People actually gave a shit about her? She was one of the least interesting characters in the show.
People actually gave a shit about her? She was one of the least interesting characters in the show
Other urls found in this thread:
It's all about that fro, my friend. Wouldn't you just love to run your fingers through it?
She cute
She's sexy and has a nice body.
ugly nigger mutt
The show stopped being YAAAAS QUEEEN for 10 minutes and normies went apeshit. All of a sudden characters, plot and dialogue is important even though they loved S6 and 7.
absolutely BTFO
>Sansa was reduced to a xenophobic opportunistic bitch
She was /ourgirl/ all along. Apologize.
She's pretty cute. But honestly, I'm more mad that they did nothing with her character. They could have used her character to show another side to Dany. A kinder more friendly side but decided that having Dany bond with anyone on a friendship level was a "no, no". but whatever.
So her skin colour was her only worth?
it's not even that, Westeros is still ruled by women, the issue is thaht they portray women as not 100% rightous character
She didn't even get to taste a dick. Really makes you think.
Nigs follow the one-drop rule just like 1488'ers then? She's like a fifth black at best.
guarantee your genetics are worse
I only care cos it made Dany-chan sad, and she's my new waifu even tho I hated her guts before this episode
She was cute in Misfits when she wasn't sporting that nignog afro, which is the ugliest hairstyle for women imo.
>mfw when she died without seeing her getting whipped in bondage
Oh right, that chick that liked it up the ass and died. Cool, never realised.
Dany was reduced to begging John because her entire character is just Throne-lust. They should be upset about her characterization, but the begging is just a symptom.
Brienne being reduced to a crying woman in a nightgown was bugfuck retarded, and it IS really the only legitimate complaint listed here.
Sansa is 100% right to be distrustful of Dany. I'm not a big fan of that retarded banded black armor she's strolling around in, her acting like a smug cunt to her friends and family is insufferable, and she still hasn't done ANYTHING to justify a leadership position. Still, she made the right call on Dany.
Arya was been a joke for ages. She's even worse than Sansa. Her every scene is just her smirking at people before saying something retarded that everyone pretends is some amazing remark.
Missandei had an amazing arc. Yes, she ended her life in chains. This was a deliberate choice, not some oversight. Her final words being the same words that freed her originally confirm it.
Dude have you seen her body? She was the last hot chick on this piece of shit show.
I’m so jealous Greyworm was getting prostate massages from her on the regular.
She was a beautiful woman, of course people care about her
It's like they drudged through previous season for some one liners they can manufacture into some le epic foreshadowing, pretending they planned this through from the beginning instead of making it up as they go along.
This, we jungle fever now
like honestly
all I know about her is she said danny's name hundreds of times and "fucks" greyworm
she loved every second of it
She's hot, no one would've cared if she was mirri maz dur
>old and busted Lena Headey
>Emilia's fat face and dancing eyebrows
>Sophie's also fat face and mannish frame
>The Goblin
Fuck, you're right.
Your choices are now Yara or Brienne, enjoy.
Now now user, Lena Headey is still hot.
so she would have experienced her face bouncing off the floor and then fallen until she lost consciousness with her skull cracking on the ground.
Am I a psychopath for getting an erection imagining that happening to me? That almost makes me cum in my pants.
What do I do with this?
Auto-erotic asphyxiation.
>Episode 3
>"YAAAAAS KWEEEEN SLAYYYY, anyone who calls Arya a Mary Sue is an angry virgin incel, Game of Thrones has always been about powerful women"
>Episode 4
>"REEEEEEEEE my favorite negress was killed IN CHAINS, Game of Thrones is deeply racist and problematic and has been since season 1, Dany will be totally justified when she massacres the men, women and children of King's Landing"
the true secret to an ideal afterlife is a bullet to the brainstem
Sansa confirmed /ourgirl/
Don't forget that they just now took offense to Sansa gaining superpowers from being raped.
I agree to all of these and I guess brienne cried because she was a virgin, and jaimie deflower her and she secretly loved her because they have through many shit together.
Many people gave shit about her. Non blacks liked her as a side character that had a characterisation.
