll be good
He's not upset because they are popular, he's upset because he sold the rights for peanuts and the games sold well.
If he had made a proper deal to get a cut of all sales, he wouldn't give a fuck.
>LOTR ripoff
Double digit IQ doesn't mean someone is dumb, user. It can still be above average, eg. in my country.
It's not "LotR" slitghtly edgier, it's an attempt to deconstruct it before deconstruction became a meme.
It's influenced by LotR the same way all fantasy is, but doesn't follow Tolkien's footsteps.
House MD had like 20 by the end, but that was a kino comedy show trying to be as scientific as possible.
Henry joined in out of his own will, and he's part of Hollywood, he should have known better than work in a videogame show.
Never seen anyone but commies use that term.
>that pic
Yikes... I've never seen green screening look so flat. There's no depth. It looks like two idiots standing in front of a painting.
I have no interest in discussing that with videogame playing retards.
Videogame adaptations will always be garbage and flops.
The idea of someone unironically thinking
>Oh, a videogame show, i'm sure this is going to be good
Is baffling, you have to be literally brain damaged to think that.
And yet look at this, look how excited the brain damaged retards who populate this board were for that shitty movie.
>Videogame adaptations will always be garbage and flops.
That's the only thing you've said in the whole thread that is true.
They're adapting the books retard.
>a novel adaptation is automatic garbage, you stupid idiots.
>a short story adaptation is automatic garbage, you stupid idiots
>a play adaptation is automatic garbage, you stupid idiots
>a myth cycle adaptation is automatic garbage, you stupid idiots
This is only true if you put a retard in charge of the adaptation. All forms of art are packets of ideas and metaphor. The meaning can be extracted and repackaged into different forms by people who (1) care and (2) are competent
Oh yeah, a franchise known only for the videogames will adapt the books that no one read.
I bet they totally won't try to do the same shit the videogames did.
Oh wait, they did, like the videogames, they ignored that Geralt is supposed to be an ugly, creepy bastard by getting one of the most handsome men working in Hollywood right now to play his part.
>franchise known only for the videogames
maybe in fucking america
>I swear, the 100th attempt will work
Videogame adaptations are shit because there's nothing from a videogame worth adapting.
Videogames are where writers who were too shitty to even land a job in a superhero movie end up in.
Videogame movies are shit, because videogame storytelling is shit.
>This is only true if you put a retard in charge of the adaptation.
How about Warcraft, then?
Duncan Jones is a director who already proved himself, he had years to make the movie, he had a pretty big budget, and yet it was trash.
Because the lore and story of Warcraft is trash.
The only reason people eat up the stories in videogames is because there's more to a videogame than the story, and that's the problem, you can't adapt a videogame to a movie, a videogame is the combination of gameplay and story, hell, some don't even have a story.
The concept of a videogame adaptation to movies is retarded as hell.
The books had somewhat of a cult following in Europe. burgers didn't think they were worth anything so the English translation came after the games. But they already had Spanish, French and German translations before that.
The only reason why Kikeflix adapted The Witcher is because of the popularity of videogames and yet they still shat over the people who made the show possible.
Even the shitty RE movies understand the concept of basic fanservice.
Why do you think the slav who wrote the books sold the rights to CDPR for only $9000?
Because no one outside of poland knew what The Witcher was.
Hell, the franchise didn't achieve mainstream recognition until the third game.
>whiteness outside the new world
Shut up retard.
>medieval European
Not black? Colonialism happened nigga
You deliberately ignored point (1)
>someone who cares
Duncan Jones didn't give a shit about it and was doing it for dollars.
Also Warcraft doesn't have a main character or any real story. Baldur's Gate and Planescape do. So does the Witcher but that's going to be trash because it's made by retards.
Tolkien isn’t muh heritage either amirite you big gay
>talented director
He's not.
>fan of the franchise
Who bowed to Metzen and did whatever he asked
Have you ever actually played any of the old infinity engine games that that guy is talking about?
>Even the shitty RE movies
RE movies are the only acceptable vidya movies in existence.
Because you are a retarded american that lives in a country that tried to replace "rich" with "jobcreators", you morons have no concept of left or right.
Yes user, videogame adaptations have a ton of potential, it's only a coincidence that literally every single one is absolute filthy garbage, worthy of straight to DVD shit.
Now continue getting excited for the next videogame adaptations which, of course, it's going to be complete and utter garbage.
There's no audience lower than those who watch videogame movies, you are even more brain damaged than capeshitters.
Behold, pic related, the videogame movie with the highest budget ever.
