Even if it’s something I used to like, whenever normalfaggots start to show up I immediately start hating it. How can I stop doing this? Is this feeling justified?
How can I stop hating things that become popular?
You just have low iq.
Seeing normalfaggots like niggers and women all over the internet now doesn’t make you seethe? My mother now sits on the internet all day on Facebook consuming sponsored content, this makes me never want to use the internet again.
You're right. Read Kaczynski
Stop liking things.
how about experiencing the media for yourself and forming your own opinion
I used to like him until I saw normalfaggots on twitter saying they liked him and quoting him to say other normalfaggots were dumb
Yea Forums isn't the place to ask this. Yea Forums has become a little normie tasted like Yea Forums. Better ask /adv/ or Yea Forums. These are some of the last havens of pure superior incels.
just kill yourself
Don’t want to anymore
Take the hipsterpill.
Don't worry, hipsters stopped being hipsters once they realized they were hated by everyone so it's cool to be a hipster again.
>Seeing normalfaggots like niggers and women all over the internet now doesn’t make you seethe?
No you fucking demented zoomer. Jesus Christ why are you faggots so sensitive?
If he were an actual zoomer he wouldn't know of a time where normalfags didn't ruin the internet, though.
Shouldn't have taught her then
Yea Forums was the first board that people migrated into back in 2007.
if he were an actual boomer he wouldn't be seething at the mere site of women and negroids on the internet. only cringe zoomers do shit like that
You have an illusory sense of superiority which is primarily derived from indulging in more obscure hobbies than your peers. You need to fix that problem.
actual retard
You are being led by what's popular, only in the opposite direction. You have no sense of self.
you seethe because you know I'm right.
I honestly feel the same thing
Normies ruin everything
T. Normie
imagine being such a cuck you are completely apathetic towards vaginiggers and apes ruining the quality of media they love
actual retard
It's normal to grow apathetic towards something when it's swallowed up into popular culture but hating it is silly. I guess you need to realise it's the bandwagon fans you hate and not the show. Best course of action is to just use the internet less.
Why does he need to fix it
Its the god teir way of living
Being aware of that you are more high iq than the masses
Get off the computer grandpa
zoomers have a brief feeling of it from early youtube and late newgrounds right before they went down
I thought you just disliked the popular things that are shit but
>Even if it’s something I used to like, whenever normalfaggots start to show up I immediately start hating it
is just cringe, I sometimes false like popular things which I don't like, like game of thrones or friends to talk with people but if something I like becomes popular I don't stop liking it.
Hating normie things and being bitter gives me energy and makes me happy desu
If you hate normie things why do you post the Facebook frog?
Seeking emotional fulfillment and validation from media is just unwise in general. People need other more involved hobbies. If all your spare time and recreational activity involves consuming media then you really need to rethink your life.
Here is the classic that is still true
imagine being so obsessed that the mere sight of a black person on the internet makes you seethe. you need to go the fuck back zoomer.
>tabletop "games"
this website is filled with faggots who actively look for things to be pissed off about. it's like I'm surrounded by dramatic roasties
actually based
Wojack is the worst thing to happen to Yea Forums.
i miss rage faces
crayon into nose towards brain. the homer method
I think Pepe's worse. Wojak at least gave us Pink Wojaks which are good. What's Pepe doing these days? Being a fucking faggy clown for smug fedoracore teenage nihilists?
people who define themselves by what they hate are usually insufferable faggots
You're probably depressed and isolated. You're bitter at people you feel OWE you love so when you see normies enjoy things you enjoy, it irks you. You probably also watch too much television and as a result identify with media in place of clubs and hobbies. You probably discuss stuff here and feel like we're a little community. We're not, you're a loser and nobody should care about media enough for it to drive a wedge between them and others.
Even worse are people who try and act so aloof and above it all that they stop using grammar and capital letters.
>you act aloof and above it all because you don't use proper grammar on Yea Forums
thanks for the psychoanalysis freud
>You have an illusory sense of superiority which is primarily derived from indulging in more obscure hobbies than your peers. You need to fix that problem.
Indulging in obscure stuff doesn't mean he has problem. Holding his interests over people does. It doesn't matter if he fucking watched the big bang theory every night. This is anti-social behaviour that could be transferred to any activity. He suffers from depression and potential narcissism. I prescribe to bullets two the head.
>Indulging in obscure stuff doesn't mean he has problem.
he didn't say that
I'm the poster you replied to and I generally agree. Even his flippant usage of the term 'normie' indicates an unhealthy contempt for socially well adjusted behaviour.
Elitism in general is pretty cringe especially if it's about the anime image board you browse
And what do you do with that energy? Shitpost on Yea Forums while you shove chips down your throat?
>eating chips
no way, I couldn't handle getting my hands oily
>no way, I couldn't handle getting my hands oily
>roasty getting toasty