Im glad these progressive cunts are upset things aren't going their way. If the Leaks are true, and the Yea Forums NEET shut in winds up being King, the tears will be at Hillary levels.
They only give a shit that she has slightly dark skin and terrible hair so they pretend her character matters.
>niggers watch GoT too
Disgusting, stick to your own culture
Brienne crying is not strange at all, what's fucked up about all of that is the character assassination of Jamie. It would be fucked up if Brienne didn't cry. Jamie was literally reduced to "muh sisters pussy".
Why was she even on the ships. What even What even was her role since theres no need for an interpreter there.
>Thinking niggers have a culture.
No they just want to usurp everyone else's and claim its their own.
have sex.
>game of thrones is now white culture
I want to die, Adorno was right.
Based have sex poster!
isnt she the one that did porn?
No that was the Turk who played a whore
Its ok, you've tasted enough dick for an entire nation.
I had forgotten she was in the show
I fucking wish
Yeah that bitch was nasty
It was obvious that Nina was gonna die the moment she betrayed her country, but man she was ended abruptly.
based sansa
unironically BRAVO DABID
Despite a chin that looks like it can cut through steel, yara actress always looked like a cool, easy-going person you could build a comfy, happy and fulfilling relationship with
Fros feel dry and dead.
snuggle on the couch tier, I'd make her grow her hair out though.
>black woman
She isn't even black she's the lightest shade of brown the qhowrubners could have picked
...or else maybe it really was planned? That'd make more sense.
Nobody gave a shit about her. Just femitards pretending she matters in the show. She’s not even black in the books.
>She’s not even black in the books.
She isn't NOT black. She's like a slave in the planetos version of the middle east. She's definitely not described as being "white."
Meh, the short hair sucks
i cant wait till dany dies
Gemma Whelan isn't comely, but she still has a certain appeal
I suppose this, I guess it's the smile, it looks sincere
Yeah, it was kinda embarrassing watching this shit. All of a sudden this background secondary character is supposed to be a main character.
Fuck, I forget where it was, probably Winterfell, where they discuss the death of the dragon... and OMG THEY GOT MISSANDEI!!!!!
Fuck off. Fuck this shit show. Fuck those fucking amateur shit writers.
Remember that scene after Salsa lies about the death of her aunt and starts wearing all black? We all thought she would team-up with LF and become fully evil but no.
>reports mention the loss of one dragon
>several? ships
>and mention MISANDRY instead of all the hundreds of dead crewmen/supplies/siege equipment
>no not Misandry!!? Who th efuck cares about Fatima when 120 wedding guests were blown up
join the armed forces they'll make you a captain in no time
She and Grey Worm ruined literally every scene they were in. I can't imagine it's possible for me to care less about two characters.
>shoot fairly big spears into ships
>ships tear apart and sink
>survivors, including extremely important characters, swim to coast where they're lying exhausted
>euron and friends do not follow and slaughter them, nope, just sail away after lying in ambush
D&D: Nailed it!
Met her at a comiccon, she was way more beautiful in real life, very sweet and homely, nothing like her character at all.
Black cotton, kid. Fros are amazing.
The Brienne bit is fair. In earlier seasons she comes across as somewhat withdrawn as the result of her disturbing past, but in contrast to The Hound she retained her principles and did not become a twisted cynic.
Brienne's non-romantic relationship with Jaime was one of the most compelling in the whole series IMO. It was built on respect, and grounded in their shared struggle at the hands of the Boltons in Season 3.
In this seasons, she's emotional to the point of mania. The goofy beaming smile she makes during that mock knighthood ceremony in Ep 2 was ridiculous for a woman who never seemed to crave recognition before.
When Jaime left, she was reduced to blubbing hysterics, despite them being both adults. I'd understand her being super pissed and disappointed, but she didn't even react nearly this strongly when Renley was murdered in front of her.
Blacks follow the one drop rule bc blacks were treated the same by society regardless for the most part. They formed families and political movements around solidarity instead of segmentation based on the 1 drop rule. That shit went on for centuries, so just shut up about it.