What a fucking joke.
Rent free.
See for why it's based on the book, not the games. Making a movie out of a game is not an easy thing to do because you're taking away the interactivity and condensing what is at times a 50+ hour venture into 120 minutes. Most directors simply don't know how to translate it properly, when you're working with a book you're basically given a script, with a game you already have visuals, character designs, world design, music, and cinematic story telling already complete. As far as video game movies go Mortal Kombat is a pretty fun adaptation, Prince of Persia outside of a few moments is quite good, and if you want you could even delve into situations like Kingsglaive to see how parts of a game being made into a movie are pretty neat too.
>Expecting a writing team of women to not pick a hunk of an actor
user, Tolkienfags are delusional and have been on the defense since Dune got slightly popular, they have been bitching about star wars for 40 years and they turned insane when harry potter came out, every fantasy story is for them an enemy, they believe fantasy writers are football teams.
Yeah it's pretty fun for a vidya adaptation.
>videogame movie is announced
>movie comes out
>is shit
>videogame movie is announced
>movie comes out
>is shit
People who watch videogame movies are pretty much communists.
Nice counter argument to excuse your ignorance about neoliberals
>you're taking away the interactivity and condensing what is at times a 50+ hour venture into 120 minutes
Exactly, it's impossible.
You can't adapt a videogame, it's about time Hollywood gives up unless their plan is to replace comedies with these turds.
You're laboring under the assumption that the interactivity is even worth adapting. It's not relevant. The worthwhile parts of Witcher are Geralt being a medieval Man With No Name, big titted whores, sorceresses being shifty motherfuckers, and swearing. You don't need to somehow adapt the crafting system.
We're pretty much becoming like the New World now since EU is copying America's failed multicultural model.
>slavic white
Mortal Kombat would like to have a word with you, user
hope she sticks to her guns and this gets retreated. fuck pc/sjw/lgbtq. all that shit ruins tv/movies.
Warcraft was garbage because:
>Too late, they needed to put a movie out while it was still a big deal and not 10 years later
>Was done as a way to make a quick buck and had meddling from all sides
>They seemingly were thinking of making a series of movies so they went all the way back to the stories early stages instead of giving people what they wanted to see
Lets be honest, no one wanted to see what they gave us, everyone wanted to see Arthas and a movie with a slightly less comical tone.
I'm not even the same user.
Because it's a fucking videogame, stop fucking around, you can't make a good adaptation of videogames, stop insisting you stupid brain damaged zoomers, videogames have garbage stories not worth adapting because they are written by talentless hacks who are stuck in videogames since no one would eat up a movie or a book written by them.
Fuck off retard
is that way
>Do black people really get happy when they're shoved into medieval European settings?
Niggers think they were in Europe since the very beginning.
It's not about uplifting blacks. It's about demoralizing whites.
I didn't mean that as the interactivity HAS to be translated over, but rather that you have to find some way to present the story and characters without it. You have cases like the Tomb Raider movies where for some reason they couldn't figure out how to take the character of Lara Croft, a mixture of Bond and Indiana Jones to a degree, and put it on the big screen without over exaggerating everything and making it a joke.
>Why do you think the slav who wrote the books sold the rights to CDPR for only $9000?
Because CDPR was a no-name publisher with no successful product on their history and he (the writer) got already fucked with another videogame company.
Neoliberal is a buzzword you idiot.
Stop using it.
If you can make billions of dollars adapting comic books into film then you can do it with anything.
>Lara Croft
Yeah this is a good example of why video games movies are not automatically bad. That other guy will be like
but that's obviously not true in the case of Tomb Raider. It could have worked, all the character ideas were there for a decent adventure movie.
Where do you think you are, kiddo?
Classic leftist doublespeak, stalin would be proud
That explains a lot.
>America's failed multicultural model.
Multiracial and multucultural are not the same thing.
>a buzzword
I know retards like you have no grasp on economics, but just shut up.
>a commie talking about understanding economics
Kill yourself.
Not at all, just not a retarded american that gets triggered when people point out Reagan was a neoliberal.
its called hypocrisy
>increasing military budget
>giving financial rescues
Not to mention his social program.
>>increasing military budget
I wonder what Pinochet thinks about that
Hey, Zizek, what European lefty party is not identitarian?
Culture is an expression of biology, just like race.
I mean, she probably not the casting director for one. And second, I highly doubt that Netflix does not already have a diversity policy in place forcing them to have x amount of POC in their shows.
Left parties aren't identitarian.