>Yeah, it was kinda embarrassing watching this shit. All of a sudden this background secondary character is supposed to be a main character.
No she's not.
The shows quality has really dropped since season 4, but the blind hatred on here is embarassing.
Wouldn't surprise me if you're one of the people claiming Brienne and Jamie never had chemistry and that this was too soon, when the chemistry has been there since the season 3 bath scene.
Its okay, I'd be defensive if I was a mutt race, as well.
You are a mutt race. You're just too much of a cunt to admit it.
>written by a white man
>takes inspiration from other white author, tolkien
>takes place in a medieval europe - like setting
>TV show was made by whites
Yes, it is white culture. Fuck off back to Africa to build houses out of monkey shit, jamal.
wtf she complaining about. no non-white characters have had it worse than white ones like theon.
Kinda wish there was a left wing idemtity politics version of Yea Forums so could talk to these people and discuss like here.
Culture doesn't work that way as it is, in essence, simply ideas that can be adopted anywhere. You couldn't control it even if you tried.
Its always funny how a certain group demands representation but dont want to commit or invest time/money in it.
Thats why i always appreciate things that people like Spike Lee has done, even i disagree with him on several things. At least he invested in things and wrote about things he cared for. Not like so many that demand that others should cater to them and take some risk.
Grey Worm was making the same face as that gymnast the whole time and it was pissing me off.
>always has her hands together in front of her
>symbolizing that she is still a cuffed slave
>gets killed, being freed by the true hero of GoT
The ships were hundreds if not thousands of metres away. They wouldnt be able to see people jumping off and swimming away. Would it really be that interesting seeing Euron sail up to the wreckage looking for shit?
She's not a secondary character? Give me a fucking break.
"A dragon was killed but, OMG DEY TOOK DA MISSANDEYYY!!!!"
Why the fuck would Sansa give a shit? Why would anyone in Winterfell give a shit? You'd think they'd care about the probable loss of hundreds/thousands of soldiers. But no, it's Missandei whose only contribution has been her shitty lovestory with Mr. Dickless where they talk like retarded 5 year olds.
>She was one of the least interesting characters in the show.
Maybe, but she was also one of the brownest, so therefor worth a lot
shes so forgettable and worthless i cant even remember why she is part of danys court.
why was it again?
>Dany was reduced to begging John because her entire character is just Throne-lust.
She’s just scared that she’ll have to get rid of him.
But even more scared that he will get rid of her. Her only powers are her people and the dragons. And she clearly sees that he’s winning by a mile in a loyalty department, her armies are gone and her personal cuck bodyguard is now dead.
Jon is physically stronger, has more men, has a better claim for the throne, never did anything unpopular and it’s not clear if the dragon will even attack him even if she tries.
How did they know about that pretty much instantly? Are cell phones now a thing in Westeros?
>Dragonstone is an island, and there are multiple ways to reach Winterfell from there. The shortest distance, as the dragon flies, is about 486 leagues (1458 miles as GRRM measures it, 2700 km in real world conversion).
Good job D&D.
Wasn't she the royal cunny-licker?
All that was irrelevant because she had a solid control over him by the power of pussy but that is now gone. She’s quite literally powerless.
Thought this too. Maybe they were afraid Daenerys would flank them and burn them up if they stayed around too long?
She helped Dany dick over the slave traders to get the Unsullied.
only in the books, much younger in the books too
y u so mad wh*te boi
why do POC's worship her? judging by her skin tone and face she has at least 70% european genes.
How did they capture Ms. Sunday if they just sailed away?
>Im glad these progressive cunts are upset things aren't going their way
>the Yea Forums NEET shut in winds up being King
Are you always this needy?
I know. It's very hard seeing people from distances of hundreds of meters. Practically impossible.
Also, how are Euron and his buddies supposed to know there would be people in the ocean? Well, except for Missandei who probably drifted in his direction.
Reminder that she died whispering dracarys. She died hoping for a mass murder
>Its always funny how a certain group demands representation but dont want to commit or invest time/money in it.
well it's not like anyone else *cares* about /pol/ types and /pol/-influenced Yea Forums types. at bottom they know it too
>the Yea Forums NEET shut in
who's that?
Not even there. Daenerys wasn't slow to take sexual advantage of Irri but somehow managed to find enough decency in herself not to do it to Missandei (who in the novel series is like an Asiatic child of eleven or twelve).
pretty sure it's an attempt to get up the idea of Bran being unironically /ourbasedguy/
So the women were treated like the men? Sounds fair enough.
Sansa was always /ourgirl/. I hope Dany fucking dies while she have some good giggles
can Bran even give orders or anything like that? i thought he could only answer things like wikipedia
Right, I forgot about her and combined them.
She also had a chance to grab Cerei and jump.
Haven't watched this dumb show since Tywin got killed by the midgit, why'd she get beheaded?
And why did that cuck unsullied fella just stand by and watch his waifu get killed?
That's the point of the episode.
what's the point of Salsa beyond being smart for having been mistreated?
it wasnt even that good, yet i keked
She was unironically a gud girl who din do nothin
>And why did that cuck unsullied fella just stand by and watch his waifu get killed?
what's he going to do? jump a castle wall? GoT is borderline cape-shit but it's not straight cape-shit yet.
I thought she was qt for a mutt but that's about it.
Based Sansa.
you're close to enough to completely correct it makes no difference. he could give an order but it's pretty obvious the greensight just steals away all that kind of initiative from you and makes you an almost totally passive sink of knowledge
um sweetie...
>a fictional character in a fictional show is supposed to be treated differently by the other fictional characters on said show because of real life political ideologies
This show had a good number of qts back then.
>you can fuck her but Grey Worm has to be watching
Would you Yea Forums?
Missandey might not be important to them but was important to Dany, I'm sure the Northerners noticed the 2 of them being always together, even in important meetings, makes sense they'd emphasize her kidnapping
they still had to record it from a weird angle and in the dark so it's not totally obvious this is almost capeshit now
> women are naturally dumb
> to wisen up, women need extreme violence
> after a woman has endured extreme violence, she's very wary of letting foreigners into her homeland
Maybe this is the point D&D want to make?
Slavery was always a choice
DOREAH, DOREAH. Good to the last bite.
so turns out GoT was based and redpilled all along
sounds b&r desu
Even if it happened at an angle from which I couldn't see him I'd still have his face and the constipated expression of disapproval in my mind.
>what's he going to do? jump a castle wall?
excellent point user. grey worm was clearly reluctant to get aHEAD of himself
exactly, she didnt do ANYTHING except stand around Dany looking pretty.
Carry on the legacy of best boy Rob Baratheon and exterminate the Targaryen vermin
Can't blame her on that. I would also wish people beheading me to die a horrible death for this.
exactly, she was the last beautiful female in the show, I have no more reasons to watch
and pics?
asking for a friend
wtf I love Sansa now
Sibel Kekilli
One who played Shae. Bitch has a TON of porn.
Oh yeah, her.
Who is that qt?
>Gendry becomes a traglover because he gets made a lord
>Based Sansa shits on Targs and actively tries to cuck Dany out of the throne and her bro
She’s half. Both her parents are halfies.
And yet, none of them is superior to the one true queen of the seven kingdoms.
I like the way there was no blood when they cut off her head.
It didn't look at all like they pushed a cheap mannequin over the wall. It was totally realistic.
Saw a really nasty photo of her running just today. But yeah, she was pretty appealing.
What do you think a dead body looks like, user? Without control they fall over limp, a lot like a mannequin. Blood doesn't fountain everywhere from a clean cut, only from explosions that literally destroy the surrounding flesh. Plus, we saw her body in a pool of blood in the background. Of all of the things to complain about, that really wasn't one of them.
Weren't the unsullied supposed to be iron willed non emotional warriors who killed their dogs to complete their training? Why is this one acting like a bitch?
Based retard
>Sansa isn't weak
hurr I don't like her character so she's been REJUICED
>why can't I see a sailboat
>some random shapes n shit in illusion pic
Dumb bitch. Fucking midgets and degenerates really does fuck you up.