She means exactly what she says: she isn't changing the characters and their heritage because she feels liberal, she changes them because she is a writer and knows better.
From Portugal to Finland, every single lefty party is identitarian.
Not the real ones, retard.
No true Scotsman.
If CBS is saying it. It must be true.
That doesn't mean multiracial and multicultural societies are the same thing.
She's a woman. It's what they always do.
Look at what she's doing, not what she's saying.
What part of the real left isn't identitarian you don't understand, retard?
Both are doomed to fail.
An ideology based on rich vs poor isn't identitarian. OK
That wasnt the question. You are right, but IRL there's lefty identitarian partiesm and nationalism especially in europe isn't sole property of the right
>Culture is an expression of biology
>Shouldn't everyone be represented? Why is this so scary?
What a scary fucking quote, there are people that actually believe this
>say something
>Do the opposite
Hypocrites should be hanged
Pretty sure some monsters Geralt fights are supposed to be niggers.
Here's the twist.
Those girls are playing the sorceresses BEFORE they doll themselves up with magic, like the books say they do.
user, do you know what goblinas are?
this shit is DOA
I wish they were adapting the stories of the games.
Unfortunately they're adapting "The Last Wish", the shitty book where Geralt becomes yennefer's bitch
just a reminder its a show about the original book and has nothing to do with any of the games
>since when did any story need 10 writers?
It's a focus group, probably none of them wrote anything of their own
American """"culture"""" is just shitting on other people's culture. A shame.
It means shes just a shameless liar, like all women
>Geralt becomes yennefer's bitch
He abandoned her after 1 year.
American culture is capitalist culture
Capitalist culture is shallow consumer culture
That's standard American practice. Why do you think their shows go on for 20+ episodes per half a year.
Henry Cavill being Geralt is the least of the show's problems. In the grand scheme of things he could be one of the best things about it.
>Because the lore and story of Warcraft is trash.
Because Blizzard just rips off Warhammer and Games Workshop.
Yeah, Marvel Universe is so much better than Video Game Stories. lmao
Bigot! Represent Zoophiles, Pedophiles and Transgender in your kids show or else!
so what exactly is wrong with the cast?
>lotr ripoff
It's an Elric ripoff you drooling mongoloid
Didn't she literally say she would be doing that?
I'd fuck her desu
she would be a good witch
do you really need so many people to write a script?
In terms of race and sex, why is this a bas thing
What is a writers' room Alex?
>based on a culture that doesn't even belong to you
whats the problem here? book about other cultures than your might expand your horizon.
>she would be an ugly witch
"Whoops I slipped and turned half the cast non-white. Just kind of happened. Don't chalk that up to my puritanical liberal ideology now."
Hold on. How is Millie Brady Princess Renfri and not Yennefer? What the fuck, they were so close. switch anya and millie's role ffs
How is she ugly?
She looks like an burnt Jew...
Think you may have to admit that you're a racist looking for excuses to hate her. Pathetic really.
Because the book already has different races and genders, you don't need to shoehorn a nigger in the role of a sorceress that was described as fucking pale you retard.
>Jews are a race
Think you may have to admit that you're an brainlet.
>Unfortunately they're adapting "The Last Wish"
you're fucking shitting me
I assumed it would be the games with the Wild Hunt arc and Iorveth and all that good stuff
look at u ragin
think you need to admit you have an anger problem and get some professional help.
>and and and and and and
Witcher confirmed for dead on arrival
>look at u ragin
You projecting is kind of sad.
>think you need to admit you have an anger problem and get some professional help.
??? Again, stop the projection, you aren't doing yourself any favours.
>sjw want to have it believed that men can’t write about the life of a woman, a white can’t understand what a ghetto truly is like etc
>hire 10 mutts/niggers to cover Slavic Middle Ages, one of the whitest places on earth
>Videogame movies are garbage
Mortal Kombat was kino
Also Silent hill was kinda disappointing but a decent movie
Well they could include some asians I guess
You know, I want to believe Google isn't ran by some demented agenda, but every time something like this happens, it proves some demented conspiracy theories to have some merit in them.
they don't have the rights to the vidyashit, it's always been a book adaptation
>Let's cast a bitch whose resemblance to Yennifer is literally a plot point and make them look entirely separate since one is black and one is pajeet.
The outfit they've given Geralt looks like basic bitch grungey tv series fantasy too.
And let's not forget Bebop's casting and using a huskey for Ein because it 'fits the aesthetic we're going for more' or some such. I fully expect bebop's going to have little to no jazz, too.