>Of all of the things to complain about, that really wasn't one of them.
Oh, I think it was. If you weren't such a grovelling fanboy, you'd certainly see it.
The body wasn't "limp," it was completely rigid. And yes, cuts bleed.
If they can afford CGI dragons, they could certainly have done better than pushing a cheap Old Navy mannequin off a wall. That was pathetic and cheap.
You can still see a squirt go out of the neck. It's blurred but still there.
Fuck that mutt
>those eyebrows
Don't they have razors in westeros?
>Danny still has John being faithful despite having the rightful claim and peer support
>Sansa has been betrayed by nearly every high born she's come across who wasn't a stark, of course she isn't going to be trusting
>Arya has been attempting to be a cold bitch since season 2.
>Missandei's character has little left to offer the plot except for dying, and the chains were intentional to make her death more tragic you mouth breathing buzzfeed consuming retards.
I want to wife sansa now
i mean the word is cringe, but wanting to butcher people who are currently murdering you is kind of standard response
Her pubic fro maybe
>Expect her to say something like "I DIE FREE", and walk off edge herself
D&D, you've done it again!
Would have been a way more painful death but you've got a point.
she was barely brown.
>breaks her legs but doesn't die
>gets dragged back up and executed again
>not deliberately going headfirst
It's like you don't even want to die.
>rolls on the ground and falls by herself again
>cue several minutes of them repeatedly dragging her back up and her trying to kys and failing over and over
>how she looks in real life
my erection is a lie
Just enough distraction for John to catch up
Fuck off, Sansa’s character is fucking retarded. What’s her endgame exactly? Not support Dany who’s helped the North from complete extinction and by extension the Starks and stay independent? Independent from Dany and her dragons? Cersei and her golden company? What’s her actual brilliant plan aside from being a plot device for forced conflict? Remember she was autistic even before she knew that Jon had a claim. Helping Dany and currying favor could lead the North as being in the best position in Dany’s new kingdom.
Well she was the hottest character left.
No, it's not Arya or the two fatties Sansa and Dany
She's also one of the few black characters left which left black people and leftists seething
>feminism ruins all
And that fucking septum...
He loved her?
Get Jon into the throne regardless of his heritage.
for some reason i really want starbucks now
He's weird as fuck. His posture is so atrocious, I find his character to be unbelievable at best.
>I come from a peace loving hippie island. We are literally incapable of defending ourselves we are so pacifistic.
>I hate the cruelty of this world, Khaleesi
Why are round foreheads so gross?
She's cute.
What a great plan from the shows most smartest character, truly. She’d literally accomplish this easier if she pretended o be on her side.
I really expected more brutality from undead Mountain. Thought he was gonna cleave her down the middle from top to bottom or something.
yeah, but he got a taste of the bad poosy
How many are these even black?
>which is the ugliest hairstyle for women imo.
Can't handle the BBC? (big black cortex)
And one week ago they all loved the show. Nice fan base DnD!
It's not exclusive to blacks though, and other people are also ugly when they have protuberant round foreheads.
>she could end it once and for all with grabbing her down
>but no she just "Dracarys"
she looks like Alisia Rae
She seems like she'd be a really fun person to have a drink with.
>grab Cersei and jump, try to land on top of her
>if she survives, strangle her with the chain
But she is WOC op. This makes her interesting.
It was pretty good up until the dog war where the hardest and baddest killers on the isles rowed across the entire continent to attack the dreadfort and then ran away from a couple dogs and a shirtless man with some knives. Which season was that in again?
I think that was the moment I went from forgiving the show it's changes to realizing they really didn't know what they were doing. I could forgive all the changes from the earlier seasons not just for the sake of time, I actually think a lot of the OC scenes were pretty good and made sense, the war stories scene between Robert Jaime and Barristan was excellent. I like the show version of Viserys, Drogo, Osha, and Robert better than their book counterparts.
The first niggle that something wasn't right was when the swapped out Jeyne Westerling for Talisa for seemingly no reason and did nothing with it, but even then they still landed the Red Wedding and it was glorious. It kinda feels like D&D were building up to the Red Wedding, the whole reason they did the show was to put the Red Wedding on TV and after that hit that moment they really didn't know what to do with the rest of the show after that, every show only death seems like a toddler trying to imitate the Red Wedding without understanding why it worked so well. It wasn't that it was "dude brutal they just totally killed those guys and anyone can die, whoa" it worked because it made way more sense than the traditional storytelling trope version where everyone forgives the hero all his transgressions and failings and everything works out in the end. It was the dash of reality that was refreshing not the accompanied brutality of it, that reality is what made it hit home because you couldn't pick it apart logically like you can all the subsequent deaths and twists. A good twist isn't just unexpected, it also has to fit better than what you thought was going to happen and allows you to to reevaluate the whole work with that new context.
Pool’s closed
Wait, and then they didn't fuck her brain using the bullet hole?.
Missed opportunity
Watched it with my boomer dad and he kept saying she was dumb as fuck for not just jumping.
He also didn't understand why Dany didn't just circle around the Greyjoy fleet and fuck them up from behind, considering how long it would take a ship that size to turn.
He also loved Arya killing NK so I guess it's a mixed bag.
blog over.
Let me remind you again
I still don't know what it means. Sounds like cringe every single time dineres says it.
Natalie Dormer is 37 years old, she's old enough to have children going to college.
I don't know how often you incels go outside but most women will look this way in their late 30's and honestly Dormer looks good for her age, she's just unfortunate in the fact that she can't go for a run without having some dipshit get a unflattering picture of her.
>Reduced to chains
Uhh. She was reduced by like 6 inches actually.
>their late 30's
Try late 20s
My sister loved Arya killing the NK and thought E3 was great. She pointed out several errors in logic and writing in E4. I told her to be glad her expectations were subverted.
>Blood doesn't fountain everywhere from a clean cut
Yes it does, it is called "blood pressure"
YIKES. She hit the wall harder than the wights.
It's coming. The articles saying GOT was as bad as Trump's election.
Seriously though, I hope the show pisses off normies. It will push them even further away from the "nerd" shit. The trend is ending.
>short hair
>whore makeup
Ugh why? She looks so much better covered in dirt and with long unwashed hair.
why didnt they kill qyburn as payback for this? the old fucker was literally standing right in front of them
This was hilarious, she strolled out of there like she was hot shit only to be abused and raped for a whole season after. I find that so fucking funny. DABID only realized the hole they wrote themselves into between the seasons and had to retcon her so hard.
what did she say before they killed her? i've never watched the show and only a few of the burlington bar videos and everyone cheered at what she said. what was it? context?
I unironically forgot she was even there, she's an actual who.
They are mad because "muh poc" it's dumb.
>the only black woman
she's fucking barely black
Post your face when Cleganebowl gets canceled because Grey Worm gets his revenge on the Mountain.
She was a slave most of her life until Dany saved her. It's implied she was used for sex before.
The only relevant non-white part of ASOIAF is Rhllor, which is just Zoroastrianism, an Indo-European religion
>put in chains
Zoroaster was white and so were his followers
yeah I don't get this, cat had no problem slaying the frey bitch when she got betrayed, so why is qyburn still alive?
Sorry, I'm not white, so the women I'm used to looking at don't look like 47 year olds when they're 36.
>Brienne being reduced to a crying woman in a nightgown was bugfuck retarded, and it IS really the only legitimate complaint listed here.
She just lost her virginity you dumb virgin. She loved jaime. That was the only good scene in the show.
they had an entire wall of archers ready to fire on them if they did anything.
wtf i love got now
>She's the literal definition of the "have sex" meme
Mad Incel poster
absolutely based titties
I didn't even get into how Missandei = Miss An Dei = Miss and Die means that a Miss [young lady who is unmarried" will Die without ever becoming a Mrs. [foreshadowing for how Grey Worm and Missandei won't get to marry each other].
Literally lost her oneitis immediately after having sex with him for stupid reasons. Her character has been the only one true representation in this whole cluster fuck.