I've listened to friends who buy that nonsense and it's akin to a religion the way they'll parrot some talking point like a mantra, the way arabs'll randomly drop Allah-praises or the stereotypical amateur-preacher character will randomly cite biblical passages.
Representation for everyone because everyone deserves to be represented is literally trophy/participation awards. It's favoring making everyone feel good over telling a story, being true to the narrative and not reducing your media to the equivalent of a saturday morning cartoon.
Inclusivity and representation are not golden calfs that have to be worshipped before all else. Hell, they aren't even flat virtues or positives. Great things are exclusive - friendships, relationships, clubs, prestigious memberships.
any actual new info on the show or is this just the same sperging thread again?
I think it's some dumb algorithm fuckery. Nobody really googles European + people + art. They google European art.
On the other hand when you're looking for nigger stuff you type 'black people'. The adding of "people" is the issue I think.
Though on the other hand, I just googled "European couple" and got mostly whites with whites, but one with some arab and another with an asian.
Then I googled "American couple" and it's all niggers.
>and darkness
what did she mean by this?
>americans remaking a film/book/game from another culture
This literally never worked.
"My bosses told me to say that I am not going to do what everyone knows I will do before I do what I was always planning on doing"
She's looking for a way to do it and not look obvious that is all, you are still getting niggers.
The Witcher is reddit
I'd rather she stayed Renfri. That episode will be the only one worth watching anyway.
>Heres your writers bro
This is going to be a fucking trashfire.
You are probably right about this being a direct result of a sudden flux in people googling specific terms and then checking the images to match it.
it's based on a book though
She does not seem really cool. Shes credited with writing netflix’s daredevil a series i enjoyed, however she did not write it. She co-wrote 2 episodes later into the 1st season. The only show she was the head writer for was “The defenders” which even as someone who likes capeshit was absolutely fucking horrible. I am a massive witcher fanboy love all books and games and i am not looking forward to this show, i couldnt give less of a shit about blacks and indians being cast if the writer was good but all evidence points towards her being terrible.
>thaf stupid helmet
Fucking everytime
>We're pretty much becoming like the New World now since EU is copying America's failed multicultural model.
I'd like the record to show this is an admission of East Asian superiority.
>this hilarious picture
She's not wrong, my sides are in ORBIT
It's amusing how Western subhumans and their equally subhuman Colonial residues think that we unironically want to be grouped up with them. After centuries of fighting off waves and waves of external threats and invasions that would've decimated the European heartland, we were rewarded with backstabbery, invasions from the West and even attempted extermination. Won't even go into detail how the Limeys, Germshits and Englishmen sought to prolong the lifespan of the Ottoman Empire, on the expense of the Russians and the South Slavs (who've, after nearly 220 years of perpetual warfare, were subjugated by the Turks). Nowadays, Western shits are heavily utilizing Albanians (most notably against us Serbs), traitors and Turks against us, with constant economic subjugation which is funneled through the EU.
The "European greenhouse" was built on the bones of Slavs, and we will take what is ours, one way or the other, you birdjawed lowlifes won't have the last laugh, you can be rest assured of that.
t. Buckteeth Limey
>I am a massive witcher fanboy love all books and games
>i couldnt give less of a shit about blacks and indians being cast
Pick one and only one
>"That's not _why_ I am changing the races of classic characters... I'm still going to change them but not just randomly! That would be bad writing!"
Dumb ass white bitch
people act a certain way because of biology. ergo you can extrapolate from an individual to a group of individuals and see parallels. then you can go further with comparisons between the group and general society.
youre welcome for walking you through this very basic thought process.
Who is his favorite character?
but you already did?
>this is what Slavs look like according to Netflix casting directors.
Because color blind casting is retarded when there's a culturally and/or historically relevant aspect to the story.
Having colorblind casting in a medieval slavic setting based in slavic folklore is about as ridiculous as making a Genghis Khan movie starring John Wayne as Genghis Khan.
Homogenization and tokenism isn't representation.
As opposed to Asgard which is open to immigration or something, you goddamn idiot? It's norse mythology.
niggers dont really have shame like that. Plus they're constantly told about how they wuz literally everything so they might actually believe it
Not other user but I'd probably go for someone who has a demonstrable knowledge and interest in the source material otherwise it's likely to be some real hit and miss shit.
"I dont see color" I bet that's her response.
Fucking hacks, how can a writer surprise me when they are the most predictable type of person alive.
Not trying to shit on Slavs, but most of them physically look pretty much the same as Jews.
nice circular logic
you have it backwards, jews lived and mixed with slavs for a long time