She sees him as her oneitis and she'll never love again after he dies. The crying was dead on.
First thing Dany says to her is that she might get killed. And she was all smug about it.
Bet she wishes she had chosen Tormund now.
these are the same people who get upset about Geoffrey in real life because he is so mean.
Funny how they bait Danny the same way as Jon in the Winterfell battle.
Brienne's been thinking with her vag since she was first introduced, it's why she followed Renly. The book version was a young woman ashamed of her large body, the issue comes from the TV version being stone faced and emotionless despite having the same motivations.
Dunno, user. Best take it up with Stalwart Shield.
>It's coming. The articles saying GOT was as bad as Trump's election.
so it hasn't happened and probably won't but at least you floated an idea to bitch about. good for you, user
Requesting Pictures of Sansa in SS uniform
Ser Duncan the Tall found young Walder Frey so annoying he wanted to throw him down a well.
how much of that's original and how much did you make, breh?
Aw its the mongoloid version.
Emilia is still cute
Why did Dany take her with her everywhere? She should've stayed in Mareen to govern.
Imagine how that place has gone to shit now with Sellswords running it.
I don't understand.
Did you ever go for a run or how are you being so judgemental
that would have been so fucking cool
meereen, user. meereen was always shit
Character development. Are you seriously complaining about Grey worm showing some emotion?
Stalwart Shield's an Unsullied who hires prostitutes to hug him. Or was.
>Really cool assassin lover that most definitely would be a really good body guard
>Decide to go to West where they speak the normal tongue
>Better take Rosettastone.exe who cannot fight and will serve literally zero purpose because I kind of like her I guess? OH BOY HERES THAT WAR WE WERE TALKING ABOUT! Better go down into the crypts because you literally cannot fight. OH BOY GLAD THATS OVER NOW LETS GO TO KINGS LANDING TO FIGHT. BETTER COME WITH ME BECAUSE.....BECAUSE???
Literally why was she even on the boat? It was already established that if she cannot fight then she needs to stay away. Where the fuck was she going to go when they started fighting? Why wouldn't she just stay in Winterfell until the fighting was over.
Mountain has lost his creative spark ever since he became Qyburns Frankenstein Monster
Have you ever heard of cheerleaders?
Holy shit those quads.
The black woman gets unfairly killed by the bad guys and the good guys are shocked. If anything this shows how evil the bad guys are, not that Game of Thrones endorses killing black women, for fucks sake.
>Character development. Are you seriously complaining about Grey worm showing some emotion?
Given that they were supposed to be incapable of it.
What is POC
Piece of cunny?
I don't speak sjw language
Meh, there was an episode where they already touch on that fact. He says he shouldn't feel emotion and that its like the first time in his life he does and hes ashamed but also can't help it.
He has had a lot of experience that other unsullied didn't have like being a part of Dany's council. Gives him more time to be mindful and to gain sentience again.
>the strongest warriors in that universe are a bunch of skinnyfat dyels
Hm sweetie
They have a system to repress their emotions, but once that system is gone people will begin to change. Of all the stupid things in the show I hardly think that qualifies.
person of color. A "polite" way of being racist.
people of color
But somehow that's better than colored people
>What is POC
potential origins of cash
She's a plot device so the Unsullied niggers can go on a killing rampage indiscriminately in Kings Landing next episode and the advisors can only stare in horror as Dany burns everything down and murders Varys.
Just wait till you see what happens to Tyrion. ;)
The creators have forgotten that Jaime smashed in his cousins face(not strangled),that Gendry should be Waters not Rivers and that KL looked nothing like it did in the previous seasons let alone remembering how powerful the Mountain is despite seeing him tearing the head and spine out of a faith militant not too long ago...
I mean, they left a Starbucks cup in full view so it shows how little effort has gone into it.
They don't give a fuck anymore. This entire season is basically the results of "Oh shit the essay is due tomorrow. I need to do it quickly!".
She's mulatto. A lot of them consider themselves black while others consider themselves to just be mixed. Why does that trigger you people so much?
American niggers need to be exterminated. Their afro-revisionist shit is spreading across the small white part of the world.
>Brienne being reduced to a crying woman in a nightgown was bugfuck retarded, and it IS really the only legitimate complaint listed here.
No, it fits perfectly.
Jaime was the first man to actually show love for her, moreso even than Renly.
We saw how deeply Renly's friendship impacted her, so Jaime literally destroyed her heart when he left like that. She's still a woman, after all, and still has a heart.
I'd be more concerned if she DIDN'T cry.
Jaime's rejecting her and going to his death. She's torn between duty and love. She can't stop him, or she fails her duty. If she stays, she's betraying her heart.
Her reaction was exactly what it should be.
"People/Persons of Colour"
Ironic really because white is the purest of colours and black is an abyss, the absence of light and colour.
The way they say it, it implies European peoples aren't real.
I cummed.
heh, you're talkin like you don't know the outrage mob is lying in wait 24/7 for something to cry about
penis overclocking
I'm still sort of just blinking my eyes over a dragon getting shot out of the sky like a tweety bird for no good reason.
frankly this chick is barely even black lol
Based D&D subverting the SJW fanbase and bringing them to outright insanity as their dreams of a feminist run world collapse in front of them.
Truly smart Jews. Profiting off the idiots buying the merch and then fucking them over at the ending episodes. Can't wait to see the reactions to 5 and 6. It's going to be nuclear meltdown tier.
Missandei and Melly both dead.
My waifus are taking a serious hit
Bullshit. All her facial features are European and they have to deliberately style her hair into that fro. If both her parents are mixed then they are both quadroon at best.
D&D are /ourbros/
Very true on all counts.
I didn't know about the Unsullied rampage in KL, is that another leak?
How the fuck did she get captured? Why didn't she just follow rest of the army and swim towards the shore?
I assume Euron picked her up in the skiff.
Unfortunately I can't believe that is real. Never seen a proper source.
I just noticed Spike Lee's nose. Look at those fucking nostrils. It looks like Dumbo about to take off.
God blacks are just ugly.
>run your fingers through African hair...
like running your fingers through steel wool
based Sansa
>sad pencake tits
no, thanks.
She's a translator, which is a worthless for Dany in Westeros since she can speak the language
>acknowledging that there is differences in skin tone between people
>being racist
alright nigger
a way to combine every minority into one umbrella term so anyone can be offended at anyone on anyone else's behalf
Nah shut up Blackie. Light mulattos will be accepted. Full blacks won't
>pink lipstick
>whore makeup
step outside user
White People:
- Hair colors ranging through, silver, brown, red, blonde, black, and everything between.
- Skin tones ranging through pale white to peach, pink and tan.
- Eye colors every color of the rainbow. Green, blue, purple, hazel, gray, etc.
"People of Color"
- Hair, skin and eye colors the various shades of shit.
she looks like lena dunham
Name one of her lines that is memorable.
>inb4 I can shout for help in 19 languages
She is only here to allow Dany monologues, Greyworm dialogues and serve as an extra during Dany conversations or moments.
>People actually gave a shit about her?
I do
also fuck DRUMPF
Why the fuck is she wearing a leash? How has no one questioned this shit?
Speaking of them, they are supposed to be like the top elite warriors. Yet they cut off their balls, cut them off from the source of the power, testosterone. Who writes this shit?
Wrong. White and Black are shades. Kill yourself cunt.
>Translators are worthless for monarchs in their own country
>What are foreign dignitaries?
>Dany and Sansa are at odds
>Dany is the Breaker of Chains
>Sansa wears a chain
it isn't there was a theme called shae posting a while back that was basically posts like this.
I'd rather run my dick through that ass desu senpai.
>not showing her getting raped by the Mountain's decomposed cock before he splits her skull
I'll call it now. She will try to have her dragon attack Jon, the dragon will refuse.
Morale, cold blood and discipline are way more important than pure physical strength in the field
>hurried reshoot of the final episode happening right now
Mikaela whatever? The one with the nudes?
Are you saying she looks bad here?
The most off-putting thing in that image is that shirt featuring Beyoncé's talent-free sister.
But rape is illegal where I live